A scene opens up and you see a room that appears to be a cabin for a pirate captain.

And sitting in the Captain's Chair is none other than… Atomsk… The Pirate King.

"Ahoy there everyone. Atomsk is speaking and welcome to a new story… or should I say rewrite to an old story of mine, "Finn the Red". Atomsk said while grinning before continuing.

"Man it's been a long, long time since i did anything with this story. To anyone that has or hasn't read the story, here's the synopsis. After the 'Red Throne' episode, Finn looks back on his past actions before thinking that he's a terrible hero and adventurer before he decides to leave Ooo forever while unaware of certain things happening to most of his friends, including a certain Vampire Queen while Finn receives memory like visions of his past. Now there was supposed to be more after the last chap of 'Finn the Red' but… you know. Anyway, with TME's help, the story will finally continue but with lots of changes. The plot will be the same but different and there will be new characters in the story. Isn't that right… TME?" Atomsk asked while grinning.

A moment later, TME, decked out in pirate gear walked into the room with an amused grin on his face.

"Please Atomsk... call me Captain TME, and yeah, OC's will be added to help and some plot points with be fleshed out to help make the story better, for example when Finn leaves Ooo is when he meets our iconic OC starter Emerald, and yeah he may be used quite a bit but all the other OC's have other parts to fill, and I'm pretty sure Atomsk will bring in some of his OC's like Cedric or Maite, anyway I got a boat to run so Atomsk why not lead this one in me hearty arrrr." TME said while he made a pretty iffy imitation of a pirate at the end while he starts walking out of the cabin.

Atomsk chuckled before he shook his head a bit before looking at the readers.

"Anyway, TME is right since I will bring in OC's like Cedric and Maite but I don't want to say more so I'll see you all and TME at the outro." He said before with the snap of his fingers, the scene shifts to a certain location in Ooo.

Ooo/?/ ?

The scene showed Finn while he was walking away from the Fire kingdom after the Red Throne incident and after hearing about CB's undying love for Phoebe, The Queen of Flames.

Finn left the area fast when he couldn't stand to see the sight of Phoebe and CB together… though what Finn missed was Phoebe looking at Finn as he left the throne room in such a rush and she saw some tears falling down his face but couldn't stop him in time since other people wanted to congratulate her on her retaking the Fire Kingdom throne.

'Oh Finn.' Phoebe thought as she was feeling a bit worried for the human.

However thanks to her having to calm other flame people down, she never had a chance to say anything to Finn while he was running towards the treefort at full speed, he even dashed by Flambo who tried to wave to Finn but got knocked over instead when Finn accidentally ran over him.

"Ugh!" Flambo said before he picked himself up and was about to get onto Finn but saw that Finn was already long gone.

"Huh, I wonder what happened with Finn… oh well I'll get onto him next time for some extra coal or somethings hehe." Flambo said while rubbing his tiny paw like hands together… though Flambo wouldn't be getting coal from Finn for a good long time since Finn's thought process was getting darker and darker as time went on while he ran into the grasslands and the Treefort starts to appear.

It wasn't long before Finn got inside and was panting for a bit thanks to all that running.

Though it seemed he slammed the door a bit hard because Jake's right eye and part of his mouth stretched into the living room and the eye looks at Finn.

"Oh hey Finn, how was the trip to the Fire Kingdom?, you kick Flame King buns?" Jake asked while a good smell was coming from the kitchen, seems Jake was cooking up something good right now.

Finn jolt a bit when he heard Jake said that.

"H-How did you know?"

BMO then looked over the edge and down at Finn before BMO waved at the human.

"I told Jake, Finn, he wondered about the massive hole in the wall and thanks to my mad spy skills I overheard in the wall about you and the Flame Princess going to reclaim her throne from some bad men, come on up, Jake is making his world famous Spaghetti and it looks really good." BMO said while Jake chuckles a bit.

"Well I wouldn't say world famous but I am going all out with a recipe that Lady helped me with, come on up Finn so we can speak face to face so I can hear how you kicked Flame buns and wowed Flame Princess." Jake said with an amused tone to his voice before he and BMO left Finn when their bodies vanished from view.

However, the duo didn't see how sad Finn was when he remembered how much he screwed up with Flame Princess and Cinnamon Bun shown him up.

Finn slowly climbs up the ladder while feeling sad before meeting Jake and BMO at the dining room.

He then had to wait for a couple minutes before Jake brought out some good looking bowls of spaghetti set three bowls on the table, one for Finn, himself, and a small bowl for BMO and all three sat at the table in the dining room before Jake took a bite of his meal.

"Ahhhh… perfect temperature, dig in Finn, I'm sure you're hungry after your epic throne reclaiming adventure I bet." Jake said when he didn't notice the sad look on Finn's face at the moment since Jake was busy testing the food one last time and making sure BMO had a rag so they could clean their screen off when it got dirty and BMO giggles a bit from that.

Finn didn't say anything as he just twirl the spaghetti around with his fork.

Jake, after a couple minutes of eating, noticed Finn's well… lack of eating and looks at Finn and saw the sad look on his face.

"Hey Finn whats wrong?, did something happen or is my food not good?, knew I should have added some cheese but we were running low so I had to try and make a substitute with a little extra in salt, sorry if that's the case." Jake said while he wondered if his cooking skills were getting bad or maybe something happened during the incident in the fire kingdom.

Finn sighs before looking at Jake.

"It's not that Jake. It's just… I screwed up again."

"Huh?, how so… wait did the Flame king get in charge again!, how is Flame princess is she on the run again!?" Jake said when he got a shocked look on his face when he thought it was that bad.

"No. Flame King was stopped." Finn said.

Jake relaxed when he heard that but Finn still looked bummed.

"So… whats eating at you then?, what did you screw up?" Jake asked with a confused look on his face since he didn't understand what was wrong.

Finn sighs again.

"Well…" He said before explaining to Jake what happen when he tries to impress FP but gets him and the princess thrown in jail, FP saying something hurtful and Cinnamon Bun claiming his love for Phoebe before Finn got to the end.

"... and after that, I just couldn't take it anymore and left. No one even know or care that I left."

Jake blinks at that while he was stunned with what he heard.

"Whoa… well I was saving this for myself but you need some serious cheering up so…" Jake said when he stretched an arm into the kitchen and pulled out a bowl with a lid on top of it and placed it in front of Finn before he opened the lid… to reveal a rare food item to Finn… Jake's perfect sandwich.

Finn blink a bit when he saw the sandwich before looking at his brother.

"I appreciate you trying to help cheer me up Jake but… I'm not sure if your sandwich can help."

"Seriously!?, but you've always perked up when I offered some of this good food to you... *Sigh*... well give me a second to put this up and we can talk for reals, was trying to help get you in a better mood before we talked about some heavy stuff." Jake said before he placed a lid on the bowl and put the sandwich back in the kitchen refrigerator before Jake recalled his arm and looks at Finn while he took a moment to munch on his food while he takes a moment to think about what Finn said and was trying to think of how to respond to Finn's story so he could get Finn to cheer up… and while he could think on most, CB of all people showing Finn up…. Wait…

"Hold on, you said you ran out right after right?, did you find out if it was at least romantic?, CB's like what… 30… 40?... you know I don't think we know CB's age but isn't he way too old for FP?, maybe you are overthinking things and it could be a family kind of love… I mean anyone would be a good upgrade compared to the Flame king and CB's fully baked now so he's thinking right in the head so that could be it." Jake said to give Finn a moment to think on that.

Though Finn said this.

"I don't know… but Flame Princess said that it was sweet before she held his hand and everyone cheered."

"I see… still doesn't mean that I may not be right and you could be overthinking things, why not give things a few days to calm down and try and go talk with her and CB later?, for all we know you could be overthinking things, like did FP kiss CB after hearing that confession?, normally something like that would happen after that." Jake said to try and help Finn calm down a bit.

"Well no… but I didn't want to stay and find out. Besides… I'm not even sure if I should see them again. I don't think I'm welcome there after I screwed up things." Finn said.

Jake had a hard time responding to that before Finn looks at Jake with a serious look.

"Hey Jake… do you think I'm really a hero?" Finn asked out of the blue which surprised BMO quite a bit since they were still *eating* next to Finn and Jake and just listened in for now.

"W-What?" Jake asked as didn't expect that.

"I'm asking if I'm really a hero… now that I think about it, many of the issues in Ooo were well… started by us either on accident or in my case… on purpose…" Finn said when he looked more depressed than before.

"What are you talking about Finn? We're great heroes. Everyone likes us." Jake said.

"Yeah… but I'm just wondering if people are better off without us being heroes… I'm not trying to mimic Billy but did he ever start things?, I mean you remember the thing about Marceline's dad right?, it was pretty much my fault he came to Ooo in the first place, you were in my shirt pocket after all." Finn said while he points at his shirt pocket a couple times.

Jake rubbed his chin a bit.

"Well yes… but you did stop him. Plus it was technically Marceline's fault since she did tell you how to summon her dad."

"More like how I tricked her into saying it, I mean I made the portal behind her back while she explained it." Finn said since Jake couldn't have seen things outside of the shirt pocket but only heard things.

"Oh... " Jake said as he didn't know that.

"Well um… hang on man, don't we always save the princesses from Ice King and remember that we put him in jail that one time."

"Yeah but that was him being more of a goof then anything before we got him to stop that, and didn't we put the ice king in jail for something he didn't do?, and under PB's orders?, we never found out why right?, but did it anyway?" Finn said when he points those parts out.

"Oh right… man PB should've been more forward when we asked." Jake said when he remembered that event before trying to think of other things to help cheer Finn up.

"Wait, what about that time we save Marceline from her dumb ex-boyfriend?"

"Well we got tricked into stealing her memories of the breakup, if we looked around her memories, maybe we could have seen that donk use the powder himself on Marceline instead of blindly following his orders, if it wasn't for the fact that I saw the memory of her memory that contains the memory of the breakup, Marceline would still be with that donk." Finn said when he remembered that time and so many things could have been done but they played hot/cold with Finn's forehead instead of using their own heads to think.

Jake was now a bit stumped since he couldn't think of any other examples.

"And you remember when I got the cyclops tears in the first place?, well I was so obsessed with having my way I ignored warnings and pretty much harmed others to get through the area and had to use the tears to fix my mistakes… face it Jake, 9 times out of 10 I seem to be the one donking things up…" Finn said before he starts to eat his meal very slowly since he didn't want to let this food go to waste.

"Now hold on Finn, we may have donk things up but we still have a chance to fix things. No matter what we do, we are still great heroes." Jake said.

"Maybe but considering how we donk things up in the first place, aside from saving princesses, have we really solved incidents that we didn't cause in the first place?" Finn said when he really felt down and lost his appetite after only eating 1/3rd of his plate.

"Sorry but… I'm going to bed early bro… mind saving this food for me?" Finn said before he got up from the table and he walked away with his gaze going to the floor.

"Um… okay but you sure you want to go to bed? Maybe we can call PB and see if she needs something or maybe call Marcy up for a jam session." Jake suggested.

Finn stopped for a moment when he heard Marceline's name mentioned but instead of looking at Jake, all he said was this when he gave these parting words.

"After what I did to Marceline, she would never want to jam with me again." Finn said before he climbed up the ladder while he left a greatly confused Jake and BMO behind with Finn's cryptic words… what did Finn do to Marceline to cause a reaction like that?

"Huh? What do you mean? What happened with you and Marceline?" Jake asked as he tries to call Finn.

However Finn left the room before Jake could get an answer… hopefully Jake could get an answer tomorrow or when Finn recovers from his funk since Finn sounded really really depressed after hearing Marceline being mentioned.

