Namimori, Japan

Nana sighed as Iemitsu skid to a stop in front of her. Honestly, she loved him, but sometimes he could be a little much.

"Anata! You're home!" She greeted him with a grin. Iemitsu only vaguely registered the presence of Lal and Mammon. He was too focused on the baby in his wife's arms, the baby who had tufts of blond hair. He estimated that the baby was no more than four months old.

"N-nana," he finally stuttered out, "did the b-baby..." he trailed off. Iemitsu absently gave Tsuna a hug while trying to formulate a coherent sentence.

Feeling a bit mischievous, Nana nodded enthusiastically,

"Iemitsu, meet our little Fuuta!" It was all too much for the poor man to process. The last thing he heard as the darkness enveloped him was Tsuna's voice.

"Kaa-san, why is Tou-san falling?"

Mammon was snickering as they turned off their video camera. As was Lal, though she had enough presence of mind to make sure her boss didn't land on Tsunayoshi when he fell. Or hit his head, he had a short enough supply of brain cells as it was. Nana was reassuring Tsuna that his tou-san would be just fine, he just needed some rest.

"Mou, Lal, I'm going now," and with that, Mammon disappeared, presumably back to Varia headquarters to make copies of their new video.

"Sawada, Tsunayoshi?" Called a doctor. As Nana stood up and grabbed her sons hand, baby still in her arm, she gave Lal an inquiring look. Lal nodded,

"I'll bring your husband back home, Nana-san."

Well, she would bully someone to carry him, because she had no desire to drag him all the way to his house. Giving Nana a reassuring smile, she then set out to find a victim.

Twenty minutes later, Sawada house

As Iemitsu began to wake, he thought he smelled his lovely Nana's cooking. But that didn't seem right, wasn't he just at the hospital? Frowning a bit, he tried to recall exactly what happened. Hmm, I saw Nana with Tsuna at her side, and in her arms was a BABY! In his haste to sit up, he found himself rolling off of his living room couch. Hearing a gasp, he scrambled up to see his precious Tuna fish looking at him with worry.

"Ahh, it's ok Tsuna, tou-san isn't hurt!" Iemitsu assured Tsuna. Tsuna nodded, and turned back to Lal, who seemed to be teaching him something. Wait, what was Lal doing here?

"Anata, you're awake!" Exclaimed Nana, exiting the kitchen.

"Nana," Iemitsu slowly asked, still slightly confused, "what's going on?" Nana took his arm and guided him back to the couch, where they both sat.

"Well dear, I was taking Tsuna to get his flu shot, when your coworker Lal-chan came up to me. I didn't realize that the construction company hired workers that young! Then you arrived, and just as I was introducing you to Fuuta-kun, you fainted." Iemitsu nodded, not sure what to say to that.

"Fuuta-kun is napping right now, but you'll be able to hold him later."

"And...Fuuta-kun is...ours?" He questioned.

"He is now. My cousin died in childbirth, and I was her closest living relative. I properly adopted him and everything. Tsu-kun has been such a good big brother! I'm so proud of him!" Nana gushed. Iemitsu felt relief hit him like a brick, glad that he hadn't cut off contact with a pregnant Nana. He jumped as he felt something cold and wet hit the back of his head. Turning quickly, he saw an excited Tsuna and a smug Lal Mirch. In Tsuna's hands was a small water gun.

"Good job Tsunayoshi!" Lal complemented, while giving Iemitsu a hard look. If the blond baka allowed an untrained child to sneak up on him, he clearly needs remedial training. Constant vigilance!