Annnnnnnnnnnd we're back!

I do not own Pokemon.

Chapter 4: Picking Up the Pieces

By the time they returned to the gym, the sun had set enveloping Lumiose City in an orange glow. Clemont opened the doors and let Ash and Bonnie inside closely followed by Hawlucha and Noivern. Ash stumbled in the hallway nearly falling over.

"Are you okay, Ash?" asked Clemont. "Do you need to sit down?"

It wouldn't be a surprise. Considering how long Ash must've been tied to that chair, it's only natural his leg muscles would be a little weak at first.

"I'm fine," grumbled Ash. "Quit asking."

"Sorry, I'm just worried."

Ash sighed.

"I know, but I'm fine. Just tired."

Clemont smiled.

"It has been a long day. Sit down for a bit okay, I'll get you something to eat."

Clemont let out a sigh and went into the kitchen he pulled an orange juice carton out of the fridge. Bonnie joined him and sat on a chair and rubbed her wet eyes.

"I can't believe it. He's actually back. This isn't a dream is it?"

If it is I never want to wake up.

Clemont poured a glass for Bonnie, Ash and himself.

"What has dad told you about...this?"

Bonnie shrugged.

"Not much, just that those bad people hurt Ash and that he's really shaken up about it. So Dad said Ash is staying here?"

"Yeah, for now at least. We can't just let him go back to Kanto on his own. Not while his mum's sick. Want to help me make the sandwiches?"

Bonnie nodded.


After a few minutes, Clemont, holding a plate of sandwiches and a glass of orange juice, peeked into the living room. Ash was sitting on the sofa. He and Pikachu were clutching on to each other. Hawlucha sat next to him while Noivern was curled up on the floor looking miserable. Clemont couldn't blame him. The Sound Wave pokemon had worked so hard to learn how to fly and for that to be snatched away, completely nullifying the progress he made. It was enough to make Clemont's blood boil. Was it really not enough that they were torturing Ash? Did they really have to make his pokemon suffer too?

Clemont tiptoed in and knelt in front of Ash.

"Here Ash, it's your favourite."

"Thanks," said Ash as he begrudgingly accepted the plate. Bonnie came in with bowls of pokemon food.

"Here, food for everyone."

Pikachu jumped onto the floor and happily dug in. Clemont smiled. This was the first time in two years they didn't have to coax Pikachu into eating.

Ash was practically inhaling his food. Even more so than usual.

"Ash, slow down, you're gonna choke if you're not careful."

Ash stopped eating for a second then sighed. Clemont smiled.

"Just take your time okay, no one's going to take it from you."

Ash nodded then resumed eating, a bit more slowly this time.

"Sir, you have returned."

Clemont turned to see Clembot at the doorway.

"I wish, to inform you that several people have called asking for you."

Clemont nodded.

"Thanks, Clembot, anything urgent?"

"They were inquiring about Ash. I believe the news of his reappearance has reached international shores."

That was quick.

"They have given me their names and phone number," said Clembot as he handed Clemont a piece of paper. "Ash, I'm glad to see that you've returned."

Ash nodded.


Clembot bowed and left the room. Clemont checked the list of numbers he was given. There were several names he recognised like Sawyer, Tierno and Alain, but there other names which didn't ring a bell with him like, Brock, Misty and someone named Dawn. Clemont groaned and mentally kicked himself when he realized he hasn't called Serena yet. When he had finally gotten hold of her two years back to tell her the awful news she had dropped everything and returned to Kalos to help them look. Clemont tried to tell her to continue her dream, going as far as saying that Ash would want her to, but she wouldn't hear it. She was currently staying with her mother. Clemont hoped Grace wasn't giving Serena too hard a time. After all as she told him, she wasn't giving up on her dream. She was just putting it on hold.

"Come on, Noivern you've got to eat something," said Bonnie as she knelt by the pokemon who wouldn't so much as look at his food. "You've got to take your medicine too."

Hawlucha having finished his food, hobbled over and tried his luck but Noivern just looked away. Clemont's heart sank. Noivern was taking this worse than he thought. What could he do? The captors surely wouldn't have fed Ash's pokemon adequately. If he didn't eat he would just get sicker. Ash got up and sat by Noivern holding out his last sandwich.

"Noivern try this sandwich instead."

Noivern didn't so much as look up.

"Please Noivern, you haven't eaten anything decent for ages."

Deciding to leave Ash to it, Clemont got up and went into the kitchen. He dialled Serena's number on the phone. It was a good thing he and Serena exchanged their numbers in case either of them had information. After a couple of rings, she answered.

"Clemont, hello, everything okay?" She asked. She seemed to already be in her pyjamas.

Clemont had to smile but didn't let this distract him from the reason he called.

"So you didn't hear the news, Serena?"

"Sorry...what news? Shauna had me out all day shopping." After a brief pause, Serena's eyes widened. "Wait….did…..did they..."

"Yes. They found him. Ash is with me."

For a moment there was only silence. Clemont wondered if this was how it sounded to Officer Jenny when she called him. Clemont would've laughed at the role reversal if he thought it appropriate. Serena covered her mouth and tears gushed out of her eyes as she let out a gasp.

"Is he okay? Tell me he's okay?!"

"He's...a bit shaken up, but otherwise he's fine."