BMO was a little worried for Finn.

"Is Finn gonna be okay Jake?"

"I'm… not sure BMO… Finn looked really off when calling Marceline was mentioned, lets just give Finn a couple days to calm down before I try and talk with him again." Jake said before he went back to his meal.

BMO was still a bit worried before speaking.

"Do you think we should call the pretty Vampire Lady to ask what happened?"

"Hmmm… you know what, sure, but let's give Finn a few days to try and cheer up though, he doesn't seem to be in the mood to talk right now." Jake said since Finn seemed more and more… well… not as talkative at the moment.

"Oh… Okay." BMO said while feeling sad for Finn before they slowly *ate* their meal.

Meanwhile with Finn upstairs… he was laying on his bed with his bear hat tossed onto the floor while he was crying silently to keep BMO and Jake from worrying more about him.

'No matter what I do, I always mess things up. Am I even a great hero?'

Time then passed to much much later, 3 to 4 days to be exact with Jake giving Finn some time to try and work things out with his thoughts, however he never seemed to get better and after seeing Finn getting dressed for some reason, Jake stretched over to Finn and placed a hand around Finn's shoulder.

"Hey buddy, finally ready to go on an adventure?" Jake asked when he smiles at Finn, however Finn never smiled back.

"No Jake… just… going on a walk." Finn dully said while he moved from Jake and equipped his backpack after making sure it was packed.

Jake blinked a few times after hearing that.

"Oh okay...want me to come with you?"

"No Jake, I'll be fine, just in case you leave to see Lady, tell her I said hi or something." Finn said before he climbed down the ladder and starts walking towards the front door with his hands in his pockets.

"O-Okay. Be careful bro."

Finn just gave a simple hum of acknowledgement before he exits the Treefort and left Jake behind in the treefort.

Jake was alone before he had his thoughts.

'Dang I thought for certain Finn will feel better after a few days but he hasn't. I gotta do something.' He thought before remembering what Finn said about Marceline 3 days ago.

'Okay, something happened between Finn and Marceline when I wasn't there so I'm gonna see if she's home and asked what happened.'

When he planned to go see Marceline, Finn in the meantime had gotten pretty far from the Treefort and was just walking around in random directions before he could smell the ocean for some reason, guess he wondered towards the ocean it seems.

Finn didn't care about as he came upon the sandy shores of the beach before looking at the ocean.

Oddly enough, while he would feel nervous about being so close to the ocean and pretty much scream in fright if he got near it… the sound of the waves hitting the shore was oddly relaxing to Finn as he just zoned out for awhile while getting lost in the rolling waves… like his troubles were being taken by the waves themselves.

"So… peaceful." Finn said as he continues to stare.

Surprisingly enough for Finn, he stayed here till the day was slowly turning into night before Finn, after noticing the daylight turning into dusk, saw something near the shoreline that seemed to have washed up or something.

"Huh? Wonder what that is." He said to himself before he walked to this mysterious object.

To his surprise, he saw that it was a surprisingly intact boat that had a bag in it, seems that someone had used this just now since there was some fresh food in a basket next to the bag with plenty of drinks.

Finn was a bit confused before he looked around to see if someone else was here.

For a minute, Finn didn't see anyone, but then he saw someone appearing from the treelines with another bag full of stuff and the person looked to be wearing a tan cloak while… the person looked male but thanks to a had that covered the man's ears, it was hard to tell what kind of humanoid that he was while he had a massive greatsword on his back that looked to be like some kind of fang like item in shape at least while some kind of… keychain like item was hanging from a belt loop on his waist… it… seemed like some kind of black compass and thanks to the slowly dimming lights, it was hard to see the rest of the men's clothing, but Finn could make out some cargo pants and a long-sleeved shirt thanks to the sleeve that went to his wrist.

All in all, the man looked to be an experienced adventurer or something with how prepared he looked as he walked closer to the boat and placed the bag in the boat before he looks at Finn.

"Hey kid, need something?" the man said when he stood up and looked down at Finn with a curious look on his face, and thanks to his height, he looked to be an adult in age.

"Oh sorry. It's just that I noticed this row boat and saw some stuff inside. Didn't know this was yours." Finn said.

"Well it's more like I found this boat as well and fixed it up so I can use it, I'm a traveler just going wherever this takes me for the most part." The man said while he reached to his waist and pulled the black keychain like item off to show Finn and for the most part it looked like a box of sorts that could fit in the palm of one's hand and when opened… it showed that it was a simple looking compass… that didn't point north?

"Uh… dude. I don't want to put you down but… I think you got yourself a bad compass." Finn said.

The man however chuckles while he closed the strange compass and placed it on his waist.

"That's because it's not a normal compass… this compass points you to what you desire or where you want to go, it doesn't point out the four directions, but what your heart most desires." The man said with an amused tone to his voice.

Finn was now confused.

"Point to what my heart desires?"

The man chuckles before he sat on the edge of the boat.

"Come and sit, I'll give an example, my name is Emerald, who are you by the way?" The man now identified as Emerald said while he smiles at Finn.

Finn looks at Emerald before sitting.

"I'm Finn."

"Hehe, funny, because that's who the hero of Ooo is, because it would be interesting if you really were that hero kid." Emerald said with an amused look on his face when he thought Finn was just playing pretend or something.

However Finn did sigh.

"Yeah. That's me."

Emerald just chuckles before he gave Finn an amused grin.

"Oh really?, prove it." Emerald said while he wondered if this kid was telling the truth.

Finn blinked a few times before looking at Emerald.

"Okay. Tell me what you have heard about me and I'll prove it."

"Alright, I'll ask 3 questions then and they will be easy, normal, and a hard one, answer all 3 and I'll believe you… first question, who is your brother and what is his power?" Emerald asked… wow that one was easy.

"Pfftt, my brother is Jake. He's a yellow dog and has the power to stretch and is a great cook." Finn said.

"Alright, alright, but anyone could know that one if they talked with him long enough… next question… what is Finn's favorite sword called?, the one that got either… destroyed or sent to where during what incident in the candy kingdom... I'll even give a hint, it was the golden sword that he had and it's a classic Finn sword." Emerald said when he pulled info from years ago.

Finn blinked when he didn't expect that type of question.

"Okay wow… My favorite would have to be Scarlet and it got destroyed when I tried to destroy a black hole that I… created thanks to the Glasses of Nerdicon I was wearing at the Super Science BBQ."

"Alright I'll give you that one since others were around at the time to talk about that… final question and be warned its a trick question of sorts depending on how I ask it… ready?" Emerald asked while he gave Finn a serious look with a raised eyebrow to boot.

Finn had a determined look.

"Yeah. Give me your best shot."

"You sure, because my best would ask on how many volumes of Ice Kings fanfiction does he have and what is the latest one where he doesn't force an ending but don't worry… this one is about the Lich…" Emerald said before he grins when he saw the horrified look on Finn's face when he talked about the fanfiction and sighs in relief when the Lich was mentioned.

"Alright. Just no Ice King related fanfiction please." Finn said.

"Hehe you got it, though between you and I it seems the Ice king has aged up Fionna and is now writing her in pretty steamy situations, ran into the crazed guy and he gave me one hehe and I must say not bad, but seriously my real question is this… how many times did you stop the Lich from ending Ooo…" Emerald said but before Finn could answer Emerald held up a finger.

"But the tricky part is as such…. How many times did you stop the Lich… Solo… as in fight the lich single handed?, no help from anyone but yourself and what you could use on hand." Emerald asked with a grin on his face.

Finn blinked a few times at this question before he responded.

"Well first time was me with the help of this sweater I got from Princess Bubblegum that helped me rip the Lich's face off. Second time well… I don't really remember But I think Jake had something to with it along with that guy name uh… Prismo I think."

"I see… so your saying you never went against the Lich solo since you had aid from others?... aside from… sweater?" Emerald said when he looked confused at the sweater part.

"Well Jake and I are a team. Though he got knocked out the first time we fought the Lich so it was like a solo work and the sweater was there to help me. I also had Billy's old glove." Finn said.

"I see, so in a nutshell you had help, even if it was a little during each encounter?, it was never pure solo?, I'm just asking a trivia question on if you fought with the Lich ALONE… with no one else, the equipment is alright since everyone uses it, but I'm asking if you had no help at all whatsoever in battle." Emerald said to clarify his question for Finn.

Finn blink a few times after hearing that.

"Well, no. But there's nothing wrong with asking for help or having someone aid you. I'm not some super human with a cape that can fly and do other things. I mean Billy had a partner."

Emerald just facepalms before he sighs.

"Nevermind I'll just give a pass for this one since you don't seem to understand the question." Emerald said while he got up and stretched his body a few times.

"No I understand. You're asking me if I ever did anything solo which is no." Finn said.

Emerald clapped his hands together while he raised them to the sky.

"I'm not really religious but thank you Glob for the answer finally, so you really are Finn the Human huh?, what brings you here in the first place?, heard that you have a fear of the ocean but you seem pretty calm right now." Emerald said after he sat back down and grins at Finn.

Finn did blink before sighing.

"Okay, don't know how you know that but… let's just say I'm doing a bit of... soul searchy with myself."

"Well first off you are pretty famous and a certain gosip loving princess does like to spread things about, second well want to talk about it?, could be good to have a 3rd party's opinion on things." Emerald said when he saw things were getting dark and went to get a stick and after a moment of getting his right hand in a snapping motion, he snapped his fingers and the end of the stick lit up before Emerald used a wave of his hands and many sticks seems to float together near the boat in front of Finn before Emerald tossed the burning stick into the pile before it lit the campfire up and Emerald sat next to Finn while he looks at the fire.

Finn then sighs as he tells Emerald some of his past mistakes he did and questions himself if he should still be a hero.

"...Hmmmm… so you are worried you bring more harm than good even though you pretty much take care of your own mess, but since it gets others involved, you are worried you are not hero material huh?" Emerald said when he generalized things while he had a thoughtful look on his face.

"Well… that's what I've been thinking." Finn said as he stares at the roaring fire.

"Hmmm… well… if you want my honest opinion, I don't think you are cut out to be a hero if I am honest, I mean did you want to adventure in the first place to be a hero or for the thrill of the adventure itself?, before you bite my head off, tell me what is the difference between a Hero and an adventurer or more exact… what is the one thing adventurers have that Hero's don't." Emerald said while he moved to lay on the ground next to the fire.

Finn was a bit surprised hearing Emerald say that but… he was confused. Heroes save people and adventurers explore… right?

Emerald chuckles when he seemed to stump Finn before Emerald reached for the night sky.

"You want to know what I think the difference between a hero and an adventurer is?... being a hero is all well and good but the main difference between the two is just simple… its Freedom… free to not worry about others… free to go wherever you want… free to do anything… and if your moral compass points to helping people then that's fine… you have the freedom to choose that… even the freedom to go wherever you want in this wide open world and return at anytime you want." Emerald said when he looks at a star and tried to grab at it for dramatic effect and lowered his hand and placed it behind his head while he looks at Finn to see how he would react to that.

Finn was a bit surprised at the answer but somehow it seemed to make sense.

"Wow, had no idea."

"Hehe well that's just my opinion, but think of this, with Freedom you are well… not tied down to one area and not forced into a position you don't want, I mean just for curiosity's sake, did you really want to be a hero or just go around and do cool things at your own pace but got dragged into the heroics thanks to some pretty princesses faces?" Emerald asked while he looks at the sky.

Finn was confused at the question. He wanted to be a hero but...exploring was places around Ooo was what he wanted until he remembered that day he saved Bubblegum from Ice King the first time.

