Its been a year since the Battousai has emerged, a year since Jinei (sp?). Ever since, the Battousai within Kenshin has threatened to take over. And this time when it does, it will take more than Kaoru's voice to stop him.
Disclaimer: I don't own Kenshin ( but maybe I could buy him on Ebay!
OK, this is my first Rurouni Kenshin Fic, so I hope you enjoy. If I get any words wrong please tell me how to spell them. I am going by the Cartoon Network version of Kenshin, and there isn't really a lot of episodes, so yea. This happens a year after Jinei steals Kaoru and Kenshin reverts to Battousai. So what are you reading all this for?! You came for the fic and its down there!
Losing Kenshin
Chapter 1: Secrets Not Wanted.
Kaoru stood in the dojo, her bokutou stretched out in front of her. Suddenly she swung it at Yahiko, who blocked it with his own sword.

"Your form has one flaw Yahiko," Kaoru said with an evil grin. Turning suddenly, she dropped to the ground. As she released the pressure of her bokutou pressing against his, Yahiko fell forward and Kaoru hit his legs with her wooden sword. Yahiko landed on his face.

"Always be prepared Yahiko." Kaoru said as she stood up. Yahiko grumbled something about her being ugly and Kaoru mad a point of stepping on him as she put the bokutou away.

"That's enough practice today. I'm hungry, lets go find Kenshin." With that she walked out on Yahiko, who was now leaning against the wall and looked for Kenshin. Now where was he?

As she looked around, she heard a 'Hyaaa!' from behind the dojo. She trotted around just in time to see Kenshin slice a tree in half. With inhuman speed he whipped over and turned to several bushes.

"Do Ryuu Sen!" he cried as he struck the ground. The attack hit the bushes and they were blown into a thousand tiny pieces.

Once again he turned and bounced off several trees so fast Kaoru couldn't keep up. He landed on the ground and sheathed his sword as several large branches fell from the trees.

"Clearing land for another vegetable garden, Kenshin?"

Kenshin whirled around with his hand on the butt of his sword. His eyes were dangerously narrow, but once he saw Kaoru he straightened up and coughed.

"Miss Kaoru, what are you doing here?" he said in that sweet innocent voice of his.

"Looking for you. I was wondering if you wanted some help with lunch and found you here practicing. That was amazing."

Kenshin blushed. "I'm afraid I'm going to ask you to not watch me practice. I get so caught up in practicing; it is dangerous to be around me, that it is. As you saw, I was very hesitant as to pull my sword out." He looked up into her eyes, afraid she would be mad, but instead she looked very understanding.

"OK, if it will keep me safe, then I will listen to you. I just had no idea you were practicing. I didn't know that you DID practice!"

She giggled to herself and the two of them walked back to the dojo. Although Kaoru made herself look pleased to obey Kenshin, she had a feeling that he was keeping something from her. Kenshin hesitated for a minute and looked back at the area he had pretty much destroyed.

"It would make a good vegetable garden, wouldn't it?" he said, smiling. Kaoru nodded and stepped ahead, only to stop.

Four men stood in font of her, blocking the path next to the dojo. All of them wore swords. These weren't your every day people.

Kenshin sensed the men before he saw them. Turning around, he saw Kaoru with a terrified look on her face. He growled and walked up beside her.

"Are you Himura Kenshin?" One of the men asked in a husky voice.

"And what if I am? Will you leave in peace?"

The man chuckled. "I am afraid I cannot. I have been given strict orders to take you out, Battousai!" The man lunged foreword, his fists aimed for Kaoru. Kenshin's eyes widened as he watched it in slow motion.

"Miss Kaoru! Move!" Kaoru tried, she really did, but for some reason she was paralyzed.

"Dammit!" Kenshin yelled as he pushed her out of the way. The punch hit him in the stomach, causing him to cough up whatever he had eaten. He doubled over, his head on the ground as he clutched his stomach in pain.

"Kenshin!" Yelled Kaoru as the men grabbed her. Quickly they bound and gagged her. One of the men flipped her onto his shoulder then dropped her on the ground. Him and another man then began to kick her in the stomach, back wherever they could reach. She was beat until she blacked out.

The whole time Kenshin watched. That punch hadn't been normal. Usually it took more than one good punch to make him double. He growled deep in his throat as his eyes flickered gold.

"Kaoru, no." he gasped.

The man who punched Kenshin stood over him like an eagle looking over its dieing prey. Winding up his leg, he kicked Kenshin as hard as he could in the side. Kenshin flew sideways and hit a tree, crying out in pain as the pain rushed through him. Finally two men bound and gagged him as the third gave him a shot of something or another. Within ten seconds Kenshin felt the effects of the drug. He couldn't move, not even if he wanted to.

The fourth man laughed as one picked up Kenshin and the other picked up Kaoru. "I had no idea the Battousai was so weak."

Kenshin spat at the man, hitting him square in the face. "I am not the Battousai. If I was, you all would all be dead by now."

Man #4 wiped the wookie off his face and slapped Kenshin. "You are the Battousai. I know you are."

"No. Battousai is pressed deep within me. He cannot be brought back out." 'Well then' thought #4, 'we'll just have to talk to the Boss about this recent development.'

Finally the four men, Kenshin and Kaoru left the scene, headed into the forest. AN: Q the dramatic music! OK, so #4 wants the Battousai, Kaoru's unconscious, and what is #4's secret to those punches? And what about Yahiko and Sano? (I have a feeling they are going to have very little to do in this Fic. Lol)