Thanks to the lovely lemontune for becoming my betareader and helping me with this chapter! she also gave me an idea for tsuna's new pajamas, and both she and my brother helped me with reborn's new pair.

to get into the mood for posting this chapter, i've been listening to nothing but kazoo music. *sniff* it's such a majestic instrument

Floating Ash requested both reborn and nono, so this one's reborn, and the next one is nono

It's a rather mild day out. Sunny, but with a chilly breeze cutting through the warmth sporadically. Fall is beginning to settle in, and the good weather is unlikely to last much past the month(1). Hmmm, maybe I should start taking the kid outside. Maybe that'll help get him out of his head, for a little while anyway. I'll ask Dr. Francine about it later today, when she comes over for the kid's check up.

I readjust the squishy package underneath my arm, and pull out my flat keys. They clatter noisily as I walk towards my front door, trying to get the correct one between my index finger and thumb. A noise coming through my door gives me pause though, since I don't remember leaving the TV on when I left over an hour ago.

Schooling my face, I quietly unlock the door and pocket my keys. I carefully set the package down on the carpeted floor, and pull one of my guns from its holster after making sure no one else was in the hallway. I click the safety off and crack the door open enough to peek inside. The sound of old cartoons pierce my ears as I take in the sight of my living room. It seems the kid has decided to get up and watch cartoons for some reason.

My lips twitch up for a second, before I manage to regain control of my face. I click the safety back on, and re-holster the gun. I quickly pick my package back up and finally go inside my flat. I don't slam the door, but make no effort to be quiet either. Either way, the boy doesn't react. I remove my fedora and place it on the hat rack, and toe off my shoes.

"Enjoying yourself?"

Again, no reaction. This time though, I think it's because he doesn't realize that I'm here. He's that engrossed with the show he's watching. The corner of my mouth twitches again, and I make my way back to my room. I glance into the guest room on my way by, and see that the half full nutrient bag is still hanging from it's hook. Well, I'll have to hook it back up to him here in a minute. He can't afford to skip any meals right now.

I open the door to my room, and toss the package on the bed. I walk over to the closet and shrug out of my suit jacket, hanging it up neatly next to the others. I loosen and remove my tie, and put it away in the corresponding drawer. With that done, I walk back out and head back into the hallway, going towards the living room. The kid hasn't moved at all, and is still watching the TV with a focus I haven't seen since he whimpered a few days ago.

Since then he seems to be coming around more, but it's never when I'm around. I mean, just yesterday I found that he had moved around, and even drank water on his own. I'm not exactly sure why he was crying, but it's not like I could've asked either. Regardless, it's a lot more than he's been doing, and I don't feel like discouraging it.

I creep up to the living room, and peer down at the boy who's still hunched over in front of the coffee table. He's still only wearing the pajama top and boxers, since I hadn't managed to get him his own set until today, and is practically swimming in the soft shirt. It only accentuates how scrawny and bony the kid is.

I look at the kid closer, and notice small tremors wracking his small frame. Well, he's half naked, and has no body fat to speak of. He's probably freezing just sitting there, with his legs bared for all to see. I glance over to the couch slightly to my left, and pull the dark grey, wool throw blanket off the back of it. With the warm, scratchy material in hand, I walk up behind the kid and drape it over his shoulders.

Unsurprisingly, the kid immediately flinches, and his body locks up. His breathing hitches as I lift him up, and I can see him start to disassociate. The doctor told me that's what the zone outs were, and to be careful and keep track of what's causing them. That way we can identify and limit his triggers, preventing as many episodes as possible.

That's the ideal anyway. Neither of us really know how long he's going to be in my care, and I'm by no means a caregiver. I'm used to taking lives, not preserving them. Well, unless it's my own. I'm very good at keeping myself alive.

When the kid's bony shoulder hits my chest, his head tilts back enough to see me. I wrangle him into a better position, and turn towards the couch while wrapping the blanket more securely around him. His eyes seem to clear up, but his posture remains rigid. Well, I'll chalk that up as a victory then. His eyes stay plastered to my face, and I walk the few steps to the couch to gently set him down on the right side of it.

"There, that should be more comfortable. Don't go moving on your own again for right now, you're not really in any condition to move yet."

