Two weeks. That's how much time had passed since the night Reagan texted Ramsay to come get her and invited him to stay the night. Two weeks since she decided to give him a chance. As promised, she really has been open minded to him and has kept Vis at a safe friendly distance much to Margaery's dismay. But Reagan figured she really didn't have anything to lose, it wasn't like she was in love with Viserys or anything and he seemed to take no hard feelings to her distance.

"I'm just saying, he could turn out to be a great dad." Margaery insisted once again as she took a sip from her milkshake from there favorite diner inside the mall.

Loras rolled his eyes and gave Reagan an apologetic look from across the booth beside his sister. The three of them were together for the first time in what felt like forever and decided to go shopping and grab some food when the topic of Reagan's complicated situation came up. Reagan sighed deeply before deciding to speak.

"Right, but so could Ramsay." Reagan defended her baby's father. "Which is why I am giving him this chance. There is no denying we started this whole thing ass backwards here but I want to at least say I was open and gave him a chance to prove himself Margaery."

"And I think that is fantastic and wise of her." Loras chimed in. "If he decides this isn't for him, Rey can't say she didn't try."

Margaery gave a small huff. "I'll always support you, but that doesn't mean I have to trust him. My concern is for you and little bean sprout."

Margaery's nickname for the baby tugged the corners of Reagan's mouth into a small smile. "Thank's Margie."

The two girls shared a smile that was short lived by Loras interrupting.

"Great- so Rey are we doing a baby shower for you or no?" He asked with a burning urgency.

Reagan just rolled her eyes. "Loras I don't know! I'm not even sure if I want something like that. You guys are my main friends and the only ones who know outside of Robb, Gilly, and Ramsay's friends. The whole thing is a weird thing to explain."

"Speaking of…" Margaery said her eyes directing them to look towards the entrance of the diner. Reagan tried to look over discreetly and Loras...not so much. Her eyes fell on what her friend spotted- Myranda. After the showing up to Reagan's work incident Margaery Facebook stalked this girl and knew just about everything there was to know about her.

"You don't think she'll walk over here?" Loras asked.

"Oh I hope she does." Margaery said almost too hopefully.

Reagan shook her head. "I don't think she even saw us."

"Oh, well she's walking over here now so…" Loras said as he began sipping his drink.

Reagan felt a wave of nausea wash over her, this was something she did not want to deal with. Taking a sip of her water she swallowed back the feeling of throwing up and turned to face Myranda as she approached their table. Reagan looked up and offered up a fake smile like she had before in their prior meeting. She didn't have to see her friends' faces to know Margaery was more than likely smiling but shooting daggers with those cat like eyes and Loras was giving that overly sweet deceiving smile he gave to people he didn't like.

"Reagan, hi." Myranda began, her voice annoyingly sweet and soft. Reagan didn't trust it. "I wanted to apologize for the other day. I was just so upset…" She placed a hand to her chest as she pretended to almost lose her composure. "Well, it doesn't matter. I shouldn't have come up to your place of work and acted like that. I'm sorry."

Reagan observed her for a moment, trying to detect a trap of some sort. Sensing none she nodded and gave her a small smile. "Well thank you, I appreciate it. I'm sorry that you were so upset by everything. I could only imagine."

"Wel-" Myranda began to speak again but stopped and her smile faltering. Her eyes fixed on the bags sitting on the other side of Reagan. Her mind instantly remembering her earlier purchases from a maternity store and a few items she picked up for the baby. She felt Myranda's eyes fall on her abdomen next and was grateful she was wearing a loose sweatshirt and leggings today. "You're pregnant."

Reagan noticed how she stated the words with disbelief and hurt. For a moment, Reagan almost felt bad. It wasn't like she sought Ramsay out that night and knew he had a girlfriend. If she knew that he had a girlfriend she would have never taken him home. In truth, she really did feel bad about it all.

Before Reagan could even answer her, Margaery spoke instead. "No, just guilty of last minute shopping for a friend's baby shower tomorrow."

Myranda directed her glare over to Margaery who was giving her the signature "I'm lying but you're going to believe me anyways" sweet smile.