"Can I speak to him?"

"I...I don't know if he's...up to it right now. He already refused to speak one of his friends today. He's been through...something terrible."

"I get that but…it's been two years Clemont. Two years of uncertainty for all of us. I just want to hear his voice. To know I'm not dreaming."

"Well...okay, but I can't promise anything."

"Thanks, Clemont."

Clemont walked into the living room only to find the sofa empty.

"Bonnie where's Ash?"

Bonnie who was brushing Dedenne looked up.

"He said he was tired so I showed him where he was going to sleep. Shouldn't I have?"

" it's fine just..."

Clemont went back to his phone.

"Sorry, Serena, Ash has already gone to bed it seems."

A sigh Clemont emitted from the phone.

"Alright, is it okay if I call again tomorrow? Around noontime?"

Clemont smiled, appreciating that Serena was at least giving Clemont ample time to warn Ash.

"Sure, no problem, like I said though I can't promise anything."

"That's fine, thanks Clemont. Bye."


Clemont sighed and hung up. This was going to be fun to explain to Ash. He turned to Bonnie who was now bringing the plates in.

"Did Noivern end up eating anything?"

"No, but Ash got him to drink some water and take his medicine at least."

Clemont nodded relieved. That would have to do for now. Clemont started dialling another number.

Alright one down, several more to go.

After a couple of hours, Clemont finally hung up after the last call. Everyone was very relieved to hear that Ash was now safe. Brock was the calmest out of all of them though he did nearly drop the noodles he was eating. Clemont promised him that he would call as soon as Ash was up to talking to him. Dawn screeched so loud that Clemont had to cover his ears. Professor Sycamore and Garchomp had to hold Alain in place so that he didn't come charging into the gym. It was a rare sight to see the usually stoic trainer act all frenzied, but who can blame him? He was like this since he learned Ash was missing. He searched the airport from top to bottom much to the staff's chagrin. Only Mairin was able to calm him down and to this day Clemont had no idea how.

Clemont stood up and after a little stretch got ready for bed. Once his nighttime routine was complete he went into his bedroom where Ash was fast asleep on an inflatable bed that Meyer had likely set up. When his dad had time to do that Clemont didn't have a clue, but at least Ash had somewhere decent to sleep.

Clemont sat on his own bed and watched his best friend sleep. He was still wearing the sweater he got from the station which didn't surprise Clemont in the slightest. He had his arm over Pikachu who was curled up next to him. Considering that Hawlucha and Noivern weren't around Clemont guessed they must've been recalled to their pokeballs for the night. There really wasn't any room for two teenagers and three pokemon, one of them being somewhat large into this bedroom. It was decently sized but the addition of the inflatable bed does compromise space a little bit. Not that he blamed Ash for this.

Clemont yawned and lied on his side continuing to watch Ash slumber until he fell asleep himself.


Clemont shot up at the noise. He searched the room in panic for a moment before he saw Ash sitting up in bed hugging his legs. His mattered hair covered his face. Pikachu was right next to him trying to get his trainer to calm down, but having little success.

Clemont was at Ash side in an instant.

"Ash! Ash, it's okay you were dreaming!


After a few shaky breaths, Ash looked at Clemont, tears were flowing from his eyes.

"He...he was gonna kill them..."

Clemont couldn't help it. He pulled the trembling Ash into his arms.

"Shhh, shhh, it's okay Ash. You're okay. You're safe. You're pokemon are safe. Nobody is getting hurt and nobody is getting killed. Not anymore."

Ash clutched onto Clemont's pyjama shirt as the blonde stroked Ash's hair, whispering soothing words to him.

"You're safe, Ash. You're safe. No one is going to hurt you anymore. I promise."

After a few more minutes, Ash finally started to calm down. Clemont had to admit he was surprised that this didn't wake Bonnie up. Ash pulled away from him and rubbed his tear-stained eyes.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't apologise Ash. I know you couldn't help it."

"But it's so dumb, letting a stupid nightmare get to me. It….it just felt….so real. Like… I was…. back….."

"It's not dumb Ash. You've been through something...terrible. Anyone would be shaken." said Clemont as he placed his hand on Ash's. "It's okay now though. You're safe here with us."

Pikachu nodded in agreement.


Ash nodded, moving some hair out of his face.

"I know, but...I just..."

Ash let out a sigh.

"Look, I don't wanna talk about it okay. Not yet."

Clemont rubbed Ash's back. Ash flinched slightly but didn't pull away.

"That's perfectly fine Ash. There's no rush."

"Thanks. I...I'll be okay now. You can go back to bed if you want."

Clemont smiled slightly

"Ash, I think we both know that neither of us will be sleeping after something like this."

"I'll be fine Clemont, promise. Just need to think."

Clemont sighed and nodded.

"Okay, I'll be here if you need me."

After Ash nodded Clemont reluctantly moved from Ash's bed and back to his own.

"Thanks, Clemont," said Ash. "I...kinda needed that."

Clemont smiled and nodded.

"No problem Ash."

And with that Clemont lied down to try and win this already losing battle to return to sleep.


Sorry if this is a bit lackluster, this was a hard chapter to write. Might be a little while before the next chapter is up. For…reasons. ;) I will update this story as often as I can though. It might just take some time.