For the past few days, Mulan was getting more skilled everyday thanks to Tifa and the other girls teaching her how to fight in secret. The rest of the team went on missions for Shang on mostly clearing out the Heartless in the surrounding areas. but however everynight, Jorn is keeping an eye out for the Boneknapper.

"Man Mulan is getting stronger everyday" said Roxas watching Mulan disguised as Ping work with the other soldiers at the camp. Shang can see how much Ping has changed since his first arrival.

Sora, Hiccup and Toothless were walking towards Shang's tent and some of the men were congratulating Sora on being betrothed to Kairi. Sora hid the blush although he wished it was real that he and Kairi were to be married. maybe once they get back to Berk can Ryo maybe sign a contact with Stoick. He loves Kairi with all his heart and maybe it was time for him to admit his feelings to her.

Sora, Hiccup and Toothless entered the Captain's tent, where Shang greeted them, "Hey, Sora! Um...why is your face all red?"

"Uh, no reason!" Sora quickly answered, "Actually, have you learned anything from your father, the General?"

"Yes, he reported that he spotted Shan-Yu along with man in a black coat hiding in the mountains. However, I haven't heard anything since." siad shang.

"Rescue mission?" Sora presumed. Shang nodded, "Bingo. I want to leave he as quickly as possible."

"We'll gather our team." said hiccup

"We could check out the man in black while we're there." Sora agreed. Shang nodded, "Good, tell Ping to come along as well. He may have a chance to prove himself for this mission."

The two boys smiled and nodded before leaving the tent. when they exited the tent they saw one of the tents on fire and the men were putting out the flames. Shang came out of the tent and he asked. "what Happened?"

"He did it Agian!" shouted Jorn coming out of another Tent. Wyvernblaster and his keyblade were in his arms. "I will get you this time you ugly sack of Bones!"

"Maybe it was accidental?" asked Xion.

"No way, i know his work when i see it. It's time i took the fight to the Boneknapper!" Exclaimed Jorn before he noticed a huge metal cage and began to form a plan. as he worked did the Soldiers and the guardians watch him. "Uh Jorn? what are you doing?" asked Chein Po?"

"Setting up a trap for the Boneknapper." said Jorn before he went over to talk to them. "in fact let me tell you guys the time my dad was shipwrecked and he once again encountered the Boneknapper."

(Story one)

Gobber looked around, assessing the situation. It didn't look very good.

"Dad was stranded on an island with only a broom!" Jorn explained.

Gobber brought his arm out from behind his back and groaned as he saw a broom attached to it instead of a weapon.

"It was a very small island," Jorn said remembering his dad's story..

The island Gobber was standing on was about the side of a large shield. A single palm tree grew off to the side. Things got worse as Gobber looked up into the sky and frowned as he saw a familiar shape wheeling through the air.

"It's no wonder the Boneknapper found my Dad again. He never forgave him for taking that treasure."

The Boneknapper swooped down to grab Gobber, but Gobber ducked just in time. The Boneknapper's sharp talons snapped the palm tree in half and flew back into the sky to try again. Gobber, feeling that this time there was a chance that he might not make it, looked around him in desperation, and saw, to his delight, another island, considerably larger than his. Gobber's eyes lit up. He had an escape route!

"There was another island. It was his only escape! But he was surrounded…"

Gobber's smile dimmed as thousands of sleek, black shaped popped out of the water and bared foot-long, razor sharp teeth at him.

"…by bloodthirsty hammerhead sharks!" Jorn said in excitement, "Dad only had one chance! So he ran across the shark-infested waters!"

Gobber leaped off the tiny island and began to hop from shark to shark toward the larger island, fighting off any sharks that lashed out at him as he ran. "Take that!" Gobber yelled, punching a giant shark, "Watch it! Night-night, fatty!"

An enormous shark snapped its teeth inches from Gobber's face, but Gobber merely scrubbed at the shark's fangs with his broom and said merrily, "Someone forgot to brush!" in a sing-song voice. Gobber was going fast and the sharks weren't slowing him down, but as fast as he was, the Boneknapper was faster. It dove at him, talons bared, ready to grab the hapless Viking. Gobber looked back at the dragon nervously and then back at the island. There was a chance he could still make it.

"Dad didn't think he was gonna make it!" Gobber said, "When then, from the depths of the ocean, burst forth…"

As Gobber's feet touched the sandy ground of the island, something enormous and blue erupted from the ocean and launched itself, jaws bared, at the Boneknapper, emitting an eerie noise from its throat like a muffled roar of fury a giant hammerhead whale!" Jorn cried, hugely enjoying his story.

(End Story One)

"Whoa!" Fishlegs laughed with astonishment, "And the hammerhead whale ate the Boneknapper?"

"Almost!" said Jorn, grinning at his friends enthusiasm.

Astrid leans over to Kairi and whispered, "Do you think a hammerhead whale exists?"

"I learn many whales but hammerhead whale I don't think they're real." Kairi whispered back. Astrid nodded and looks at Jorn.

"But he got away. Years later, the dragon hunted Dad down again and chased him into the jungle…"

(Story 2)

Gobber, panting hard, quickly glanced behind him to check if he was still being followed. Sure enough, there it was, proving itself just as fast on foot as it was by wing. He held up his arm to see what he had with him this time. This object made him grin.

"All Dad had was his trusty eggbeater!" Jorn recalled. Gobber quickly began to crank the handle on the eggbeater, beating not eggs, but the foliage of the jungle.