I re-adjust the blanket, and then turn back to the coffee table. I pluck the clicker off the smooth glass surface, and tuck it into the boy's cocoon, next to his right hand. The boy still doesn't react, and I head over to the guest bedroom. I quickly gather the IV and stand up, after cleaning up what little leaked out of the tube, and take it out into the living room.

The IV port(2) in his hand is thankfully still in place, but the skin around the needle looks red and aggravated. The kid likely wasn't very gentle in removing the tube. Well, as long as it's not bleeding, I guess it'll be fine. I'll just tell the doctor when she gets here. I hook the tube back up, and go into the kitchen, aiming to make myself a good cup of espresso.

Ooh, the doctor shouldn't be here for a while, and the coffee machine will take a moment to warm up anyway, so why not open my parcel while I've got a moment? Might as well try it on too, make myself comfortable before the doctor gets here. The kid should also be properly dressed now, since I finally have sleep clothes in his size.

I go ahead and turn the fancy machine on to let the water heat up, and make my way back to my room. I open the package up, and separate the contents out. One of them is the one I'm going to put on the kid. It's light blue with smiling suns on it, much like the first set I put on him, but these ones are wide eyed and have freckles. The description said they were based off some concept art for a Japanese cartoon(3). I don't really know about that, but I like them.

I separate those from the pile, and pick out a different plastic covered garment, tugging the wrapping apart. I unfold the shirt and hold it up to see it better.


It's just as I'm tucking the kid back into bed, he'd nodded off after the seventh show, that there's a knock at the door. I adjust the IV stand once more and strut out into the hall, and eventually to the front door. I check through the peep hole, and then open the door when I see Dr Francine and her bodyguard. The door swings open and Dr. Francine looks up from her phone, only to double take when she sees my new pajamas.

I must say, I'm rather fond of my new acquisition. It's truly amazing what you can get online, and customizing clothes never gets old for me. The bodyguard, Ana, takes one look at the plain brown material with sequined cursive letters spelling out 'Coffee Slut', and immediately starts fighting to keep a straight face. I put an innocent smile on my face, and address the good doctor.

"Dr. Francine! Good timing! Is it just another check up, or did something come up in the tests that you need to deal with today?"

The woman blinks owlishly at my chest for a moment or two, before closing her eyes and shaking her head.

"I shouldn't need to take anymore tests unless something has changed with him. I do need to prescribe some different medications for him, and discuss a dietary and physical therapy schedule for the next few weeks though."

"Alright. He's still in the same room, come on in."

I let the women through the door, and turn around to lead them back to the guest room. Ana lets out a strangled wheeze, and Dr. Francine mutters an oh dear god when they undoubtedly catch sight of my ass. I smirk at their reactions and just continue on towards the guest room, not waiting for them to catch up. I knew it was a good idea to put another message on the back of the pants.

I enter the sleeping kid's room, finally hearing the two women follow behind. The doctor whispers quietly to her bodyguard, so I enhance my hearing a bit to be able to listen in.

"Did I really just read 'cream optional' just now? I don't think I'm getting paid enough for this. What's Non-"

"Ma'am. Please stop. The man is a Sun, he can probably hear you."

"Shit. Let's just get this over with. I have other patients I need to see today."

I keep my expression placid, and lean against the wall like I did last time. The doctor comes in and sets up much the same as last time, and the bodyguard stations herself outside the door again. I silently watch as the woman putters through a standard check up, making more notes in her notebook every once in a while. She then places it down on the night stand, and turns to me with crossed arms.

"So, fill me in on any changes, and we'll come up with a plan for the next few weeks."

(1)I don't know their weather patterns, but it says that it's usually rainy or sunny in winter. Also that it doesn't dip much past -4 or -5? can someone actually from that country please tell me what your falls and winters are generally like? It would help. Specifically northern Italy plz.

(2)You know, despite having many IV's shoved into me in my short adult life, I don't really know the terminology for all the parts. I tried looking it up, but the pictures made me almost pass out. I despise/ am terrified of needles btw.

(3)It's the Deku Sun

Hope y'all liked, i went against my Super Not Arbitrary list because i got a fit of inspiration for this fic. next chapter is gunna be nono's pov again

edit 01/30/2020 12:06 am: i just noticed this story was added to a community. YAY!