Hi guys Azza here!

So finally we've reached Volume III so before I even get into anything story related here is the usual pre story stuff.

If you haven't read Volume I and Volume II you need to go do that otherwise you will have no idea what's going on. Both are massive full of original lore and content with concepts and scenarios that will be appearing from the get go in this story.

Now obviously this is a Fairy Tail x One Piece story predominantly with the Fateverse stuff mixed in. Other series characters will appear in the story at times however they are not the focus.

Now everything else will pretty much work the same, leave a review with a question and I'll answer it if it appears in the review section on my phone app. If it doesn't appear by the time the chapter is out it will be in the next chapter's review section so don't worry.

In regards to PM's I've found that using the phone PM doesn't really work when trying to speak with someone using the PC version of the site which is the version I predominantly use when not reading myself since I don't check PM's via phone so if I say I've sent you a PM check the PC version of the site.

I think that covers everything but if there's anything I've missed let me know and I hope you enjoy Volume III!

I do not own Fairy Tail, One Piece or the Nasuverse.

The Next Great Adventure

Wealth, fame, power.

These three things govern the life of a pirate however very few ever attain all three of these luxuries, save for one man.

Gol D Roger, better known to most as Gold Roger, attained all three and anything else a human being could ever want in life, his lust for freedom thrusting them into the hands of himself and his crew through a series of trials and battles against the world itself.

Roger was a simple man, he sought freedom, he sought to explore the unknown and he sought to forge unbreakable friendships both within his crew and beyond and achieve his desires he did indeed becoming known the world over as both a protector of freedom and a menace to society.

Twenty three years ago Roger conquered the Grand Line, a harsh nigh on inhospitable sea that still remains largely unmapped and uncharted save for those held under lock and key by the Roger Pirates Cartographer.

Twenty three years ago the Roger Pirates discovered a secret on the second half of the Grand Line, a secret that shook fear into the World Government enough to proclaim Roger the King of the Pirates in the hopes that it would inspire the world to come crashing down upon him like a tsunami.

They couldn't have been more wrong.

King of the Pirates became a title far more coveted than any title of nobility, it became a symbol, a testament to what the ideal pirate truly was and it only further inspired more to take up arms and raise the black flag in an effort to attain the title for themselves.

And then one day Roger simply surrendered to the Marines.

The world was shocked as the most powerful man simply handed himself in without a fight, grinning all the way to the execution block where he uttered the phrase that inspired the next generation of pirates.

"What are we doing here Shanks," Natsu asked as he and the Red Haired Devil waded through the crowd. "Where are we anyway?"

"This is my world Natsu and if you are planning on experiencing it to the fullest then you need to see this," Shanks replied as he motioned up to the execution platform.

"Who's that?"

"Well he was my former Captain," Shanks replied sadly. "And I suppose you could say he was my predecessor."

Natsu's eyes narrowed as he studied the man and found himself frozen stiff as the man made eye contact with him, his grin only widening further as his eyes momentarily became Blood Red.

"He's a-!"

"Elder Devil, yeah," Shanks replied. "Youngest one in five centuries to boot."

"What's he doing up there then?"

"He's doing his job," Shanks replied softly. "Just watch and you'll understand."

Natsu watched as the man was lead up onto the execution platform but was utterly baffled by his behaviour. The man walked like a King, his grin never once fading as the guards forced him to kneel as they readied their spears.

"Do you have any last words," one of the guards asked as Roger turned his grin toward the man before holding up his shackled arms.

"Could you perhaps take these off for a bit, I'm beginning to chafe up over here?"

"I-I'm sorry sir but I can't do that …"

"Ah what's the harm it's not like I have anywhere to run, GAHAHAHA!"

The man's behaviour defied all logic and reason yet Natsu found himself compelled to know more about him, how could he face his own death as if it were nothing more than merely another amusement to him.

"No don't worry about it I'll be fine," Roger sighed as he turned his attention back toward the crowd. "Guess I'm on my own for this one so let's just get this over with already."

