Authors note: Heyo everyone this chapter may contain mentions of things that could trigger someone, I will place a warning where it is needed.

Either way if you have any other questions, comments, or criticism you could give please post it in the reviews.

I paused and stared at Kakashi wide eyed as I heard him say this. The words "you failed" ringing out throughout my mind. I stared at his one obsidian black eye through the darkness, the light of the moon seeping in through the window the only thing guiding me to this sight. He was still gripping my tiny wrist, and his tone was gentle yet deadly. I was actually scared. I had taken a deep breath. How did he wake up? I had been planning this for months.

"Suzuki, you did a good job with infiltration, but I knew you were here the moment you made it through the window," Kakashi explained, letting go of my wrist. "The problem that you've had is that you hid your chakra too late. It is strange if you feel an approaching chakra that randomly disappears," he explained.

"But I infiltrated your house? Then I snuck into your room, and evaded you, why did this not work?" I cried out staring at the silver haired man. I felt a pain in my heart. I really did want to train and become stronger, why was everyone trying to stop me? I puffed out my cheeks and stared at Kakashi with tired eyes.

"And, you didn't complete the mission, if this were an actual mission, you'd be dead." Kakashi states bluntly staring at me. I felt my heart burn even more. "Now, how about you go home?" He asks rhetorically. I roll my eyes and walk out of the front door and make my way home, glaring at the ground below me.

Warning Here

I had checked the time on my way out and it was only 3:30. I walked with soft footsteps, as I have trained to do this for a long time now. I heard all of the sounds around me. I knew that as a ninja I had to be alert. I hear the footsteps, laughter, and belches of drunken people from a local bar in Konoha. It was around closing time from what I knew. They never really bothered me.

Although tonight seemed to be different. Tonight, I heard the group dissipate into their homes as usual. There was always one left behind, although this night there were 3 of the men left behind as the followed me back home. I felt fear grow in my heart as I walked a bit further ahead. Not liking how this was going at the moment. I look a deep breath and walked a bit faster. I never really saw what they looked like. Although I remember that they all have relatively deep voices, and they walk with heavy footsteps. They clearly weren't shinobi.

They had reeked of alcohol to be honest. They were all drunk. They weren't ninja, and I was training to be one, so I should be able to take them on. I nodded to myself but would avoid conflict if necessary. I didn't bring any weapons with me, because if Kakashi did lash out at me, then I didn't want my instincts to kick in and draw a weapon. Which would make the situation worse; as Kakashi would probably think I was an actual intruder.

So, I had continued on my walk tensely. In my nights stalking Kakashi, and actually spending some time in the outside world, I had realized the layout of Konoha more. It was a large city, with a bunch of marketplaces littering the city. There were different sectors of the town. Although the route that I had typically taken was a sort of straightforward path down a marketplace. There was no place to hide. As the seconds passed by, I became more and more afraid. I realized the position I was in more and more. I took deep breaths as I walked, making sure hat I have enough oxygen to scream and or run away. Although there is no way in hell I am screaming. Screaming out in fear or pain is a sign of weakness and I am not weak, because I am going to be a ninja.

Although soon I felt a sweaty palm on my shoulder. I stopped in my tracks and didn't look behind me, scared of what I could possibly find. I didn't move, because then that was to initiate battle. I wanted to run. I wanted to punch this man in the face and run as far as I could. Although, I couldn't do that now, I was in his grasp now.

I bit my tongue, not want to scream as I was dragged away.

Warning End – it's still pretty dark after this

I had woken up cold and covered in blood and muck. I hurt everywhere. My body burned and bruised. I could hear the morning sounds of the day and I heaved deep breaths. My clothes were ripped apart and scattered all around me. Tears were welled up in my eyes and my jaw hurt like I was punched in the mouth.

I pulled my clothes back on me weakly. It was too early for anyone to notice me; the sun hadn't even risen up from the horizon. I could just see the light blues glazing into the sky from my place in the alleyway.