Ironically it was also the first time Jake met Lady when he and Jake had to rescue Princess Bubblegum for the first time, the Ice King had kidnapped her after he tried to kidnap a few other princesses, and when they saved her she kissed his forehead.

That was the start of Finn's time hanging around Bubblegum… and seemingly getting dragged into being her knight after some adventures and things became more business like instead of adventure like between her and Finn.

"Oh man." Finn said as he finally realized this.

Emerald in turn just looks at Finn with a raised eyebrow.

"What's up?" Emerald said since Finn did take a few minutes to think about what Emerald said after all.

"Nothing. Just realized the truth."

"Such as?" Emerald asked while he sat up and looks at Finn.

"How I only became a hero instead of an adventurer because of Princess Bubblegum which led to my growing crush on her and other things." Finn said.

"Well it's not all bad right?, you learned about romance and what it means to be a knightly hero, you just need to get back into the adventuring grove so to speak, anyway unless you need anything else or want to ask any questions better ask now, because once the morning comes I'll be getting on this boat and sailing to new lands." Emerald said while he looked at the boat with his provisions on it.

Finn had a thoughtful look on his face before he looked at Emerald's boat before looking at the ocean.

Emerald noticed Finn's gaze going back to the ocean and chuckles when he lays back on the ground.

"You know if you want to join me, you are free to do so, your call in the end, no one is forcing you to act this time." Emerald said when he looks back at the sky.

Finn was still thoughtful.

"I need to think this through."

"Well you have till daybreak so try and not take too long Finn, for all you know a new adventure not in Ooo could be just what you need, now if you'll excuse me I'll be sleeping now so see you in the morning either for joining me or for seeing me off." Emerald said before he closed his eyes and relaxed on the beach before Finn heard Emerald snoring lightly through his nose.

Finn sees that before he lays down on the sand and look up at the sky before thinking things out.

First off he thought of what Emerald said about freedom… sure Finn adventure through Ooo, but when was the last time he ever laid under the night sky like this without the risk of rain or some kind of danger around him?... one thing about adventurers to Finn was a pretty simple thing to remember if he was honest… Adventurers go where they want… adventurers could make any place their home if they planned things out right… adventurers… were… free...

Another thing that he thought about was all of the things that he caused and prevented… sure he was a hero to many here but only for small scale stuff if he was honest, the big things that nearly got out of hand were his fault mainly… and sure he had his brother… but Jake had Lady and the pups so he was coming to his place less and less… and everyone else was living their lives to the fullest… though… there was the issue with Marceline that Finn didn't want to talk about with Jake…

After a bit of time with debating with himself for a number of hours, the young human seemed to have made his choice.

Finn then fell sleep while the scene went to the next morning with Jake waking after he fell asleep when he didn't see Finn coming home earlier and at the time shrugged it off as Finn camping somewhere or staying at someone else's place.

However he did get worried when he remembered how empty Finn sounded and decided to call Bubblegum with his cell phone real quick while the scene went to the Candy Kingdom to see Bubblegum walking out of her lab with a clipboard and notepad while she walked next to Peppermint Butler.

"...So I'll need you to get me these ingredients Pep and I'll-!" Bubblegum tried to say before her portable phone starts to ring which made her stop in her tracks before she picked up the phone.

"Hello?" Bubblegum said before she heard Jake's voice on the other end.

"Hey PB, its me Jake, have you seen Finn yesterday?, he left the Treefort and hasn't come back at all." Jake said with a worried tone to his voice.

Bubblegum was a bit surprised when she heard that.

"No Jake I haven't seen him. Is Finn alright?" She asked while feeling worried.

"I'm… not sure… let me start from the top…" Jake said before he explained everything to Bubblegum about Finn's near failure with the Fire Kingdom, the many incidents that Finn seemed to cause and Finn had to fix and Finn even questioning his own quality as a hero and even his strange reaction to Jake suggesting to calling Marceline but Finn seemed to ignore him when he went to bed that day, Jake then gave Finn a few days to try and feel better but now Jake was getting worried.

"So you see Princess, I was just calling to check to see if Finn stopped by or spent the night in the castle, sorry for bothering you but I got other calls to make unless you have any ideas where Finn could be." Jake asked while he hoped Bubblegum had an idea.

Bubblegum was surprised at the story and felt bad for Finn but she did wonder about the thing between Marceline and Finn.

"No Jake. I don't know. But if you're planning to look for him then I'll come with you."

"Well I'm making some calls first before a search party is made, mind calling Marceline for me while I call Flame Princess or CB?, Marceline should respond better to you then to me after all, gotta go princess so see you later." Jake said before he hung up on Bubblegum before she could object.

Princess Bubblegum was a bit silent as she looks at her phone.

"Oh Marceline, what happened with you and Finn?" She questioned before she went to call the Vampire Queen.

Meanwhile with Marceline at this time.

Marceline at this time was in the middle of tuning her guitar to pass the time for a moment since she couldn't do much right now and aside from a very small bump forming on her stomach that wouldn't be noticeable and various things being seen on the ground that would be considered odd by most, Marceline seemed disinterested in them before she heard her phone ringing.

"Huh?, who could be calling at this time?" Marceline said when she saw it was the crack of dawn right now before she picked up her phone.

"Yello." Marceline said before she heard Bubblegum's voice on the other end.

"Marceline?, It's me Bubblegum, sorry for the abrupt call if you were asleep but have you seen Finn, he seems to have gone missing if Jake's story holds true and I'm wondering if he spent the night at your place or something if a jam session lasted too long." Bubblegum said with a worried tone to her voice.

Marceline blink a few times when she heard that.

"Finn went missing?" She asked.

"Indeed, its been only one day and I would have considered it just Finn camping or something but…" Bubblegum said before she explained Jake's story to Marceline.

"... But the main reason why I called is pretty simple since something Jake explained got me curious since it sounded like something bad happened between you and Finn since Finn told Jake that you didn't want to talk with Finn or something, could you clarify that please?" Bubblegum said while she sounded a bit worried on her end when she worried something happened between Marceline and Finn.

Marceline was silent after listening Bubblegum's story before remember the part of not talking with Finn.

After a moment of silence, Bubblegum spoke up to get Marceline's attention.

"Listen, I'm not sure why you and Finn don't want to talk with one another but can you at least meet Jake and I at the Treefort later?, I'm sure Jake is bringing Flame Queen and CB as well so we can form a search party for Finn, sorry for bothering you at this time but like Jake I have a few calls to make." Bubblegum said before she hung up on Marceline when Marceline kept quiet.

"Oh Glob… what have I done?" Marceline said when she believed she was at fault for something.

Meanwhile in the Fire Kingdom…

Phoebe was in the middle of getting ready for the day while she brushed her fiery hair when knocking was heard and CB's voice was heard.

"Your highness, you have a call from Jake, may I enter?" CB said while he waits for Phoebe to respond.

Phoebe blinked a bit when she heard Jake's name being mentioned which reminded her about Finn.

"Yes Cinnamon Bun. You may enter."

A moment later, CB entered the room and with a slight jog, carried a fire kingdom brand Phone for her to take and held it out to her.

"Thank you." Phoebe said before she picks up the phone.

"Hello? Jake?"

"Hey FP, can you hear me?, just checking to see if the reception from the Treefort is good before I talk for real." Jake said since the Fire Kingdom sometimes had connection issues thanks to its constant clouds, though it has gotten better over the years.

"Yes. I can hear you loud and clear Jake." Phoebe said.

"Right, sorry about that, anyway… as unlikely as this sounds, has Finn been in the fire Kingdom recently or has he spent the night near the border to keep from getting burned?, Finn's been missing since last night and I already talked with PB about this and she's talking with Marcy, you see…" Jake said before he explained everything to Phoebe about what Finn said about Finn questioning his worth as a hero, him possibly jumping the gun with FP and CB being in a relationship, his mood getting worse after a few days and his reluctance to speak with Marceline for some reason but he never got the reason why.

"... So that's why I'm calling everyone that Finn could either rest with or if you have an idea of where Finn could be, got any ideas Flame Queen?" Jake asked with a worried tone to his voice.

Phoebe was shocked to hear that Finn went missing and she believed that she was the reason that Finn was sad even though it was days ago after reclaiming her kingdom back from her father.

"No Jake, I haven't seen him."

"I see, well PB is going to meet with me at the Treefort with Marceline most likely, mind lending a hand FP?, we could use your heat sense to cover a wide range if needed." Jake asked while hoping Phoebe would aid him in locating Finn.

Phoebe was a bit silent before she gave her response.

"Okay Jake, I'll help you."

"Great, I would say the sooner the better because it will be awhile before nighttime happens so Marceline would have to wear her sungear, hopefully we can find out what happened with those two though, I'm wondering if they had some kind of fight or something…, anyway I gotta go, I gotta call Lady and tell her what's going on and let her know I gotta cancel our date for now, but FP." Jake explained before he hung up and Phoebe had returned the phone to CB.

"So your highness, what did Jake want?" CB asked when he wondered what caused Phoebe to have such a worried look on her face.

"Finn is missing so Jake is rallying up a search party and wants me to come to the treefort to meet up with him, Bubblegum and Marceline."

CB was greatly surprised by that before he got a serious look on his face.

"Want me to get Jake 2 your highness?, I'll get some of our best knights to help in the search." CB said when he was well into the Flame knight role.

Before Phoebe could answer, she did ask Cinnamon Bun this.

"Before you do that Cinnamon Bun, I have to ask you something."

Cinnamon Bun blinks at that before he gave his ruler a curious look.

"What your majesty?" CB asked when he wondered what Phoebe had to say.

"4 days ago, when you said that you… love me, was it like friendship or family love or romantic?"

CB blinks more at that before he chuckles a bit.

"It's mainly like a family love your highness, like a Father cares for a daughter... I mean no disrespect but I'm nearly 3 to 4 times your age so I think I'm a bit old for you, why do you ask?" CB asked since it was technically out of nowhere for him.

Phoebe sighs.

"Sorry. It's just, Jake said that Finn believed that there was something happening between you and me after saying you love me which was when I saw Finn leave with a sad look on his face."

"Really?... well… what did you feel when you saw Finn leave with such a look your highness?" CB said with a curious look on his face.

Phoebe blinked a bit at the question.

"Well I was… worried for him. I wanted to talk to Finn but didn't had the chance to."

"I see, then we better get ready to go and find him, but I do have to ask, what do you feel for Finn your highness?, may I be blunt with what I have to say next?" CB asked with a curious tone to his voice.

"Okay." Phoebe said as she wonders what CB will say.

"Well I'm just wondering but did you and Finn have a proper talk before you two broke up?, granted causing a kingdom to get melted is a bad thing but I highly doubt Finn would pull a stupid stunt like that on a whim and it was the Ice King's fault it all started since I heard he started the first fight without provercation." CB said when he remembered hearing about that fight from Bubblegum before he was fully baked.

Phoebe was a bit silent before remembering that Ice King did start the first fight and later Finn saying that he was the one that sent the letters but… could Finn got the idea from someone else?

Though CB was no mind reader, he did wait for Phoebe to respond to his question and waited as long as he needed while he watched his Queen think.

That's when the fiery ruler spoke.

"Oh Glob...I should've talked with Finn about this."

"Maybe your highness, but like I asked, what do you feel for Finn?" CB asked when he waits patiently for the answer.

Phoebe was a bit stumped.

"I-I don't know. I'm not sure what I feel yet."

CB seemed thoughtful when he heard that before he asked this.

"Alright, but know that even if things do or don't work out between you two, know I'll support you either way… though I do have one thing to say if you and Finn do get back together." CB said while he got a half lidded look on his face.

Phoebe was a bit surprised at that look.

