Jaune awoke with a start. A quick glance at the alarm clock let him know that he had missed Professor Port's class.
Maybe staying up all night to catch up on the X-ray and Vav comics wasn't such a good idea.
Pyrrha would definitely chew him out over that.
Oh well, better Port's class than something actually useful.
He quickly hopped in the shower and got ready for the rest of the lessons for the day. He picked up Crocea Mors and clipped it to his belt as he made his way to the door, glancing at the clock as he made his way out. He had just enough time to grab a quick bite to eat before combat classes with Professor Goodwitch. He rushed through the hallways and made it to the cafeteria in record time. He certainly couldn't afford to be late to Professor Goodwitch's class considering how abysmal his current combat grades were. After he had carefully crafted a nutritious meal, a hearty burger with extra lettuce and the healthiest fries he could pick out from the pile, he made to look for his team. After a few moments he found Nora waving him over, a stack of pancakes towering in front of her, with a rather miffed looking Pyrrha to her right and Ren to her left, who was clearly worried about the structural stability of the confectionary construction as Nora resumed to tear into it.
"Hey guys! Did I miss anything important from Port's lesson?" Jaune said as he put is tray down next to Ren's.
"Nope! Port's lesson was a total snoozefest as usual." Nora said between mouthfuls of pancake.
"Speaking of Port's lesson, any particular reason I didn't see you there Jaune?" questioned Pyrrha as she irately stabbed her fork into her salad. "You didn't happen to oversleep after all those times I told you to put down the comics and get some rest, did you?"
Jaune winced. "Haha of course not Pyr! I just had some important business to take care of. Yep! Important...uh...leader business. You can ask Ruby about it when she gets here." Jaune said as he nervously rubbed the back of his neck. Hopefully he could get Ruby to cover for him when she came. "Where is team RWBY by the way? It's strange for them to be this late to lunch."
"They were called down to Professor Ozpin's office during Professor Port's lesson" said Pyrrha, all evidence of irritation completely gone from her voice. "It sounded serious."
"Did they say anything to you guys?" Jaune inquired as he began digging into his meal.
"Nothing at all. They were in an awful hurry to grab their things and get out when they came back. Ruby was crying though." said Ren, grabbing an apple slice as he spoke.
Ah fuck.
Jaune whipped his head around trying to find the source of the cursing. However, nobody behind him seemed to be paying attention to his team's conversation.
"Is everything alright Jaune?" Pyrrha questioned.
"Yeah sorry, I thought I heard someone say my name" Jaune lied as he turned back to his team.
Must've been my imagination.
"Do you think this has anything to do with the fact that their uncle went missing last week? Ruby was super close to him wasn't she?" Nora questioned, a whole pancake dangling from her fork.
"There's no use speculating amongst us." said Ren as he finished off the last slice of his apple. "I'm sure they'll tell us when they're ready."
"We should visit them sometime this week once they've had some time to compose themselves" suggested Jaune. "We could grab some cookies from that bakery in downtown Vale that Ruby loves"
"I think that's a grand idea Jaune." said Pyrrha with a small smile adorning her face.
"That's our fearless leader for you! Always thinking about the team." Nora proudly stated, her tower of pancakes reduced to just the crumbs spread across her face.
"Team RWBY isn't a part of our team, Nora." Ren said as he pulled out a napkin and began wiping Nora's face, much to her disdain.
"Details, Details!" Nora declared as she rose from her seat to avoid the assault of Ren's napkin. "Let's get a move on, we don't wanna be late for combat class. Team JNPR, move out!"
"Shouldn't our leader be the one to dismiss us?" Ren asked.
"Details, Details!"
"That's the match! The victor is Pyrrha Nikos!" Ms. Goodwitch declared. Pyrrha sheathed her weapon and walked up to her opponent, offering a hand to them. It was a slaughter as usual, with the electronic scoreboard showing Pyrrha's aura still in the green while her opponent's was just a sliver of red. Team JNPR cheered on their fellow teammate as she walked back to the stands where they were situated.
"That was awesome!" Nora exclaimed, wildly gesturing. "You were like BANG BANG and when she tried to close the distance you were like KAPOW! And that last flip move thingy! That was sooo cool!"
"I think what Nora's trying to say is that that was an excellent performance Pyrrha." said Ren. Nora nodded fervently beside him to let Pyrrha know that that was in fact what she was trying to convey.