I stood up on weak, wobbly legs. Although the weakness wasn't from the usual soreness of training. It was from bruises and blood then fell down my legs. I knew what had happened. I had read it after my father gave me a book on the dangers of being a kunoichi. I never thought that I would ever experience this, and I didn't want this, I was scared, and I just wanted to go home. I took my first step forwards and took a deep breath with my legs already hurting, but I continued my way back home.

I clenched my jaw. I decided that I would never admit what happened last night. If I admitted it, that would just prove I am weak. Which I am not weak. I would never admit that I am weak. I don't think I have many flaws to be perfectly honest. I'm just thrown into random circumstances and bad things just happen to me.

That is why I decided to stand up instead of quivering in fear. I wanted to. I wanted to curl up in a ball on top of a pile of garbage and cry myself through the day until someone found me. Although I didn't want to do that. I wanted to prove that I was not weak. So here I am, walking into the sunrise of the dawn.

I had soon made it home, after that grueling walk home into the sunset. I hated sunsets. I hated Kakashi. He was the reason this happened. I hated my dad; he was this reason this happened to me. This was not my fault. I hated alcohol; it was the reason why this happened. If those men weren't drinking this wouldn't have happened.

There was no one I could trust. I opened the door. Just to find my dad sleeping on the couch, he looked disheveled. I guess I was gone for the night. I wasn't going to tell him what happened. No way in hell. No, I was going to say that I trained throughout the night.

Another warning here, although it's lesser than the first

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a knife out of the drawer. They were sharp, as my dad sharpened them every day after preparing meals. I grabbed a small peeling knife. This should do. I went into the bathroom and set a towel on the floor. I then dug the knife into my inner thighs. I stabbed and stabbed deeply into my legs.

Soon enough blood was pooling down onto the floor below me. The bottom of my feet felt so warm with blood. I cleaned the knife and hid it under the sink. The peeling knife was rarely used in the house so it could be misplaced for a bit. I then ignored cleaning up the mess on the floors and stumbled into my room and fell into my bed.

Warning end

I had woken up feeling vet wet and dizzy in my bed. I then remembered what happened this night. I then froze in my bed and clutched my blankets. Not caring about the discomfort of my bed at the moment. The morning was still early, and my heart was pounding. I was scared I didn't want to go outside today. I didn't want to see anyone. With that thought I heard my door swing open and I let out a frightful squeak and hid under my bed. "Suzuki?" He questioned out worriedly.

Seeing the top of my head poked out of the covers my father lets out a sigh of relief. "I was so worried! Now where were you last night young lady!" As soon as his worry was over, he was instantly scolding me. I felt my chest ball up even more as he yelled at me.

"I was out training," I stated from under the cover's fearfully. I'm guessing he hasn't seen the bathroom yet.

"Well young lady gets out of bed! I need to talk to you properly!" He snaps, pulling the blankets off of me. My heart screamed; he's going to see me like this. I grabbed the blankets and pulled them down onto me. He was going to see me, and yell at me more if he saw my bloodstained bed. It was better he yells at me now than later. I had completely forgotten about the bathroom at this point.

"Young lady listens to me right now- "I cut him off.

"I'm tired, leave me alone." I bluntly stated, staring at him with dead, green eyes. He gave me a glare.

"Fine, I will, but as soon as you're out of that bed I am going to give you a holler!" He stated and made his way out of my room. I heard him close my door as I slid out of my bed and onto my floor. My legs felt weak and wobbly, but I had to get out of there or else he would see the bathroom then yell at me again!

I heaved my window open and slipped outside. Slipping a bit on the ground and stumbling onto my knees but standing back up. I was outside, and my dad couldn't yell at me. Now what could I do? There was no where for me to go. No one loved me, my own dad yelled at me right after what happened and was going to again because the bathroom was soaked in blood.

I had to take a deep breath. Maybe Naruto, no he would ask too many questions. Kakashi? No, I don't think he wanted to associate with me after last night. I had no one. I couldn't even go over to the Inuzuka estate because too many questions would be asked there. I had nothing.