The following takes place a few months before the epilogue of my Gamera story.

Behold, my third entry into my custom monsterverse. I highly suggest you read the previous two stories to get a better understanding of this series, those stories are: Godzilla vs Kong (fan-made), and Gamera. Otherwise, enjoy! Please leave feedback and criticism in a review if you'd like to.


When Mothra was turned into ashes by King Ghidorah's brutish gravity beams, all hope seemed lost for her species as a whole. Until there was a large egg discovered in a cave within Mothra's territory, like the Yunnan Rainforest where the Temple of the Moth once stood, a Monarch containment establishment was built in the general area of this egg, however, a group of people will soon discover that there wasn't only one egg left…

(Prologue, 486 B.C.)

It within a Chinese forest, where absolutely no civilization stood. The rain pounded the trees and shrubbery, the skies were black of dark clouds during a massive thunderstorm. The lightning was somewhat intense, then something magical happened within the clouds. A bright angelic ray of light was shining from within the clouds, there was also soft thunderous booms, the sound of massive beating wings.

Then all at once, the dark clouds were broken apart momentarily as a gigantic moth creature flew down from the skies. This wasn't any moth, it was one of the first Mothra's on Earth. This Mothra was specifically the seventh divine moth titan to see Earth, the first Mothra creature was a male, it had sided with Godzilla and one of the first Rodans to fight King Ghidorah. These were the ones in the cave painting, this grand battle was fought in the prehistoric times.

The Mothra that had just made an appearance in imago stage, it was a female, she was ready to deliver her three eggs. One was to be a male, the other was to be a female, and another one was to be a female as well, two sisters and one brother.

The first egg to arrive would be the male one, the large divine moth landed into the rainforest. This Mothra had an emerald green color and was giving off an aqua marine bioluminescence, it was one of the bigger Mothra titans that history had seen. She noticed a large cave that was barely visible due to vines and shrubbery covering the mouth of the cave, as she walked, her large legs made loud thumping noises as she took each step. Mothra let out a loud chirp of pain, the egg was coming.

She decided to lay her egg within this cave, her large emerald green body slowly vanished within the darkness of the cave, the inside of the cave had a bright blue color due to her bioluminescence. After a few painful minutes of labor, the dark colored egg emerged out from Mothra's anus. The seventh generation Mothra let out a loud chirp of relief, but she had no time, soon another great pain was felt within her, the second egg was ready to be delivered.

The emerald green moth titan didn't have to walk far, the pain was too great for her to fly. She would walk in what would become the Yunnan Province thousands of years later, an elderly villager was making his way down a mountain from afar, until he saw a large moth emerging from around the corner of another mountain. He gasped, and the seventh generation Mothra heard him. She looked up at him, the two making eye contact from far away. The divine moth made low chirping sounds, as a way to say hello, the elderly villager had no clue of how to respond and he bowed his head in respect and response.

He witnessed another egg emerge, he would go on to tell his village about this, and many years later, a large temple was built around the egg, it would become the Temple of the Moth.

Mothra could fly now, she no longer felt pain, but there was one more egg to be delivered. She took in a deep breath, and shot herself up into the sky. Her wings beating as she vanished beyond the dark clouds, then the big storm resumed.

Mothra's last destination would be an emergency landing, it was on Infant Island where she would deliver her last egg. The pain of this labor was so intense that it killed her, but as her brightly glowing ashes lit up the entire island, what remained was a large beautiful egg.

These three eggs would hatch several thousand years later when civilization dominated the Earth, and when Ghidorah would rise again. Now only two Mothra's remained from the seventh generation one, one of the new Mothra's was killed by Ghidorah in 2019.

(Chapter 1: Ship in rough storm)

It was in the Pacific Ocean, the year was 2025. Very early in the year, in April. A cruise ship was moving through the darkness, the rain was pouring down in yet another violent storm. The captain was having trouble seeing through the darkness, vision was even more impaired when large waves crashed down upon the ship. Many people were asleep while some night owls were staying up, it was past midnight. Alison Ford happened to be one of the many night owls in which were staying up, her mother in whom was named Monica Ford.

Monica was up too, but she would soon be going on to bed. Alison Ford happened to be standing in the doorway of the bedroom, the teenage blonde watched her mother looking at the television.