"Well then, enjoy." Myranda said tightly and turned to walk away. The three of them all looked at each other.

"Well that was fucking weird and she's clearly psycho." Loras finally said.

"Margaery why did you lie?" Reagan finally asked. Sooner or later the truth would come out and she would know.

"Because she clearly isn't right in the head and she was going to cause a scene and I don't that crazy bitch to try to hurt you or our little bean sprout." Margaery defended. "She for sure knows you're pregnant though. Has Ramsay ever mentioned her being this crazy?"

Reagan shook her head. "We don't talk about her."

"You might need to." Loras said looking slightly concerned. "In case you didn't notice, she came here alone and didn't even sit and eat. Almost like she was stalking you."

It was late at night now and Reagan was just getting out of the shower. After a long day and feeling stressed after her encounter with Myranda she decided to take a long shower. Apparently longer than she meant to, when she checked the time on her phone the time read 11:20 p.m. and she just sighed. She tossed on an old baggy t-shirt that once belonged to her ex and a pair of panties and began to blow dry her hair. It was roughly midnight when began to get comfortable in her bed and decided to scroll social media out of boredom.

Just as Reagan felt like she could fall asleep she heard knocking at her door. Her heart stopped for a moment. It was late and she couldn't think who it could be, she hadn't made plans with anyone nor was she expecting anyone to stop by this weekend. Despite this, she still got up and see who it could be at the door. She grabbed her cell phone with her dad's number ready to dial and bat she kept handy at her bedside.

As she approached the door she made sure her footsteps were light and not too audible. Feeling anxious, she peered through the hole in the door and let out a sigh of relief at the person behind the door and opened it.

"What the fuck? Were you going to hit me with a fucking bat?" Ramsay exclaimed at her as noticed the bat in her hand.

"Well when I hear knocking at my door in the middle of the night what am I supposed to think?" She exclaimed back him.

"A murderer or robber wouldn't have fucking knocked Rey!" Ramsay explained annoyed at her logic. Reagan stood there silently trying to hold back a smile. "What?"

"Nothing, it's just that what you said was funny and I think that's the first time you've used my nickname." She explained.

Ramsay only nodded for a moment before speaking again. "Can I stay here tonight? I know it's last minute but something came up."

"Yeah sure." She replied though she was curious as she looked him over as he entered her apartment. There was no sign of any damage to him or like he had been in any kind of altercation. In fact, he looked super casual in his jeans and black sweatshirt. "What happened?"

"It's complicated." He began as he walked into her small kitchen area and opened her fridge to pull out one of the energy drinks he kept in her fridge for when he would stop by. As he leaned against the counter Reagan could feel his eyes looking her over and she suddenly felt very exposed in just a shirt and underwear. "Two things. One, we need to get you better home protection besides that bat. Two, who's shirt is that?"

He didn't sound happy, but he didn't sound mad. Yet Reagan felt nervous to answer. "It uh belonged to my ex. Sometimes I sleep in it because it's bigger."

Reagan knew she didn't owe him an explanation, but yet she gave it because it was easier to do so. The past two weeks between them had been oddly pleasant. He would bring her lunch at work, stop by her apartment and have dinner with her and talk about upcoming doctor appointments, hell they even started talking about if they want to find out the gender of the baby or not.

Ramsay nodded at her answer with a clenched jaw as he looked down at the floor. For a moment, Reagan was nervous that she had upset him. She knew they weren't dating but was this something that still would be an issue? Before she could think too much more about it, Ramsay set his drink down and pulling his sweatshirt off along with his t-shirt stuck inside it.

Reagan felt the blush form in her cheeks as she took in his bare chest. It seems so long ago now that they both had been so bare before the other and so close. She couldn't help but let her eyes fall over every toned muscle until they rested on his lower abdomen over that trail of dark hair that led down into his pants. This didn't go unnoticed by Ramsay who hid his smirk as he stepped towards her as he pulled his t-shirt from his sweatshirt and was only a few mere inches away from Reagan.

Reagan could feel the heat from his body roll off of him, she could smell his cologne as it filled her nostrils, the tension she felt from him standing so close with his shirt off made her heart pound and she wasn't sure if she could fully blame the hormones for it. Against her better judgement, she looked up into those blue eyes that originally drew her in and he looked right back into her dark eyes, his expression hard to read as usual which frustrated her.

