Note: One last chapter of this, just to clarify what happenned to Ronnie and Danny.


Chapter 22




The president's cabinet has convended, along with president Bartlett and vice-president Brady. Josh is here, standing in the corner, away from Toby and CJ.


Brady: The cabinet has annuled it's earlier vote and reinstated you as president, effective immediately. I am also tendering my own resignation, as are those cabinet members who voted against you earlier.

Bartlett: Ladies and gentlemen, we came dangerously close to war today. That you might have acted based on emotion is understandable. You are after all, only human. But leaders are required to have understanding and wisdom, beyond human limitations. The actions we nearly took, should only be excercised as a last resort, after all other diplomatic efforts have failed. By casting me aside so quickly, you made a grave mistake. Therefore, I do accept vice-president Brady's resignation. I'm sorry Wallace, but I don't know if I can trust you again.

Brady: I understand mr president.

Bartlett: I do not accept those of the others. We have a country to heal, we need to get back to work.


As the cabinet left the room, the president asked to see Josh in private.


Josh: I'm sorry mr president.

Bartlett: I believe you. You didn't just betray me, you betrayed the ideals of peace. We always said we could do this better than the other guys, it's why I ran for president, why you all signed up for the campaign.

Josh: I guess I lost faith in that.

Bartlett: Maybe I did too, but I need to get back to that. I need to relieve you of your responsibility. For what it's worth, I do wish you the best in your future endeavors.


Tony Almeida is being treated for his wounds, Jack is by his side. They get some suprise visitors, Michelle Dessler and Kimberly Bauer. Michelle goes to Tony's side to comfort his. Jack goes to his daughter.


Kim: I heard you were shot.

Jack: No, it was Tony.

Kim: I'm glad you're okay.

Jack: How are things going with your lawyer?

Kim: He can get me three years, I might make parole after two. I'm scared, but I know I need to pay for what I did.

Jack: I'll be there for you, visit as often as I can. I will always be there for you.


Audrey Raines is relieved that the war has been called off. She has decided to propose to Jack. It's a little unusual for a woman to propose to a man, but she wants to sieze whatever happiness she can, while she can.


President Bartlett is getting ready to make his address to the nation, but his daughter Zoey wants to tell him something first.


Bartlett: Is everything okay Zoey?

Zoey: It will be, I'm pregnant. Me and Charlie are going to have a baby.

Bartlett: This isn't how I imagined you becoming a mother, but I know you will be a fantastic mother.


In California Ronnie Gardocki is officially transferred to a halfway house. Ronnie had cursed Vic Mackey for three years. Vic got the strike team involved in illegal stuff, than ratted him out to weasel his way to immunity for himself. But now, it seemed that Vic had gotten Ronnie released from prison, and sacrificed his life to save millions. Ronnie was grateful, even if it meant spending the rest of his life in a halfway house with punks and addicts. Better than prison as both a former cop and a cop-killer.


Officer Danielle Sofer looked at a picture of her son Lee. There were no pictures of Vic with Lee, Danny wanted as little connection between them as possible. But, for the first time in a long time, Danny was able to tell her son that he had a reason to be proud of his father.


Hector Salazaar looked over the agreement with the district attorney. Hector would serve five years in prison, specifically protective custody, then witness protection for the rest of his life. In the meantime the feds would protect Claudia and her family. It would then be up to Claudia whether she still wanted to be with Hector after that. And Hector would dismantl his cartel and give up everything he had on their terrorists bsuiness partners.


CJ calls Danny Cancannon.


CJ: I'ts over. The cabinet has reinstated president Bartlett, there will be no war.

Danny; I'm glad, but I still have to file this story.

CJ: I know. The people deserve the truth.


President Bartett begins his address to the nation.


Bartlett: I urge you all, in the strongest possible terms, not to engage in any rumors you might have heard, or may soon hear. Once the facts are in, I will let you know. We are a good nation, we worked together to stop terrorists from hurting innocent people, and we will not become monsters like them.


Split screens show the president addressing the nation, Charlie holding Zoey's belly to feel their baby, Danny working on his story, Jamal in the hospital, his father sitting by his side, Hector Salazaar officially signing the plea agreement, Ronnie settling into his halfway house, Michelle comforting Tony, Jack comforting Kim as best he can.


Audrey Raines arrives at Nationals Park. It isn't hard to gain access, she is the chief-of-staff for the Secretary of Defense. Jack sees her. He walks over and just kisses her, wanting to sieze what happiness he can.