"Dad carved through that thick brush as fast as a jungle cat! Still, the Boneknapper was right behind him!"

Gobber slashed through a row of bamboo sprouts and dashed on, when he suddenly screeched to a halt, stopping in front of a group of little pink flowers growing on the ground.

"Mmm! Azaleas!" Gobber said, picking a flower and sniffing it as if he had all the time in the world, he quickly dropped the azalea he was holding and sprinted off as the Boneknapper caught up with him. Gobber burst out of the thick jungle and out into open air. He began to sprint up the side of a volcano that was so steep he was almost horizontal. The Boneknapper was right behind him.

"Dad ran up the side of a volcano and courageously leaped across the fiery crater!"

Gobber, without hesitation, jumped over the bubbling pit of lava below him. As he sailed towards safety on the other end, the Boneknapper spread its wings and took to the air. It swooped in on Gobber.

"And then, deep within the burning volcano, burst forth…"

Suddenly, a dark, hairy shape flung itself out of the lava and toward the Boneknapper, teeth bared as it neared the skeletal dragon.

"A giant hammerhead yak!" Jorn exclaimed.

(End Story 2)

"Okay, wait a minute," came Tuffnut's flat voice before Jorn could continue,

"Now you're saying a giant hammerhead yak leaped out of a fiery volcano and ate the Boneknapper?" Tuffnut said flatly

"Ha! You would've thought so, wouldn't you?" Jorn said in frustration.

"There's no such thing as a hammerhead yak." Riku said but Jorn ignored him.

"But the Boneknapper got away again!Dad knew that bony scoundrel would keep coming after him…"

(Story 3)

Gobber was in the forest, setting up several traps for the Boneknapper. He hung an enormous metal spike-ball up in the trees, and set up several enormous leg-hold traps on the ground.

"…so Dad set up a gauntlet of traps…" Gobber, finally finished, sat down in front of the traps on a chair and began to softly strum a guitar that was attached to his arm. Gobber's fingers moved over the strings quite skillfully as he waited.

"…and waited for the beast."

A few seconds into the song, the Boneknapper finally appeared. Gobber quickly leaped off the chair and jumped nimbly over the traps, grinning as the Boneknapper followed him.

"And when he was ready, he charged! And then he ran like the wind! But the traps failed!"

Gobber had started out grinning, but he wasn't anymore. Instead of the traps snapping onto the Boneknapper's ankles like they were supposed to, they snapped on thin air as the Boneknapper yanked its feet away just in time. The spike-ball didn't even move. Gobber's face fell as he realized his traps were failing. He ran faster, but as he barreled out of the forest, he screeched to a halt. He was inches from falling off the steepest cliff he had ever seen. Flecks of snow and rock fell off the edge of the cliff where Gobber's feet had been and plummeted to the ground below. Before he had time to decide, the Boneknapper caught up with him and closed its claws around Gobber's body, pinning his arms to his sides. Gobber struggled, but he was stuck fast.

"Then he captured Dad. Dad did what any brave Viking would do."

"HEEEEEELP" shrieked Gobber in a high-pitched voice.

Up in the sky, the clouds parted to reveal a giant muscle-bound man with a golden helmet. He flexed his arms and more muscles popped up from nowhere.

"The Gods must have heard Dad's prayer. It was Thor!"

Gobber almost forgot about the Boneknapper as he 'oohed' and 'ahhed' at his hero.

Thor reached into the clouds and picked up an enormous lightning bolt.

"He tossed a mighty lightning bolt."

Thor hurled the lightning bolt toward the ground. It missed the cliff by a few feet and plummeted to the ground. Both Gobber and the Boneknapper followed the bolt of lightning with their eyes until it finally exploded on the ground below, creating a gaping crater in the ground.

"Aw! You MISSED!" Gobber exclaimed, with annoyance and disbelief.

Thor held up one gigantic finger. "Wait for it…" he warned.

Gobber peered down into the crater, waiting for something to happen.

"Then, from the center of the Earth, burst forth the hammerhead yak riding THE hammerhead whale!" Jorn shouted gleefully.

"Deploy the yak!" the hammerhead yak said, very formally.

The hammerhead whale shot a powerful fountain of water from its spout, shooting the hammerhead yak up onto the cliff. The hammerhead yak launched itself at the Boneknapper and began kicking and punching with some impressive martial arts. The hammerhead whale flew in, roaring, and closed its jaws around not only the Boneknapper, but also a big chunk of the cliff. Gobber looked over the side of the cliff as the hammerhead yak jumped back on the hammerhead whale. The whale turned around and saluted Gobber while the hammerhead yak waved. Gobber shyly saluted back and then they were gone. Gobber stood up, threw his arms in the air, and yelled, "YEAH!" Then he hunched over and cried, "Oh, my back!"

(end Story 3)

Everyone even the dragons were staring at Jorn with disbelief.

"Whoa…" Fishlegs gasped, the only one who seemed to be buying it, "The whale saluted Gobber?"

Jorn laughed loudly. "Can you believe it? But the Boneknapper got away again! He found me on my way to visit my home because my dad gave me the Treasure , and set fire to my ship.—"

"Yeah, you totally made everything up!" Tuffnut said to Jorn, also annoyed.

He stood up and lifted the fringe of his pants to reveal a thin belt with a big white oddly shaped buckle.

"This stunning belt buckle! It was in the Viking's treasure chest. It's kept my dad's pants up for years and now they do the same for me!"

"It is stunning…" Fishlegs said, staring at the belt buckle reverently.

