Hi all, It's been a long wait between chapters and I apologise but I'm back again with another long chapter. This story is not abandoned

That's to those of you who have taken time to read this, much appreciated. Would love to hear from you. Please keep the flames to a minimal. Would love some RR. Please enjoy.

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and anything pertaining to it belongs solely to J.K R and Warner Bros.

Hermione stirred and groaned her body was deliciously sore from the night's activities. After their kiss, Harry had carried her to the bedroom and made sure they were sated many times over before succumbing to their tiredness. She remembered every moan, every touch, every kiss and every word her whispered to her in the throes of passion and the thoughts made her body tingle. She smiled then turned to face the object of her desires though when she opened her eyes the smile instantly dissipated. She looked around the room and called out to him and when there was no answer her insecurities got the better of her. She hugged her knees and cursed herself for being a fool; the tears just didn't stop flowing.

She was so lost in her misery that she didn't hear the door open, "look who's up, I thought you might have whipped up an appetite because I certainly did so ordered us room service" Harry said cheerfully focusing on the tray he was carrying. When he caught her eye he almost dropped the tray.

"Hermione, what's wrong? Are you hurt, are you in pain? Do you need something for the pain?" he asked with genuine worry hurrying to the bed the fastest he could.

"You're here" she whispered when she saw him edging the bed.

"Yeah, where else would I be? I just got up earlier and had my run, though it was a mission tearing myself away from you. I wanted you to get some rest so I left you here and got us some breakfast on my way back. Where did you think -?" he stopped and realized what must have gone through her mind.

"Hermione, I'm not going anywhere. I meant everything I said and did last night. I have no regrets. Don't you trust me? I need you to trust me" he said trying to swallow the lump that formed in his throat.

"I'm sorry. I just panicked when I found myself alone. Old memories, I'm sorry" she whispered playing with her hands.

"It's perfectly understandable, just keep an opened mind. I'm not running away again. I need you to trust me Hermione, like I trust you" he said and gently captured her lips giving her a reassuring kiss. He climbed into bed and embraced her in his arms comforting her the best he could, trying to reassure her.

"I do trust you Harry, with my heart" he returned her smile with a special one of his own.

"Good, so what do you feel like having?" he asked wandlessly summoning her tray.

"Showing off much?" she teased, wiping away her tears getting comfortable in his arms before picking up a piece of water melon and taking a bite. Harry watched as the excess fluid escaped her lips. While reaching for a napkin, he bit into her melon and chuckled at her expression. As they continued to 'play' whilst eating, Harry's hand slowly crept underneath her camisole and it wasn't long before they were hot and headily grinding and thrusting until they were sated.

Hermione snuggled comfortably in the crook of Harry's neck then suddenly sat up, knocking him on the chin, "a little warning next time 'Mione" he groaned rubbing the sore spot.

"Harry! Dan and Alexis!"

He sat up wondering what his witch was on about, 'his witch' that's what she was. It brought a warm fuzzy feeling inside him. "Yeah, what about them?" he asked.

"Why are you so calm about this?" she practically screeched.

"Calm about what? 'Mione what are you on about?" still clearly confused by her outburst.

"They, they probably know what we've done! What we've been doing" Harry looked at her incredulously before he chuckled and then it turned into a full blown laughter, earning him a pillow to the face.

"HARRY!" she shrieked

"Quiet you or do you want them to know how good of a lover I am?" he smirked and she was about to retort but didn't when she saw him sitting up and resting against the headboard.

"We did have a long chat this morning." Before she could interrupt he continued, "they only got back this morning from their night out" and that seemed to gratify her. "And seeing me fix breakfast and well they figured it out" he rubbed his face and continued.

"I think that was the most awkward conversation I have ever had with Dan and that includes my therapist! Let's just say that my behavior since my return from France was interesting and when you showed up everything made sense. They 'knew' something happened between us and then the whole Emile incident, me going AWOL and our explosive argument when I returned" he listed all the events that lead up to that very moment and she sighed in defeat and sat beside him and allowed him to hold her.

"Did they take the news well? I mean I don't want them to assume that I'm with you for something as trivial as money or anything like that because that's the furthest thing from the truth"

"I know that and it they do too. I mean they did not so subtly plan this week long mini vacation with the intention that we would, how did she put it? Ah yes, 'eventually break the sexual tension and give into our desires' so yeah, they took it better than expected" he smiled.