"Take it off." He demanded.

His words caught Reagan off guard and she blinked a few times unsure if she imagined his words.

"Excuse me?" She finally asked confused.

Ramsay remained unphased. "The shirt. Take it off."

'Right here?" She asked as she felt her cheeks turn red at the thought of only being in her underwear in front of Ramsay in this moment. He only nodded.

Reagan took a shaky breath and pulled at the bottom of the shirt and pulled it over her head and tossed it to the side. She straightened her posture feeling exposed in just her underwear as she met Ramsay's eyes once again, except his eyes were not meeting hers. They were resting on her chest. She was about to say something but stopped when she felt his hand gently slide up her side to cup her breast. It sent a shiver through her as his thumb began tracing over her nipple. She closed her eyes as he began to massage and tease her. Soon she felt his mouth cover her breast and she couldn't help but wrap her arms around him.

Before she knew it, Ramsay hoisted her up and sat her on top of the kitchen counter and settled between her legs. His mouth paying much attention to her chest as she ran her hands through his dark hair that she wouldn't admit to herself, but she had been dying to feel again. Ramsay began hungrily trailing kisses up to her collar bone and then to her neck where he began to nibble and suck making sure to leave obvious marks drawing out a whimper from Reagan which only excited him as he pulled her close.

When Ramsay finally made his way up to her mouth Reagan felt her heart stop as their eyes met. He didn't seem like the usual Ramsay to her. It was like she had unlocked a new Ramsay for a moment and he was here in front of her. He brought his hand up to cup her face as he leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers.

Reagan felt like her head was spinning wit how he kissed her as her fingers stayed fisted in his dark locks of hair. HIs mouth moved against hers aggressively and she submitted to it, she didn't even mind the way his facial hair rubbed against her face. She could feel his tongue pushing past her lips and she allowed it entry, tasting the cigarettes he had smoked earlier. The arm he had wrapped around her waist was pulling her further into him when she felt it.

Reagan pulled back quickly startling both herself and Ramsay as she struggled to catch her breath as her hand flew down to her abdomen. Instantly, Ramsay looked panicked as he looked down to where she held her hand as he looked back up into her eyes.

"Rey, what is it? Is it the baby? Do you feel alright?" He asked urgently.

She couldn't quite speak but was able to nod a simple yes to him before finally meeting his gaze.

"What is it?" He asked again eager for an answer.

Reagan couldn't help but smile and with that smile she felt tears start to form at her eyes which only made Ramsay even more concerned.

"I'm fine, everything is fine I promise." She assured him before she continued. "I think I just felt the baby move. It was just a little flutter- but I'm sure that's what I just felt."

Ramsay seemed to relax at her words and leaned his forehead against her bare shoulder and let out a deep exhale. Reagan contemplated embracing him, she felt emotional and it was the first time she felt any movement from the baby and it just seemed right that Ramsay was here for it. They were just about to do a lot more than just hug moments ago, or at least it seemed they were.

Before Reagan could make up her mind, Ramsay pulled away. Feeling a sadness wash over as she felt like something had been ruined, Reagan let her eyes fall to the kitchen floor before feeling Ramsay's strong hands come under her arms and bring her flat on her feet in front of him.

"Here, put this on." He instructed as he handed her his black t-shirt from earlier. Reagan took it from him and slid it over her head and instantly felt warmer. As she straightened it over her the top of her thighs she saw the logo on the shirt and smirked.

"Star Wars fan, huh?" She smiled at him.

Ramsay shrugged. "I'm more of a fan of you in this shirt than in that other one you had on."

Reagan felt her cheeks grow red, only Ramsay could make her feel like she could mess with him then make her blush.

"Well it wasn't like I had any of your shirts around to wear." She shot back at him.

"You never gave me a chance to leave one behind." He said simply. "Now let's go to bed." With that he started to make his way towards her bedroom. Reagan could pretend she hated the way he just started to make himself at home here, but a big part of her loved it. That night they slept side by side curled up in one another in bed.