NOTE: Hey guys! So, this story was originally intended as a one shot, but I've gotten an overwhelming response in the first few days so I decided to continue it! I don't really know where this is going to go from here, but please review and tell me what you'd like this story to be and I will try my best to deliver! Without further ado, here's part 2, switching characters but keeping our theme of birthdays.


Birthdays were never quite Peter Parker's thing. Sure, they were great and all, but they just never seemed that important. This one, however, was just plain confusing.

It was technically his 17th birthday, but it was also his 21st. He really didn't know how to interpret his own age anymore, but then again, neither did half of the universe.

The one thing that stood out to him was that it was his first birthday without Tony Stark.

Peter came back from death itself, helped to save the world (well, sorta, he felt like he just ended up getting smacked around a bit) and then watched helplessly as his father figure slipped away in front of him.

So yeah. Turning 17/21 isn't exactly the main thing on Peter's mind right now.

In fact, Peter's really just feeling an overwhelming sense of guilt that he's alive and that Tony isn't. So he takes a detour on the way home- where the surprise party that he knows May and Ned and MJ are not-so-secretly throwing for him awaits- to go to a quieter, much more somber place.

Peter kneels on the ground, his head hung low. He pulls his sleeves over his hands so he can wipe the fog from his vision and more clearly see the slab of stone in front of him, with an iron man mask carved into the stone above the words:

Anthony Edward Stark


We love you 3000

"Hey Mr. Stark," Peter began, struggling to speak past the lump in his throat.

"I, uh, I came today because it's my birthday."

Wow Peter, you sound so pathetic.

"And anyways I thought that maybe you would have wanted to see me today?"

He let out a strangled, humorless laugh through the tightness in his throat.

"I guess maybe I was just missing you and I-"

He stopped, feeling a tear slip down his cheek. He was about to swipe it away with his sleeve again when he instead decided to just let it fall and soak the dirt.

"And I-" Peter sobbed, unable to get any words out. So he just cried for a while beside the remains of his mentor, his father figure, one of the people who believed in him when he needed it most. After a long while, Peter swiped his eyes again forcefully and tried to speak.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Stark- Tony. I'm sorry that I'm here and you're not. I'm sorry that I don't know what to do with my life and that I'm not good enough. And I'm sorry-"

Peter took a long, slow breath, choosing his words carefully.

"And I'm sorry that I'm still here crying about everything instead of being happy, because I know I shouldn't be giving you the added guilt of me being a mess on top of everything else.

"I miss you, Tony. I wish you could be here because I really, really, need to hear your voice right now."

Peter gently traced his fingers across the engravings on the stone.

"I swear to you, Tony," he began again. "I swear that for every birthday after this one I will be strong. I will fight to make you proud, and I will fight for my little sister."

Peter's tears were burning now, burning with their intensity, burning with their truth.

He stood, one hand on the stone.

"Thank you, Mr. Stark. For everything."

Peter turned to walk away, a sweet smelling breeze coming to wash away his tears. He hesitated, turning back to the grave. When he spoke, it was barely a whisper.

"I love you."

A ghostly smile played on Peter's lips. "Dad."

As Peter walked away he stuck his hands in his pockets, staring at the ground. That's why he almost ran into a small ball of energy known as Morgan Stark.

"Petey!" She exclaimed, running towards him.

"Hey, Baby Stark," Peter said weakly, kneeling down to wrap his sister in a hug.

"Why are you sad, Petey? It's your birthday!"

Morgan's brows were furrowed in an adorable display of confusion. It was enough to make Peter smile.

"Sometimes people can be sad on their birthdays."

Morgan bounced a little bit as she replied. "Not me! I'm NEVER gonna be sad on my birthday."

"Yes, but you're special. You shouldn't have to be."

"Mommy sent me outside to give you your present!"

The abrupt subject change took Peter by surprise.


"Your birthday present, silly! Here you go!"

Morgan thrust a small box into Peter's arms. He looked at it, then at Morgan, who had an expectant smile on her face. So Peter opened the box.

It was a framed picture of him and Tony giving each other bunny ears while holding a Stark Internship Certificate. Peter smiled at the memory, and then he noticed a card.


I thought you might like to have this. I hope it doesn't open too many emotional wounds. When you're ready, read the back of the photo. I have a feeling it's something you're going to want to see.

Happy Birthday Peter.


Now, Peter didn't know if he was quite ready, but he gently removed the photo from the frame.

Hey, kid.

Peter's breath caught in his throat.

I think you should know a couple things.

If you've received this, then it means that I didn't come back. And I'm sorry about that, I truly am, but I had a feeling that it couldn't be avoided.

I didn't want to save the world. I truly had no interest in doing so, because mine was intact. Or so I thought. The other Avengers who survived the snap were already working on getting everyone back, but I refused to help. By now, you're probably aware that I was the one who came up with the means to time travel, so obviously I had a change of heart. Well, if you came to that conclusion, then you'd be right. I was washing dishes one night and some water splashed on a picture. This picture. I went to wipe it off, and when I saw your face, all my carefully constructed walls fell apart. I felt a hole in my chest (a metaphorical one, inside the real one I guess) and I knew I couldn't let you be gone forever. I saved the world for you, Peter. I didn't want to pay the price, but I know you're worth it.

Take care of Morgan for me. She's going to need a big brother now that she doesn't have a father, and I know you're more than up for the challenge.

You're a good kid, Underoos. Never forget that.

And thank you- for making me a better person.


Peter swiped away another tear, and bent down to give Morgan another hug.

"Don't cry, big brother. I love you 2000!"

"Only 2000?" Peter teased.

She frowned. "Well, 3000 is for Daddy and Mommy has 2000 so I thought all family should get 2000 too!"

Peter carefully replaced the photo in it's frame and returned it safely to its box before taking Morgan's hand to walk her back inside.

"You know what, little sis? I love you to infinity."

NOTE: Okay, let me know what you guys think! Should I do another chapter, and which character's birthdays would you like to see next?