Namine looks at Astrid and motion to tell Hiccup. Astrid nodded and pushed Hiccup forward and crossed her arms, waiting for him to do the talking. Hiccup timidly walked forward.

"Ah…listen, Jorn?" Jorn was sharpening his dagger, not looking at Hiccup. "Instead of waiting for an imaginary dragon, maybe we should fget ready to head out with the Imperial Army…" Hiccup suggested.

"Say no more,"Jorn said, waving his dagger at Hiccup.

"I hear you loud and clear; I have a plan. All right…" He grunted as he stood up and waved his dagger at the gang

"Who'd like to be dragon bait?" he asked. He grinned and pointed toward the center of the group.

Everyone gasped, for a moment thinking that Jorn was pointing at them. Then they followed the direction of Jorn's Dagger until they were staring at Fishlegs and Phil Jr, who were side by side.

Phil Jr seemed to know why they were looking at him, and he delicately sidled away from Fishlegs, who looked at Jorn nervously. "Huh?"

Fishlegs was standing on some bones with a small yellow rope that almost looks like Gobber's braided beard, on his face and bones for the helmet and hook. above him was the steel cage ready to trap the Boneknapper.

"Uh…Jorn?" Fishlegs called to the Son of Gobber. "Are you sure this is safe?"

Jorm dismissed Fishlegs's words with a wave of his hand.

"Eh, safety's overrated."

Fishlegs gulped. This was not the answer he wanted to hear. Jorn walked back to the Guardians who were standing in a circle, waiting for him to get back to them.

"Okay,"Jorn began, "Here's the plan. The Boneknapper wants me, right?" He pointed towards a trail off to the side. "He comes down that trail, sees Fishlegs, thinks it's dad, rushes Fishlegs—" Fishlegs let out a yelp of fear at those words.

"Causing Phil to trip that rope, dropping that cage—" Jorn pointed to the trap "—and then we rush in and finish him off, once and for all!"

His eager grin was met with disbelieving looks from the teens and dragons. Lea whispered to Mulan and Roxas, "It's sad when they spent many years in isolation."

"Jorn?" Hiccup began, looking annoyed, "You're taking this way too far, okay? You need to face it! There is no such thing as the Boneknapper!"

"Wormsquat!" Jorn huffed.

"Now, get into position. WAY TO GO, FISHLEGS!" he called over to him, "YOU"RE DOING FINE!" Jorn and the others crouched down behind a log to watch Fishlegs from a safe distance but he gasp when saw the Boneknapper landed behind them. Even Shang and the imperials gasp on seeing the Dragon covered in bones.

No wonder the entire village thinks Gobber and you are crazy!" Hiccup said

"Hello? Sees dead Vikings?" Roxas scoffed.

"Uh, guys?" he squeaked.

"Yeah," said Tuffnut, not hearing Fishlegs's silent plea, "Especially that thing about the hammerhead yak."

"Guys!" Fishlegs tried to cry out. This time his voice was a little louder. The Boneknapper was walking towards them it wasn't making any noise at all.

"Guys!" Fishlegs cried.

"This is a complete waste of time!" Astrid complained.

"I can't believe you used Fishlegs as bait!"Kairi said to Jorn

Everyone broke into annoyed chatter as Toothlessm Luna and glacea were trying their best to get their humans attention as was Lucy, Pegasus and Pluto.

"GUYS!" shouted Fishlegs pointing wildly behind them.

Everyone turned to look at him with angry looks on their faces.

"WHAT?" they yelled at him simultaneously.

There was the sound of bones rattling everyone froze. "Mine?" Hiccup heard a voice.

"It's right behind us, isn't it," Hiccup said in a flat voice.

Everyone slowly turned.

Over fifty feet of mottled green skin and dusty white bone loomed over them. Vivid green eyes stared down at them from behind an enormous white skull. An awful rattling sound was emanating from the beast as it shifted position, causing all its bones to knock together. The Boneknapper growled at them, lifted its head, opened its mouth and a squeak came out Fishlegs blinked.

"Well what do you know? No roar."

The Boneknapper lowered its head and opened its mouth wide. A ball of green gas began to form in its throat.

"Run!" Shouted Jorn. Everyone leaped over the rock and began running as fast as they could toward Fishlegs. The Boneknapper released a big plume of bright red flame and directed it right at the running Guardians, who barely managed to dodge.

"Okay,Jorn! We believe you!" shrieked Astrid and Namine.

The Boneknapper swung its massive, spiked, clubbed tail, and sent everyone sprawling on top of Fishlegs. Right under the cage.

Phil Jr., not even glancing toward the Guardians , raised a hoof and kicked the bone away. The cage dropped.

"PHIL!" Jorn yell of annoyance from underneath the cage. The Boneknapper ran up to the side of the cage and opened its mouth again. Hercules formed a dome of energy to protect them from the flames.

The Boneknapper jumped on top of the cage and peered down at the trapped Guardians below, then jumped off and squeaked again.

"Nonononono please!" Fishlegs tried to plead with the Boneknapper, "Don't! Please!"

Hiccup looked up at the Boneknapper, trying to think of a way to get out of this mess, when his eyes fell upon a spot in the middle of the Boneknapper's breastbone. There was an oddly-shaped hole in the Boneknapper's armour. Its shape was familiar.

"Wait…" Hiccup whispered to himself. Hiccup quickly looked over at Jorn, who was shaking his fist at the dragon and yelling, "Bring it on!" Jorn shifted position, and his belt buckle slipped to the side, giving Hiccup a good look at it. Hiccup looked at the hole in the dragon's breastbone, then back at Jorn's belt buckle. It was a perfect match.