There was a tense silence as the guards adjusted their spears in preparation for Roger's execution, Natsu could feel the tension building as the crowd began to murmur amongst themselves until a cry from somewhere behind him immediately silenced the entire crowd.


The crowd was stunned but the man continued to scream.


"You there," one of the guards cried out. "Be silent at once!"


"Heheheheh, GAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Roger's laugh seemed to echo across the whole plaza silencing everyone as an almost paralytic tension returned to the crowd.

"You want my treasure?"

"Shut up prisoner," one of the guards snapped though it was completely ignored by Roger who continued to speak.

"You can have it," Roger shouted as the guards quickly raised their spears in an effort to execute him before he could finish speaking. "I left it all in one place!"

"Execute him, now!"


Roger's words died off as the two spears impaled him, killing him instantly despite his power as an Elder Devil which again baffled Natsu but it was the cheering that followed that really threw him for a loop as the crowd exploded.

Shanks quickly took the pair to a deserted alley and pulled out two bottles of rum, tossing one to Natsu and swiftly opening the other taking a long swig.

"Captain Roger had everything a human could ever ask for in life and yet he knew that things needed to change, that his death would bring about a change in human history in this world."

"Is that why he let himself die," Natsu asked taking a swig from the bottle. "To become a martyr of sorts? To inspire these people to find his treasure?"

"The era that follows this moment is known as the Great Pirate Era as tens of thousands of men take up the black flag in the hopes that even just one of them might one day stumble upon Captain Roger's treasure."

"So when you said he was doing his job he let himself be killed to inspire great change across the world," Natsu said barely above a whisper. "What an interesting man."

"Many of the people in this square went on to become big name pirates or marines you know, myself included. It wasn't until a few years later that the Vice Captain for my former crew, Silvers Rayleigh, came along and informed me of my new position that I even knew about the Captain's involvement with Tartaros."

"So you wanted me to see this because you want me to become a pirate in this world too?"

"You have to understand Natsu that in this world there are secrets I can't divulge but I'll try to do my best to explain this. Basically I don't care if you become a pirate or not but whatever you do don't join the World Government."

"Why not?"

"That is for you to learn Natsu as you journey through this world, speaking of which I have two favours I want to ask of you."

"Sure what are they?"

"The first favour is for your help in a little research project the Council has me working on here I could use an extra hand with it."

"Research project?"

"This world has a history with the Devil's Natsu, a history that has been somehow lost to time in a period none of us seem to be able to access almost like its stuck in a-."

"Time lock?"

"Yeah, a time lock," Shanks sighed. "The Council wants to know what was so important about the eight hundred years we are unable to access nor find any records for. Many on the Council think Captain Roger knew what that secret was but chose to allow himself to die and inspire others to search for the One Piece in the hopes that humanity will discover the secret themselves, why else would an Elder Devil allow himself to die?"

"From what I could tell Roger looked like a pretty out there kind of guy so are you sure that he didn't do it just to inspire people?"

"I've brought this up with the Council before and they agree that there's something incredibly wrong about this world."

"How so?"

"Well for starters you've no doubt felt the air saturated with Devil's Aura in a similar fashion to the Elemental Nations and how it was saturated with the God's Aura right?"

"I figured it was a natural thing though I don't have much to compare it to."

"World's aren't usually saturated in Aura like this unless it is, or once was, home to the Gods and Devils of old who used these worlds as staging areas during the war against the Titans. This world had Roger as its Devil before me but before him there are no records Natsu, none!"

"Which means someone or something has deliberately hidden the identities of those who came before from us," Natsu said as his eyes narrowed contemplatively. "I agree that there is something strange going on but what exactly do you want me to do about it?"

"As you journey along you'll likely come across clues surrounding what happened, if you could record them for me I'd be most grateful."

"That doesn't seem too hard; do these clues look like anything in particular?"

"Well first off there are these big stones known as Poneglyphs, massive cubes with an ancient language on them that has to be translated by an expert. If you find any could you write down the symbols on them for me?"

"Yeah I can easily do that."

"Great, next is the Devil Fruits-."