"I know you're a very private person and didn't want anyone to find out about us Harry but we could have been a more discreet" she chastised and he brought her hand to his lips.

"Yes that's true but who better to know than our closest family and friends. Imagine if we were caught doing something scandalous say on a yacht in Portofino and it made the front pages of the Daily Prophet, how would we explain that?" he said trying to hide the surreptitious smile on his lips.

"A yacht, in Italy! Come on Harry be realistic" she chuckled.

"I am and this is meant to be a vacation so when I left you to fend off those vultures, I had got in contact with my secretary who booked us a private yacht where we will spend a week or two cruising around the coast of Italy. We just us, those two will be dumped in a hotel in Portofino. My intended and I will be spending, what I hope will be, a romantic cruise?" he said kissing below her ear earning him a breathy moan.

"We can't do it again Harry, we've already spent too much time in bed" she panted and he agreed but continued.

"Are you complaining?" he asked and she turned in his arms.

Around lunch they had finally made their way down and had an onslaught of snickers and teasing thrown their way. Harry joined in and it bewildered them, it was as if they were seeing a completely different person, which made Daniel beam with pride and feel overwhelming joy for his brother.

"So Hermione does Harry fair well in bed as he does in his business?" 'Lex asked and poor Hermione had been sitting with a glass of wine in one hand and a book in the other. Let's just say, the book was painted red. She looked at Harry, who had been within earshot; the smug bastard winked at her and she knew some sort of payback was in order, "Meh, I've had better" she winked and heard him choke on his whiskey and smirked behind her book though she did hear him mutter 'liar' under a fake cough.

"Hermione, did you ask 'Lex if they are okay with the extended vacation?"She heard him asked a few minutes later as he sat down beside her.

"What extended vacation?" Dan asked moving beside his fiancé waiting for either of them to elaborate.

"Well Harry here lost a bet -"

"I wouldn't count it as a loss because either which way, it was a win for me" he said as he stared at her through hooded eyes.

"Okay, this is just creepy. I really prefer grouchy Harry" Alexis teased and it certainly got their attention as Harry glared at her and Dan snickered beside her.

"Now then, what's this extended vacation that you obviously planned to have alone but are inviting poor old us to tag along for?"

"Right then, how does a week in Portofino sound? There's this beautiful village, an exquisite hotel which will we'll spend a weekend at and then -" she explained until Harry blurted.

"A yacht cruise along the coast and we end the vacation in Rome"

"What?" the trio asked in unison.

"Harry, that's really nice and all but it's really expensive and weren't you the one who encouraged us to not live overtly lavish" Dan spoke up this time and the other two agreed.

"Yes but it's not every day that you have the time to spend with the people that mean the most to you and includes you 'Lex" he smirked and her jaw dropped.

"You don't need to worry about any cost, everything is on me" he finished and they still had a hard time taking it in.

"Besides, everything has been booked and I'll lose my deposit" he smirked at 'Lex once again. It seemed that he was on roll.

True to their word, the hotel in Portofino was beautiful. In fact everything was breathtaking. They had spent the weekend in Portofino. Harry had been mum on the details of the yacht that he had chartered and the morning they were about to board he had surprised them when they had been led to a small motorised boat.

"Is this another one of your jokes?" Hermione whispered to him and he shrugged


They reluctantly climbed aboard then cast off and as they turned the bend, a massive yacht called Jo, awaited them. Hermione and Alexis grasped when the approached and turned to him.

"Harry you didn't" she started and again he shrugged.

The yacht was incredible, it oozed luxury in every aspect and it had a staff of twelve to cater for their every whim. Hermione was put out that he had gone out and to flaunt his wealth, though it was in his right to do whatever he pleased. He later pacified her and assured her that it was not in his nature to indulge in the luxuries too often and it was he had promised not do it again if it bothered her that much. They had agreed that they would talk about it before he had done anything like it again.

"So these are the cabins and because there are several and it would be highly inappropriate, you will not be sharing one with Dan" he looked at Lex and again he seemed to be on a roll earning a smack on chest from Hermione. Lex huffed and pushed her way past him into the cabin with a chuckling Dan in tow.

"So are you going to show me to my cabin then?'' Hermione chuckled looking at the closed door.

