Hey guys! This story was inspired by 8 hours of looking at a wall and a few great stories I have read recently. Keep in mind story is not 100% canon so it will venture from the timeline. Also I am short on time for this story along with my other so updates may be spaced out as well as the info may not hold 100% true to how the universe actually works in the way of a Sangheili traditions so please bear with me on that.

With all that being said I hope you enjoy. Though the plot of the story is planned out, what happens in the middle is not completely set in stone. If you have an idea you'd like to see feel free to send it to me.

Heresy (June 2517)

Rosha 'Sradomee POV

The Elite stared down at her helmet. Satisfied at the condition it was in she proudly places the helmet on her head and turns back towards Unggoy accompanying her in the armory.

"Why do I keep you around. You knew this raid was tonight. Why have you waited until the last minute to clean my gear Dumbling?!" Rosha talked down to the servant, a small Unggoy named Dumlim. She often referred to him as a more insulting variant of his name. Dumlim was smaller than the usual Unggoy; runt of the pack if you will.

"M-Many apologies Misstress... I-" Dumlim stuttered out. Rosha cut him off.

"I tire of your excuses. Disappoint me one more time and I'll have your brothers polish it with your blood!... understand?" Rosha hissed.

Deep down Rosha couldn't have cared less as long as the deed was done. But she was aggravated by how she was looked at constantly. She was an outcast.

Traditionally speaking, female Sangheili were suppose to watch after home, take care of children, comfort a suitor whom could care less about her as long as she bears children and satisfies his needs.

That was the life Rosha was suppose to be living. She couldn't bear the thought of it. Luckily enough for her her genetics pulled through and saved her from the torturous fate she was intended to live. Shortly after her start of training for the Home Guard, her fighting skills and physical strength quickly brought attention from the Home Guard council. She surpassed all in her class, surprisingly equaling the strength and grit of even male Sangheili. Just before swearing the oath of the Home Guard the lead council member, along with a Sangheili General pulled her aside and offered her dream... a chance to join the Covenant army. She of course would have to prove her self to the General to show she was worthy of even his presence. That didn't take long. One round with a Sangheili in military training, handpicked by the General himself showed her potential.

Her parents nearly disowned her once they found out she was trying out to join the Covenant army. Ever since she was a youngling, her parents had tried time and time again to stir her away from her dreams of joining the armies. "You could never perform to the standards of their ranks" they'd say in attempts to squash her hope. And it nearly worked. Until one fateful day that General showed up.

"Y-yes Mistress! It won't happen again!" The Unggoy hastily responded.

"Get out in my sights" she snarled as she grabbed her weapons; a Type 25 DER (Direct Energy Rifle) and Type 25 DEP (Direct Energy Pistol)

"At once!" Dumlim said as he rushed out of the armory.

"Stupid Unggoy..." Rosha mumbled to herself as she grabbed the rest of her gear.

Time of departure was coming on fast. Rosha, pleased with what she had, made her way for the docking bays.

The other squads had already started loading into the phantoms.

General Thal 'Vugamee watched over as the Troops filed into the dropships.

Another invasion. A few prior to the op Covenant intelligence officers uncovered yet another human colony. The humans referred to this colony as Eridanus II. Their orders were to, as usual wipe the surface clean if all vermin.

"Rosha... you're late... I'm surprised they keep you here" Major Khivu 'Hatumee snarled out to her as she entered the phantom.

It took every fiber in her body to keep her from punching the Major. She ignored the Sangheili and made way to her station.

"All who walk the blessed path will find salvation, even in death.

Out of darkness, these blades will light our way.

Glory and honor guide our ascension.

On the blood of our fathers, on the blood of our sons.

The true devotee honors our name with actions, not words.

Victory is secured not from the throne, but from the frontlines.

With this sacrament of blood we journey into the divine beyond"

The troops echoed the Oath of the Covenant as the ship departed for the surface.

The planets primitive orbital defenses have already been dealt with leaving the planet completely defenseless.

Unlike most human planets they invade, rather than glassing the planet, it was to act as bait to lure in the humans military, the UNSC, so they could wipe out yet another one of their fleets.

Rosha's target was a small city on the coast of the planets mainland.

Despite being proud of her own accomplishments of joining and rising to the rank she has within the Covenant army, the war they were fighting was a bit odd to her.

'What made the humans so bad?' She knew of the stories the prophets have told of there unholy nature and background but other than the prophets word there has been no proof of the heresy they are accused of committing so long ago. She of course never voiced her opinions... doing so would be heresy in its self it question anything a prophet says. What they state is law and all those who oppose in anyway are shamed, dishonored, and executed. Not what she wanted to happen to her or her family name.

"LZ is secured. We will be there shortly... prepare yourselves" a voice boomed throughout the ship.

The aircraft slowed to a halt and opened the side hatches.

"Go brothers... cleanse this planet of all whom are unholy!" The same voice boomed.

Rosha and her squad leaped from the craft. The other troops split to there assigned zones.