"And what's that?"

"Oh just wanting to let you know that while I may accept Finn as a Royal consort when you and he are over 18… until he gets his act together there is no way in all of Ooo I'm accepting him as a full on Flame King, just saying since he has a lot of work to do to earn that kind of trust." CB said while he keeps on with having the half lidded look on his face.

Phoebe was a bit flabbergasted while blushing brightly.

"W-Whoa… Wait… Huh?"

"I'm just saying if you do have feelings for Finn and want to get back together with him, then I can accept him as your consort but not as a Flame King… he really needs to mature before that happens… and if you don't then it's your call, anyway I'll be getting Jake 2 now so if you'll excuse me your highness." CB said before he left a blushing Phoebe alone in the room.

Phoebe was again flabbergasted as she couldn't believe what CB said.

'Where the Flip did that come from? I'm just worried for Finn. I don't know what I feel for him.' She thought before actually imagining the possibility of her and Finn getting back together and Finn being king.

Though it seemed a bit romanized when Phoebe imagined herself married to Finn and the two were older while Finn was laying on her bed and thanks to some training, he had the body of an adonis and grins at Phoebe with a twinkle from his teeth.

"Coming to bed my Queen?, don't worry if you are not tired… I'll help fix that soon." The Dreamy version of Finn said in Phoebe's imagination while he gestured for Phoebe to approach while the real Phoebe in reality…

Phoebe seemed to have been lost in her own world as she was blushing brightly.

Though Phoebe was broken out of her thoughts when she heard knocking at the door.

"Your highness, do you want me to let the guards for your armor know you'll be wearing your armor or will you be wearing your dress?" CB said from behind the door.

Phoebe, who was broken out of her thoughts, was thoughtful for a bit before giving her response.

"Actually… I'm gonna try something different."

"Alright, see you later Your highness, sorry about bothering you if you were busy." CB said before Phoebe heard CB's footsteps walk away from the door.

Phoebe was thoughtful again before she walked to her closet.

After a few minutes of getting ready, she left her room to get some of her armor before the scene went back to Finn and Emerald with Finn waking up to something being hammered into some wood or something which roused him from his sleep.

Finn groans a bit before he starts waking up.

"Hmmm… What?" He said before opening his eyes.

He saw that it was daybreak right now and he saw Emerald adding some kind of mast to the small boat and was making a sail for it with a large cloth.

Emerald noticed Finn before he grins at the human.

"Oh hey Finn, sorry for bothering you but I decided to add a sail to this small boat so I could use the wind, already made a few oars so I can manually row the boat if there is no wind, sleep well?" Emerald said while he points to some oars near Finn and Emerald resumed to make the mast for the sail.

Finn yawns a bit before responding.

"I think so."

"Great, and while I'm busy, you think on if you want to join or not?, I'm putting the finishing touches on this so if you want to gather some food for yourself, now is a good time before I get this boat ready to sail." Emerald said while he used a few more nails to get the mast stable on the boat.

Finn was silent for a moment before he looks at Emerald.

"Hey Emerald." He called.

"Yeah Finn?, if you are hungry then give me a second to put the stuff away and I'll show you a primo hunting area nearby if you want something meaty." Emerald said while he hammered in a few more nails and was satisfied with how stable the base of the mast was.

"Actually… I had taken some thought and…" Finn said before stopping.

Emerald stopped working on the boat before he looks at Finn.

"And?" Emerald said when he had a serious look on his face.

Finn was silent before he took a deep breath when he gave his response.

"I want to go with you."

Emerald chuckles at that before he held a hand out to Finn.

"Nice to have you aboard for this soon to be seafaring adventure Finn." Emerald said while he waits for Finn to shake his hand.

Finn had a small smile before he had his hand take Emerald's hand and shook it.

A moment later, Emerald lets go of Finn's hand and stood up.

"Alright, now since your going to be my first mate on this voyage, might as well get you some new duds, granted that outfit would be alright for short outdoor treks but you'll need some better gear since you'll be out in the sun for a long time in this small boat, unless you have an idea for getting a bigger better boat but I don't see any portside towns near here." Emerald said when he points at the boat and while it was perfect for seafaring, it didn't have shade to help prove Emerald's point.

"Yeah sorry. No idea for a bigger boat." Finn said.

"Right… well lets get you some new duds then, know a place nearby with a clothing store or mind if I cobble something together?, I need to go hunting for some meat anyway so might as well get you some new duds made from their hides." Emerald said when he could picture the gear he could make for Finn.

Finn did blink a bit after hearing that.

"Ummm, sure go ahead."

"Great, time to hunt then!" Emerald said with an excited tone before he jumped off the boat and ran into the woods after drawing his greatsword with one hand much to Finn's surprise with Emerald doing that single handed, guess Emerald was stronger then he looked.

"Wow. Wonder if I can do something like that during my new journey." Finn said.

Finn then grabbed a bottle of water from his backpack and drank a few gulps before he put it away and followed Emerald into the woods while the scene went back to the treefort with Jake waiting at the front yard for anyone to come by and the first was Bubblegum on her Morrow before it lets her off and flies away when she sent if back to the Candy Kingdom.

"Hello Jake, sorry if you had to wait a long time, I was making some calls and what not on my end." Bubblegum said while she smiles at Jake to try and comfort the worried shapeshifting dog.

"No worries princess. At least you're here." Jake said with a small smile.

Bubblegum smiles before she entered the Treefort while Jake waits a bit more before he saw Marceline in her sun gear flying towards the Treefort, she had some kind of reflective mask and a tarp over her body which only showed her gloved hands and her booted feet.

"Yo Jake, sorry for the wait, took me awhile to find this." Marceline said while she fiddles with the tarp like covering over her body.

"No problem Marceline. Thanks for coming." Jake said as he tries not to bring up the issue about her and Finn.

Marceline however noticed Jake being a bit nervous around her and decided to say something.

"Hey Jake… I'll tell you everything once everyone else is here, I saw the Flame Queen and CB riding on a large Fire wolf and they are heading this way with a lot of Flame Guards." Marceline said before she enters the Treefort.

Jake blinked when he heard that before waiting for Phoebe and the rest.

A couple minutes pass before Phoebe, CB, and Jake 2 ride up to Jake while nearly 100 flame guards were trailing behind Phoebe shockingly enough while Phoebe and CB got off of Jake 2 and walk towards Jake.

Jake was a bit shocked at the calvary before he looks at Phoebe and CB.

"H-Hey Cinnamon Bun and Flame Princess… or is it Flame Queen?"

"Actually while normal people and strangers can call me Flame Queen, you can call me Phoebe Jake, that's my real name after all." Phoebe said so she could be done with the title stuff.

She was wearing a dress but with some alterations like she was wearing her gauntlets and the torso part of her chestplate, it was a small change to her normal wardrobe and Jake saw that when she got close enough for him to see those details.

Jake was surprised at both the real name and seeing Phoebe's attire.

"I see and nice outfit."

Phoebe smiles before she curtsied a bit.

"Thank you Jake, I just took a few pieces of my armor and put it on over my normal look, anyway these men here will help us locate Finn once we get caught up to speed since I can sense others inside, Marceline and Bubblegum most likely, CB, mind doing me a favor and make sure no one here gets out of hand while I deal with Marceline and Bubblegum?" Phoebe said before she looks at her most trusted Flame Knight.

"No problem my Queen." CB said.

Phoebe nods her head before she entered the house after equipping tin foil boots after CB made them for her so she wouldn't burn the Treefort by accident and passed the rest to Jake.

"Here, so the Queen can sit down without issue." CB said before he walked away from Jake with a serious look on his pastry face.

Jake did blink before he shrugged and went inside the tree fort.

A moment later, Jake saw the three Royal's looking at one another with serious looks while Marceline removed her mask and sets it on the table while Jake sets up a seat for Phoebe.

"So… how do we start this?, I'm pretty sure I told everything to PB and Phoebe on what happened before Finn left right?" Jake said which caused Marceline and Bubblegum to blink a few times at the latter name.

"Uh hold up. Who's Phoebe?" Marceline asked in confusion.

"My name, I should have told Finn and Jake earlier but to everyone else, its Flame Queen now." Phoebe said while she crossed her arms and gave Marceline a narrow eyed look.

Marceline raised an eyebrow to that look before Bubblegum spoke.

"Okay. Now that we know the Flame Queen's real name, we need to figure where Finn could be."

"Yeah, I have over 100 Flame Knights outside of this Treefort at the ready, Bubblegum I'm guessing after this you'll be calling many of your Banana guards right?" Phoebe said when she looks at Bubblegum with a serious look on her face while Jake nods his head at the surprised looks on Marceline and Bubblegum's faces.

"Yeah there is a lot of Flame Knights outside, CB is keeping them in check right now though." Jake said to back up Phoebe's claim of having over 100 knights aiding in the search.

"Y-Yes, I called my Banana Guards to help assist us. Even Peppermint Butler is coming with them." Bubblegum said.

"I see, and will you be calling anyone for help Marceline?" Phoebe said when she gave Marceline a narrowed eyed look again for some reason.

Marceline was now getting annoyed.

"Okay, can you please stop giving me that look?"

"Only if you explain why you seem to be a key factor in Finn's depressed state, Jake told me that aside from Finn starting issues and fixing them, you seem to be a pretty big key factor since it sounded like you two had some kind of fight." Phoebe said while she glared at Marceline… why was Phoebe so steamed at this when she broke up with Finn… granted they were boyfriend and girlfriend but still…

Marceline glared at Phoebe.

"And I supposed you didn't make him depressed when you dumped him?"

Phoebe looked a bit stunned at that before she glared at Marceline more.

"Watch it Marceline just because your the vampire Queen doesn't mean I won't-!" Phoebe said before she took a few steps at Marceline before she stopped when she felt something off and her gaze… oddly went south to Marceline's stomach for some reason which confused Jake and Bubblegum before they looked at Marceline but she seemed… fine except for the tarp on her.

"Uh… what you looking Phoebe?" Jake asked.

"Well I could be wrong or tired but when I came here I used my heat sense and sensed two heat signatures here in the Treefort but I'm not sensing any from Marceline per say since she is undead… but… I'm sensing something small in the middle of her body for some reason." Phoebe said when she blinked a few times when she wondered what that was about while Jake blinked as well.

"Huh?, maybe she's carrying something warm, I mean what else could give a heat signature?" Jake said when he didn't think much of it.

"Well… if I'm using a general person's heat signature… its… mainly focused on her…" Phoebe said before her eyes widen in shock when she looks at Marceline's face and was stunned silent.

Marceline gulped while Bubblegum looked at Phoebe.

"What is it?"

"Ok… I maybe wrong but Marceline… are you pregnant!?" Phoebe said much to everyone else's shock.

"WHAT!?" Jake and Bubblegum said at the same time in shock before they look at Marceline to see if Phoebe was right.

Marceline lowers her head.

"Yeah… I am."

"OH MY GLOOB!" Jake said before he shot his arm around the house and gathered some stuff like cushions and what not before he had Marceline sit on them.

"Well we can't have you stressed out too much right everyone!?" Jake said when he kind of went dad mode again when he was dealing with a pregnant woman though it seemed Jake was mainly doing it out of reflex and was still shocked like everyone else while Phoebe just stood there stunned when she was still trying to process what she just discovered.

Bubblegum was beyond shocked for her Vampire friend.

"I-I don't understand. How long have you been… pregnant Marceline?"

Marceline looks at Bubblegum nervously before she removed the tarp and showed that her stomach was starting to form a baby bump.

"About… a month… nearly 2 if I'm counting the days right." Marceline said while she looks at her stomach.