"You could have one or..."


"Or you could share the master cabin with me" he finished giving her a smile that made her insides flutter like an adolescent.

"Oh" she breathe

"It's okay Hermione, you can have any cabin. I'm not going to be angry -" he stopped when she placed a finger to his lip.

"I'd love to; it's just that you surprised me. I assumed you would want your own room after the whole villa nightmare" she explained. He gently slipped his arms around her waist and pulled her close.

"I want nothing more than to share this with you. This and so much more 'Mione" he said gently capturing her lips.

"Come on, let's go see the cabin. From what I hear it's amazing" he said taking her by the hand and leading her down the passage.

And a sight it was. The cabin looked like a five star hotel. It was decked in luxury. A king-size bed made of cherry wood, the linen made of the finest silk and Egyptian cotton and the room had gorgeous white leather loveseat. The room was dimly lit and just oozed romance. He led Hermione to the ensuite bathroom and was immediately blown away. For a boat, it was unreal; everything was crafted from cherry wood and boasted a Jacuzzi style bath, a large walk-in wet room which also doubled as a steam room. On the outboard flanks were his and hers dressing areas with large cherry-wood wardrobes and lustrous dressing tables to match.

"This is -" she started.

"Yeah it is. Do you still want another cabin?" he teased as he watched her take in the cabin's beauty.

"Harry, this must have cost a fortune!" she admonished and he shrugged.

"And like I said, it's a rarity that I actually splurge on the luxuries like these. Honestly Hermione, I just want us to have a nice relaxing vacation, unlike the disaster Alexia arranged, I still have a crick in my neck" he said holding his neck for added effect.

She sighed, "Fine but only if you allow me to pay for half the bill"

"That's ridiculous Hermione, this is my treat and it's inappropriate for me allow you to do that, especially if you had no idea what I was planning in the first place. So no, you will not be paying"

"That's a load of horse shit! So don't try to use that outdated chivalry on me"

"My answer won't change, chivalry or not" he spoke with finality.

She knew he wouldn't concede so she a better idea, "Since you're too stubborn to change your mind, how about this then, I will pay for all the activities until we return to England. And I won't take no for an answer"


"Good. And just for springing this surprise on me, we are going to an orchestra" she added and when he looked to object she added, "And I won't be changing my mind" and he huffed like a petulant child and grumbled.

"Awww, look at you, grumbling like a three year old. Too adorable" she cooed and wrapped her arms around his neck before she pecked his lips.

"Well if I have to suffer, I won't be doing it alone. Dan and Alexia will be coming with" he grumbled against her lips.

"If it will appease you" she smiled against his lips.

"Oh it would. Especially if we left them there alone" he smirked and she merely rolled her eyes.

They had an amazing lunch before lounging around the deck taking in the scenery along the coast before they moored for the night. They had an intimate dinner in the dinning cabin before they turned in for the night, the two men tired from the water activities and the ladies tipsy from all the wine they had consumed whilst watching.

The next morning they cruised to a seaside town where Hermione had booked them tickets for the orchestra. They spent the day walking through the town and found themselves enjoying it a lot more than they thought they would. The ladies excused themselves for a little shopping while Dan and Harry chilled at a bar nearby.

Later that evening, Harry was blown away at the sight of Hermione in an off the shoulder red lace dress, which hugged the curves he had come to crave too often. They had been intimate a couple of times since they reunited in the Maldives and it surprised him that even though they blew each other away with their sexual prowess, they spent more time doing things together and talking, something they both actually enjoyed and had it not have been for the concert he would have gladly taken her back to the boat and had his wicked way with until the break of dawn.

They made their way to the town's central garden court, where the concert was being held. It was a beautiful starry night and the candle light added to charm of the garden. It was more intimate than the usual decked hall which made it more appealing to Hermione and Alexis, Harry and Dan were just there for their partners.

Listening to the symphony made Harry look at Hermione, really look at her. He remembered everything about her from his childhood. Nothing had changed, well not entirely; she had grown into a beautiful woman, both inside and out. She was scarily brilliant and compassionate not to mention she was an incredibly gifted witch. She was so different from the women he's been with bar none. He was her first and yet after being with her less than a handful of times, it was as if they had been together for years, mind you that they hadn't moved past missionary. She nudged him and he couldn't help the blush that covered his face. She couldn't help the surreptitious smirk that escaped when she saw his face flushed, knowing exactly what he was thinking about and the evidence below didn't help his case.

