Hey Nuggies! Well I really shouldn't be doing this, but here I am writing another fanfiction since I have writers block on a few of my other ones, and because this won't leave me alone. Here is your warning this will be SLASH! Not to sure on if it'll be M!Preg or not, but at this current moment I have not thought about it.

Main Pairing: AshxPaul

Side pairing: AshxGary (One sided on Gary's part)

Rating: M (to be safe)

Disclaimer: I do not own pokemon it belongs to Game Freak, Nintendo, Creatures, The Pokemon Company, etc, nor do I write this for profit. This is for entertainment use only.

Enjoy my little nuggies! And please don't forget to leave a review they give me motivation to keep writing!

Griffon Blackwood, yes. Psyduck and water stones. It's fanfiction for a reason.

Sakihinata, I thought it was pretty damn cute too!

The first thing Ash did after returning to the Center was let out his pokémon, besides Charmander, into his room where they could have some semblance of privacy to introduce their newest teammate. "Alright everyone," Ash said gaining the attention of his pokémon, "We got a new teammate. He's just a baby and I want to ask you all to be kind to him."

Nidorino was the first to move after Ash announced their new teammate. The larger poison type let out a small grunt and a nod while Sandile was next with a hiss and a light tail thump. Horsea trilled softly from where he was at in the tank. Pikachu, having already met their newest teammate, let out a soft cooing sound and ruffled his fur slightly.

"Thanks guys," Ash said softly as he grabbed the ball from his waist, "Well, here he is."

He lightly tapped the middle button causing the ball to open and with a red beam of light Charmander appeared with a soft growl. The albino shook slightly before peering around at his new surroundings and froze when he saw the other pokémon.

"It's alright," Ash said softly as he sent the baby a small smile, "They're your team now. Your family." The Charmander let out a small chirrup sound before turning back to the others. Surprisingly it was Sandile that approached first. Ash watched as the croc sniffed the small reptile before letting out a long low hiss before standing up tall and licked Charmanders' forehead. Slowly Charmanders' tail moved side to side before letting out a soft growl.

After Sandile, Nidorino approached to greet the baby of the group and Horsea let out a soft trill from his tank. Pikachu, having already greeted the reptile, stayed back and let the others have time with Charmander.

While the baby was getting use to the others Ash brought up his wrist with his Xtransceiver and scanned Charmander.

Charmander Entry #004

The Lizard Pokémon

The flame that burns at the tip of its tail is an indication of its emotions and health. The stronger and brighter the flame the healthier and happier the Charmander is. The weaker the flame seek immediate help. When Charmander is happy the flame on its tail waves happily, but when mad the larger and stronger the flame is. Charmander tend to stay with their family unit for a few weeks before venturing out on their own. Though usually solitary pokémon, Charmander do tend to make their own family units when in close quarters with others for long lengths of time.

This Charmander is male with the ability Blaze. It's current moves are, Growl, Ember, Scratch and has an egg move Dragon Tail.

Notes: This Charmander has been put under the classification Complete Albinism and shows more inbred dragonic energy than usual Charmander.

"More dragonic energy," Ash mumbled softly under his breath, "Must be what Bill meant when he said that his parents were a Charizard and a Garchomp."

Looking up Ash saw that Charmander was sitting close to Sandile while Nidorino entertained the baby of the group. Ash let them be for a while as he went over what he wanted to do for the next Gym match. He decided to use Horsea in the beginning of the match and when the second pokémon comes out he would use Pikachu since the electric type has the advantage over the water types.

He thought Horsea would appreciate having some time in actually fighting since he was usually stuck in his ball.

With that plan in mind he started looking over moves that Horsea could learn to help him. Horsea already knew Bubble, Smokescreen, Water Gun, and Dragon Rage. Most moves Horsea would need TMs to learn, but there were a few he could learn just by working hard at it. One of which is Hydro Pump which is the next step after he learns Bubble Beam.

Once Horsea evolves it would be easier for him to learn dragon type moves like Dragon Pulse, Dragon Breath, and Dragon Dance. Until then Ash would help Horsea to get as strong as he could be.

First things first, "Horsea," Ash called out gaining the attention of his water type, "Ready for a Gym battle?"

Ash saw bright red eyes widen before the Horsea let out a loud trill and started swimming back and forth in the tank. Laughing Ash nodded and looked at the others. "Pikachu," Ash said looking at the electric type, "You'll be fighting as well. Nidorino I would let you fight, but you just evolved and you need to get more use to your body before a big fight like this. Sandile, you just wouldn't be the best type wise to fight in a water gym. I promise though that you can fight in the next gym."