Jake comically moved to grab his phone before he starts to dial on it.

"I'm calling Lady, maybe she can help with this!" Jake said before he moved out of the room or would have if Marceline didn't get a half lidded look on her face and gripped Jake's head to keep him in the room.

"That's enough Jake. No need to go overboard." She said.

Jake nervously chuckles while he puts his phone away.

"Hehehe… point taken… but who is the dad?, I mean I get that some species can pretty much have kids on their own… maybe Bubblegum with her cloning or something… but pretty sure you were part Human on your moms side before you got Vamped right?" Jake said while Bubblegum blinks at the part about her being able to have a kid of her own if she needed to.

Marceline also blinked.

"Well… yes my mom was human. But no to Bonnie's clone thing since she would've known already."

"Oh, and I mean like Bubblegum can probably clone herself since she made plenty of candy peps that way, so… who is the Dad, Marceline?... *Gasp!*... it wasn't Ash was it!?, he didn't force you into something right!?, Oh I'll rip him a new one and make him beg for the sweet release of death if that happened!, he tried it last time with that memory powder so nothing is too underhanded for that bastard!" Jake said before he growled a bit while Phoebe looked confused at the Ash part, she remembers bits about Finn mentioning him but she couldn't remember while Bubblegum looked greatly worried before she got an angry look on her face and it looked like she would join Jake in the Donk hunting if that laser pistol she just pulled out is anything to go by.

Marceline blink greatly before she tries to calm them down.

"Okay Jake… I appreciate you being protective but please don't ask something like that to me. It's bad enough that I used to date the donk but sex with him was disappointing since his 5 inch pecker couldn't satisfy me. So no Jake, it wasn't Assh."

Jake shudders at that before he gave Marceline a thumbs up.

"Right… though can we make a deal that you don't talk about Ash's…. Thing… and I'll stop overreacting… deal?" Jake said while hoping he could change the subject.

"Deal." Marceline said.

"Great… still wondering who the dad is though." Jake asked while he shapeshifted his body so that he was looking at her even though she was holding his body in her hands.

Marceline sighs before she lets Jake go and sat back down.

"I'm not sure if I want to tell you guys who the father is because you all will hate me when I tell you the story."

"How come?, is it someone we know?" Phoebe said when she had a confused look on her face like Jake and Bubblegum had.

"Yeah." Marceline said with a sad look.

"Well it's still shocking to hear your going to be a mother, shouldn't you get the father here in case he doesn't know?" Jake asked with a curious but worried tone to his voice.

"Trust me Jake, I doubt he would care that I'm caring his kid after what I said to him." Marceline said making Bubblegum blinked.

"What did you say?" She asked while Marceline was silent.

"Seriously?, did you two have a fight or something?" Phoebe said when she raised an eye at Marceline while crossing her arms.

"I wouldn't say it was a fight. Let's just say that something happened between us and I… overreacted." Marceline said.

"Really?, what happened?" Phoebe asked while Jake looked oddly thoughtful for some reason… he wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed but he did remember what Finn said about Marceline not wanting to see him and with how long its been since Finn went to talk with Marceline… his eyes widen when he looks at Marceline.

"Hold on… is… Finn the dad?" Jake said out of the blue much to everyone's shock… mainly Phoebe's for obvious reasons.

Bubblegum was shocked while Marceline was just silent as she stares at Jake.

Those few seconds caused Bubblegum to stumble back and she sat back on a chair with a stunned look while Phoebe's eyes widened when she processed that while Jake just keeps on looking at Marceline with a slightly surprised look on his face.

Marceline was silent a bit more before sighing.

"Well considering who my kid will look like… yes. It's Finn."

"I see… I would say a lot but I'll save it for AFTER the kid is born Marceline, I may be scared of you normally since you like to try and freak me out… but this is my bro who is missing were talking about so if you're not gonna talk I'll find someone who will if I have to look since I can look around your usual hangout areas to see if anyone saw you and Finn together before this fight happened." Jake said with a serious look on his face.

"Plus Marceline… Finn is like the same age as Phoebe here. I mean how did this even... happen? Bubblegum said with a still shocked look on her face.

"Yeah… wait… was this when Finn and I were still dating or after the breakup?, you said nearly two months right?" Phoebe said when she remembered the red throne incident and her breakup with Finn were pretty recent after all.

Marceline rubbed her arm a bit.

"Well it was after your breakup with him like a few weeks after the Ice Kingdom melted."

Phoebe blinks at that before she used some tin foil and sat in a nearby chair.

"But why did Finn try and get back with me during the incident with my father and Don john if you two had some kind of relationship?, granted I've seen weirder couples and heard about multiple people sharing lovers but still why not say anything about you?" Phoebe said while she looked more confused than ever.

Marceline sighed.

"Well one because Finn and I weren't in a relationship and two… because I said something hurtful to the weenie and I've been regretting it since then."

"I see… well can you talk about how this happened?, I mean my bro shouldn't even know about tiers thanks to how young he is, I mean he's not even 18 yet and I was planning on explaining the birds and the bees to him on his 18th birthday." Jake said while he points at Marceline's baby bump for a couple seconds.

Marceline rubbed her head.

"Yeah about that, Jake… Finn already knew that stuff."

"What!?, How!?" Jake said while Phoebe and Bubblegum looked surprised.

Marceline chuckled.

"Well being a thousand years old, Finn figured that I know about the tiers and he pestered me to teach him so I gave up. But I didn't teach him like some boring teacher. I gave him a book that explains the mechanics and how babies are made. But I did show him some… videos."

Jake was just stunned silent while Bubblegum face palms and Phoebe looked confused.

"Hold on, if that's the case then how do you explain the pregnancy?" Phoebe asked since she knew that something like that couldn't happen unless tier 15 was done.

Marceline was nervous.

"Well it goes like this…" She said before she starts to explaining.

"I've been teaching Finn on how to play the guitar. At first it was to help distract him since he was still feeling bad about Pheebs here dumping him but the weenie was a fast learner. Figured he had an ancestor that was part of a band or something. After some time passes Finn was finally a master of the guitar. Hehe, it was a bit cute that he got all excited before giving me hug." Marceline said with a light blush as she chuckles.

Everyone else blinks at that but waits to see if there was more for Marceline to explain though Jake would have to ask Finn to play a guitar later since he never did that in front of him yet while Phoebe felt… a bit off when she saw Marceline blushing like that and wondered what she was feeling but kept quiet for now.

Bubblegum was feeling a bit off as well from how close Marceline and Finn were.

Though no one said anything as Marceline continued her story.

"So anyway, Finn wanted to explore a new dungeon he has heard about to celebrate. So we geared up and went to this place. It was a bit of a challenge with the foes we faced but we made it through. Then there came a chest. We didn't know what was inside before took it and head back to my place. Finn and I didn't have a key so we had to improvise. It took like an hour before we finally opened and inside was nice looking treasure. Though what caught my eye was that nice looking ring with a Ruby. Finn saw me looking before he actually gave it to me like one of those cheesy movies where the guy gives a girl a ring." She said with a slight smile.

"Awww…" Jake said when he thought that was pretty romantic and Phoebe hated to agree but it did sound romantic somewhat, it sounded like a better version of how things went on her time with Finn in that dungeon with the Goo-skeletons and the butt treasure chest.

Bubblegum thought it was nice as well before Marceline continued.

"Then something happened. I don't know what it was but I think there was a trap in the chest because somehow… Finn and I felt… horny. I was feeling hot and bothered and as I looked at Finn, and even though he was young, I still couldn't help and think how cute Finn was. I didn't know what he was thinking but he did walk up to me before he grabbed my shoulders and stood on his toes before he actually… kissed me on the lips." She said while blushing a bit.

Jake and the others looked surprised at that before Marceline continues.

"Though I won't go into details on what Finn and I did but I will say that situation aside… a lot better than Ash by a freaking mile… and bigger… a lot bigger than his age would suggest." Marceline said which made Bubblegum and Phoebe blush brightly at the image of sorts since they didn't know what to think right now.

Jake however groaned.

"Lack of details or not, I didn't want to know that."

"Hey I'm just saying… anyway… the next day when we awoke… well… I kind of… snapped at Finn putting it mildly." Marceline said before she looked regretful.

"Really?, what did you say?" Phoebe said with a raised eyebrow.

"I… screamed at him telling him to get out and I never want to see him again." Marceline said as she felt bad.

"What!?, no wonder Finn didn't want me to call you, why did you say that since it wasn't his fault but whoever trapped that chest." Jake said when he was surprised greatly at the info while Phoebe looked shocked.

Bubblegum was also shocked before Marceline spoke.

"I didn't mean to. This was all very shocking to me especially when I found out I got pregnant later on. I just wish I took it all back." She said before she let out a tear or two.

Everyone was silent at that for a moment while Phoebe… who did look the most shocked, stood up and said this shocking sentence.

"Why not tell him after you calmed down then?... you said it was nearly two months right?... were you going to try and keep Finn from finding out until the kid was born?" Phoebe said with an unusually angry tone to her voice for some reason.

Marceline sighs.

"I wanted to, but the thing was, I was worried he would tell Jake, which I'm guessing he didn't and I feared that… Finn didn't want to do anything with me or our kid after lashing out at him."

Phoebe in turn grits her teeth.

"Then I guess 1000 years of life haven't made you smart if you thought that little of Finn then." Phoebe said when she really didn't like the way Marceline said that… just what was up with her?. Even Jake and Bubblegum were confused by that since Phoebe… sounded off when Marceline talked about the pregnancy and stuff.

Marceline frowns at Phoebe.

"Hey back off! Of course I wouldn't think like that. Being pregnant tends to change my behavior and thoughts. Besides why are you feeling like this?"

Phoebe was silent for a moment at the question and it looked like she was trying to form a sentence carefully in her mind.

She then looks at Marceline with a serious look on her face.

"Maybe its because… I'm jealous of you if I'm honest…" Phoebe shockingly said to Marceline while Bubblegum and Jake's eyes widen in shock at that.

Marceline blinked at this.

"Wait… you're jealous of me?"

"Well… yeah… lately thanks to some talk with CB… I… was going to have a real talk with Finn if we found him and depending on how things go with that… I was going to see if he and I can start over with the whole dating thing… but hearing about how you… tore into Finn and forced him away from you… I just don't get it… you say that you think that Finn wouldn't want to deal with you or your kid but would Finn really think that way?, for Glob's sake he helped free me from being imprisoned in my lamp when I was stuck in there for years and even forgave me when I attacked the Goblin Kingdom and even though I heard Bubblegum here tried to break us up because of my unstable Matrix... which I'm trying to get under control by the way which oddly is ironically working thanks to that poison that weakened me and I can still feel some control after I recovered… but my point is even then Finn tried to keep on romancing me in other ways even if we were not compatible in a normal sense… so why would you say that Finn wouldn't forgive you and stay with you if you knew him longer than I did." Phoebe said while she gave Marceline a serious look that seemed to try and look into Marceline's very being.

Marceline was just silent when she heard that while Jake was shocked.

"Whoa seriously?"

Phoebe just had a slight blush on her face before she nods at Jake.

"Yeah… thinking about it now I never did talk to Finn about WHY he caused Ice King and I to fight in the first place, I mean the first time was just Ice King alone so why would he send those notes that caused me to fight the ice king… I kind of tuned Finn out when I couldn't believe him but I think I heard the word Cosmic Owl or something before that happened." Phoebe said while she rubbed the back of her head more… maybe things would be different if she paid more attention or something.

Jake gulped a bit when he remembered something.


