Children of the Primes


So the pictures are new! If you have noticed the new cover image to this point shame on you. Now shame on me as I blatantly advertise for a friend. The bust was drawn up from a few details in the story with a few notes I passed off. We were hoping to create the image of a young Jazz and I feel like we accomplished that. My friend does have open commissions and I will leave details at the end for those interested. Hope you enjoy it!


Ch. 9 Darkness Rising V


Bumblebee and Jack came to an agreement. As soon as Bumblebee was finished with the mission Optimus needed him for he would come clean about everything. His transformation would no longer be a secret. A certain part of Bumblebee felt unsettled over his current passenger with the knowledge he now had.

Jack was by all accounts younger than him and should have been considered as a sparkling on Cybertron and yet physically he had the body of a mechling. How was that possible? Was it all due to Jack's unique biology. Would Jack's lifespan be like the average Cybertronian or shorter? More questions plagued him about Arcee's charge as he raced to base. His only hope was that Ratchet could alleviate his questions and take care of Jack.

It was apparent to Bumblebee that Jack had never met a Cybertronian until team Prime. That in itself was a concern. If Jack had truly been born on this planet, where was his carrier or sire? The fact that he held no knowledge of his origins, Cybertron, or the war left him with a depressing conclusion. Jack was alone. Yet he had survived on his own?

Bumblebee put all questions on hold as he pulled into the command center, the atmosphere inside the base was tense even before Jack's presence was known. "Hey. Guess who's back," Jack offered weakly.

His greeting was ignored as Optimus issued commands. "Autobots prepare for departure." Bumblebee saw how Jack seemed to deflate a little . No doubt worried with what would come after their return. He shifted his gaze back to Optimus as he focused on the task at hand.

"Where to?"

"The final frontier." Miko said with a wave of her hand and an air for dramatic effect as she approached his pedes. Jack immediately perked up at her statement.

"Wha. Space? I thought they didn't have any way to get there." Jack stammered. Unnoticed by all was the flush of color that washed over Miko's face, if Bumblebee wasn't keeping a keen eye on the kids it might have been truly missed. His observation was put on hold as Ratchet spoke up.

"We are taking a gamble in the hopes that our limited range will be enough to reach high orbit." Ratchet couldn't hide the annoyance in his voice. He was irritable with their limited tools but with the nature of their mission he was grouchier than usual. It was no secret that Ratchet was displeased with they're meager resources and days like today where he was forced to rely on nothing but faith made his pessimistic side all too visible.

As the nature of their mission was explained to Bee, their human charges said their goodbyes. Jack moved away from Bee and slowly made his way to Arcee and Cliffjumper. "Um," he spoke with uncertainty. "Be seeing you?"

Arcee only offered her trademark smirk as she approached the groundbridge. Cliff was as vocal as ever "Don't worry kid will be back before you know it." Bumblebee simply waved to Raf, before departing he fixed his gaze on Jack. Frowning as if understanding he gave a quick nod understanding what would come next.

With that the Autobots made their departure for space.


Jack was terrified. It seemed like he would always be this way. It annoyed him how his feelings of fear seemed to control. He felt a small hand give him nudge. Stirred from his thoughts and personal feelings he looked down to see Raf looking up at him in concern. "Are you ok?"

Steeling himself. He offered what he hoped was a bright smile. "I'm ok."

Raf didn't look at all convinced by his obvious lie. "You know it'll all work out" there was a certainty in his voice that felt relieving. Call it naivete but Jack wanted to believe that. Whether it was a lie or wishful thinking Raf fully believed that nothing could go wrong. "After all, I don't think Bee would let anything bad happen to you."

The way Bumblebee's blasters were trained on Jack didn't reassure him. Thinking back he didn't know what he should have expected. Raf may have felt that confident that Bee had the best of intentions and would protect him. It didn't stop him from imagining the hum of the yellow mech's blasters. Would the other treat him this way?

Miko's biostrous tone brought an end to such thoughts and had both boys looking up. "What're you guys doing?"

"Nothing!" their answer was simultaneous and immediate.

