Percy: Seaweed Brain

Annabeth: Wise Girl

Thalia: Pinecone Face

Reyna: RARA

Jason: Sparky

Piper: Beauty Queen

Leo: Bad Boy Supreme

Grover: Save Nature!

Hazel: Witch Girl

Frank: Klutz

Nico: Death Boy

Sadie: Literal Goddess

Carter: Smart Guy

Walt/Anubis: Ghost King

Zia: Ra's fave

Magnus: Falafel guy

Jack: Riptide's Sweetheart

Alex: Loki's Doom

Samirah: #1 Valkriye

Day One:

[Seaweed Brain has added Literal Goddess, RARA, Wise Girl, Pinecone Face, and 15 others to the group chat Gods of Olympuns]

Seaweed Brain, Wise Girl, Death Boy, Ghost King, and 10 others are online

Death Boy: Who's the Ghost King imposter?

Ghost King: I'm no imposter!

Literal Goddess: Who's calling my boyfriend and imposter?

Smart Guy: Woah, guys! Chill!

Literal Goddess: I will smack you upside the head brother dear, unless you SHUT UP!



RARA: Who game me this nickname?

Seaweed Brain: I am wisely not going to answer that

Klutz: I'm not a klutz!

Death Boy: Why am I not ghost king? :(

Seaweed Brain: Are you a GOD?

Death Boy: no

Seaweed Brain: So Anubis/Walt gets Ghost King.

Death Boy: Wait.. Anubis... Egyptian god... GODS MY HEAD IS GOING TO EXPLODE MORE NAMES?!

Wise Girl: What, you thought you were the only one who could keep a pantheon secret from another pantheon?

Save Nature! is now online

Seaweed Brain: Nice one!

Save Nature!: Gods I saw the word pantheon on my phone and came here right away. DID YOU SAY I NEED TO MEMORIZE EGYPTIAN GODS TOO?! I JUST FINISHED ROMAN GODS PERCY WHY?

Death Boy: Also, I don't recall you keeping the Egyptian pantheon secret, since you added a Egyptian god to the group chat.

Save Nature!: OOOFFF

Pinecone Face: Are you going to let the rest of us get a word in edgewise?

Ra's fave: I've been waiting for the past ten minutes.

Sparky: Who's Ra's fave?

Smart Guy: My girlfriend.

Bad Boy Supreme: Smart Guy and Ra, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G

Smart Guy: Ugggghhhh

Smart Guy is now offline

Witch Girl: Why am I labeled witch girl? I'M NOT A WITCH!

Klutz: Gods, it's the 40s all over again. Or was it 30s?

Witch Girl: Both

[Seaweed Brain has changed Witch Girl's nickname to Magic Girl]

Magic Girl: Thank you!

Literal Goddess: Right. As if my day wasn't messed up enough!

[Falafel guy, Riptide's Sweetheart, and 2 others are online.]

Bad Boy Supreme: Riptide's Sweetheart, eh? Details plz

Seaweed Brain: I added Jack as a joke... He's a sword! How does he even use a phone?

Riptide's Sweetheart: Hey! I'm a state-of-the-art sword! I got this sweet upgrade from Heimdall and I now have a phone integrated into my blade! It's awesome!

Falafel guy: Why's my nickname Falafel guy?

Pinecone Face: Cuz it's obviously the only thing he can remember about you.

Beauty Queen: Okay... I'm outta here before things get inflated.

[Beauty Queen, Klutz, Sparky, Save Nature!, #1 Valkriye, Magic Girl, Ghost King, Death Boy, and RARA are now offline]

Literal Goddess: Cowards!

Riptide's Sweetheart: IKR


Pinecone Face: Right... Is that the best you can do?

Falafel guy: demigods get hurt a lot, so yeah!

Pinecone Face: I'm not an ordinary demigod though

Falafel guy: How so?

Pinecone Face: I'd rather see you tortured trying to figure out what it is ;)

Falafel guy: Jack, why are you playing stayin' alive on MY stereo?

Seaweed Brain: Don't you know?

Falafel Guy: ?

Pinecone Face: Stayin' Alive is basically the demigod theme song.

Falafel guy: ohhhhhh... Just trying to stay alive :)

Loki's Doom: Gods, Magnus, why do I even date a dork like you?

Wise Girl: Wait... You two are dating?

Literal Goddess: Oh! What should their ship name be?

Bad Boy Supreme: Malex?

Seaweed Brain: Chierro?

Riptide's Sweetheart: Fiagnus? Magerro?

Literal Goddess: Chierro

Bad Boy Supreme: It's settled then!

Literal Goddess: Oh by the way, are you Roman or Greek demigods? I'm pretty sure you're not an Egyptian magician, cuz I happen to know all of them

Loki's Doom: We're Norse demigods, and did you say EGYPTIAN?

Literal Goddess: mhmm. So, that's just another pantheon, then! First, I find out Egyptian gods are real, and my boyfriend also happens to be a god, and then I find out Roman and Greek gods are out there, thanks to Setne, and now, on a random sunday, some falafel guy tells me in a group chat, no less, that the Norse gods are out and about as well!

Falafel guy: ...

Literal Goddess: Sorry, that was a bit much, wasn't it?

Seaweed Brain: Uh... Yeah.

Riptide's Sweetheart: I'm just... gonna go.

[Riptide's Sweetheart, Bad Boy Supreme, Falafel guy, Pinecone Face, Seaweed Brain, Loki's Doom, and Wise Girl are now offline]

Literal Goddess: Ookaay, then.

[Literal Goddess is now offline]