He recovered swiftly and pulled her hand to his lips and smiled. She couldn't focus much afterwards; he continuously caressed her hand and set her skin alight. They were barely halfway through when she got up and tugged his hand and urged him to follow.

"Mione, what's going on?" he asked as she pulled him out of the garden venue.

She all but shoved him against a tree and kissed him before speaking, "You and I are going back to the boat" was all she said continuing to trudge down the cobble path with a shell-shocked Harry in tow.

Once they made it back on-board, Harry glanced around to spot any crew members but strangely found none. Hermione had kissed him senseless and the thoughts evaded him so he took control. Shoving her against their cabin door once they shut it, he quickly went to work divesting her of her clothes, practically ripping the (what was quite expensive) dress off her body. She made a grunt of indignation but Harry covered her mouth with his as he continued to assault her mouth.

He grasped her ass and picked her up and instinctively she wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried her to the bed. "It's been too long Mione" he breathed in her ear as he trailed kisses down her neck.

"Thinking about you drives me crazy and all I want to do is take you hard" he whispered against her now taut nipples. It seemed that his words had the desired effect because she was panting hard and was fighting hard to hold back the moans.

"it's okay love, don't hold back" he whispered as he swirled his tongue around his nipple and at his words, her eyes snapped open and she let out a breathy moan. "That's it" he smirked and moved lower.

His hands caressed her soft teats and landed on her knickers, which he ripped and discarded. He placed a kiss on her mound before roughly yanking her closer earning a yelp and he chuckled darkly.

"I'm about to enjoy my appetizer and I want you to tell me how much you are too, okay?" he smirked whilst circling her clit and she moaned her affirmation. "Good" he said bending down and licking the length of her slit.

Hermione bucked into his face and let out a throaty grasp, "that's it love" he whispered while latching onto her clit and licking.

He gently placed her legs over his shoulders and began to devour her, licking and nipping at every nook he could find. He had her thrusting into her face and he encouraged her until he brought her to an earth shattering orgasm.

"Harry" she breathed and he smirked, wiping off her juices from his face.

"Did you enjoy that love?" he asked watching her nod as he rubbed his now rock hard cock.

"Good. I'm going to fuck you now" he placed emphasis on the fuck and he watched her stiffen.

"Don't fret my love, you will enjoy every second of it. I assure you" he said slipping into her heat.

"Fuck, you're so tight" he cursed as he sheathed himself to the hilt.

"Harry" she moaned and held his hips still, giving her time to adjust. Harry took the opportunity to kiss her breathless.

He pulled out and snapped his hips and she cried out, "Harry"

"That's it, tell me how you want it" and he snapped his hip harder this time and she cried out louder.

"Hard it is" he chuckled and continued his relentless pace. Hermione gripped his shoulders and held on as incoherent sounds escaped her mouth.

Harry grunted on every stroke and eventually pulled Hermione flush against him. He pulled her hair back and feasted on her neck. "You know Mione; you're probably every man's fantasy because I know you're mine. You are the perfect mix of intelligence, a rocking hot body and so responsive to my touch. You're not a prude. In fact you're perfect for me" he panted as he helped her ride him.

Hermione was taken on a rollercoaster of sensations. Harry was invoking all of these feelings from deep within her and it turned her into putty in his hands. The feminist in her was screaming at her not to relinquish so much power to him but her heart said otherwise, she had lost that battle a long time ago. She was determined not to shy away from Harry, especially now that he was opening himself up to her.

With a particularly hard thrust Hermione let out a throaty moan and her inner walls began to flutter around him. In a flash he had somehow maneuvered her unto her hands and knees. To Hermione it was more satisfying as his cock drove deeper into her, bumping onto her cervix every now and then. It was definitely something she wanted to try again. He was her teacher and as a good student she was taking in all of his lessons.

"I must not be doing a good job, you're not making enough sounds love" he said as he snapped his hips harder than before and she moaned his name.

"That's better" he said and continued his hard thrusts and Hermione fell on her elbows. Harry could tell she was euphoric and almost on the verge. He leaned forward and pulled hair to the side and kissed her neck as he continued his assault.