"Yeah, but I don't know why the Cosmic Owl would be involved, isn't that guy just involved with dreams or something?, I mean why do something so stupid over just a dream right?, only fanatical idiots get excited over a dream that is just a jumbled mess that no one can really understand." Phoebe said while she looks at Jake and he seemed nervous which confused her for some reason.

Bubblegum and Marceline noticed that as well before Bubblegum spoke.

"Jake, are you feeling okay?"

Phoebe then wondered why Jake looked nervous and after taking a moment to think on why he would be nervous… her eyes widen in realization.

"Oh sweet Glob you didn't…" Phoebe said when she hoped she was wrong on where she was going with this which further confused Bubblegum and Marceline as they looked at Jake looking more and more nervous until he cracked.

"Alright!, I did it!, I caused Finn to go through with his dreams since it contained the Cosmic Owl!, I didn't know it would lead to this I swear!, I thought it would help Finn if he just caused what started the dream in the first place!" Jake said with a frightened look on his face before he fell face first onto the ground and starts to comically cry while Phoebe was so flabbergasted all she could do was just look at Jake with a slightly open mouth.

Bubblegum was shocked at this info but Marceline was a bit upset.

"So you're the reason that Simon got hurt and his home was melted?"

Jake then looked at Marceline with tears streaming down his face.

"I'm sorry ok!?, I didn't know this would happen, all I know was that Finn got that dream when the Ice King started fighting Phoebe and he told me that the Cosmic owl gave him a cryptic dream that he didn't understand, how was I supposed to know she would melt the entire kingdom and nearly get his buns toasted, Finn and I fight the Ice King all the time and he just keeps bouncing back so I thought this was a good thing since the Ice King was getting some karma for everything he did, he even mind controlled a few princesses so you can't say he didn't deserve that right!?, for all we knew he had kidnapped another princess without us knowing." Jake bawled while trying to defend his actions a little which… did make some sense but still…

Marceline shook her head at this.

"Well you and Finn did take care of him before his home got rebuilt so I'll let it slide. But getting back to topic, I didn't mean to think anything bad about Finn. I was just… nervous. I wanted to… hug the weenie and keep telling him how sorry I was."

Though Jake was listening and felt some relief from not getting attacked by Marceline, Phoebe had just flopped onto the chair she was on and was rubbing the sides of her head with a few fingers which did get the attention.

"Something wrong Phoebe?" Bubblegum said.

Phoebe just keeps rubbing her head and gave this response with a hard to read tone.

"Oh just the fact that not only did I find out that Finn went missing, but the fact that the reason I broke up with Finn was because of a dream granting owl and Finn's own brother who kept on pushing things because of Ice King and his donked up ways… and I find out that Marceline is knocked up with Finn's kid and from the sound of things… it sounds like she actually likes Finn if I'm reading her right… so no… I'm not fine… I got a headache that is making it hard for me to process things and considering some things, I'll have to just keep my trap shut about wanting to talk with Finn since I don't want Finn's kid with Marceline to grow up with out a father…" Phoebe said while she gave Bubblegum a slightly irritated look before she went back to rubbing the sides of her forehead again to try and get rid of her aching pains.

However Marceline did suggested this to Phoebe.

"Well I do like Finn. Don't know if it's romantic but we could just… share him."

That caused everyone to look at Marceline with flabbergasted looks and Phoebe was the one who gave a response that made a lot of sense.

"Huh?" Phoebe said when she wondered if she heard things right.

Marceline chuckled.

"That's right. I mean clearly you still have a thing for the hero and I do care for him and carrying his kid. If he was 18, I would date him. I mean come on, there's no rule if one guy can't have multiple lovers."

Phoebe then chuckles a few times before she facepalms.

"G-Great… two Royals of different kingdoms sharing a Human who is known by all as the Hero of Ooo, why not throw Bubblegum in the mix while we are at it since that may seem like a repeating theme if we find Finn." Phoebe said while she didn't really mean it and it just sounded like she was having more of a hard time processing things.

Bubblegum blinked a few times at this.

"Well that's clearly up to Bonnie. Though Finn had a major crush on her for sometime before he met you I believe right?" Marceline said to the Queen of Flames.

Phoebe in turn just covered her eyes while Jake sweatdrops since it looked like Phoebe was overloaded for now and tried to get the subject back on topic.

"Uh… ladies… I know some of you may not want to speak to me for awhile… but wouldn't this talk be better after we FIND Finn?" Jake said since Finn was still missing and reminded everyone about the missing human.

"He's right you two. We should at least find Finn before the whole sharing thing is discussed." Bubblegum said.

Everyone else looks at Bubblegum while they seemed to agree with her, though Phoebe looked still a bit off after everything that happened which caused Jake to sweatdrop.

"I'll uh… go let CB know to send the knights to look for Finn… I'll uhhh… give Lady a call to see if she can be an eye in the sky… see you three later." Jake said before he left the room which left the three woman alone in an awkward silence.

Marceline did sweatdrop at this before speaking to the duo.

"So… you guys still pissed at me?"

Phoebe chuckles a bit while she had a tired look on her face.

"Considering things… you getting knocked up by Finn is the least of my worries right now… I'm still trying to process that the Cosmic Owl seemingly wanted to break Finn and I up and Jake helped push Finn to let it happen and I nearly killed the Ice King for that… and now if I want to get back with Finn I'll have to share him with a person I haven't interacted with much and is like a stranger to me… peachy…" Phoebe said which caused Bubblegum to sweatdrop… that was a lot to process and take in after all...

Marceline did chuckle.

"Well hopefully when we find him, we'll have plenty to talk and get to know one another better."

"Yeah though I wasn't really serious about Bubblegum joining in on the sharing thing but since you mentioned the crush thing…" Phoebe said before she looks at Bubblegum.

"Considering I've heard that you and the Vampire Queen used to date from some advisors and what not and now I got this… what will you do Bubblegum?, I've heard that too young thing from Finn but you would have whipped up something to stop Finn from aging when he hits 18 most likely so why not try dating Finn?, I heard about the time when you were… somehow turned 13 again after one of those Lich incidents so what was that all about?" Phoebe asked while she seemed somewhat back to normal though Phoebe still looked like she had a headache right now.

Marceline blinked a few times before looking at Bubblegum.

"Really Bonnie?"

Bubblegum chuckles nervously before she starts to talk about how she was possessed by the Lich, turned into a monstrous giant, stopped by the combined teamwork of Ice King, Finn, and Jake, and ended up shattering before she was put back together but since there was not enough biomass, she was in the form of a 13 year old and well… some things happened between her and Finn before the Earl of Lemongrab showed up and ruined things before Bubblegum returned to normal with everyone's help.

"... and that's how I returned to normal and had to well… end things with Finn then and there since it would be awkward for a person of my age dating a 13 year old at the time." Bubblegum said while Phoebe could only facepalm again when she heard all of that and a larger headache was forming in her skull.

"Wow." Was all Marceline said.

"...Yeah…" Bubblegum said while she looked at the ceiling and another awkward silence filled the room.

"But would you have dated him if he was 18?" Marceline asked.

Bubblegum blushed more at that which most likely was a yes but it seemed Bubblegum was too shy with this to answer.

Marceline chuckles.

"Well that answers our question. If Finn was here, he would faint at the idea. But since we have Finn for ourselves, guess that would make me the head girlfriend." She said with a smirk.

Bubblegum blushed more while Phoebe shook her head and stood up while she had an exhausted look on her face.

"Fine miss head girlfriend, we can all share Finn but that won't happen if we don't find him, if you'll excuse me I gotta get some aspirin before I can even start looking." Phoebe said with a tired look on her face before she exits the place before anyone could stop her… guess she took it too literally and just agreed to end this conversation.

"Hehe… guess you pushed her a bit to hard Marceline… she is the same age as Finn unlike us so I don't think she has the same level of patience or the same fortitude that we do even if she does put on the tough act." Bubblegum said when she looks at Marceline.

"Hehe… guess so Bonnie." Marceline said before getting a sad look now.

Bubblegum saw that look and surprised Marceline when she moved to sit next to Marceline on the sofa that she was on and placed an arm around Marceline.

"Don't worry, we will find Finn, and if not we can help you with your pregnancy and try locating Finn once you are in a good condition to do so, you shouldn't worry or push yourself too hard since it could affect the baby, and remember this is Finn were talking about so he will be fine, he has pulled through tough situations then being missing before." Bubblegum said to try and cheer up Marceline.

"I know it's just… I shouldn't have said those things to him. He was my friend and I pushed him away." Marceline said as she let out a tear or two.

Bubblegum in got a worried look on her face while her brain worked a mile a minute to try and think of a way to cheer her up before she had an idea.

"Oh I see, then I guess a simple fight got the normally tough as nails Vampire Queen to become meek and defenseless huh?" Bubblegum said which was slightly confusing… meek maybe but defenseless?

Marceline's ear twitch before looking at Bubblegum.

"I don't know what you just called me, but I ain't defenseless."

"Oh really?... normally I wouldn't do this but…" Bubblegum said before she surprised Marceline by kissing her cheek where a tear was falling and it was kissed away before Bubblegum pulled away with a smirk on her face… and a slight blush was on Bubblegum's face as well.

Marceline did blush at this action before she grins and grabbed Bubblegum's cheeks before she smashed her lips on the Candy Monarch's lips.

Bubblegum this time was stunned when she starts to register the kiss and was starting to process things when Marceline pulled away with an amused look on her face.

"Hehe, thanks for cheering me up." Marceline said.

Bubblegum was still registering things but was able to get this out.

"N-No problem Marcy." Bubblegum said while she had a blush on her face.

Marceline chuckles before the duo waits for Jake.

Though it seemed they would be waiting for a bit while the scene went back to Emerald and Finn back at the beach with Emerald waiting at the boat that was set up in the ocean on the shore before Emerald looks at Finn off camera while Finn was putting the finishing touches on his new gear that Emerald made for him.

"Hey Finn, you ready?, I got everything set up for us to leave." Emerald said while he made sure the boat didn't float away from him.

"Uh yeah I'm ready." Finn said.

"Well get over here and let's see if the outfit works for you, I tried to keep your usual blue look in it but with some addons for some sea themed stuff." Emerald said while he waits for Finn to show himself.

Finn then walks out as he was seen wearing his classic blue shirt but instead of black shorts, it was long brown pants with matching new boots.

He also was wearing a trench coat.

But the major difference was on Finn's head as he was wearing a new hat that was surprisingly in the look of a Pirate hat with a white bear icon on the front while a feather was seen on the side as his bear hat was in his hand while his hair was tied in a ponytail.

Though he must've cut it short since he has a habit of letting his hair grow.

Emerald chuckles when he saw how the look worked with Finn and gave him a thumbs up.

"Not bad Finn, you look like a real adventurer of the sea now." Emerald said with a grin on his face.

"Hehe, thanks." Finn said.

"Yeah, what you going to do with that though?, we can take it with us if you need a replacement hat if you want… and you write the note that you'll leave here?" Emerald said while he remembered that Finn got some paper from his backpack and a pen as well before Finn went to get changed.

Finn looks at his old bear and remembers so many things he did while wearing it.

However, seeing that he's about to start a new journey, he's gonna have to start fresh.

"Nah, I'll leave this behind."

"Alright, and here, use this to pin the note to a tree or something, don't want it to fly away right?, you can even place the hat on it in case anyone is wondering who left the note." Emerald said while he held a cheap looking Dagger towards Finn.

Finn nods and grabs dagger before he starts to write a note on the piece of paper.

Once that was done, he saw a tree that was close by before he placed the hat and note on it before sticking the dagger in the tree good so neither the note nor hat will fly away.

Once that was done, Finn turned to see that Emerald was getting the boat in the water so that it would float and Emerald gestured for Finn to give him a hand since the extra food and water weighed the boat down.

