Hello everyone. This little update chapter will be in two parts, the first part being the recognition of someone that has taken on a challenge that I have created and is currently working on, and I want to let the others know and for everyone to possible give some constructive criticism and possibly some advice for the future.

The second part of this little update will be a small snippet / preview of what I have cooked up for the very first chapter of the rewrite to this story. By the way, the very first chapter is over 4,000 and would possibly still grow. In comparrison to the first chapter of Jaded Harbinger which was merely around 1,700 words.

Edboyz steps forward

I just want to say that 'Edboyz' has come forward and bravely taken on the challenge which I had made along with the others. The challenge that he had taken on - for his very first fanfiction no-less - was the Naruto x Bakugan Battle Brawlers one. I am proud to say that he completed his first chapter and it is now up and the fanfiction is titled 'Brawlers across Dimensions', so if you could please check it out and leave some feedback through either reviews or possibly even PM's, that would be greatly appreciated.

It is his very first fanfiction that he has ever done, and it takes courage to test yourself in your very first fanfiction being that of a challenge. So please, don't be too critical when it comes to simple errors such as spelling, flow of the story and the way that characters interact. Doing this is as much of a journey along with a learning experience.

Always remember, someones first fanfiction will never be perfect, and people will always be aiming to perfect and certainly improve on what they know, so don't go around flaming people, as someone who recieves flames almost daily, it really does hurt sometimes. For a new author that is on their first fic, it must make them feel terrible. I know it did for me.

Naruto - Harbinger of Peace, Prologue Preview

Velvet Scarlatina had a small hobby, one that she enjoyed very much and tried to do as often as possible when she had the chance, and that was strolling through the marvels of nature and relishing how peaceful it was and how in sync everything seemed to be.

It made her feel free. Free from the discrimination that she faced from the more close-minded individuals at Beacon about her Faunus heritage. Free from the stress of being a student at Beacon Academy, and of course, freeing her mind to try and allow herself to become one with nature, and try to open herself up to Mother Nature itself.

She had heard many stories of the past about how certain people could basically open themselves up to nature itself, allowing them to know many things that shouldn't be possible. She wanted to try it, despite knowing that the possible risks that could happen to a person who opens themselves up the very force of nature itself, especially when they didn't have a pure heart or have the best intentions at heart.

Simply hearing about how they were driven to the brink of sanity and having to go into some serious rehab put many off at trying to learn and practice opening up to nature. However, that didn't stop most, however, there was another nasty surprise that has actually been recording in history happening multiple times throughout the years, and that was the fact that those who were unworthy or simply to 'Evil' were turned into stone statues, and their faces had been frozen in a state of sheer agony for the rest of eternity.

One of the more... famous and more recent cases of someone being turned to stone was nearly a decade and a half ago, where Jacques Schnee, a rather cruel and greedy businessman tried to tap into nature to gain more power, either physically or figuratively, however that backfired on him with fatal consequences, and now, he was forever frozen in stone.




Naruto snapped open his eyes, revealing them to be a rather brilliant and bright shade of blue that could easily be compared to the sky. Blinking a few times, his visage was set in a thoughtful frown as he sensed something move past the intricate and rather precise barrier. Only one with a pure-heart could make it past the barrier and actually be allowed within the grounds he called his home for the past few decades.

Humming to himself, he got up with rather refined movements and dusted himself off from any stray specks of dust or dirt that may have clung to his clothing. Taking a quick glance to make sure that he was in a presentable shape, he closed his eyes once more, allowing himself to tap into the very nature itself in order to locate whoever it was that managed to get past the barrier.

Within a split second, orange pigmentation formed around his eyes as a rather soothing pale green sheen overlapped his body.

"Hmm? It seems that Maple has brought a friend with her." He muttered out with a slight croak to his voice, before he opened his eyes once more, revealing that they were a rather sharp yellow color with a horizontal black bar in them - almost reminiscent of a toad - before they quickly changed back to their natural blue color and the orange pigmentation faded back, leaving the naturally peached colored skin remaining.




Enough with the wandering, you silly little mind.' He berated himself, smacking himself lightly on the cheek. Shaking his head away from those thoughts, he blinked a few times when he glanced over and saw that Maple had made her way through the shrubbery a few feet away, and moments later a girl wearing a rather interesting choice of clothing followed a few moments later.

As he glanced at the girl, he saw the girl was rather pretty and adorable, standing at about 5'6 - not including the ears - with luscious brown hair that seemed to shine radiantly under the sunlight, she also had soft chocolate brown eyes that sparkled with delight as she took in the beauty of the place. She also had rather smooth, pale white skin that was unblemished with any acne or scars, and her nose funnily enough was twitching up and down sporadically.

However, the feature that definately stuck out the most for her was definately the pair of brown rabbit ears that had a healthy shade of pink on the inside, 'A rabbit Faunus, eh? Haven't seen one of those in a while.' Naruto thought to himself. Although he couldn't help but to chuckle quietly as her nose was once again twitching after smelling the various scents of the wood and flowers - and possibly the animals - in the air.

Since he couldn't tell her exact age, and if he were to guess, she would either be in her late teens or possibly in her early twenties, with the way she was carrying herself was any say in it, along with the way her eyes were constantly scanning her surroundings, along with the way that she was prepared in case of a sudden attack.

Watching the girl for a few more moments, Naruto himself decided to finally make himself known as he stepped out from behind a rather thick tree that he had hid himself behind as he observed the girl, "Yo." He greeted out, a closed eye-smile as he raised his hand in greeting.

Alright, that is it for the preview, which have been extracted from various places within the first chapter prologue. As you can tell, I have already changed a lot when it comes to the first chapter, so hopefully, you guys like the change.

Anyways, take care, have a good day and or night, and please stay safe and spend some much needed time with your families during these challenging times.