Spider-Man: public menace
Peter sighed, putting the paper down on the lunch room table. Ned leaned over to look at the paper, crinkling his nose at it after reading the title. "Just ignore them Peter," he said, biting into his sandwich.
Peter looked at his friend bemusedly for a second, shaking his head. "I can't, no matter what I do they're always after me," he sulked, "people read this stuff."
Ned patted his back, knowing how much Peter cared about the good reputation he tried to make with his alter ego. There was nothing that they could do about the outlandish accusations thrown at Spider-Man, and both boys knew it.
"Does Mr. Stark know about these?" Ned asked cautiously.
Peter shook his head, "no, I don't think so, he would have teased me about it or something if he did." Crumpling up the newspaper Peter decided to get started on his own lunch. Before he bit into his sub he added "besides, Mr. Stark gets bad press constantly, he'd probably tell me to suck it up."
MJ, who'd been reading quietly in the seat across the two boys, chose that moment to jump in on the conversation. "Y'know what makes a good public image?" She paused, not looking away from her book, and waited until both boys shook their heads out of the corner of her eye. "Social media."
Peter's mouth opened in a silent 'oh', watching as MJ kept reading with a bored face. Blinking he turned to Ned, "that's a good idea actually."
"A Spider-Man Twitter!" Ned looked like he was about to burst and, to his credit, managed to lower his voice to a whisper scream. Peter took out his phone and looked at it uncertainly, before opening it and going to twitter.
Spider-Man @SpideySense
News channels have yet to remember the hyphen in my name smh
Peter and Ned has both been disappointing, although not really surprised, to find that Spider-Man wasn't an available username. So, after a lot of trial and error, they settled with SpideySense, which was available mostly because nobody really knew about Peter's special spider senses.
Peter already had a Twitter and Instagram for himself which meant that he'd have to be really careful which account he was on when he tweeted. A Spider-Man Instagram didn't sound all that bad either, so long as he didn't post anything incriminating. Now that he was thinking about it, he probably should have asked Mr. Stark if it was ok for him to have the social media accounts in the first place.
He had waited until he was on patrol somewhere in Queens in order to tweet, with the logic that the tweet would actually be coming from Spider-Man if he did so. Sending the tweet he decided to continue his patrol.
By the time the sun was setting he had stopped a mugging and helped two lost kids find their parents, not too bad for a days work. Pulling out his phone he checked the time, it was nearing eight, he had an hour to get back home. His aunt had been very strict about that, as well as how much school he was allowed to miss for Spider-Maning, but he still had plenty of time to get back to the apartment. Looking up from his phone he sucked in a breath at the view.
New York was beautiful as it was dangerous, and Peter never tired of seeing the sunset over the buildings. Struck with an idea he raised his phone and took a picture of the sunset. The photo was taken at an impossible angle, but it was clear and would've been hard for anyone else to get, which was exactly what he wanted. Then he pulled up Twitter and posted it with a comment about the beauty of it. The previous tweet had only gotten two likes, but that was to be expected as there were a lot of parody Spider-Man accounts running around. Putting his phone away he started swinging home.
Spider-Man @SpideySense
THANk you spider powers
Spiderboi @absoluteSpider
Woah another account emerges, but like also beauty
Dainty @thatoneapplepuree
But like that's actually a really good photo???? Ya'll we sure this is a parody account?
Peter smiled at his phone, he'd have to post something eventually that confirmed the accounts legitimacy, but for now it was fun to see people confused. Ned was, of course, already following the account and was berating Peter on taking a photo as Spider-Man to post. Looking over at his stack of homework Peter winced and told Ned that he'd have to post another time.
Sitting down at his desk Peter sighed and started on his homework. Not that it was hard, just tedious, and it took up a large chunk of his time. He estimated that it would take a few hours for him to finish the entire stack. True to form, he was only halfway through the stack when his aunt knocked on his door to check on him and announce dinner.
Super metabolism was a bitch, Peter had decided within weeks of getting his powers, as it forced him to eat way more than the average person. Being a teenage boy made it all the worse, hunger berated him almost constantly, the food he and his aunt could afford sustaining him but little more. That being said, when he got back upstairs he immediately got back to work on his homework, which was done within the hour. He sat back in his chair after putting it away, glancing around his room. Distractions helped, they made him forget about being hungry, or kept him away from thinking about his uncle, or being stuck under rubble...
Peter pulled his phone out, he didn't have to go to bed for a while, so he pulled up a chat.
Dynamic Trio
Yeeter is online
Yeeter: hola amigos what is up
Yeeter: I'm bored get your butts in here
Chair Guy is online
Chair Guy: hola
Yeeter: I will ascend now brb
Chair Guy: no wait-
Chair Guy: do you at least have the English homework
Yeeter: oh yeah wait a second
Yeeter sent an image
Queen is online
Yeeter: there, enjoy
Yeeter: hey mj what's up?
Queen: it's midnight, we have a test tomorrow
Chair Guy: your point?
Queen: I will stab you if I get a bad grade for texting you guys
Chair Guy: very cool
Yeeter: ...do you want to go to sleep?
Queen: no but if I get a bad grade I will stab
Chair Guy: same energy as Loki tbh
Yeeter: little scared
Queen: have you met Loki
Yeeter: no
Queen: if you do go ahead and slap him for me
Chair Guy: oh shit
Yeeter: mj I value my life
Queen: do you
Yeeter: ...
Yeeter: I uh-
Yeeter: it's like 1am lets go to bed now pls
Chair Guy: it's ok she's just in a violent mood rn
Yeeter: yeah and I don't completely trust that she won't try to stab me
Queen: stfu it's bedtime
Yeeter: night guys
Chair Guy: bye
Yeeter is offline
Queen is offline
Chair Guy is offline
Hi and welcome to my Peter avengers fanfic, am writin while at my brothers swimming competitions, he swim fastly