Hi there! This will become a series of chapters, containing both the the Avengers and HP universes.

Rated T for mature/dark themes

The Amazon Rainforest, Brazil, 2019

Luna Lovegood poked her head out of a bush, wand at the ready. Surrounded by large, waxy leaves, she frowned with concentration, her small, leather-bound book lying open next to her. It was filled to the brim with detailed sketches of various animals. For the past two years, she had been documenting her new discoveries of exotic beasts of the world, composing a manuscript of her travels. Often, her studies led her to remote areas such as this, where these hidden creatures lurked under the radars of both wizard and muggle alike. Now, after months of endless searching, she was finally within reach of the creature she had seen in her dreams.

"Lumos," she whispered, illuminating a tiny set of tracks. Sweating, she blew a lock of white hair out of her face and crawled after the tracks.

The paw prints continued on without avail until she reached a small stream. To anyone else, it looked like a normal stream: tiny minnows darted to and fro through the water, while groups of brightly colored frogs hopped about the edge. But Luna was not fooled. She could sense a presence there; a powerful force undetectable by magic. The same force she knew had belonged to the creator of the tracks. Quiet as death, she waited, not daring to cast a spell, not even daring to breathe, or to make any sound. Soon, just as she anticipated, it appeared.

The creature simply blinked into existence, disobeying all laws of magic and physics in the process. It was beautiful, a mix of colors and patterns alike. It looked like-Luna couldn't tell what it looked like. The longer she stared at it, the more its appearance changed, as it tailored itself to fit her imagination. The creature stared at her, straight into her soul, it seemed, tilting its head to the side as if it were amused by her.

"What are you?" she asked it in the region's native language, though she really didn't expect it to answer. Creatures rarely did. As she anticipated, it simply stared at her, silently repeating the question back.

Suddenly, as if an alarm had gone off, the creature screeched, a sad, piercing sound that made Luna double over, covering her ears. Dazed, she wondered, what had upset the creature who was now blinking in and out of existence, letting out a feral cry. Then, she felt it. A malicious wave of cold that settled over the lifeblood of the forest. It seemed to knock the balance of the universe out, sending it plunging into chaos. Fumbling, she grabbed for her wand. She had to warn the others.

They were all in danger.

The Hogwarts Express, same time

Albus Severus Potter jolted awake to the sound of the trolley lady creaking open the ancient compartment door.

"Anything from the trolley, dears?"

Albus glanced across the compartment, to where to his best friend Scorpius Malfoy lay spread out on the opposite bench, trying to dye his banana-blonde hair black with his wand. Based on the dark splotches across his head, he was not having any success. Albus turned back to the trolley lady and dug out a few Sickles, offering them to her.

"I'll take some toffees."

As the lush, English countryside passed their window in a blur, the duo happily picked apart the desserts. Scorpius finally gave the hair-dying a rest, turning it back to its former color.

"I though Rose might like it," he explained, mouth full of candy, when Albus expressed his disapproval on the matter. Albus rolled his eyes. Ever since they started their sixth year, Scorpius had been trying to woo Rose so he could ask her out to the Snow Ball. First it was his "improved" wardrobe, now this hair dying. Albus had had enough.

"Why are you so obsessed with her, mate?" Albus said. "She hates you!"

"We're just meant to be." Albus snorted at this. "Speaking of which, d'you think my dad will let me stay with you over this holiday?"

"I don't know." Albus picked up another toffee and popped it in his mouth. "I hope so. Aunt Fleur and Uncle Charlie are supposed to be staying with us. Between them and my brother, I don't think I can handle it alone." He shuddered as he recalled last year's holidays, which was devoid of any real fun, as his every waking moment was spent doing forced French lessons with Aunt Fleur or being pranked by his brother, who still favored calling him "Sniveling Slytherin" in front of all of their guests. His thoughts were interrupted by the opening of their compartment door once more. His cousin Rose stuck her head in. Instantly, Scorpius perked up.

"Albus, why haven't you changed into your muggle clothes already?" she reprimanded him. "We're pulling up at the station soon!" Albus sighed.

"Alright, bossy, I'll do it soon," he grumbled. Scorpius held out his bag of toffees to Rose.

"Want a tof-fee? They're good for your liver!" Albus cringed at Scorpius' terrible social skills.

"You are so weird," Rose replied, laughing. Perhaps she didn't hate him so much after all. Scorpius smiled and winked at Albus, earning another eye roll from him.

"So, Rose," Scorpius started. "I was wondering-" He was cut short by a loud scream that echoed down the train. Outside the compartment, his classmates rushed around each other, yelling incomprehensibly. Albus ran to the window, trying to make out what all the commotion was about, but he couldn't see past the wall of kids blocking the window in the door. His ears started to ring loudly. Behind him, Rose collapsed.

"Rose!" Scorpius yelled, panicked. "What's wrong!?" He tried to get her to stand up put she refused to move, turning a sickly white. Albus rushed over, pulling his wand out.

"Don't-feel so...good," Rose whispered. Then, to their horror, she began to dissolve into dust, starting from her feet up. Albus tried muttering a few healing incantations they had learned over the fall, but nothing seemed to work. Within a few seconds, she had faded away. Scorpius stared at the spot she had just been in not a moment ago, mouth hanging open, too shocked to say anything.

"What the bloody hell just happened?" Albus yelled, shocked.

"Uh, Albus?" Scorpius said nervously. Albus looked up to see him staring at his hands in terror as they dissolved into dust. "What's happening?" He faded away, quicker than Rose had, but in the same fashion. Albus ran to the door, only to find a similar scene outside of it. His peers watched in shock as their friends dissolved into dust, as if they had never existed at all. The train slowed and came to a stop, the compartment door sliding open. He stumbled out into the hallway in a daze, holding onto the wall for support, and didn't even notice at first when Luna Lovegood apparated right next to him with a pop!. Her new tan made it obvious she had been spending time abroad, and her trademark safari jacket was covered in dirt.

"This isn't the ministry," she huffed impatiently in her sing-song voice, raising her wand again, only to notice Albus standing almost two feet away. "Albus?" She saw his devastated expression, and seemed to notice her surroundings for the first time. Her face fell.

"I'm too late," she whispered.

Stay tuned for the next chapter!(Crossover coming very soon!)