"Are we safe?" he asked as his thrusts became frenzied, edging closer to his end.

"No, I.. I didn't …. Oh Merlin" she couldn't finish her sentence as she fell over. He looked around for his wand as he sped up his thrusts and found it close to the door.

"Just Harry" he let out a breathless chuckle. "Ahhh… Fuck it" he cursed and roared as he painted her with his essence. After he was well spent, he leaned on her back placing kisses on her soft moist skin.

"Are you good?" he panted, his body turning to lead with each second that passed.

"That was.. You were amazing" she chuckled and after a while he joined her.

"I didn't scare you?" he asked again and smiled, "never"
After a few minutes he forced himself off her and laid beside her taking her in his arms. She was so content at that moment and everything about it just felt right.

"OH MY GOD! HARRY!" she sat up with a look of horror on her face.

"What? What's wrong?" He panicked.

"We didn't, you didn't. Oh no, this is bad" she babbled.

"What? What are y-" then it dawned on him. "Oh" he whispered.

"Oh! OH! Is that all you have to say?" she shrieked and Harry was taken aback.

"I can't believe you're so calm about this" she was stopped midway when he kissed her.

"Don't worry about it, nothing's going to happen" he held her face and kissed her again, easily pacifying her.

"You don't know that. You can't guarantee that" she whimpered.

"No I can't but if anything arises, we will handle it together" he said earnestly and she looked at him, really looked at him and if he looked closely he would see the love in her eyes"

"God I love you" she said and hugged him and to her amazement he laugh quietly.

"You're not put off by that?" she pulled away and looked at his calm expression.

"Absolutely not! In fact I was actually plucking up the courage to tell you that I feel the same way" he flushed.

"You..You feel the same-" she stammered and looked at him expectantly.

"I love you Hermione Jane Granger" he smiled, kissing her hand and she cried then threw herself in his arms.

"I've imagined this moment and honestly thought it was never going to happen and was truly okay with it" he heard her muffled voice.

I'm sorry it took this long. Wait! You were okay with it?" he asked almost in fear.

"You're unique Harry and I know how deeply you felt for me, I could see it. I was perfectly content with having you like that and I am willing to accept you as you are. And I promised myself that I wouldn't be disappointed if you never said because you have shown it more often than not" she explained and he pulled her closer.

"Now it makes it far easier to say, I love you Hermione. I love with all of my heart and I know that for as long as I live there will be no woman that I would ever love" he said getting up out of bed he threw on his pants before climbing out of bed.

"Harry, where are you going?" she asked taken aback by his befuddling behavior.

He returned looking at her with that smile that made her weak in the knees, "I know this is crazy and probably way too early, but" he said pulling out a red velvet box bearing the Potter family crest on it. He took a deep breath and opened the box and turned it towards her and she grasped at the sight.

It was a ring that sat upon a velvet pillow. It was an elegant platinum piece. A pear-shaped cluster diamond ring. It had two gorgeous emeralds on either side followed by five diamonds on each end. "This is a family heirloom, my father had it modified somewhat for my mother. Its goblin made and has protective wards and everything befitting. I know it's early but I want you keep it, you have my heart Hermione and I've given it to you freely, you are far more than a girlfriend, in fact I would be cheesy enough to say that we are soul mates. So whenever you're ready to be my mine in name put it on" he finished his voice cracking with emotion.

She didn't want to think about it, she took the ring with trembling hands and removed the ring and handed it to Harry. He looked up at her in disbelief, "Ask me now" she choked and he nodded and go down on one knee. "Hermione Jean Granger, will you marry me?" he choked out and she nodded, not trusting her voice to answer and he laughed in delight as he slid the ring and it automatically resized on her finger.

"You've made me the happiest I have ever been Mione. I can't believe you said yes" he chuckled admiring the shimmering jewel on her finger before kissing it.

"And you Mr Potter brighten up my life. I love you but I've never expected this to be honest, like I said I was more than content being by your side as your girlfriend" she admitted.

"I knew that I wanted you to be more than that the moment I walked away from you that night. I met your parents in France and when your mother let slip that Emile was gay, I knew that someone up there was giving me a second chance and I wasn't going to let you slip away. Not without a fight! I invoked the Ancient and Noble house tradition, I asked your parent's permission to court you -"

"Wait a second, you asked my parent's permission to court me?" she asked to clarify.