"Devil Fruits!?"

"Yeah here's where things get fun," Shanks said rolling his eyes. "So it's kind of hard to explain this but basically there are these fruits that are comprised of Devil's Aura right and if a human eats one they gain special powers."

"But that's-!"

"As good as gifting Aura to someone yeah I know," Shanks sighed. "I'm not asking for you to try tracking down any Devil Fruits because those damn things are elusive and even then they don't really do anything aside from look like a fruit and give off a faint Devil's Aura signature."

"So what do you want me to do then?"

"If you find one obviously take it and bring it to me but otherwise keep a note on what fruits you encounter out there and a brief summary of the user's powers so we can get a better idea as to how Aura relates to the fruits. So far my research in that field has been pretty slow going since no one lines up to fight me these days."

"I'll do my best Shanks," Natsu replied as the man grinned.

"That's great but now for my second actual request …"

"Alright let's hear it?"

"I want you to tag along with this kid who I know, goes by the name of Luffy," Shanks said as Natsu groaned.

"You want me to play babysitter to some kid!?"

"Nononono, nothing like that! Luffy recently formed his own crew called the Straw Hat Pirates and is quickly getting attention from the World Government and to be honest I can't help but be worried about the little bastard."

"So this kid is travelling around with his crew?"

"He's got his sights set on being the King of the Pirates you know."

"Hmm … well he's going around the world so it would allow me to get that info you wanted faster but there's no guarantee he'll let me join his crew so easily you know?"

"Take this letter and tell him it was from me and it'll most likely get you in," Shanks said handing over a letter he pulled out of his pocket. "Plus it keeps you from being tricked into working for the World Government so that's a win win if I've ever heard of one."

"So you want me to join this Luffy kid on his journey, make sure he doesn't get killed and find you some info?"

"If it's not too much trouble, I know you have the Realis Holy Grail War going on and all but I figured being around some decent people would be good for you when you aren't fighting."

"Well you aren't wrong," Natsu sighed. "Fine I'll do it but this is a big ask Shanks I mean I can't guarantee you I'll find any of this information."

"I know but it's worth a shot after all you seem to get the ball rolling whenever you are thrown into something," Shanks replied with a smirk.

"Alright where is this Luffy kid at now?"

"Well first we need to return to the present time then I can find him," Shanks said as he opened a portal and the pair appeared on the deck of a ship, the crew not even phased that the pair had just walked out onto the deck.

"He's in … Alabasta, interesting."

"Alabasta," Natsu hummed as he closed his eyes. "Ah I see, desert looking area?"

"That's the one," Shanks replied with a grin. "Oh by the way take this," Shanks said running toward the nearby cabin and grabbing a snail like creature.

"A snail?"

"Transponder snail!"


"It's our world's equivalent of a phone," Shanks explained as Natsu took the snail which was as big as his hand. "It'll go belebelebele when its ringing, oh and they often take the appearance of the person whose talking so don't be surprised if it changes shape."

"So who in this world has a moustache that long?"

"Heh, you'll find out," Shanks replied mysteriously. "Now go on and get that letter to Natsu!"

"Sure thing boss," Natsu snorted in response as he vanished and appeared inside his recently built home in Equilibrius. "Seilah, Mordred, we're leaving!"

"Master," Seilah cried flying through the window in an attempt to hug him only for Natsu to duck as she sailed past and crashed into the wall. "Why!"

"Because he doesn't need to be babied Seilah," Mordred replied with a grin as she punched him in the arm. "Hugs are cool but clinging onto him is just dumb."

"Enough you two we've got work to do," Natsu sighed before turning toward Mordred. "By the way I've been thinking a lot the last few days and I've realized that if anyone should hold onto the Holy Grail I won off of Kaguya then it should be you."


"I gave Nobu one because she was statistically weaker than you however with Alice's passing on to the Throne along with Jeanne you are the only one left who would benefit from it."

"A-are you really sure you want me to hold onto something this important Natsu?"

"Are you or are you not my knight Mordred?"