"It searches for the perfect bone to build its coat of armor!" Hiccup exclaimed, his eyes widening in realization.

"The treasure!" Hiccup dashed over to Jorn.

"Jorn! Take off your pants!"

Jorn stopped yelling at the Boneknapper and looked at Hiccup strangely. "Huh?"

"NO!" shouted everyone.

Listen to me!" Hiccup protested, looking back at the Boneknapper again, "I think Fishlegs was right,The Boneknapper is supposed to have a roar, but maybe he can't, 'cause the bone he needs is your belt buckle!"

"He's right no wonder he was after Gobber for all these years and is now chasing after you. He just wants that belt buckle." said Kairi.

"Jorn please! You have to give it back!" Astrid begged

Jorn planted his hands on his hips and said loudly, "No way! It's mine!"

The Boneknapper's snout nosed through the cage and closed on Jorn's shirt. "Gotcha!" growled the Boneknapper.

Jorn's eyes widened. "Uh-oh."

The Boneknapper yanked Jorn out and began shaking him around. Jorn yelled and tried to break the Boneknapper's strong hold on his shirt.

"Give him back his bone!" Hiccup yelled.

"No!" Jorn yelled back as the Boneknapper shook him ferociously.

"GIVE HIM BACK HIS BONE!" Hiccup yelled again.

The Boneknapper flung Jorn through the air.

Jorn's face was set. "NOOOOOOOOOOO…ooohh, alright." Jorn reached down, pulled off the bone, and hurled it in the Boneknapper's direction.

By some small miracle, the Bone flew directly into place. Golden light shot from the cracks around the breastbone. The Boneknapper paused and began to shake itself, making sure that the bone was firmly in place. Jorn landed with a crunch in the middle of another pile of tents. The Boneknapper opened its mouth again. And this time, what came out wasn't a squeak. Everyone turned their head away and clamped their hands over their ears, cringing as the sound waves sent dust flying in all directions. The roar was so loud that you couldn't hear yourself think, even with your hands over your ears. Everyone's eardrums were still ringing when the Boneknapper fell silent again. There was a scuffling of tents, and Jorn emerged, looking shaken but fine. The Boneknapper lowered its head and growled at Jorn.

Hiccup gasped. "Jorn!"

Jorn looked at Hiccup, then at the ground, looking defeated.

"Alright," he said to the Boneknapper, closing his eyes. "You've got me. Make it fast." The Boneknapper lowered its head toward Jorn and began to nuzzle against him, a loud purring sound coming from its throat. Jorn opened his eyes in confusion that he wasn't dead yet and glanced back to his friends. And, without the belt to support them, Jorn's pants fell down. Everyone present groaned.

"Ah, that's going to give me nightmares." moaned Hiccup as Fishlegs made gagging noises behind him.

"Well at east the Boneknapper wont be coming after Jorn anymore." Astrid said noticing how the Dragon was acting like a overgrown puppy.

Jorn scratched the Boneknapper under the chin, and the enormous dragon fell over on its side, wagging its tail in the air. "Aren't you cute? Yes you are, Yes you are!" cooed Jorn.

With in the hour, everyone began walking their way to the mountains. Jorn was given the honor of riding on the Boneknapper who had some of the others with them. Tuffnut, Ruffnut, and Fishlegs. "His tailbone is hurting my Tailbone" exclaimed tuffnut.

Kairi and Hiccup were on their dragons. Astrid was with hiccup on Toothless and Sora on Luna. Glacea walked alongside them. "Man i am so Bored" Ruffnut said.

Does anyone know any road songs we can sing?" Sora asked. The three soldiers nodded, as Ling replied, "Actually we know just the song, hit it!" Just then music started playing as the soldiers sang, "For a long time we've, been marching off to battle."

"In our thundering herd, we feel a lot like cattle." Yao sang with a frown. The soldiers continued, "Like the pounding beat, our aching feet aren't easy to ignore..."

Hey! Think of instead, a girl worth fighting for..." Ling sang. Mulan and Sora raised an eyebrow, "Huh?" Ling nodded, "That's what I said, a girl worth fighting for...I want her paler than the moon, with eyes that shine like stars!"

"My girl will marvel at my strength, adore my battle scars." Yao sang. Chien-Po followed, "I couldn't care less what she'll wear or what she looks like. It all depends on what she cooks like beef, pork, chicken. Mmm..."

"Bet that girl of yours thought you are quite the charmer." Yao smirked at Sora, causing him to blush. Riku and the others nodded, "And I'll bet the ladies love a man in armor." This made Kairi roll her eyes and smile. The soldiers continued to sing, "You can guess what we have missed the most, since we went off to war!"

"What do we want?" Ling asked the other men. Everyone replied, "A girl worth fighting for!" Yao sang, "My girl will think I have no faults."

"That I'm a major find." Chien-Po added. Everyone looked to 'Ping' as she sang, "Uhh, How 'bout a girl who's got a brain, who always speaks her mind?"

"Nah!" The soldiers replied. Ling continued, "My manly ways and turn of phrase are sure to thrill her!" Yao smirked to the others, "He thinks he's such a lady killer."

"But when we come home in victory, they'll line up at the door..." Everyone sang, except for Sora and the women. Ling sang, "What do we want?"