"Well yes. Our time together in France was the happiest I can ever remember been, except now. You see after I left you in France, I was miserable. I hurt you because I was broken on the inside and at the time knowing you were a Muggle just added to my bane. I had a lot of soul searching to do and everything brought me back to you. When we reunited at the Manor I was certain of what I wanted, I tried and then the entire Emile episode and you know how that turned out. As per Wizarding custom, I asked your parent's their permission; mind you they weren't too keen on giving it without your knowledge. I had made a few promises and so here we are" he winced when he saw her eyes narrow.

"I'm not sure if I should be pissed that you chose such an out-dated and slightly insulting approach-" she started and smirked when he grimaced and looked ready to apologise.

"But I think it's romantic, come to think of it, it seems very Jane Austen" she smiled and pulled him for a kiss.

It was the early hours of the morning when Harry and Hermione were abruptly thrown across the cabin when the yacht rocked violently after a massive explosion. There was smoke and debris everywhere, "HERMIONE? WHERE ARE YOU?" Harry called out quickly trying to shake off the dizziness. He heard her cough close to the bathroom and moved towards her.

"Harry, is that you?" she asked visibly disoriented.

"Yeah" she winced when she moved her arm. Harry looked her, "I think it's broken" she whimpered.

"What's going on Harry?" she stammered when they heard footsteps stomping on the deck.

"I think we're under attack. We need to get to Dan and Alexia" he managed just before the yacht swayed and tilted.

"I think the yacht is sinking, we need to get off now! Come on, I'll carry you" he said picking her up.

"I can walk Harry, just lead the way" she said and he carefully treaded to the cabin entrance.

"WAIT! ACCIO WANDS" she yelled and both wands came hurtling towards them.

Hermione gasped when she saw half the yacht had been blasted off, they heard spells being cast and someone trying their best to hold his shield, which caused Harry to kick into overdrive.

"Hermione, Harry" Alexia cried when she saw the couple.

"WHERE'S DAN?" Harry demanded.

"He heard the commotion and ran out" she stammered and Harry cursed.

"Both of you stay here" Harry commanded and ran out before Hermione could object.

When Harry reached the deck, it was a battlefield. Several cloaked men had Dan surrounded.

"Well look who decided to grace us with his presence, LORD POTTER. Come to watch us kill your brother" the masked man spoke.

"Who are you?" Harry demanded.

"Tut tut LORD Potter, you don't get to make demands. In fact, you are to hand over the Mage, if you want to save your brother's life" he snarled and Harry froze.

"We know all about her Potter, you should take better care of whom you employ Potter. Too many moles" he cackled.

Harry moved to lift his wand, "I wouldn't do that if I were you Potter" he spat pulling Daniel and shoving a wand into his neck. "Give us The Mage and you can have your brother"

For the first time in his adult life, Harry was helpless.

"RELEASE HIM" heads snapped in the direction of the command.


"HERMIONE NO" both brothers yelled in unison.

"Very well, let him go. Now GRAB HER"

Hermione found herself in the clutches of these masked terrorists.

"You know Potter, all this could have been avoided if you sold the patent of those booms to the original bidder. Too bad, she will pay for your arrogance and she'll work the Boss until he has no use for her" he snarled.

Just when the portkey was about to be activated, "HARRY, DAN CLOSE YOUR EYES. Lex, NOW" she yelled and everything seemed to happen in slow motion.

Alexia cast a blinding spell that temporarily blinded the masked men; Hermione quickly whacked the man holding her hostage and ran. Harry and Dan wasted little time and began firing offensive spells at the men. Harry was hell bent on reaching the so called leader, he sent a bone breaking hex and it snapped his leg and he howled in pain. "I'm going to make you rue the day you were fucking born you worm" Harry spat and he grabbed the man and gripped the mask.

"FUCK YOU HARRY" the man spat and Harry blanched, that voice sounded too familiar but before he opened his mouth to respond, there was a tug in his naval, the portkey activated and pulled the two men away.

Harry opened his eyes but heard; "CRUCIO" and fell to his knees and writhed in pain.

"POTTER, this was better than expected. Well done WEASLEY, I will see to it that you are rewarded. NOW, get out of my sight and clean yourself up"


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