"Well get up here somethings happening."

With that Raf and Jack put their conversation on hold as they joined Miko on the catwalk. "What's happening." Raf was the first to ask. They all looked up to Ratchet for answers. Even on the catwalk he still towered over them.

The grouchy mech ignored them and continued his conversation with Optimus. "From what I know of Earth's technology, I doubt there exists a single radio-telescope dish on this planet powerful enough to pinpoint Cybertron." Ratchet sniped. Miko quickly filled in the gaps for Jack and Raf. It was Ratchet's last statement that sparked an idea in Raf.

"What about a whole bunch of linked radio-telescope dishes," Raf began as he pulled up images and information from his laptop. "Like the giant size array in Texas?"

The sole Autobot in the base was quick to dismiss the idea, but not Optimus. "Good thinking, Raf. Ratchet, have Agent Fowler alert the array staff to the security hazard." At the very mention of his name Fowler steamed some gibberish in his sleep.

"That may be a challenge."

"I can't get past the array's firewalls." Raf spoke up as he furiously typed.

"You actually think you could keep the Decepticons out?" Ratchet's voice was disbelieving but for the first time he didn't speak in an annoyed manner. Why was that so hard to believe. It was Raf that tracked down Agent Fowler when the Cons snatched him, how was this any different.

"What if we could get you all the way in, like inside the building in?" Jack spoke up. If Raf was going to have faith that everything would turn out ok. He'd put his faith in his friend's skill.

"I could log into their internal network on the other side of the firewall."

"The risk is too great." Optimus' voice boomed over the comms. Hearing their plan and fearing for their safety he warned them of the danger. "The Decepticons will be there, perhaps even on site."

"Optimus with all due respect, you said it yourself this is bigger than the safety of three humans." For a moment all the terror left Jack as he realized what was at risk. More than just his secret, his safety, his mother's safety. Heck the entire planet was in jeopardy. He couldn't sit idle anymore. He had to help. MIko was quick to jump into action and reinforced his statement, solidifying his resolve.

"Raf?" the Prime questioned the third of the trio.

"I wanna give it a shot."

Ratchet was quick to upload the coordinates of the array site. The trio of humans wasted no time as they raced to the groundbridge, and with no hesitation they leapt to face what lay on the other side.

"Ugh. That'll take some getting used to." Jack wasn't the only one to groan out as he gripped his stomach. It was only the second time using the groundbridge and he still had the odd sensation in the pit of his stomach, like a feeling of weightlessness that left him feeling queasy.

"Whoa!" Miko was first to recover as she took in what was before her. The site was large, expanding for miles and at its center stood a large building that resembled a warehouse. The largest detail, and maybe the greatest was that it was free of Decepticons.

Turning to Raf, Jack did his best to try and form up a plan. "OK so Ratchet couldn't get us in the building and I doubt it'll be as easy as walking in the front door." Without Fowler to inform the array staff of the danger he doubted they would trust three children informing the base of an alien attack. "Any ideas?"

"I don't know. Maybe we should sneak in?" Raf sounded more uncertain than he felt. This plan was a longshot from the start. Well maybe Miko would have a plan. Turning to their final member only to find her gone. "Miko? Where is Mi-"

"Hey guys you coming" Miko hollered head poking out of what Jack could only assume was the back door.

How? Jack internally screamed.

Making their way through the base was easy, too easy. It was not as if sneaking passed the guards and avoiding opposition was a feat they could simply pull off. It was that there was none whatsoever. There was no staff, security or otherwise within the base. It was more than odd. "Security sure is lax in this place." Miko spoke her mind echoing Jack's concern

Pushing aside the thoughts and pressing on Jack guided the group deeper into the base. The urgency of their mission taking priority. Finally finding a room that satisfied Raf's needs he was quick to get to work, fingers rapidly dancing across a keyboard. "I'm in," he announced in a small amount of time, expression bewildered. "and so are the Decepticons."


"How can you tell?"

"Schematics with the same alien math we saw on their ship." Jack and Miko came shoulder to shoulder as they looked over Raf's shoulder. Sure enough It was the strange script of coding they saw the other day. "This time I can download them."