"Ready yourselves" Rosha stated. Her team consisted of two minor Elites and three Unggoy. The only person she truly knew was Khaze 'Daramee. The only Elite she has ever met whom accepted her into the ranks. The others respected her only for her rank. But Khaze was the only one who seemed to look past the fact that his commanding officer was a female.

The group readied there weapons and began making their way down the hillside.

It was a slaughter. This planet had no military. Or if it did it was a weak one. Most of the humans Rosha came across were civilian. But orders were orders. Honorable or not.

The only true resistance were these men in black uniforms. They didn't have anything bigger than a rifle. At least they were armed though.

The civilians ran as Rosha and her team moved in, killing all who came across their path. They didn't stand a chance.

The act disgusted Rosha. Yes these... creatures were unholy and evil in nature but that doesn't justify this dishonorable tactic.

For the Sangheili, to not give an opponent a chance at an honorable duel was seen as a crime.

But, it was the will of the prophets she'd tell herself.

"Rosha, take you and your team to the eastern sector of the city, we'll cover the west" the communication devise rang in her ear.

"Understood... Brothers, our fight moves east towards the shores"

Hundreds from bodies laid in there wake. Killed in cold blood. They found themselves in a sectioned if part of the city. The section had many small building within.

'Civilian living quarters maybe?' Rosha thought to her self as they entered the sector.

It has already been hit.

"Split up, search the building for any survivors... Khaze, split Unggoy and search this section. Ruan, take the remaining Unggoy and head further East. We'll link up once our work here is done"

"Yes, ma'am... happy hunting" Ruan forced himself to say ma'am. He may be set in his old ways but she was still his superior.

The group split and started searching the houses. Out of the first five house she only found three humans. It tore at her honor to kill them but to do other wise was death.

She kicked in the door to the sixth house. The room was lifeless. She caught sight of blood trail rounding the corner and began moving towards the back of the building.

She readied her weapons and rounded the corner.

Two human corpses leaned against the corner of the wall, one grasping to the other. She lowered her weapons and continued her search.

Rosha moved upstairs and began half-heartedly searching a small, tiled room. Just before giving up on the building a small clanking noise followed by a short gasp emitted from an adjacent room.

'Why couldn't you have waited?' She mentally asked the human as she made her way to the room.

Rosha readies her Plasma Rifle and kicks in the door.

A small boy in the center of the room gasped, dropped something, and crawled back towards the corner of the room.

"Dammit" she cursed to herself.

Killing unarmed non-combatants was one thing but a kid...

Tears ran down the kids face. He must have been the their child.

Her mind was split. To not kill this child was seen as a rebellious act, punishable by her family name being tainted and death. Killing this boy breaks the Sangheili code of honor. It was a lose lose scenario. Even with a weapon this kid probably couldn't sufficiently defend himself.

The crying kid stared up at her in terror.

Rosha aimed the plasma rifle at him.

He sniffles his nose a little and slammed his eyes shut.

We killed his parents, he'll surely grow up to become a soldier of their armies. She tried justifying the murder anyway she could.

Even with the justifiable thoughts, this went against every fiber of her being.

"What is holding you?... do you require assistance? Our area is secured..." Khaze buzzed in through the communicator. Rosha jumped at the sound of his voice.

That would have been bad if he saw what was going on right now.

Rosha sighed in defeat and lowered the rifle. She turned away from the child and clicked on the communicator and responded to the Sangheili "no, this area is clear... meet up with Ruan. I'll be there shortly"

"Yes ma'am" Khaze responded.

She turned back toward the small human, whom never took sights off of her.

"You shouldn't be here... why'd you have to make a sound. You couldn't have just stayed still for a few unites longer" she vented.

The kid Sunk deeper into the corner. He couldn't understand her of course. For all he knew she just blurted out a Sangheili war cry.

She frustratedly half raises the rifle at him. It seemed heavier than ever. She willed the weapon to misfire so it would be over with but nothing happened.

She couldn't bring herself to conduct the dishonorable deed.

She sighs, holsters the rifle and begins to turn away. She stopped one last time before leaving. She stared down at her rifle still split on what to do.

Her eyes were drawn off the rifle and trained on what the kid dropped when she entered. It was a strange, brown fuzzy object. She bent over to pick it up. It was soft.

'What is this thing' Rosha found the object interesting. Her concentration was broke by a small wisp from the boy. He stared between her and the object.

"Count yourself lucky human..." she tried to sound and look as harmless as possible. A bit hard to do when loaded down with weapons and covered in blood. She walked up to the human who shut his eyes and cowered back into the corner.

A few moments pass and the kid reopen his eyes to see the stuffed object held in front of his face.

He timidly reaches out for the thing and quickly pulls it to his chest and hugs it with all his strength.

Fearing she would get caught. Rosha rushes out of the room and makes her way back to her squad.

As she exited the building the communicator buzzed in"... General Thal 'Vugamee to all unites. Prepare yourselves... the human army has arrived..."

Well there's chapter 1 hope you enjoyed. Like I said earlier training is currently hindering me from updating as often as I want to, but they will come in time.