"A girl worth fighting for!" Everyone replied. Ling continued, "Wish that I had..." Guardians of Light and the imperial army sang, "A girl worth fighting for!" They all whistled as they began to sing, "A girl worth fighting..." However, everyone stopped when they saw the most horrible thing they ever saw...

No one could say anything. There was nothing but destruction every thing they saw. The village was burned to a crisp. Hiccup immediately start praying, "Odin give them peace..." Mulan pick up a doll that once belonged to a child. Riku wondered, "Where are all the bodies?"

"If I had to guess...there hearts were consumed by the Heartless and their body's became Nobodies." Cloud replied.

"Nobodies?" asked Xion.

"When a Strong hearted person becomes a Heartless. The body becomes a being called a Nobody, They have no hearts and they will trick you to thinking that they do have hearts.." explained Tifa. The guardians nodded before looking back to the ruined village.

Kairi closed her eyes and held Lucy close to her.

Shang walked by to a fallen helmet and was his father's. He felt a tear slide down his check as he picked up his father's sword and stabbed it in the snow. He then place his father's helmet on it. Mulan looked to Shang with sympathy, and he nodded. She then placed the doll she found next to the sword. With that, Phillip asked, "What do we do now?"

"Shan-Yu's main objective is the emperor. If we cut through these mountains we can cut him and his forces off." Shang responded. Herc nodded, "Alright, we have your back."

"Let's teach those fools a lesson they won't forget." Yao nodded. Everyone said similar things, however the few other soldiers were started to get worried of what would happen to them next. However, they continued to make their way through that mountain. As they made there way though the mountains, Stitch's ears went up as he heard something. Chien-Po asked, "What is it, boy?"

"He hears something." Sora replied as he and Shang squints there ears. Stitch's blinked his eyes and they turned green. He could see a dark figure up ahead with an army of Heartless. Stitch growled at where they were as did Toothless and Luna. Shang looked to Sora, "Shan-Yu..."

"Or one of the Seekers..." Sora nodded. 'Ping' grabbed his sword, "Either way we're about to find out."

The guardians summoned their weapons as the soldiers prepared for battle.

Just then a falcon flew past them and land on Shan-Yu's shoulder. Riku glared, "So, that's Shan-Yu?"

"You would think he'd have and army with him." Zack commented. Just then army of Heartless appeared behind the Hun leader, Ling turned to the Former Soldier, "Well, there's his army."

"That's allot of Heartless." Xion commented holding her keyblade.

"We can Take em," Lea said holding Flame Liberator.

Shan-Yu ordered, "Kill them all except the Princess of Heart! I want her alive!"

The Heartless charge at the Guardians and the guardians got a good look at the Heartless army.

The Rapid Thrusters have a spherical, black head with glowing, yellow eyes and a jagged mouth. Its head is surrounded by a large, two-pronged, beak-like helmet that sports a black spike on either of its sides. The helmet itself is orange and the Heartless emblem is on its top. Its body is also spherical, black, and only slightly larger than its head. It lack arms, and its legs are thin and do not have distinct digits. It has a propeller attached to its rear that it uses to fly. Its neck and body are separated by a thin, cyan line.

The Assault Rider is a centaur-like creature with a black, equine lower body with red hooves. Its upper body is muscular, vaguely humanoid, and has black skin. It wears grey Chinese armor over most of its body, as well as a small, conical, silver helmet with two curved, golden feathers and a red cape. Its pitch-black face is almost entirely obscured by its helmet, though its glowing, yellow eyes are visible. It carries a long guan dao with an angular, gold blade, a silver handle, and a red horsehair tassel at the base of the blade.

The Bolt Towers have a spherical black head with glowing yellow eyes. Its head is placed near the base of a tall, cylindrical structure that surrounds it. This apparatus is predominantly red with yellow and lavender patterns decorating its edges. Four large, conical, yellow spikes are set in its base, and three smaller, silver ones adorning its top. It also has a curled, brown antenna on its top, similar to the tip of the Yellow Opera's hat. Its Heartless emblem is on the front of the structure, above the Heartless's head.

The Guardians of light and the soldiers engaged the Heartless. Although they were outnumbered they kept on fighting. Skull which Jorn named the Bonekanpper used his tail to smack away the Heartless and Jorn provided support with his Wyvernblaster. Adam charged into the battle taking down any heartless in his way. The rest of the team stayed back to protect the soldiers from the heartless.

Hercules punched an Assault Rider and sent it flying into a group of Heartless. Impact created a crater in the mountain. Hiccup cut down another Heartless, "Careful, Herc another hit like that could start an avalanche." Mulan overhead what Hiccup said and had an idea. She looked to Yao, Ling, and Chein-Yu who planned of blowing of Shan-Yu with a firework. Mulan took the firework from them and ran ahead of all of them. Shane's eyes widened, "Ping wait!"

However, Mulan didn't stopped she placed the firework on the ground and aimed it to the peek of the mountain. She turned to see Shan-Yu was running right toward her. She and Mushu quickly started looking for a light but she didn't have one on her...wait, Mushu! Mushu saw the way the woman was looking at him and quickly tried to run. However, it was to late, she made the small dragon breath fire and the firework. When Shan-Yu was about to strike it fired...right passed him. Mushu was shocked as he complained as he was on the rocket, "You missed?! You missed! How could you miss! He was three feet in front of you!"

The rest of what Mushu said was cut off when the rocket hit the mountain. Then in an instant, an avalanche was created heralding down on both villains and heroes alike. Shan-Yu turned to Mulan in shock, who smirked in response. He was about to strike at the soldier, but his blade was blocked by Sora's and Mulan kicked him to the ground as they made a run for it. Mulan turned to Sora. 'Thanks Sora."