Pyrrha chuckled at Nora's antics. "Thanks Nora" she said as she took her seat next to Jaune.
"I can't lie, the last flip move thingy was pretty cool." said Jaune, turning towards Pyrrha with a teasing smile on his face.
"If you liked it so much I'll let you experience what it's like on the receiving end for tonight's training. I was thinking about teaching you how to defend against grappling anyways." said Pyrhha with a devilish glint in her eye.
The smile immediately dropped from Jaune's face. "Uh, is it too late to compliment your fight seriously instead?"
Pyrrha smiled. "I'm not quite sure, start complimenting and we'll find out"
Before Jaune could reply their conversation was cut short by Ms. Goodwitch stepping forward to address the students. "The next fight will be Jaune Arc versus Cardin Winchester." announced. "Will you both please enter the arena and stand in your respective corners." Jaune's heart dropped. While he had improved by leaps and bounds since he had started his private lessons with Pyrrha, it still wasn't enough to overcome the seemingly insurmountable barrier in the form of Cardin. His current track record against the hulking bully was zero for five.
"Don't worry Jaune, maybe this time will be different." said Pyrrha, sensing his apprehensiveness.
"Yeah! It took you eight fights before you got your first win against anyone here at Beacon, you have 3 more losses til you have to really start worrying!" Nora chimed in.
"I don't think that's as encouraging as you meant it to be Nora" said Ren, shooting Jaune a sympathetic smile. "You've been training hard almost every night with Pyrrha, it's only a matter of time before you beat Cardin."
"Thanks guys, I got a good feeling about this one." said Jaune, despite his face saying anything but.
Well, time to bite the bullet and get this over with.
As Jaune traveled down the steps and towards the arena he could see Cardin do the same, his usual sneer present on his face. As Jaune and Cardin stepped onto the slightly raised platform the electronic scoreboard burst to life, showcasing both their auras as green bars next to their pictures. "I'll be sure to go easy on you this time Jauney boy, the last time looked like it really took a toll on you after all." Cardin taunted as he hefted his mace over his shoulder. Jaune could only grit his teeth as he unsheathed his ancestral blade and deployed its shield.
Bear with it Jaune. It's only a matter of time before you can wipe that smirk right off his face.
Once both Cardin and Jaune had reached their corners Ms. Goodwitch had looked to both students looking for confirmation that they both were ready. Cardin lazily nodded in her direction while Jaune gulped down his fear and gave her his own resigned nod. He could feel his heart hammering in his chest, coursing adrenaline through his veins."Begin!" said as she stepped down from the arena to give the two combatants the full space. Jaune pushed off the ground with all his might and barreled towards Cardin at a breakneck pace.
If I take it slow I'll just be out-ranged by his mace, I have to close the distance quickly!
However, it seemed Cardin was a step ahead of him. The mace wielder had anticipated his charge and was already position to counterattack, his body turned to the side and his mace held in a double handed grip behind his body above his head, resembling a batter ready to hit a home run.
Jaune tried to alter his course but his momentum was too great. Bracing himself for the inevitable he charged shield first straight into the mace's embrace. The sound of impact resonated throughout the room. Jaune's shield arm screamed in agony as he was flung from the clash. When the world stopped spinning he found himself lying on his back at the other side of the arena, still conscious but clearly dazed from the attack. In a moment of nerves and negligence he hadn't accounted for the resulting explosion released from the mace head. He raised his head to see three vague Cardins walking menacingly toward him. Knowing that simply laying there wasn't going to win him the duel he struggled to his feet, pain beating through his body like a drum.
Fucking dust empowered weaponry! Why did I decide to use a damn heirloom again?
Because you're the same moron who thought sneaking into Beacon with no combat experience would be a good idea.
Okay, maybe I hit the ground a little too hard or something. The ringing in my head is starting to sound like some snide prick.
Real funny kid, I know you heard me at lunch today. Quit doing the whole denial schtick, it's a drag to hear and you do it poorly anyways. You should duck by the way, unless you want to start hearing more voices in your head.
Knowing that one voice in his head was more than enough for him, he fell to one knee despite the protests of his muscles, narrowly avoiding the mace that kissed the crown of his head before ultimately crushing the air above him. However, he completely failed to dodge the following knee to his sternum and he was laid out a few feet further. Jaune groaned in pain as he fought to rise to his feet despite his every fibre of his being begging for him to stay down.