"Of course I am," Mordred responded with a huff.

"Then it is your duty to protect this Grail," Natsu said as he summoned it from his Requip Space. "You saw what a Grail Buff did to Nobu so imagine what it'd do for you Mordred?"

"It could help me better help you in combat …"

"Exactly," Natsu replied as he pressed the Grail to her chest. "I trust you Mordred, don't let your Father's views mix with mine."

The Grail sank into Mordred's chest as she felt a surge of power course through her, power flooding her very being in a way that felt almost familiar …"

"Well you didn't change class or anything," Natsu said after several moments. "The change will show itself in time I'm sure."

"I think I might know what it is but I'll tell you later if I'm right," Mordred replied as she donned her armor minus her helmet with Clarent hoisted lazily over her shoulder.

"Right then I'm gonna change since we're going to a desert," Natsu said as his coat shifted its position.

His coat that once belonged to Nobu now hung loosely from his shoulders though he would never need to worry about it falling off since it was basically an extension of his skin. He didn't bother even creating a shirt instead leaving his entire upper body exposed much to the delight of the two girls in the room.

His pants remained the same, black military pants with combat boots to match Nobu's coat, he swore he'd wear her coat whenever it was viable and he'd be damned if he broke his promise.

Seilah likewise changed her outfit to somewhat match Natsu's donning her own coat however she wore this one properly and had a basic shirt on underneath unlike Natsu. Her outfit was completely black though Natsu knew this was a deliberate choice since it actually seemed to aid her newfound power to use Darkness, a power they would explore together as they continued their journey.

"Right then I think it's time we got going," Natsu said cheerfully as the two Servants grabbed onto the empty sleeves of Natsu's coat as they appeared in the desert just before a massive city which seemed to have been built several stories above the sand's surface.

"Where are we Master," Seilah asked curiously as the trio looked around curiously.

"This here is Alabasta and we're here doing a favour for Shanks and possibly gaining new allies in the process."

"Would you like me to begin reconnaissance Master?"

"Of course Seilah, stay hidden and report anything strange to either myself or Mordred."

"Of course Master," Seilah replied as she sunk into a black spot in the sand which shot over toward the wall, quickly scaling it before going out of sight.

"I still don't understand how she can do that," Natsu muttered to himself. "I've checked and rechecked her book and I couldn't find a single edit in there that would possibly …"

"Uh Master," Mordred said tapping him on the shoulder.


"Looks like there's a fight going down over there," Mordred said as she pointed toward a man holding a large black bat, a strange … reindeer?

Natsu blinked twice to make sure he wasn't dreaming, there was a reindeer fighting a large man holding a four tonne bat and another skinny man fighting using a slingshot of all things!

"What am I even looking at right now?"

"Should we do something I mean the skinny guy looks pretty beat up?"

"Hold on a minute," Natsu said sniffing the air. "There's a fourth one underground."

As if on cue a woman who looked like a mole emerged and began to spout of some nonsense Natsu didn't know about before diving back into the sand. Several seconds later the skinny man began to move again though it appeared he was heading right for the man with the bat.

"Ah I see what's going on here," Natsu said as he began to walk toward the fight with Mordred following close behind. "The mole woman grabs hold of the victim's legs and drags them toward the big guy and WHAM, four tonnes to the face."


"Ouch indeed especially for a scrawny human like him, save the kid Mordred but don't kill anyone just yet."

"You got it Master," Mordred replied with a grin as she donned her helmet before vanishing in a burst of speed.

"I don't know what trick you used to survive a four tonne bat to the face but it won't matter a second time," the mole woman shouted as the scrawny man was dragged closer and closer toward the large man. "Here it comes-!"

The large man went to swing his bat at the face of the scrawny man only to find it caught as Mordred appeared in front of him, catching the attack with ease much to the shock of all four present.

"What the hell," the mole woman shouted. "Who the hell are you!"

"Servant, Saber and I'm here to put an end to this fight," Mordred replied as she yanked the bat out of the man's hand before kicking him in the gut sending him flying into a nearby pillar.