Don't mention it." Sora nodded as they ran down they mountain as the avalanche covered Shan-Yu and his army. Mulan quickly pulled Shang away from the avalanche at find cover. Hercules quickly hopped on Pegasus as the flew away from the mountain, "Riku!" Herc shouted as he picked up Riku. Jorn on Skull picked up the others without a dragon. Hiccup and Astrid were on Toothless, Kairi and Sora on Luna with Lucy and Pluto. The Avalanche subsided and the guardians of light met up with Mulan and Shang.

As soon as everyone was safe from the Avalanche Shang turned towards Ping, "Thanks, Ping."

"It...was nothing." She replied in her manly voice. As they got off carpet, Shang said to her, "I should have never have doubted you. For now on, you have my trust." Mulan grinned, they may pull off after all, "Thank you, Captain."

"Three cheers for the Son of Fa Zhou!" Fishlegs cheered as everyone regrouped. Ling added, "The greatest warrior of all of China!" Everyone cheered for for woman disguised as a man. However, it would all change when Mushu popped out of the snow and complained, "First uses me as a lighter, then she turns me into a cannon ball. The head ancestor's gonna hear about this. You know, that's it! I give up! I can't take this no more. C'mon, Mulan. Let's quit this charade and go home, girl."

"Mushu!" Mulan and the guardians of light shushed the guardian. Mushu quickly covered his mouth we he realized they weren't alone, but it was already too late. Shang heard the whole thing, "Mulan? A woman? It can't be!"

Shang turned to the guardians of light, "You all knew, didn't you? You all knew that Ping was a woman in disguise." Sora signed, "Not at first, but it wasn't our secret to tell." Shang glared, "Maybe so, but if I recall correctly, you told me your Fiance only brought her servants with her. I can't believe you all lied to me!"

Zack stepped in front of his Godson, "It wasn't their fault" Shang nodded, "Very well. The punishment for high treason and dishonoring the army... is death."

"You know...death sounds a little harsh. Maybe you can just let us off with a warning." Hiccup suggested. However, he get any response. Herc the stood up, "Maybe we did lied to you but they also saved the lives of your men as well as your own. That would settle your dept to us."

After a few minutes of silence, Shang told them, "Get out of my! You are all dismissed! My dept is repaid." With that he and his men left. Chein-Po, Yao, and Ling, looked to guardians of light one last time, from the look on there faces they had already forgiven them and want to tell them that. But they couldn't. Sora nodded in understand. They returned to the Empire with the rest of the army which they didn't look so well. Mushu apologized, "Sorry, everyone. I blew it. Me and my big mouth."

"It's alright Mushu." Mulan replied as the others nodded. After a few minutes, Mulan chanced back to her normal attire and hair went down to her shoulders. She turned to everyone and smiled, "Thank you, everyone. Sorry I got you all in trouble."

"no it's okay" said Hiccup.

"so what now?" asked Donald.

"Go back home." She told them as Mushu answered, "You know your daddy is gonna be steamed up like a chicken dumpling." Kairi walked next to Mulan and Mushu, "Don't worry, we'll take our share of the blame."

"Yeah, we'll even let you join our group. You might bring honor to your family that way, without anyone having to lie for now on." Astrid suggested. Everyone nodded, Mulan smiled, "Thanks. Your all wonderful friends. We'd be honored to join you."

"Alright, let's go met your family, find the Keyhole, and move on to the next world." Sora smiled. Mushu raised an eyebrow, "Next world?" Riku smiled, "We'll explain everything on the way."

As, everyone made there way back down the mountains, Shan-Yu's falcon searched to mountain for his master. Just then a fist popped out of the ground, and climes his way to the surface. Shan-Yu was revealed to be alive. He picked up his sword, and roared for vengeance. With that his army of Heartless popped up too.

Everyone turned to the sound as everyone's eyes winded. Max exclaimed, "Shan-Yu?!" Phillip added, "He's still alive! After Mulan send an avalanche at him?!" Thankful, Shan-Yu didn't hear them as a corridor of darkness opened for him and teleport him and his army of Heartless away. Kairi gasped, "He's must be going to the Imperial City!"

"We have to stop them!" Hercules exclaimed. Mulan added, "We've got to warn Shang?!

"Hurry to the imperial City!" Goofy said as the guardians of light headed down the mountain to warn Shang about Shan yu. Luck was on their side before too long they made it to the city and caught up with the soldiers and Shang.

"Shang!" He stopped at turned to Mulan, "Shan-Yu is alive! He's heading this way!"

"It's true! And he's bringing an army of Heartless with him!" Cloud added. Sora joined in, "You have to protect your emperor and this city!"

"And why should I believe you this time?" Shang questions them. In response, Tifa punches in in the face, Astrid hits him with the end of her axe, Ruffnut kicks his knee, xion and Namine kick his side and Kairi glared at him with Lucy. Yao, Ling, and Chein-Po along with the others as Mushu muttered, "Now those girls have attitudes." Tifa got him back on his feet and replied, "Because if it hadn't been for Mulan, you and your forces would be wiped out by now and the city already taken!"

"Wak! up there!" shouted Donald pointing to the sky. Shan yu's falcon flew above them before it landed on his shoulder. Shan-Yu siting there watching them. Shang's eyes widens in horror as Yao replies, "Well, I'm convinced." Shang turned away from them, and made his way to the Emperor's palace. Shang quickly gave the order, "Guard the palace! Do not let the enemy get a where near the emperor!"