"Hey, you told me that you would be taking me to a Monarch facility sometime this year. Are you still keeping that promise?" Alison asked, Monica smiled and slowly nodded her head, she was showing signs of exhaustion and that she was tired.

"Yes, I'll take you to Outpost 60, it is over in Antarctica. There is rumored to be a mammal titan in that region, we will go there once we get back home to North Carolina." Monica responded, then she went to turn off the television before her daughter interrupted once more.

"Antarctica? That is where Ghidorah broke free.." Alison said with concern, she didn't trust the arctic no more ever since Ghidorah was set free. She was even more on edge because of Cthulhu, the whole world felt protected by these titans while many others wanted them all dead.

"Ghidorah is dead, Godzilla killed him." Monica said, trying to comfort her slightly worried daughter.

Alison sighed, and then let out a yawn. The teenage daughter of Monica was sixteen years old, she would turn seventeen on May 31st. Her birthday present would be an insane one that she would never really expect.

As the Ford family went to sleep, Alison thought of her grandfather, James Ford. Monica Ford was always interested in the Monarch Organization, she had been part of it ever since 2015. James Ford was crippled when a large beast known as Barugon ravaged the city of Charlotte, it was when Monarch got the first sighting of Gamera.

Everyone was asleep after a few hours, eventually the sun was starting to rise along the horizon. The sky was a very dark blue, but it wouldn't be the sun that would wake the passengers up on the cruise ship. Little did the passengers know, there was a few Monarch officials, Alison thought her mother was the only Monarch official on the ship, there was seven.

Monarch had a rival company in which wasn't known to public eye yet, the only information about the company was it had a leader named Alan J. and since Monarch was always under attack by a man known as Alan Jonah, this only raised their suspicions. The G Team had to be stronger, and had to have loyal members. Captain Kenny Miller, and Laura Belinksy were the leaders of the current G Team.

Somehow, the rival company found out that members of Monarch were on the cruise ship. Alan Jonah wanted them dead, regardless of what was happening. A submarine was following the cruise ship, staying rather further away from it in order to it not to be seen. The setting was perfect for an attack, a dark night in a violent thunderstorm with large waves hammering the cruise ship.

After many more minutes of silence, Alison heard a loud bang that shook the room. It rattled her off of the pullout couch, she gasped once her body hit the carpet floor with a thud. The alarm was soon to be blaring throughout the halls and the entire ship, Alison was fast to wake her parents up by shaking their bed.

"Mom, dad, wake up!" Alison cried out in fear, Monica slowly sat up while her husband, Luke Ford, was slow to get up.

"Come on dad, get your ass up!" Alison shouted, her parents would get on her for cussing but she couldn't help it, something had happened within the ship that raised her anxiety high in the air.

Alison was quick to open the room door, and wave for her parents to get out of the bed and just to run down the hall to get out on deck. They had no time to get any clothes on, Alison was wearing a white comfortable t-shirt with panties. Luke Ford was wearing comfortable pajama pants and no shirt, Monica was wearing pajamas and slippers, along with a bed robe.

These were intense times, they had to move, they had no time to get their clothes on. The Ford three rushed down the hall with more of the passengers popping out of their rooms and running down the hall with them. Every passenger was scrambling for lifeboats, that Alison lost her family in the process.

"Mom? Dad?" Alison mumbled as she looked around in the huge crowd of panic, but she couldn't find them.

"Mom! Dad!" Alison cried out as she tried to move through the crowd, one male was standing infront of her and he wasn't moving, just standing there. Alison shoved the man from behind, who retaliated by turning around and giving her a good right hook on the jaw, instantly knocking her out.

Once Alison woke up, many people were off the boat, others were accepting their fate of drowning in the ocean. The alarms continued to blare, but the ship would soon be on its side. Alison walked over to the guard rail and called out for her parents. Then she heard her name be called out in the rough sea.

"Alison!" She heard a voice scream, then she seen a phone light and she followed the voice to the lifeboat where the light was coming from.

"Alison!" A male voice called out, she seen the familiar features of her parents on the lifeboat.

"Mom, DAD!" Alison cried out loudly, then there was a loud groan on the ship before it began to turn on its side. She screamed in fear as she fell from the guard rail and into the waters…