SUMMARY: Snape feels it's his duty to make everyone take Harry's pregnancy as seriously as he does. When it comes to his unborn child, he must have absolute authority. He's trying to be the guardian that Harry needs. But the advent of their child, makes Harry feel that something more is owed to him. If not Severus' affection, then at least his body. Snape will have to give up some control and consider Harry's feelings, or lose everything. (AU, SLASH! The first two chapters started as one-shot "pic-fics," but grew into a more complex story.)
(This is an AU, slash!)
WARNING: This is only for people who nitpick about things like Harry being tempted to look at another man, or their personal boycott of stories that don't tag for their personal hangups. I only tag for major themes like rape, slash, or mpreg, etc. If you need to be warned for everything that could possibly offend someone, this story is not for you. Turn back now. I grew up on paperback novels and there were no tags and warnings. We actually had to be mature and deal with whatever unfolded in the story. What we DIDN'T know, made the excitement, not what we did know. Please don't read if this statement bothers you.
No. He refused to make light of the situation, and he gave the other teachers his coldest stare to make his opinion plain. He would not join their banter in the lounge. If they thought Potter's pregnancy was an appropriate source of amusement, then he would remind them that it was a gross mistreatment of a student's confidence. It was bad enough that the boy couldn't finish his daily schedule, let alone suffer ridicule from those who claimed to be his superiors.
Oh, they quieted and mustered the decency to cover their amusement, but it was too late. Severus knew exactly who Harry had to be protected from, and who could not be trusted to honor the boy with the basic respect he deserved.
It was not a common thing for a wizard to find himself with child, so it made Harry's situation all the more deserving of sensitivity and caution. Severus was taking the names of those who denied this to Harry.
He'd promised to watch out for him, not just to Albus and Minerva, but to himself. It was no one's business how the accident had happened, and it was an accident. Magic had no boundaries. It knew no laws. The boy had been waiting in the shadows, steeling kisses from him all year. He'd had the foresight to warn Albus that Potter's advances were taking on the seriousness of a young man, and no longer the crush of a child. His growing body was going to want to do something with all of that potential and desire. Harry was too magic for his own good.
It should've come to no surprise when Severus's own restraint could not contain itself any longer and he'd given in. Barely a kiss, the boy's tender mouth was wet and warm enough to unleash essences which neither could hold back, and he'd held Harry quivering against him in the aftershock of sensual spasms. Whether he was worthy of this or not, it had chosen him. It came to him, and by damn he would let himself have it. It had been the best thing Severus could remember feeling in years.
He would be damned if these nosy, busy bodies were going to make him regret it. To hell with the age difference. They wished they had such a young, eligible suitor pining for their affection. He could not swear to be deserving of Harry's love, but he could stand by the boy until Harry figured things out for himself. Certainly, he had a duty to take care of Harry and the child, and he would do so proudly. Whatever happened after that, had to be Harry's decision.
They were not going to laugh at Harry in his presence. They were not going to laugh at the start of his new family. If their lazy, hypocritical excuses for being responsible adults, had a right to spew their wretched offspring into the world, then his long-suffering magic had a right to thrive as well. He had a right to procreate. He had never wanted to before, until Harry had given him a reason.
He couldn't wait for the news to become public. He and Dumbledore were waiting on Harry to give his consent, and the poor boy hardly knew if up was down at the moment. But Severus was eager to shut these teachers up, to see the look on their faces when he next stood before them. He would take extreme delight in their knowing that he was the father. He would step close to their pinched, offended faces and dare them to say one word against it. He would remind everyone in this room, that he remembered their comments, and he would never forget. They would all be remembered, and repaid.
Top stories by this writer are in the Unbearable Series.