Ling, Yao, and Chein-Po quickly did as they were told. The rest of the soldiers, weren't as obeying. Shang exclaimed, "That's an order!" However, the darkness overtook those solders and they became Heartless. Shang was shocked by this, before he could say anything Sora, Mulan, and the others stood in front of him all their weapons were drawn

"Captain we got this, Go save the emperor" said Sora.

"That;s an order" Said Donald before the Guardians charged into battle against the Heartless. "Sora, Hiccup. You guys go with him, We got this" said Kairi in her Arcane Form.

Riku slashed a Nightstalker with his keyblade. "We'll catch up!"

Sora, Hiccup, Donald, Goofy and Mulan nodded before going after Shang..

/scene change/

Shan-Yu guestered his blade near the Emperor's throat, "Now you will bow to me."

The Emperor did no such thing, but instead, maintained a calm, assured posture, and replied, "No matter how the wind howls, a mountain cannot bow to it."

While the team was impressed with the Emperor's bravery, Shan-Yu was decidedly much more enraged by it. "Then you will kneel…in pieces!"

Just as Shan-Yu was about to draw his sword back in an attempt to kill the Emperor, Shang dropped in from out of nowhere, and intercepted the Hun's sword with his own. His next course of action saw Shang releasing his right hand's grip on the sword in order to deliver a palm strike into Shan-Yu's chin, and then shoulder jacking him away from the Emperor. seeing an opening did Hiccup and Sora lung and landed a few combos on the Hun making him back up.

Shang and Yao both quickly guided the Emperor inside the palace, and before Ling and Chien Po had completely shut the palace off from Shan-Yu, the captain shot one last nod to the five. Shan Yu roared before he glared at the five. "You took away my Victory!"

"No," Mulan shouted before throwing one of her shoes at Shan-Yu. The Hun merely turned to the woman in question, wondering if she was really crazy enough to do something like that, and just in time for Mulan to say, "I did."

That had left Shan-Yu confused for a moment, until he saw Mulan pull her hair back into a topknot, giving her the appearance of someone that he easily recognized. "The soldier from the mountains!"

A dark aura covered him before he roared in fury. "It ends now" Mulan said holding her sword.

"Right now" Sora barked.

Shan Yu laughed with his dark aura before he summoned Heartless to aid him. "We got the Heartless!" goofy said as he and Donald went to deal with the Heartless.

"Alright, let's go!" Hiccup cried as the Hun charged at them. Hiccup followed and their weapons met in between them. They were at a stand still.

"You cannot overpower me!" Shan-Yu cried as they pushed.

"Go, Hiccup!" Sora cried.

"Maybe..." Hiccup smirked. He suddenly pulled back, making Shan-Yu fall forward in surprise. Hiccup kneed him in the face, sending him tumbling back. Shan-Yu clutched his face and glared at him hatefully. Hiccup raised his hand and gave the 'bring it' sign. "Wanna try again?"

"Your trickery will not save you RUNT!" he snarled. Hiccup glanced backward, seeing his friends protecting the gates from the Heartless. Hiccup turned back in time to dodge the slash from Shan-Yu.

"First rule of combat, pay attention!" Shan-Yu growled. Hiccup then feigned left, causing Shan-Yu to attempt to block. Hiccup then went right, slashing his unprotected back.

"Second rule, no talking!" Hiccup smirked.

"Foolish boy, you dare mock me?" Shan-Yu said charging once again. Hiccup met his charge and they clashed once more. "I won't fall for your tricks anymore."

"I bet." Hiccup said as he used his might to push Shan-Yu's sword up. He dodged Shan-Yu's retaliation strike by flipping over the Hun's head and slashing at the back of his head. Mulan came in and slash Shan Yu with her sword and Sora hits the Hun with a few Fire spells. The Falcon saw his master was in danger and flew srraight at Hiccup when a plasma blast hits him and turns him into cooked chicken. Toothless snorted "No-one harms my rider."

The rest of the Guardians came to aid in the defense of the gate keeping the Heartless away. "Mulan!" Sora said.

"Let do it!" Mulan shouted to Sora.

"I'll handle this" Mushu before he hits Shan Yu with his fire. Mulan and Sora began to attack the hun with Fire based attacks together. "Mushu!" Mulan said as Mushu fired fireballs into the sky.




Shan Yu was hit by the fireballs and he roared as he let his darkness build up, He used his Dark Sprial to send some of the Gang flying before he locked blades with Riku. "Want some!, Take this, Shadowbreaker!" Riku said using Shadow Breaker on Shan Yu. Shan Yu blocked the strike but however Roxas came in with his keyblades and slashed right though him. Shan Yu grabbed his chest dropping his sword before he fell down dead. The guardians of light dismissed their weapons.

Mushu danced around cheered, "Now that's what I call burning some honey-bun! Aw, yeah! Mulan's the best! Mulan's the best! No, wait, I'm the best! Mushu's the best! Mushu's the best!"

Astrid noticed the twins were eating the cooked hawk. "Yum, Taste like Chicken" said Ruffnut.

"You guys want any?" asked Tuffnut earning many shooks from the gang.

/Scene change/

Soon after when the battle was over, every joined up with the Emperor. He wanted a word with Mulan and the others promised they'd be there for her. She bowed to her Emperor as he told her, "I heard a great deal about you, Fa Mulan. You stole your farmers father's armor, ran away from home, impersonated an Imperial solider. You deceived your commanding officer, convinced others to help your deception,shamed the entire Chinese army, and dishonored your family name."