Finn rushes forward before getting to the boat to help Emerald.

Once it was in the water and floating Emerald got in the boat and used an extra long oar to hold the boat in place at the beach.

"Take one last look around Finn, it could be a long time before you return to Ooo after all." Emerald said with an understanding look on his face, he would give Finn a bit of time for some last minute thoughts and what not.

Finn nods to Emerald before he took one last look at the sandy beach before thinking of his friends and family.

It was only a minute or two before Finn get inside the boat.

Emerald looks at Finn for a moment before Emerald starts to let the Boat drift slowly from Ooo while Emerald used some unknown wind magic to have the boat sail at a distant speed while Finn watched the shores of Ooo get further and further away till it was nothing more than a distant speck in the distance.

As Finn watched he couldn't help but let out a tear or two for all the things he's gonna miss at Ooo.

Emerald saw that and kept quiet since Finn's thoughts were his own but unknown to Finn, Emerald had gripped his chest with a slightly pained expression on his face while a green mist emits from his right eye but he shook that off just as fast as it came so he could focus on the wind spell keeping the boats speed going strong and was able to relax a bit.

"Just gotta keep him from getting out and everything will be fine… this compass never lied to me before… though seeing Finn the Human and having him join me was unexpected but hopefully if all else... Finn can stop him from surfacing as a last resort if needed." Emerald cryptically thought and hoped he could keep whatever he was trying to keep at bay under wraps as the boat speeds along the sea.

Interestingly enough back at the shore, only an hour to two passed before a Flame knight and a Banana guard found the shore where Emerald and Finn left before they found the note and quickly brought the items to Bubblegum, Marceline, Phoebe, CB, Jake, and Lady who tried to help them locate Finn and used the Treefort as a basecamp for the Finn location base.

"Milady, we found these on one of Ooo's shores!" A Flame knight said while a Banana guard passed the note, bear hat, and cheap looking Dagger to Bubblegum.

Bubblegum's eyes widened when she grabbed the hat.

"Oh Glob… it's Finn's hat."

"What?, what does the note say?" Jake asked since he saw the note with the two items.

Bubblegum then picks up the note before she starts to read it.

"To anyone that finds my note and old bear hat, I'm sorry to say this but I left Ooo to go on a grand journey. Reason I'm doing this is because… I've been feeling sad because of my past actions and how it reflects on me as a hero. Like for starters I made my... ex girlfriend fight an innocent Ice King. Then there was something I did to my great friend and radical dame, Marceline and much more. So after taking some time to think, I believe going on an adventure at sea will help me out. But I won't be alone since I'm with Emerald, who gave me an insightful truth about the difference between a Hero and an Adventurer… a Hero has to be restrained and an Adventurer has freedom to do whatever they want and I haven't really gone on an adventure in a long long time now that I think about it.

Though to all my friends that are reading this, please don't be sad. It's not really a goodbye forever. When I'm ready, I will return.

Your friend Finn."

Pretty much everyone was stunned when they heard that while Bubblegum's eyes were as wide as dinner plates and Jake collapsing on the ground knocked out and Lady worrying about Jake caused everyone to snap out of it and react in similar manners once they register what was just said.

As some tried to help Jake, Marceline was stunned when she heard the note before thinking it was her fault and wouldn't have a chance to tell Finn that she's sorry or tell him about their love child.

Phoebe was in a similar boat since she never could clear things up and low and behold when Bubblegum looks at the two, she saw that they both had greatly depressed looks and Phoebe even looked dimmer which worried CB greatly from that.

Bubblegum then tries to help.

"Okay… I know how sad this is but Finn said he'll come back." She said trying to add a silver lining.

"Yeah…. But how long?... it could be years before he returns…" Phoebe said while she looked more down then before.

Bubblegum was a bit silent for a moment as she didn't know the answer.

"Okay… I… don't know the answer but… I'm sure he would want us to be strong for him."

"Easy for you to say, you and Marceline are pretty much immortal and can wait as long as you want for Finn, and while I can wait a number of years, unless Finn returns and somehow becomes immune to fire then I'll have to marry someone years from now in order to have an heir for the throne, and as bad as this sounds, thanks to Marceline getting knocked up by Finn, and with her telling me about her dad and his issues, he could try and make the kid the next Ruler of the Nightosphere, even if she object there could be a chance for that to happen." Phoebe said when she points out that she was a SINGLE Queen for a Kingdom with no official king, granted she could wait for a few years for Finn to return but sooner or later she would have to get with someone to produce an heir for the Fire Kingdom throne and there was the thing with Marceline's dad since he would hear of this sooner or later if he hasn't yet and could cause issues down the line.

Bubblegum didn't know what to say before Marceline spoke.

"Look Phoebe, I'm not trying to run your life, but you're the Queen. You can hold off on a suitor if needed. And as for my dad, unless my kid makes a choice, my dad doesn't try to influence it."

Phoebe did perk up at that before she looks dejected again.

"Maybe until I'm around my 30's but I can't put off of it longer than that since people are going to wonder about if I'm getting married in the future or not… and couldn't your dad just try and trick the kid into going with them to the Nightosphere or something?, he tricked you before after Finn told me about the amulet so what's to stop him from going for your kid after its born?" Phoebe said while she tried to think of ways to keep herself from getting forced into a relationship and remind Marceline about the Amulet incident… guess Finn told about that adventure to the Nightosphere it seemed.

Bubblegum was surprised at the story while Marceline rubbed her chin a bit.

"Well I'll worry about my dad when the situation comes in. As for you, hmmm I'm sure we can of something."

Phoebe just gave Marceline a half lidded look and shook her head.

"Like what?, you or Bubblegum knock me up when I'm 18 or something?, pretty sure that would be hard to do for a number of reasons like me being fired for one and you two not having the right equipment." Phoebe said absentmindedly while she missed the looks on Marceline and Bubblegum's faces from that suggestion even if it was sarcastic sounding.

Marceline and Bubblegum has wide eyed looks on their faces but Marceline was thoughtful.

"Hmmm… perhaps that can work."

This time everyone looked surprised before they look at Marceline.

"Wait what!?" Everyone said with stunned looks on their faces.

"What?, I danced in the fire kingdom before and FYI… Bonnie and I can shapeshift remember… me more then her but she can replace limbs if they get removed… you remember her story Pheebs?, well what do you think she did when we were together and we wanted to get frisky?, trust me, she and I can grow cocks of various sizes and shapes and she was the aggressive one when she needed a stress relief… didn't stop me from being on top when she starts to run out of steam but I digress… were full of surprises… right Bonnie?" Marceline said before she gave Bubblegum a teasingly fanged grin.

Bubblegum was blushing brightly like a tomato while Phoebe was flabbergasted.

"W-Wait… I didn't even suggested that. Plus I hardly know you two."

"Well we got a few years till your 18, why not start now or something?, you said so yourself that Bonnie or I should know you up when your 18 right?, sarcastic or not I'm just pointing out that I can handle the heat and Bonnie can probably whip up some kind of fireproofing potion or something given enough time and didn't you get with Finn only shortly after you got out of your lamp so how is that hardly know us thing going to work?" Marceline said with an amused look on her face, granted she was still bummed that Finn left but she would at least make an attempt to try and cheer up not just for herself but her growing bundle of joy since she heard an expecting mothers mood did affect a growing baby.

Bubblegum was still surprised to hear that Marceline suggested it.

CB and Lady were stunned by that and looked at Phoebe to see how she would respond.

Phoebe was still shocked while blushing brightly before trying to regain her composure.

"I-I don't know… I need to think on this a bit."

"Hehe well take your time, we got plenty and who knows, with all that practice dealing with dates from pros, you could surprise Finn when he gets back from his… latest adventure… still wondering who this Emerald person is, is he some kind of rock elemental or something?" Marceline asked when she wondered who this Emerald person in the note is.

Bubblegum looks at the note a few times Incase she missed something.

"It doesn't say. All Finn wrote in the note was that this Emerald person help Finn realize something and was also the reason Finn was on this journey."

"Well in case we ever meet this Emerald person, I know who I'm smashing into the ground then." Marceline said when she didn't like this Freedom talking Emerald already… wasn't Finn free enough?

"Count me in." Phoebe said with a frown as she didn't like knowing that Finn was gone and didn't know when he will come back.

"N-Now now… this Emerald probably had good intentions, besides we don't even know the guy, even if we… want to smash the guy into the ground as Marceline aptly puts it… we can't just attack the guy without a real reason, besides it's better that we know Finn is with someone who can back him up and Finn not being alone who knows where." Bubblegum said to give this Emerald guy some kind of defense.

Though Phoebe still frowned, Bubblegum did had a point or two.

"Maybe." She said.

"Right, and who knows, if this Emerald guy is traveling with Finn, then maybe Finn could learn some good things from him since it seems this Emerald is a pretty outgoing kind of guy, for all we know Finn could be a lot more confident about himself when he gets back, he sounded depressed earlier and even though some of us tried our best, Finn was still depressed, Emerald could keep an eye on Finn and not have him do anything stupid… or much much worse…" Bubblegum said when she worried Finn might have tried to take his own life or something.

Marceline gulps at the possibility.

"Yeah… Hopefully."

"Yeah…" Phoebe said when she really hoped Finn didn't do anything stupid.

Everyone was quiet before they heard Jake groan a bit as he starts to wake.

Everyone looked over to see Jake sitting up while Lady used her body to help Jake sit up like she was a faux chair.

"Jake are you alright?" Lady asked in her language that only Bubblegum and Jake could understand.

"Ugh… I think so. What happened?" Jake asked.

"Well Jake things went like this…" Lady said before she explained everything to Jake on Finn apparently leaving Ooo for an adventure with this strange man Emerald who talked about the difference between a Hero and an adventurer being freedom, then there was the fact that Marceline and Bubblegum would be dating Phoebe it seems to get to know her before she is 18 and everything.

"... so that is all that happened while you were out if you forgot anything." Lady said with a worried tone to her voice when she saw the wide eyed look on Jake's face.

"Oh Glob! My bro is gone!" Jake said before he got a depressed look.

"There there Jake, Finn will be back, this could be good for him so he can clear his head on some things, besides Finn's a tough guy so I doubt he will get killed and he has help remember?" Lady said to try and cheer Jake up.

Jake sniffles a bit.

"Yeah… guess you're right." He said before slightly frowning.

"But if I see that Emerald dude or whatever his name is, he's gonna get the big foot. Just like I did to Ash."

Everyone minus Marceline wondered what the Big Foot was but Phoebe shook her head a few times and changed subjects.

"How did he leave Ooo anyway?, where was the note found?" Phoebe asked while the Flame Knight who had the Banana guard bring it salutes his Queen.

"Your Majesty, This Banana guard and I found it on one of the shores of Ooo and it looks like a Boat was dragged on the sand and into the Ocean." The flame Knight said without breaking the salute.

Everyone blinked at this.

"Well that explains it." Bubblegum said.

"But isn't Finn afraid of the ocean?, Jake mentioned it before, so why would Finn set sail on the ocean?" Phoebe said when that part didn't make sense to her.

"Well I know when I'm down, I would watch the ocean and listen to the waves and stuff to calm me down. Maybe that's what happened to Finn." Marceline said.

"Listening maybe but didn't Jake say it was a pretty big fear?, Like Mondo cray cray big?" Phoebe said since she hung around Finn and Jake alot being Finn's girlfriend and all for a bit of time.

"Unless his…. Depression help overcome that fear." Bubblegum said.

Everyone didn't know if that was a good thing or not and another awkward silence filled the room for a couple minutes.