"It's gotta be the spacebridge," MIko announced. Jumping from her spot near Jack. It took Jack a moment to realize for the second time Miko was mere inches from his face. He flushed at the thought, face red from embarrassment.

"The Decepticons are syncing it to the dishes, but I can sync to them." Raf explained as he continued to type away.

"Will they know?" Jack asked with no small amount of concern. He hated how his fear reared its ugly head again.

"Even if the Decepticons see that I'm in the system, they'll have no idea I'm in the house." Jack and Miko once again took a back seat as Raf typed away. "They're locked on to Cybertron but not for long."

The monitor flashed and the keyboard clicked and clacked as Raf worked. There was an odd sense of uselessness that probably mirrored MIko. She had a sunken look as she stared at the screen waiting for something, anything to happen. Hacking as it turned out was not nearly as exciting as television had made it out to be, even when against aliens and the fate of the world at stake. "The dishes are heading back towards Cybertron. I'll just undo that again." Raf reported followed by more flashes and clacking.

"What happens when the 'Cons realize they're being punked?"

"It's only virtual combat. You know, like online gaming."

"Yeah, Jack." Miko piped up "What are the 'Cons gonna do? They're probably, like, a thousand miles away." After Miko's verbal jab silence returned to the room. There was a foreign sound that broke this silence coming from above.

Turning around in time Jack saw a clawed tentacle descended down on Raf. Yelping in surprise Jack caught it in a bid of desperation more than skill and tried to bring it down with his weight. Miko was quick to join. Neither of them were successful as the tentacle ascended and took them for a ride that had both screaming. Flinging them around the room in an attempt to detach them Jack and Miko both slammed into a wall to see that it resumed its assault on Raf.

Miko produccured a fire axe and was quick to charge in as it smashed Raf's computer. Only to be smacked down. Losing the axe as she once again sailed through the air the tentacle was quick to claim it. "YOU HANDED IT AN AXE?!" Jack was uncertain if it was anger or panic that caused him to raise his voice. Getting ready to move before it could swing down everyone was surprised as it suddenly left.

"Miko, stay with Raf." Jack practically pleaded as he ran off. This was a bad idea. He had no idea why he continued on trying to keep pace with the tentacle. He felt as if he needed a second wind as it disappeared behind a set of double doors. Bursting through with little grace and freezing at the sight before him.

Centered in the room was a sleek silver mech crouched below a shattered sky light. There was no time to gawk as the axe hovered threatenly over a large cable. Finding his second wind Jack felt no hesitation as the familiar sense of transformation took him.


Megatron leader of the Decepticons scowled. In the millennia since he had taken up his cause Optimus Prime had been a constant that stood against him. Now in the moment when victory was at hand he persisted in defying him once again.

There were many things that vexed the warlord Optimus, Starscream, and the delay to his plans. Patience reaching almost non existent he bellowed at one such source. "Starscream what is happening?"

The seeker began to grovel but thought better of it as he shrieked out to shift blame. "Soundwave what is happening?"

Rather than a vocal report the silent mech connected to the ship to broadcast a live recording. The video displayed cracks giving the impression that his visor must have been cracked. A feat that should be near impossible as Soundwave was untouchable. That paled as the warlord registered the being that squared off against his third in command.

A black mech stood in a loose fighting position. Dodging Soundwaves' data cables and following it up with an over extending punch that was simply blocked.

Any command the warlord was about to bark was halted. Curiosity replaced rage as he took in the sight of a warrior who had perished.

"He lives?" Starscream quaked in his place, armor rattling in fear.

The warlord was driven back into his rage as he took in the pathetic sight of his second in command. "Soundwave I will no longer tolerate any delays."


Jack was rethinking life choices. Looking for answers and staying with the Autobots didn't seem like a bad idea until it led to this moment. In a deathmatch with a faceless 'Con, just to buy time for Raf and the Autobots to win.

Dodging another tentacle he sent out another jab, only for the mech to block with his thin arms. Jack quit his lamenting and took stock of the situation. The first strike was his and he managed to crack the mirrored visor of his opponent.