"We get the picture..." Sora signed. The Emperor continued, "You're a young woman and in the end..." He finished by smiling, " and your new friends have saved us all."

The emperor then bowed to her in respect, Mulan looked up and gasped silently and tried to speak but didn't know how to respond to this. Mulan and her new friends turned to see all of China followed the Emperor's action. Astrid smiled, "If this dosen't bring honor to your family, I don't know what will."

Mulan nodded to the Emperor with gratitude, "Your Excellency!" After the Emperor finished bowing he turned to Shang, "Captian Li." The Captain bowed to the Emperor and gave Mulan Shan-Yu's fallen sword as he explained, "Take this, so the whole world knows what you have done for China."

"Thank you." Mulan bowed.

The Emperor turned to the Guardians before he said. "and all of you. China is forever in your debt for aiding us in our time of need."

"No problem, it's what we do" said Fishlegs.

"and i have heard that you are all preparing for a war against Emperor continued, "His Organization XIII have proven to be ruthless and certainly no friend of China. Should Xehanort ever attack on your home, the Chinese army will aid you to stop these fiends"

"Thank you your Excellency" The Vikigns siad bowing to him.

" Mulan. Sora, Hiccup, Kairi, Riku, Namine, Roxas, Xion Lea, Donald, Goofy, Max, Astrid, Fishlegs, Ruffnut, Tuffnut, Adam, , Hercules, Phillip, Jorn, Skull. Pegasus, Stitch, Lucy, toothless, Luna and glacea." Shang said getting their attention. , he bowed to them, "Thank you." The Emperor raised an eyebrow, "'Thank you?' Is that all you have to say, Captain? If you wish to win the heart of Fa Mulan, China's bravest woman, you'll have to be more eloquent than that."

The Captain immediately started blushing making both Mulan and the Emperor laugh. Kairi and the other girls grinned, they knew who the next cute couple they were going to talk about next. Sora asked, "You sure you want to join us? We understand if you want to stay with your family and Shang."

"You all helped me when I needed it, it's time that Mushu and I helped you." Mulan answered. Mushu thought aloud, "Now they GOTTA let me go back to be a family guardian! They GOTTA!" Kairi raised an eyebrow as she held Lucy, "Mushu? I though you are a family guardian?"

"What? Oh, no, no...don't even worry about that, that's just really technical. Just for us guardians." Mushu babbled. Sora glared in realization, "YOU TRICKED US!" Donald also glared, "Why you no good lizard..."

"GET HIM!" Roxas exclaimed and the three ran after the small dragon to strangle him as the others laughed. Then Shan-Yu's sword floated in the air. Sora stopped because he knew what this meant. He summon his Keyblade as the sword revealed this world's Keyhole. He then pointed his Keyblade at the Keyhole and locked it shut. Ling assumed, "I guess that means you all have to go!"

"Good luck on your quest!" Chien-Po told them. Yao smirked, "Call us if you ever need to get out a jam."

"We will!" Sora nodded. Mulan gave Shang back the sword, "Could you give this to my father and tell him I'll be home soon? I need to help our friends." The Captain nodded, "Of course." Mulan smiled in appreciation, "Ready when you are."

Moments later did the Gummi Ship land before them and they all boarded the craft. "Wow, This is nice" Jorn said taking a seat. Skull laid down next to him as the tow have bonded well. "I agree" Mulan said with Mushu on her shoulder. The Gummi Ship left the Land of Dragons and was now back in the Ocean Between.

"where to next guys?" asked Donald.

"Hey Donald, Can we swing by Berk and let out folks know were okay before we continue to find the King?" asked Sora. He knew his little sisters were worried about him as was his parents. The rest of the team wanted to go check in with their families too.

"Sure. Next stop...Berk" said Donald. The gummi ship took off towards the next destination which was Berk.

/Unknown location/

In a vast wasteland with no signs of life. A Suit of Armor was knelt in front of a keyblade.

The helmet is mostly gold, except for the visor, which is black, and it sports two red prongs, one on either side of the helmet, that point straight up. The arms, legs, and ribs of the armor are black and have orange patterns decorating them. Its knee guards, gauntlets, breast plate, and armored boots are gold, and there are other, smaller pieces of gold armor on its legs. It wears black pauldrons with gold edges. The front of the armor's torso is red, as are small pieces of armor on its lower legs and gauntlets. It also wears gold anklets with red spikes on the back that curve upward sharply.

The Keyblade it wielded was a longer and more extravagant blade with teeth on both sides at the tip of the blade. The hand guard also elongates to form a wing-like shape of sorts. The Keychain is a rock fragment.

"A...Aqua? V...Ven?" Spoke a voice as it came from the armor. The armor then felt something from within before it stood up from kneeling and then grabbed his weapon. "Xehanort"

The armor tossed his keyblade into the air before it became a vehicle. The Armor jumped onto the transformed keyblade before leaving the wasteland and into the ocean between. "I'm coming for you...Xehanort"

End chapter notes:

Guardians of Light- Sora, Hiccup, Kairi, Riku, Namine, Roxas, Xion Lea, Donald, Goofy, Max, Astrid, Fishlegs, Ruffnut, Tuffnut, Adam, , Hercules, Phillip, Jorn, Skull. Pegasus, Stitch, Lucy, toothless, Luna, Glacea, Jorn, Skull, Mulan, Mushu.

Terra is on his way to reclaim his body...Will he reclaim his body from Xehanort?