"So... now what?" Jake asked.

"We wait I guess… I mean even if we did rush to get plenty of seafaring boats ready it would take a few days at least and who knows how long those two would have been gone." Bubblegum said when she didn't like to be the downer for this.

Marceline did look a bit down while Jake didn't like those odds.

Phoebe had a similar look before Bubblegum got a serious look on her face.

"Hey come on everyone cheer up!, we can't be depressed now of all times, would Finn want that?, I mean sure he's in a slump but would Finn want to see all of us down and out?" Bubblegum said before she placed a hand on Marceline's shoulder.

"Where is the tough as nails Vampire Queen that everyone cares for?, where is the one woman who actually is carrying Finn's kid?, you don't want to have the child worry about you down the line when its born right?" Bubblegum said to cheer Marceline up first.

Marceline blinked a bit before she chuckled.

"You're right Bonnie. Can't be a downer for my kid."

Bubblegum smiles at that before she looks at Phoebe.

"And where is the stubborn Flame Queen who kept up her romance with Finn even if many said it was impossible biologically?, who knows Finn could find a way to be fireproof on his trip and when he gets back he can sweep you off your feet." Bubblegum said to try and get Phoebe to cheer up.

Phoebe was a bit surprised before she blushed at the thought of Finn, being older, and was imagining the human being fireproof and was sweeping Phoebe off feet.

A moment later, she imagined Finn just showing up to her place out of the blue and decked out in various adventuring gear, he had a more grizzled but still hot look that mixed well and just surprised her when he gripped her wrist and pulled her in for an intense hug much to dream Phoebe's shock.

"Milady, I have returned for you and I finally found a way for us to be together!" Dream Finn said before he pretty much plants a kiss on Dream Phoebe while real Phoebe…

Phoebe was once again in her own world as everyone sees the young Flame Queen having a funny look while blushing. There was even a slight nose bleed with some fiery blood.

Bubblegum and everyone sweatdrops at that before she looks at Jake.

"And Jake, who would keep this place intact for Finn so he has a home to come back to?, pretty sure Marceline would stay in her cave until the child is born so I'm sure Finn wouldn't mind if you and Lady stay here right?, this place is bigger then Ladys home so plenty of room to move around and what not." Bubblegum said to Jake and Lady to try and cheer them up.

Jake did perk up a bit before he looks at Lady.

Lady took a moment to think before she looks at Jake with a slight smile and nods her head to show she was alright with this.

Jake did smile a bit at Lady before he looks at Bubblegum.

"It is more roomy. And we gotta make sure it stays tip top shape when Finn comes back."

"Yeah, but since Finn will be away we should make sure we can take care of ourselves with or without Finn, so once I get back to my kingdom I'm going to upgrade my Guards and the Guardians into super soldiers so they can deal with any kind of threat." Bubblegum said with a somewhat pumped look on her face which looked a bit funny to some since she was normally not this intense, guess Finn leaving really caused her to get a bit worried for her kingdom's safety.

Phoebe, who was out of her trance, was thoughtful.

"I should probably do the same with upgrading my kingdom's defenses and make sure my guards are well trained for anything."

"Very well your highness, when we get back I'll get started on training some elite Royal guards." CB said with a serious tone to his voice which surprised Bubblegum somewhat… guess it made sense now that he was fully baked but looked at Marceline with a smile on her face.

"Listen Marceline, not sure if you want to or not but if you don't mind, want to… move into the Candy Kingdom Castle until the pregnancy is over at least?, should be helpful since the hospital there is pretty close to it right?" Bubblegum said with a gentle smile on her face.

Marceline was a bit surprised at the offer but didn't seem to mind.

"Eh, why not. It'll save the travel distance."

"Great, so instead of being depressed, let's all do something to try and cheer ourselves up like watch a movie or something, anyone see BMO?" Bubblegum said before BMO popped up from a hole in a wall.

"BMO is here!" BMO called out which caused Bubblegum to giggle a bit when she picked BMO up from the hole and placed them on the ground.

"And don't forget Neptr!" Neptr said as he rolled by.

Everyone chuckles in various ways with the tension and drama somehow slipping away from them and everyone got ready to watch a movie after Phoebe and Bubblegum sent their guards back to their respective kingdoms, all in all it looks like things would get interesting in Ooo while with Finn and Emerald...

?/ Ocean/ Finn, Emerald

They had gotten quite a ways away from Ooo and were looking at various maps and star charts that Emerald had while he had his guiding compass at the ready while they were looking to see if there was any islands nearby.

"Alright so how about we head to this island?, its about a couple days from here but if I use plenty of wind magic, we could get there in a day without much issue, though hopefully we won't run into a storm or something to slow us down." Emerald said when he points at an island that was near their location on the map.

"That's cool. What will we find there?" Finn asked.

Emerald chuckles when he looks at Finn.

"Well that's just it, I have no idea, what I'M looking for and my compass is pointing out is a port town where we can get a better boat and what not so we can really get sailing, as much as I hate to admit it, this little boat won't get us very far and I'm also looking for one with a good dungeon so we can rake in the needed funds, and take a look at where this compass is pointing us." Emerald said when he points to the compass, and when Finn looked he saw that when not near the map it was pointing in a certain direction, but when near the map, it was pointing at the island on the map which made Emerald grin when he loved this compass and how handy it was.

"Wow. Where did you get a compass like that?" Finn said.

Emerald looked to the sky for a moment before he grins at Finn.

"Tell you what, we take turns with getting this boat going and while it's your turn to row, I'll help pass the time by explaining how I got this beauty, deal?" Emerald said while he puts away the maps and star charts since they had a lock on the location that they need to go too now.

Finn was thoughtful for a moment before smirking.


Emerald and Finn shook hands before Emerald gestured for Finn to get at the front of the boat.

"Alright, take a seat so I can get us started on getting to the island." Emerald said when he used some water magic to have the boat turn towards where the compass was pointing and held the compass to Finn.

"If you want you can hold onto this until we get to the island, you can be the navigator who guides me while I focus on keeping us going at a steady rate." Emerald said with a grin on his face… magical compass and having a command of multiple magics and some abnormal strength to lift a greatsword with one hand… who was this guy exactly?

Finn was surprised after hearing that.

"You sure. I mean that compass is your prized possession."

"Hehe, that's just it, I'm just lending it to you... if something happens and we get split up this thing always has a thing of coming back to me sooner or later… for example in one adventure, while others can use it, it's mainly working for MY benefit... remember the island were heading towards?, well say for example you and I get split up there or maybe a storm hits and we get separated and you have the compass on you and you need to find a place to either crash or find a dungeon to go to, well this would point to the place where we are heading no matter what distance since its where I would go, it has a thing where the real owners choice matters over a person who just finds it, not sure how to pass it to others officially without dying since that was how it was originally passed to me when I helped a dying pirate who was on his last legs… long story but that's a key part of the story I will tell soon, anyway point is even if you use it to try and get something for yourself, it would benefit me as well since I'm owner of the compass in the end, you following so far Finn?, who knows, maybe once I am done adventuring I can give it to you as a gift or something and you can pass it to your kids if they love adventuring years from now hehe..." Emerald explained as he passed Finn the compass.

Finn, who has the compass, did flinch at the mention of kids.

"Considering how trouble my love life is, not sure if I'll meet a girl that'll like me before anything."

"Hehe, well why not try asking the Compass that, granted it may end up working in my favor most likely in some cases since I do like the ladies, maybe you could find the girl of your dreams if the compass points you too her, so how about a deal… let the compass guide you to the girl of your dreams after we get a ship good enough to sail these waters and I'll teach you everything I know about women, granted it's mainly how to get to do tier 15 with them but I do have some romantic advice to give that could help hehe… but that's for later if we get to the island soon enough, so Navigator Finn, ask the compass where the island is so we can get going." Emerald said when he stood up and gave Finn an amused grin.

Finn blushes since he already knew about the tiers and who he… did it with before looking at the compass.

"U-Umm, excuse me... compass. Mind telling me which way the island is?"

A moment later, the compass needle spins a few times before it seemed to focus in a single direction and after a moment, the direction didn't change so the direction was locked in now.

Finn was surprised when he saw the needle on the compass move like.


"I'm guessing its locked onto the islands position right?, well point the way navigator and lets get sailing!" Emerald said with an excited tone to his voice…. It was like he was a kid in an adults body or something with how excited he sounded.

Finn couldn't help but chuckle a bit before pointing at the direction where the compass was pointing.

"That way Captain!"

"Right!" Emerald said before he used his magic to make a gust of wind behind them which rockets the duo across the sea at a fast pace.

Finn held on to the mast of the boat while chuckling in an exciting way.

Though what the duo didn't know was that fate seemed to have other plans in mind when out of their view was a large storm that was getting in the way of their path while large thunderbolts hit the sea as the scene slowly fades to black with the unaware adventurers none the wiser right this moment.

The scene fades in to show TME as he was at the steering wheel of the ship while he was having some people do things here and there while he hums a small song.

Atomsk walks out of the cabin before heading up to TME.

He then looks at the ocean.

"Talk about smooth sailing hey?"

"You said it man, this boat is sailing like a dream and the wind is in our favor, hopefully Emerald and Finn have a better time but if we're going over the original plot… we both know it won't be that good at first." TME said while he grins at Atomsk.

"Hehe oh yeah. But man does it feel good to get this story back on running. Even though it's a Rewrite but still." Atomsk said.

"True and I'm getting into the swing of things now that Emerald is in the mix so I have someone to control and thanks for letting me use the guiding compass from POTC as well, should be a good crossover now that I think about it." TME said when he grins at Atomsk to see how that idea would do for this story.

"Oh yeah. Definitely will work well in the story. And among other things that will happen." Atomsk said while grinning.

"Hehe yeah and the possible three way romance between Phoebe, Marceline, and Bubblegum that can be built too can be an interesting thing to visit every now and then." TME said while he turned the wheel to have the ship to avoid some rocks.

"Let's not forget Marceline's bundle of joy. Depending how the story goes, that baby will probably have to more moms in the mix. Though I'm sensing big drama when papa Abadeer hears the big news." Atomsk said.

"Either that or comedy gold, I mean think about it, lord of evil aside when it comes to Marceline, the guy can be a real goof in a good way and could make things funny, we could even introduce some OC's like Lillum, Cedric, and Azure, as demons in the nightosphere or have just Lillum there for helping Marceline since this Lillum would have had a few daughters, could have Cedric and Azure be some crewmates on the ship that finds Finn and Emerald later if you want to mix it up though." TME said while he keeps the ship on course.

"Hmmm interesting. We'll probably have to talk about this later when we go for chapter 2." Atomsk said.

"Yeah but still ideas to consider, anyway want to take the helm while I end things with the readers?" TME said with a grin on his face.

"Hehe, sure thing." Atomsk said before taking the wheel.

When that happened, TME stepped back to let Atomsk steer the ship before he focused on the readers when he stepped over to relax at the railing.

"Hey everyone, sorry for the wait, hope you all enjoyed the first chapter of Finn the Red rewrite, sorry if it took awhile but you know much of a stickler for long chapters that Atomsk and I are hehe, anyway I'll just leave off by saying hope you like the later chapters to be and hope you like how the story could go, got any last words for the readers Atomsk?." TME said while he looks at Atomsk.

"Yeah we hope you enjoy reading the first chapter and hope you leave positive reviews on it along with other future chaps." Atomsk said.

"Indeed and if you want a general idea of the plot then read the original version of Finn the red, differences aside its a good aid for Atomsk and I so we can really get a good groove going, but until then see you all later me hearties yoho yoho!" TME said before he waved to the readers while the scene fades to black.