Jeez, do I have to call out every attack for you or something? You're lucky you got an aura that's definitely compensating for something or you would be out like a light. Then again, with combat skills like yours maybe being unconscious after one hit would be a blessing.
Oh you're hilarious. Laugh it up while you can, right after this fight I'm going straight to the campus shrink to get rid of you. Keep talking and I'll find out if there's a way to make it painful.
That's cute kid. We're going to have to work on your banter. Besides, do you really want to get rid of your semblance so quickly?
My semblance? This has got to be some kind of joke, my semblance is having some schmuck in my head commentate my ass whoopings?
Nope, take it from someone who's had it before; the commentary's just the cherry on top kid.
You've had this semblance before? Just who are you?
Cardin's mace came swinging before Jaune could hear the reply. Jaune cursed as he quickly twisted his shield to parry the blow but his inattentiveness had cost him. His shield arm, still sore from his last block, was a moment too slow. The mace hit his shield at an awkward angle, ripping it from his arm as he was sent careening away, his armour clattering as it impacted the ground. His arm felt like it was ready to fall off, pain coursing through it like hot venom. "You know Jauney boy, Im almost insulted that you're spacing out in the middle of our match." Cardin mocked as he casually strolled towards Jaune. "Don't worry, I'll make sure you'll have all the time in the world to think when you're stuck in the infirmary."
You know kid, I've never seen a sparring match where one person has spent more time in the air than on the ground. It might be an art at this point.
So are you gonna tell me how to use my semblance or are you just gonna be a smug douche?
Damn, that's a tough choice. Give me a couple of minutes to mull over it.
Jaune rolled away as Cardin's mace struck the ground where Jaune was laying a second ago. The subsequent explosion had blasted Jaune a couple more feet, leaving him at the edge of the arena. "Damn, I think you might have actually gotten weaker from the last time I whooped you Arc. You haven't even landed a scratch on me." Cardin taunted. "Maybe I should just let you win this match so that you can think you're actually worth something as a huntsman. I mean really, has anyone in the history of Beacon had an atrocious of a dueling record as you? They probably only keep you around to handicap Pyrrha. She'd be better off having no partner than some deadweight like you."
Jaune clenched his fists as he laid sprawled out on his stomach. As much as he hated to admit it, Cardin was right. Pyrrha took time out of her schedule every night to help him train. Time she could be spending honing her own skills if he had the training he already should have if he had actually deserved to be looked up at the scoreboard to see his aura deep in the yellow while Cardin had barely lost any. He hung his head in shame. Semblance or not, this fight was almost certainly over. The cool stone floor against his forehead did nothing to assuage the boiling frustration he felt.
I just wish that just once, I could beat him. Make my team proud for a change. But I guess this is the way it's always going to be. After all, I didn't earn my place here like everyone else.
You're in luck kid. I've officially reached the point where I'd rather watch that conceited dick over there get his ass beat more than watching you get yours. So quit your whining and get on your feet. I'll teach you how to use your semblance.
It's a little too late for that. Can't you see? I'm not meant to be a hero. I'm just a fake after all.
Yeah, yeah, you snuck into this school with forged transcripts, save the sob story kid I can see all your memories. I'm going to be brutally honest with you. Who gives a rat's ass? So you're insecure about whether or not you deserve to have a place here in Beacon, and frankly between your mindset and the performance you've put out in this fight I would be too. But at the end of the day you do have a spot here. And you better start fighting tooth and nail if you want to keep it else team JNPR will be out of a leader the moment you go on a real mission. Besides, weren't you just saying how you'd give anything to wipe the smirk of that asshat's face?
Jaune took a deep breath and exhaled, letting his frustrations go with it. His lips drew into a determined grimace. The voice was right, he could bitch and moan about not being good enough after the fight. But right now he owed it to his team to do everything he could to prove himself worthy of being their leader.
That was the worst pep talk I've ever heard.
It couldn't have been that bad. After all, it worked didn't it?
So what do I have to do?
AN: Originally the chapter included the end of the fight but I found that that just dragged the chapter on and on so I decided to put that in the next chapter. I started this fic to improve my writing so constructive criticism would be appreciated!