The good news ended there. The 'Cons back was turned and the act of transformation did not blind him like he had hoped. Surprise was the only reason he landed the sucker punch. From there the 'Con simply blocked anything that was sent his way and lashed out with his tentacles as if they were whips.

A groan from the ground startled Jack as he looked and found the array staff scattered on the ground. He would have to be careful now so he didn't crush any in the melee. Looking away was a mistake.

His opponent sent out a punishing blow that left him crashing into the ground. Eyes back on his aggressor only to widen. The axe was once again hanging above his head coming down in a rapid swing. Bracing for the inevitable and surprised for a second time. The axe split a large cable, the same cable from before. With that the silent mech took its leave, holding no further interest in him.

As if on cue a flash once again signaled transformation. Laying there with no small headache and more regrets than he had an hour ago, a groan that was more a cry slipped past human lips.


It was this imagery that Raf and Miko walked in on. "JACK!" Miko cried out hoisting him up none too gently.

"He cut the hardline. The dishes are locked on to Cybertron." Raf informed them, feeling them with a sense of dread. His next two words as simple as they were seemed terrifying "For good."

"We can't give up." Maybe it was the adrenaline running to his head, or the 'Con rattled his bran with that blow. For whatever reason Jack didn't want to give up. "Let's get back to base. It's up to the Bots now."

The trip back through the groundbridge was less jarring than the first. Ratchet paid them no attention as he monitored something that looked similar to radar at his station. "Optimus, I'm registering a rapidly expanding mass in their spacebridge vortex, one with a peculiar energy signature."

"Dark energon." Prime's voice boomed over the comms. "Ratchet, we must destroy the spacebridge. There's enough live energon coursing through it to achieve detonation." He began explaining his plan. "We lack the fire power to ignite it."

"If I knew how the spacebridge was engineered, I might find a technical way of accomplishing that feat."

"Would schematics help?" Raf spoke up offering his flash drive.

Before action was taken Ratchet questioned if it was necessary to destroy the spacebridge there only way of returning home. It was saddening to hear. Heartbroken as he was at never being able to meet his father this seemed just as bad. The one route to the world he was from that connected him to his friends and to his father had to be destroyed in order to save the world he lived in.

Optimus soberly informed them there was no other choice. With little reluctance Ratchet relayed instructions to the team on how to get the spacebridge to self detonate. "Arcee. Pay close attention." Pouring over Raf's schematics and going into meticulous detail on what steps should be taken. Minutes ticked by in what felt like hours.

"Now follow the line from the flow regulator to the energon pump. There should be a valve."

"I see it."

"To turn all that power against itself, all you need do is reverse the current." Ratchet stated he was pleased to find a flaw in the spacebridge in such a short time.

"Current reversed."

"I'll ready the groundbridge."

In a matter of seconds the team filed into the base. Cliffjumper entered last. Arcee was cradled in his arms, her form was listless. Walking over on unsteady legs and fearing the worst. Jack looked up to the two titans. "Is she-"

"Cliff said we'd be back." Arcee interrupted. Eyes opening to look down. "We're back, and we have a lot to talk about."

"Yea?" Jack gave a watery smile as he felt his voice rasp. He didn't know why his body was so weak when all he felt was relief. "I guess we do."

"So, is this the part where you say goodbye and tell us we need to forget we ever saw you?" Miko interjected. The entire room turned to regard Optimus.

"NO Miko, we will continue to protect humanity," The Prime's baritone voice boomed "and shall watch over you."


So to those of you who were curious about the artist. Chuckraccoon is his username on instagram if you wanna see more of his art. He is a cartoonist that takes inspiration from CreatureBox and various other artists that I can't even begin to list. He prefers for those interested to email him at charlesfullenwider11 in order to work out details on what you want drawn. Now that I'm done with the sales pitch. I actually wanted to write more for this chapter but realized how lengthy that would be and thought CRAZY! Hope that ending was ok. It felt lacking to me. I like to thank those of you who are reading now, it's the reason I write! I hope you enjoyed and please review.