Welcome back to Prophecy of Masks! Last time, Ryuga was defeated by a huge alliance of the Mirror World's Riders, including an uncharacteristic alliance with Kamen Rider Odin. But more importantly, Decade finally revealed his part of the the Prophecy of Masks, pointing out someone we know to be Tsukuyomi as the key to stopping Malefor and Oma Zi-O, with Woz revealing he stashed her at Amanogawa High School, under the protection of Kamen Rider Fourze. So it looks like Spyro and Cyder are going back to school on an exfiltration! So, how's that going to go? Read on to discover...

(Our story resumes in the Dragon Temple, where Spyro and Cynder are preparing for a mission to Amanogawa High School, with Woz and Decade being there for a briefing)

Decade: Fair note, Woz went ahead of you while you slept last night. He told the Rider guarding Tsukuyomi that you were coming to get her involved in the fight. He's expecting you after one of his classes.

(At this point, Spyro notices a look of concern on Cynder's face)

Spyro: You okay, Cynder?

Cynder: I just have this bad feeling that whatever villain Malefor's going to send next already knows we're coming.

Spyro: Seeing as Ryuga was and still is Shinji's reflection, it's definitely plausible they're aware of our plan as well.

Woz: Don't worry, my contact already knows Tsukuyomi's a high value target for these fiends, so he's got her in the most secure of places he has access to.

Cynder: Alright then, the mission is simple. We get in to Amanogawa, find Tsukuyomi, and get out of there before anyone is the wiser. Hopefully things don't get much more... unnecessarily risky than that.

Spyro: Knowing our luck, they will.

Cynder: Don't jinx it now, we haven't even begun.

Decade: Just let me know when you're ready and I'll whip up an Aurora Curtain to the school. It's a half day, so you should be able to meet right away.

Woz: (Pulling out two brown bags) Not knowing if this mission would get you in contact with meals, I took the liberty of packing rations for both of you.

Decade: Okay, with that, we had best get you two moving. Don't want to be late for school after all.

(With that, Decade summons an Aurora Curtain)

Woz: Best of luck.

Spyro: Well, we'll only be back if Tsukuyomi is with us.

Cynder: So more likely than not, we will see you again.

(With their farewells made, Decade phases the Aurora Curtain over the two dragons, sending them through to the world of the Kamen Riders)

Woz: (With a sigh) They grow up so fast.

Decade: Brown bag lunches? Seriously? Woz, you're just weird.

Woz: Can you blame me?

Decade: Not really.

(With that, we transition to the grounds of Amanogawa High School, just as Spyro and Cynder appear from the Aurora Curtain. And as it dissipates, there stands a man in a white shirt, khaki pants seemingly held up by rainbow suspenders, and the gaudiest yellow and pink tie you can imagine, with a look of surprise on his face, catching both dragons off guard)

Chuta Ohsugi: I've seen plenty of weird stuff, but you two take the cake. Even though I knew you were coming.

Spyro: Wait, you're the Kamen Rider here?

Chuta Ohsugi: No, not even close. But we are co-workers, and he's a former student of mine. He did say he was expecting visitors, so I assume that's you two.

Cynder: It would be us indeed. So, where exactly is he now?

Chuta Ohsugi: He's teaching a class. But it should be getting out soon. You can wait in my classroom until he shows up.

(As Chuta Ohsugi walks off, Spyro and Cynder eye the teacher suspiciously)

Spyro: Should we trust him?

Cynder: If this Kamen Rider is on the faculty of this school, it makes sense that he'd probably tell someone else or that one of them would see a transformation. I say we give it a shot.

(As Spyro and Cynder rush off to catch up with their contact, we see in the shadow of a nearby tree, a man in a gray suit with glowing eyes, the left one being red, and the right one bearing the Mark of Malefor upon it, holding up a red and silver egg-shaped device with a ruby button on top)

?: So, that meddler Kisaragi teaches here now, does he?

(At this point, the mysterious figure presses the ruby button, coating himself in astral energy with the form of the constellation Sagittarius in it which creates his true form, a fiery warrior looking being with a bow mounted to his left arm and what looks like a quiver of arrows wrapped around his right)

Sagittarius Zodiarts: Well, looks like it's time to teach him a lesson. All of them.

