AN: I want to be perfectly clear from the get go, that this fanfic is going to rely heavily on the plot from a wonderful Korean Drama "What's Wrong With Secretary Kim." Go watch it! While the plot of the drama will be modified, I thought others might have fun seeing the Inuyasha cast take on these roles. Enjoy!

"He's not only the youngest CEO in the country, but the most competent to boot. Since taking charge of the Takahashi group, profits have nearly doubled," a handsome man explained to his group of friends.

"Not to mention he's ridiculously attractive," a blonde woman in an evening gown giggled, sipping her cocktail. "But I heard that he's finally dating someone."

"I haven't wanted to brag," a beautiful brunette responded, leaning in towards her group of friends, "but it's me." She flipped her hair over her shoulder before haughtily continuing, "I guess someone worthy finally caught his eye."

Leaning back in his chair, swirling whiskey in his glass, the man countered, "I bet you haven't even touched him yet. I heard a rumor that he doesn't allow women to touch him. Ever."

The brunette paused, stirring her drink. "Well, we've only been going out for a month, so it isn't that weird, right?"

The blonde blinked before responding, "But you've held hands and kissed, right? Like, normal stuff?"

The brunette leveled her with a glare before responding, "We're taking things slow. Who are you to judg—"

She was cut off by the group standing to greet the very man they had been gossiping about. Hand stretched, the handsome one began, "Kouga, how are you this evenin—"

Kouga breezed by, ignoring the attractive group of people who were clearly vying for his attention; instead he made a beeline for a plush velvet couch.

As he rubbed his brow, the brunette sidled up to him. "Kouga, baby, what's wrong? How can I help?" she purred, leaning into his shoulder.

As his glanced flicked over her, he disdainfully remarked, "You're way too close, Kagura. Move."

Kagura quickly slid away from him. While she collected her thoughts, she turned to observe him again. Typically a polished, hard-to-ruffle man, something clearly was bothering Kouga today. From a safe distance, she decided to pry. Batting her lashes and pouting, she implored, "Tell me what's wrong, baby. Maybe I can help?"

Staring at his hands clasped in his lap, he ignored Kagura. Instead, he muttered to himself, "I just don't understand. What is wrong with…?"

Kagura leaned in slightly, "What was that? I don't think I heard you."

Kouga's gaze snapped upright before turning to Kagura. "I wasn't talking to you, but I said, 'What is wrong with Secretary Higurashi?'"

He stood up abruptly, smoothing his tuxedo. "I have to figure this out. I'll be taking my leave now."

As Kouga began to briskly walk away, Kagura stood quickly, inquiring, "Is there any way I can help?"

He paused before turning back to look at her. "No, I don't believe you can." He paused again, "Just remember not to touch me. You don't have that privilege" Spinning on his heel, he breezed through the doors of the lounge, leaving Kagura with her mouth agape.


Kagome breezed into Kouga's home, selecting his suit, tie, and watch for the day. After surveying her selections—and nodding to herself at her impeccable taste—she brought the items over to him for his inspection.

"What are your thoughts on this ensemble, sir?" She asked, smiling politely.

At his brisk nod, Kagome bowed before walking out the room, returning after exactly 3 minutes to help him secure his tie. Just like every other day, Kagome thought to herself, internally rolling her eyes.

Kouga surveyed himself in the mirror approvingly. "I must say, Secretary Higurashi, I make this suit look good."

Kagome continued smiling politely as she nodded, "Yes, sir, the suit looks good on you, as we would expect given that it was tailored to your body."

Kouga turned from the mirror to glance at Kagome, "You misunderstand me, I didn't say that the suit looks good, I said that I make—"

Kagome's phone ringing interrupted him. With a quick glance at the screen, she remarked, "You won't want to take this call, sir. It's the executive director."

"Good point, why ruin my good mood with his incompetence." Kouga turned to Kagome inquisitively, "Secretary Higurashi, you're good at your job. I'm great at my job. Why are most people so incompetent?"

Kagome smiled indulgently, "Not everyone can be as perfect as you, sir."

Kouga chuckled, "Quite right, Secretary Higurashi." He paused before continuing, "Speaking about imperfection, don't forget that tonight we will attend the Portuguese ambassador's party."

Eyeing himself in the mirror once more, he continued, "We have to make a good impression as we work to expand our client base in Europe."

"Absolutely, sir," Kagome smiled as she gave a quick bow.

The twinkling lights in the ambassador's garden created a romantic atmosphere. Kouga noted the various women in evening gowns who seemed to be vying for the attention of well-dressed men in tuxes. He paused in his survey momentarily, seemingly noticing something of great interest to him. As he began walking over, a group of girls began to excitedly chatter.

"Oh, check my hair, Kouga is coming over this way!"

"Ugh, your hair looks fine. How is my make up?"

"The more important question is if we have any food in our teeth!"

"Oh my goodness he's coming clos—"

The conversation stopped abruptly as Kouga breezed through the group of women, making his way towards his target. Meeting him at his destination, Kagome politely smiled while internally rolling her eyes, yet again.

"Tell me, Secretary Higurashi, is the mirror accurately portraying my handsomeness?" Kouga asked, turning to admire himself from multiple angles.

Kagome smiled indulgently, "Yes, sir. You look very handsome tonight."

Kouga put a hand over his heart, "Why, Secretary Higurashi, I never thought I'd hear you say those words. I thought you would maybe compliment my tuxedo, or perhaps my watch. But for you to compliment my princely appearance? I'm almost speechless."

Kagome kept her smile in place as she gestured towards the town car waiting for them. "I aim to please, sir. Are you ready to leave for the evening?"

"Yes, I think I've made all the connections that I need to make for the evening." Sliding into the car, he turned to her, "I trust you had a pleasant time? The evening gown seemed to fit fine."

Kagome smiled politely and nodded, "I did, sir. Thank you for asking."

"While I don't really understand it, you certainly seemed to attract the attention of that group of Spaniards," he remarked overly casually while examining his watch.

Kagome rolled her eyes before composing her face into a smile. "I used the opportunity to talk about our investment portfolio, sir. Whenever they hinted at anything other than business, I gestured to something at the party using my left hand."

Waving her hand around, Kagome drew Kouga's attention to the ring on her finger. "I always wear a ring to these events, sir. Keeps the focus on business."

Kouga laughed. "Well done, Secretary Higurashi. As a reward for doing such a great job tonight, I'd like to give you a gift. Ask for anything you'd like—except for me, of course, I'm off the table." Kouga laughed, looking out the window.

Kagome paused before turning to look at him. "As always, sir, your timing is impeccable."

"Of course it is. You know—"

"I would like for you to find a new secretary. I am putting in my two weeks' notice," Kagome swiftly interjected.

Kouga turned to Kagome in disbelief. "You want me to what? Why?"

Kagome smiled serenely. "Find a new secretary, sir. For personal reasons."

Kouga's expression tightened as he frowned at Kagome. "If that's what you want, Secretary Higurashi. Makes no difference to me."

AN: I hope you enjoyed! Let me know your thoughts and what you predict will happen.