If you find this a bit confusing hopefully this chapter will clear up a few questions.

Belongs to Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko I own my story line, creative view, and my characters. Pg. 2 of chapter 1

Gui eyed me suspiciously as I held the fruit behind my back. "what's that?" It's the first thing that came out of his mouth this past week. I squealed revealing the bright red apple in my hands. Gui grunted as he watched me wave it in his face. "A red apple your favorite, though I prefer mangoes."

He opened his mouth slightly and i threw it in knowingly. The minuscule red fruit didn't stand a chance since he swallowed it whole. "How was it?" A faint smile and appetite for more could be seen on the gigantic lion turtles face. He didn't respond instead humphing. "I'm sorry you know how the elders get when I bring you food." I told him. He grunted again. I took that as his way of saying he knows. It's not our job to feed him, just protect the wisdom he carried and in exchange he would give us protection and hide us from the five nations. This has been the ordeal for years.

Never to be broken. The fourth chief was the reason for this. No one knows why, and no asks. I grew up to know you never question a chief and the elders. It's one of those things everyone on this shell has learned to understand. though i know not to question that doesn't mean I understand.

I mockingly grunted back, taking my spot sitting on top of his head looking over the waters. I watched as they riffled around Gui. How lucky he was. He didn't have to worry about seeing the world for he already did. To out live the living is a sin father would tell me. I never understood and every time I dared to ask him what it meant he'd poke my nose as if that answered all my questions. Father was a tall man, taller than uncle. His hair was a sandy gray.

I remember him telling me bedtime stories about how he would get teased by the villagers for his hair. Gray wasn't a common hair trait for the people of Elionunonu. He also was the basic orphan villager. His mother died giving birth. Her name was Löelüni. His father died of a illness the village didn't have medicine for. My gran papa's name was Juwti. My father's name was Qwunti.

"Gui want to hear a story instead of a lullaby?" The lion turtle eyed the wild girl.

"What kind of story?"

"The good kind."

He took a minute to process what had been offered. He knew the story was really her way of venting so he said nothing. She as usual took that as a sign to begin.

"Once upon a time there was boy. He was nine when his father died. Which led to him seeking attention from everyone and blaming the villages lack of resources. The elders say he would reek havoc on the villagers with his none sense speaking about leaving the village. Breaking the ordeal. That was his first crime. His second was questioning the fourth chief.

An act that could be punished with banishment. At age fourteen he was unstoppable with his weapon of speech. It soon got to the point of attracting villagers to listen. Then the chief's daughter. She herself enjoyed the boy's delusional stories so much she would rush down to the center of Gui's shell every afternoon, day after day to listen. Her father, mother and older brother had no idea where she would sneak off to. After years of sneaking off and no one noticing she started to believe."

Gui sighed listening, he of course knew this story, he was the story but hearing her tell it put him at ease some how. He figured it was because of her soft tone voice that graced his hearing.

"Believe Qwunti's treacherous words he spoke. He was suborn, humble, courageous and a leader. He soon had people that came regularly. He soon had a devotee.

Her name was Zavi. It was at the age of seventeen that he noticed her. Her wild brown hair song with the breezes drum, her green eyes sharp with understanding. Father said time stopped but mother said it had all happened in a quick blur. His brown eye's met hers in a hungry frenzy. He was curious and she was puzzling. He knew who she was. The overly due princess that denied every man her time. So why was she giving it to him? It didn't seem like she was going to stop or take notes on his preaching. She just stood there. Listening. Not objecting, not putting in input, not agreeing. Just listening with her sharp emerald gaze. He watched her the whole time sometimes forgetting to speak up or even speak.

He found himself nervous. About what? He didn't know. The more he felt nervous the more sharper her gaze felt. He didn't stop preaching though but he noticed her everyday from then on.

When he was nineteen his crowd got too big and so did his beliefs. The sixth chief and his elders had him summoned. When Zavi went to his meeting the next afternoon. She found a hectic crowd.

A crowd of non listeners. When she heard he was taken she knew by who. She ran towards the place she would constantly run from. Her father wasn't very pleased to have the boy that caused so much problems in his home. "Explain," So Qwunti did. He explained his want to be free. To make peace with the outsiders. The chief listened carefully and to his surprise he enjoyed the young man's braveness. He let the boy go with a warning. The elders didn't like that but the chief didn't see anything wrong with the young boy's way of thinking. He found himself agreeing to most of his words but still the ordeal could not be broken.

By the time the meeting was over Zavi found herself relieved but confused to see Qwunti's beautiful dark skin untouched and with a smile on his face. It was then that she knew she cared for the young speaker. He smiled at her. 'I see you came to my rescue.' A red blush took a hold her bronze face. She wiped the sweat off her thick brow.

'Not that you needed it.' He snickered walking past her. She humphed crossing her arms. Then he paused his back still facing her. 'Does your family know?' She knew what he was asking but decided to avoid his question. 'Why do you continue to give false hope?, you do know we'll never leave this shell right?' He turned to her serious this time. 'Because if I don't who will, I rather give false hope than to never try, would you rather die on this shell knowing you lived up to you're purpose or die knowing what was in store but not try to change it?" Her eye's opened briefly before narrowing once more. He spoke so calmly, so unfazed it bothered her.

'My father doesn't give second chances.' He smiled. 'You'll be there rescue me just make sure your on time that time.' with that he walked away. Leaving her to smile."

The turtle grunted, he wanted to hear more but his storyteller had soon fell asleep on his head. He wanted to wake her up not just because of the story or the fact that she needed to fulfill her destiny. No. It was because the young storyteller was drooling. His eyes narrowed.

He couldn't put it off any longer.

Remember I don't own the avatar series, this is a fanfiction. I wrote this for fun and for my personal enjoyment.