(As the Sagittarius Zodiarts walks off, we transition to a classroom where Spyro, Cynder, and Chuta Ohsugi are waiting for Tsukuyomi's protector to arrive)

Spyro: (Noting the decorum) I'm guessing you teach geography.

Chuta Ohsugi: And you would be correct. (Snaps his suspenders) But I also do homeroom for the third years.

Cynder: (Noting the paper he's reading) Horoscopes? You actually read those?

Chuta Ohsugi: (Seeing she knows what he's reading) Don't tell anyone, but I've always been a bit superstitious. But with everything that's happened here, can you blame me?

Spyro: A lot's happened here then?

Chuta Ohsugi: This school was a hot-bed for the operations of a dastardly villain, who was actually the former principal of the school! Good thing our mutual friend was there to stop them.

(And just like that, the door to the classroom opens as Fourze enters the room)

Fourze: Despite the fact that you pretty much tormented my entire year?

Chuta Ohsugi: You know very well I just had a problem with you. And that Sakuta kid as well. What's he even doing these days?

Fourze: INTERPOL agent I believe. (Seeing Spyro and Cynder) Willing to bet you're Woz's Lord and Lady.

Cynder: He came up with the titles, but that's us alright.

(As Cynder extends her hand to shake Fourze's, he meets her with a firm handshake that turns into a trio of fist-bumps, one on top, one on the bottom of the hand, and the last a classical fist bump.)

Fourze: (Seeing Cynder was caught off-guard) Sorry, that's just the way I shake hands with friends.

Spyro: Friends? We've just met you.

Fourze: You're friends of Kamen Riders all over the place! Haruto's told me of you two. And so has Woz. Any friend of theirs is a friend of mine.

Cynder: Good to hear. Now, let's get down to business.

Fourze: Right. Tsukuyomi. When Woz caught me up on the story, I had a feeling she was in danger. Don't worry, she's safe with some of her classmates in the Kamen Rider Club.

Spyro: Kamen Rider Club?

Fourze: Essentially the cover group for my actions as a Kamen Rider. Genuinely dedicated to investigating the urban legends of Kamen Riders circulating around since the 1970's. Legends I can confirm are incredibly real.

Cynder: So, Tsukuyomi is with them?

Fourze: Yes, the moment I heard from Woz that she was likely to be in danger, she was enrolled as a student here so I could keep watch. But now that things are taking a turn for the worst, the KRC agreed to help me out with keeping her safe. One of my best students, Saburo Kazeta, and his group are working with them at the KRC headquarters. I'll gladly take you there.

Spyro: We haven't a moment to lose.

(With that, Spyro, Cynder and Fourze take off from the classroom, and arrive at what appears to be a store room with a random green locker in it, marked with what looks like a small rocket with eyes, with KRC written underneath it.)

Fourze: I know what you're thinking, no Tsukuyomi wasn't stuffed in a locker. Well, not in any ordinary locker.

Cynder: Well she's not in here, so that's the only place left, since you assured is this is the place.

Fourze: Trust me, there's an explanation, but it's pretty long and rambling and involves some friends of mine fixing the place back up after it exploded. But suffice it to say... (Opens the locker, revealing nothing but a white void space) It's bigger on the inside.

(With the door open, Gentaro steps through, having to duck to get into the space. Confused, Spyro and Cynder follow through shutting the door behind them, as our tale ends for today)

Okay, I know that wasn't a lot to go on, but I still think I introduced the Fourze Arc pretty well. Few things before we end though. Firstly, I know the Rabbit Hatch, the base of the original Kamen Rider Club, was destroyed during the series, but I know that Kengo Utahoshi and Yuki Jojima, or at least the latter, has gone to space during one of the movies for I think it was Build. So in this timeline she must've gone to the moon with Fourze and rebuilt the Rabbit Hatch. Truth be told, I just wanted to put that place in, since, like the whole series, it was just a fun place to be during the series, and seeing it destroyed was quite saddening. And yes, I couldn't resist Fourze using a TARDIS joke while describing the locker that leads to the Rabbit Hatch. And thirdly, for anyone who's seen the movies, Saburo Kazeta should seem familiar, being Inazuman in Movie War Ultimatum. So is Inazuman joining up as well? Well, you'll have to tune in next time to find out! Same time... same channel!