"Mr Four!"

"What a crappy name," Mordred scoffed as she vanished and appeared on top of the mole woman's head. "And who are you supposed to be?"

"Grr, I'm Miss Merry Christmas one of the top officers in Baroque Works and you'll be sorry for messing with us!"

"Yeah yeah whatever," Mordred sighed as she kicked the mole woman in the face knocking some of her teeth out and forcing her to release the scrawny kid she'd been holding who stumbled backward in shock.

"J-j-just who the hell are you, stay back or I'll, uh … I'll summon my one billion strong horde of bloodthirsty pirates!"


"Usopp," the strange reindeer shouted as he skidded to a stop next to the bloodied teen. "Usopp are you ok?"

"I'm doing alright Chopper though I wouldn't mind some of your expert doctoring right about now …"

"Hang on how can you be a doctor," Mordred asked confused when the reindeer morphed into a furry kid thing she couldn't really describe.

"And what makes you think I can't be a good doctor!"

"Uh …"

"Oi," Natsu said as he arrived on the scene having lazily strolled his way over. "Who the hell were those clowns?"

"Some Baroque Works officers or something and they had really dumb names too. Didn't really matter though since they sucked at fighting which is a shame since I thought the big guy would've put up more of a fight."

"Just who the hell are you guys," Usopp blurted out. "How can you guys act like those two were weak!"

"Because they were," was the reply both Natsu and Mordred gave him.

"Chopper if it's ok with you I think I'm gonna pass out ok," Usopp said before promptly fainting.

"Um … thank you for saving my friend," Chopper said after several moments. "I was a few seconds slow on moving so if you hadn't caught Mr Four's attack …"

"Ah don't mention it kid but do you mind telling us what's going on around here," Mordred asked as the young reindeer responded.

"Well its kind of a long story but basically our Captain and my crewmates agreed to fight this guy named Crocodile to save our friend Vivi's country. Crocodile is using these Baroque Works guys to do his dirty work and we're trying to stop them."

"So to clarify this Crocodile and these Baroque Works guys are the ones looking to oppress this place?"

"Yes they are," Chopper replied as Natsu and Mordred turned and began walking toward the city. "Hey wait where are you going!"

"Well clearly there's work to be done here if that smoke is any indication," Natsu replied. "I'm sure you guys are strong but what's two more hands helping out eh?"

"But …"

"Hey you just focus on healing your friend and leave the tough guys to us alright," Natsu said with a grin that made Chopper nod his head instantly. "See you round kid," Natsu said as he and Mordred began making their way toward the battlefield.

/Seilah's POV/

'Well now this is interesting,' Seilah mused as she darted across the battlefield virtually unseen. 'All of these humans are pitifully weak but it appears that there are at least a few mildly skilled humans around.'

Slithering her way up onto a rooftop she allowed herself to manifest as she surveyed the area with a critical eye. Did this massive battle count as something worthy to report to Natsu or should she search for something more concrete?

Without even turning around Seilah caught a sword with her right arm and yanked it and its wielder in front of her as they dangled off of the rooftop screaming in terror.

"Who are you?"


"Who are you?"

"Seaman First Class Jacob Mobley now please put me down!"

"Why did you try and stab me from behind?"

"I'm just doing my job lady," the man screamed only for Seilah to begin shaking the sword forcing the man's grip to lessen. "I THOUGHT YOU WERE A MEMBER OF BAROQUE WORKS OK!"

"What is this Baroque Works?"

"The hell do you mean what is-ALRIGHT I'LL TALK JUST STOP!"

"I won't ask again, what is Baroque Works?"

"It's an organization that works for the Warlord Crocodile alright!"


"You know, Warlord of the Sea, one of the Seven Warlords that maintains the balance of power in the world!"

"I see, thank you for the information," Seilah said as she began to lift the sword up much to the man's relief.

Only to kick him in the chest as he went flying through the building on the opposite side of the street shocking the other Marines who had steadily moved behind her.

"None of you could possibly sneak up on me; you are all … too weak."

"Kill her!"

