AN: People want Luvia to get pregnant so bad, but this ain't that kind of story. If I did do that, however, you can bet money she would gleefully rub it in Rin's face when she had a son. Also, as per usual, the lemon version will be on AO3 (when I finish writing it.)


Chapter 14


Despite her intent, Rin forgot to tell Shirou about the Emiya crest until a week later. Things at the Emiya household picked up a bit more than they all thought they would, partially because Shirou had taken upon himself the duty of preparing a nursery in the home, replacing Saber's old room.

Despite her and Sakura's attempts, he requested to do it alone. On one hand, she was thoroughly proud of him for trying to move on- on the other, she wished he wouldn't shoulder the burden alone. No matter how he insisted it was better that she, Sakura, and Rider went to go buy the essentials, she knew it was partially so he could come to terms and languish a bit in the memories.

Curse her soft heart for letting him.

As they settled the cradles into the room and confirmed that it wouldn't be too stocked full with the new furniture, Rin settled her hands on her hips as she turned her gaze unto Shirou, running his hands over the woodwork of the cradles one by one.

"You're gonna be a Papa, you know." She remarked, much more tenderly than she expected to. She'd honestly wanted to tease him about it, but instead she found herself staring. To say Rin's feelings were molten wouldn't be inappropriate. She'd become fully aware of her own mood swings starting, so it didn't surprise her at all that things were going to get a little more hectic.

Hopefully, Shirou would have to deal with a slightly more amorous pair of sisters rather than a pair of angry and depressed women. At least Rider was likely to take his side if they were being illogical and- well- mean. Luvia, while she'd probably mean well, would likely just make everything worse.

His gaze turned onto her, and he smiled as he stood back up to his full height. "Yeah. It's still kind of sinking in, if I'm honest." She moved forward and wrapped her arms around him, huffing softly as her tender- and swollen, God so swollen- stomach pressed against his waist.

Having twins sucked. She must've looked like a blimp compared to her normal svelte and alluring body-line- and she was only going to get bigger. Five- nearly six- months out of nine. She privately considered using Rider to take vengeance on anyone who talked shit about her or Sakura getting fat.

Why no, Tohsaka, Rin wasn't being moody.

"You'll do great. Besides," she murmured, letting her gaze turn from his shoulder towards the door back out into the manor proper, "They'll have parents galore."

It was more worrying that they would only have one father figure in their lives. Granted, there was nothing to be done about any of that. Shirou's father had died years ago, and he was probably the only one who would have been anything approaching a suitably good grandfather from the rest of the bunch.

Rin still appreciated her father, but she'd long since grown a bit of a mean streak about what happened to Sakura. And it was easier to be a bit vindictive than to try and forgive the dead.

"Sakura and I managed to sync up our doctor visits tomorrow, so we should both find out what we're having." She noted, not once letting go of the red-headed male as he held her gently in turn.

"You two are much more wild about that than I am." He snickered softly, even though she knew it already. It WAS kind of important, though. After all, while matrilineal marriages were a thing in Magi society based on merit and nobility- Rin privately wanted a son. She knew that Sakura would prefer daughters, but having someone to take over the Tohsaka lineage would be ideal.

Although, realistically, four girls would just be way too much terror. Even if Luvia was going to take one with her, she privately recoiled at the idea of five women all syncing up at once.

Shirou might actually kill himself.


The next day was a struggle for her and Sakura. Not particularly because of any physical limitations or anything, but just because of the news they got.

Both were having identical twins- both were having daughters. Apparently that wasn't a surprise, considering Luvia had muttered at dinner, "Of course the girls would beat the boys."

Rin promised to be so much nicer to Shirou from then on. Not that she was at all mean to him, but he was going to have Hell with four daughters to deal with. Magi women had to be so much more tough than their male contemporaries considering the society and the . . . dark predilections amidst it.

They were going to have to raise warrior princesses and unfathomable witches in order to protect them. Privately, she loved that thought more than she'd admit. As long as it was clear that they loved their children, it'd be fine.


Ah, who was she kidding. Luvia's adopted daughter would be throwing full grown adults around by the time she was a teen. The blonde would be the kind of designer mom who would gush over every accomplishment and flood her child's sense of self worth, and pound it into shape with etiquette and physical training.

She damn near made the sign of the Cross when she thought that. And Rin wasn't particularly religious, despite her family's ties to the Church. She dared not think that thought out loud, either, because Sakura would have happily pointed out that Rin would do the same.

She wasn't an idiot, she already knew it- she just didn't want anyone to point it out.

Better their children turned out a little haughty or "bitchy" rather than getting used for some disgusting broodmare program. Not that she thought anyone with sense would go picking a fight with them, but Rin was pragmatic.

And Mages were some of the most senseless people to exist. She'd know.


They hadn't exactly agreed on a schedule or anything, but Rin had requested a night with Shirou. Sakura content enough with teasing her about it, even though Rin would say she weathered the storm with pride.

She didn't, she was blushing up a storm and pouting.

Hey, "Mama" needs her nookie. She hadn't gotten any since that time with Luvia, and she hardly even counted that one since the blonde had been a hog about it. Not that having Shirou's attention otherwise wasn't fine, but Rin had grown used to their particular brand of fun.

With a robe and a surprise beneath, she slipped into the Master of the House's room.