Seilah melted into the ground and darted over to the nearest Marine avoiding gunfire as she stabbed him through the throat with a darkness tendril before throwing his body at his friend knocking him off of the roof.

"Watch out she's a Devil Fruit User!"

'Devil Fruit User?'

Partially emerging with a Darkness Claw she cleaved off another man's leg before fading back into the ground to avoid several more gunshots. Moving to the centre of the group a large amount of dark threads shot out and pierced all the men's skulls killing them instantly as Seilah darted down to where the one soldier fell off of the roof.

Partially emerging she placed a clawed hand at his throat and looked him right in the eye, her own glowing Crimson Red as the man nearly fainted on the spot.

"You are one of these Marines?"


"Then you have information I need," Seilah said as the man began to scream though it was drowned out by the cries of battle all around them.

/Natsu's POV/

"So let me get this straight we're looking for some kid named Luffy in all this mess?"

"Yep," Natsu replied as he lazily dodged a sword strike from a Marine and threw him across the courtyard they were in.

"Everything you do seems to make life hard you know that Master," Mordred sighed as she stabbed a Baroque Works soldier in the chest killing him instantly.

"Hey I resent that, I do try my best not to do that!"

"Yeah well do better," Mordred replied with a huff. "You expect to find one kid in the middle of all this!"

"If Shanks finds this kid interesting then he's bound to be where the main fight is and my money is on that fancy palace up there."

"So it's us versus every trash tier soldier in between us and that palace then?"

"Is it a bit much for you?"

"Hah, I'll easily take out more than you Master my Noble Phantasm was built for these kinds of situations!"

The pair paused in their walk as they found themselves surrounded by a large group of Baroque Works soldiers numbering at least in the thirties.

"Well Saber it seems I'll have to remind you who your competing against now won't I," Natsu chuckled as he raised his right hand coating all the Baroque Works soldiers in a purple aura that sent thing floating into the air, many screaming in fear.

"He's a Devil Fruit User!"

"We're sorry, please don't kill us!"


"Do the sound sincere enough Saber?"

"No I don't think they do Master."

"A shame, such a waste of human life but seeing as I saw some of the pillaging earlier I think that proves this Baroque Works group are just full of scum anyway, the dregs of society who band together to try and appear tough but can't do shit once a real foe shows up."


Natsu chuckled as the fluffy little animal popped his head out of his coat pocket where he'd been sleeping until he heard his name called.

"I wasn't referring to you Fou I was talking about this trash here."


"Yeah they do look like the scum of the earth don't they …"


"That's not a bad idea Fou nice job," Natsu grinned as he reached back and received a mini hi five before returning his attention to the Baroque Works soldiers. "Well it's like Fou said if you were dumb enough to join Baroque Works then no one will miss you anyway, see ya!"

With a flick of the wrist Natsu sent all the soldiers crashing into the nearby buildings or flying off into the distance.

"Hah, one of them hit the flagpole on the clock tower Master!"

"Should've yelled fore before I threw them, damn it!"

"That's him Sir, that's the one with the Devil Fruit!"

Natsu turned his attention toward a large gathering of Marines as a man smoking two cigars stepped forward holding a jutte in his right hand however Natsu could tell right away something was different about this man.

"So you're the one who tossed that trash across the city eh?"

"Yeah what about it?"

"You and that knight there have been killing my men too, had you stuck to just killing Baroque Works I could've turned a blind eye but now I'm gonna have to take you two in."

"Not gonna happen buddy," Natsu replied not fazed in the slightest at the scowl being sent his way. "Go on ahead Saber I'll handle this one."

"Sure Master," Mordred replied as she vanished from the plaza in a burst of speed.

"So you've got a Servant too, this makes things much more complicated," the man sighed as smoke began to fill the courtyard. "I'll get answers from you on that Servant once I've done my interrogation but I'll give you one chance to surrender."

"Hmm let me think … NAH!"

"Well don't say you didn't have a choice," the man sighed as the smoke moved in to attack, piquing Natsu's interest of the fight to come.