Sandile just grumbled softly and gave him trainer a nod before turning to the Charmander beside him. It was obvious that the little one wasn't going to fight. Nidorino just nodded before laying down. His body was still stiff and sore from evolving and his bruises were still smarting. Charmander just looked at everyone confused.

"Do you want to see the match Charmander?" Ash asked as he saw the little lizard tilt his head in confusion. Bright red eyes looked up at him and the albino nodded slowly still unsure of what a match was.

"Let's go then," Ash said as he grabbed their balls to recall them. He shouldered his bag and let Pikachu jump up as usual before heading out. After asking Nurse Joy about the gyms' location he left the Center and turned right. He followed the path through town and stop to stare in awe of the gym.

The building was large and just on the edge of town closest to the water. Half of the building was open to the water while the rest of it was a mix of glass and brick. Most of the roof was made of glass as well and it surprised Ash seeing as they get frequent harsh storms through the area thanks to the lake affect. Walking up the path to the building he didn't really see many people around, but it didn't bother Ash.

The doors to the Gym were propped open for any visitor coming in so when Ash got closer he could see the inside of it before entering. The majority of the flooring was a pool with walkways going over the water and around the edges were stands were people could sit. Just in the opening of the door was a white desk with someone sitting behind it.

As he got closer to the desk he could see a familiar girl. Bright red hair and seafoam green eyes, Misty, if he remembered right. "Hello," he said as he approached her making her jump slightly and look up at him, "I'm here to challenge the gym."

"Oh hey!" she exclaimed as she stood up, "It's you! From the Gyarados and Mt. Moon incidents! Ash right?"

The teen nodded and gave her a small smile, "Yeah. Ash Ketchum."

Misty nodded and wrote it down on a piece of paper before ushering him to the large pool. Now that he was inside he could see that there were two elevated platform above the water and he could only assume that was where the trainers would be during the fight.

"I never really thanked you for saving me both times did I?" Misty asked as they walked towards the back of the building where he could see three other women by a few pokémon.

"It's okay," he said as he shook his head, "No need to thank me."

"But that's the thing!" Misty said earnestly, "I do need to thank you. If you hadn't saved me I wouldn't be here. Let me at least help you in some way."

Ash only frowned a small bit in response. He couldn't think of anything to say to her before they reached the three women. One had blond hair and green eyes, the one in the middle had blue hair and brown eyes, while the last one had pin hair and blue eyes.

"Ash," Misty said gaining the attention of all three women, "These are my older sisters Daisy, Violet, and Lily. Big sisters this is Ash, the person I told you about that saved me."

Daisy, the blond haired woman, smiled at him and walked forward to give him a tight hug, "Thank you so much! If you weren't there out baby sister would be gone and we wouldn't have known it," she said as she let go of him.

The blue haired woman, Violet, nodded in agreement as she added, "Like really. Thank you!"

"If there's anything we can do let us know!" Lily, the pink haired woman, said softly as she also gave him a smile.

Ash, feeling a bit overwhelmed, could only nod and clear his throat. "Um," he finally got out, "I really only want a battle really. I don't need anything. It was really just being there at the right time and really it was just Pikachu that helped both times. I couldn't have done anything without him."

"Really we insist!" Daisy said as her two sisters nodded behind her. Misty had to hide a smile as she watched her older sisters gang up on Ash to accept some form of reward. "What kind of pokémon do you have? We got loads of items and TMs!" she said as she grabbed his wrist and pulled him over to one of the side rooms, "Feel free to pick out a few! How about two of each? Two items and two TMs?"

Ash, having a hard time staying on his feet as he was being pulled, could only let out a small sigh and go with her. He did perk up when he heard of TMs, maybe there were a couple he could use on his pokémon to cover any holes in his team that he had at the moment. The pulling/walk didn't take long as they had finally reached a large room that had display cases and shelves along the walls. The display cases all had TMs inside of them while the shelves had various items on them.

"We mostly have TM and items for water types, but there are a few that we have that aren't for water types," Daisy said as she smile and finally let Ash go, "Feel free to look around, and when you have picked something you can just reach in and pick it up. Just let me know when you are finished so I can log them down in out inventory book!"

Nodding Ash started looking through the room. He started with the TMs first since he knew he need some time to think through the choices that was given to him. He read each and every one of them and their descriptions and he began plotting. There were many there he could use, but thanks to the TM pass Oak had given him he could get the ones he didn't pick another time in Celadon.

The scanned over them once more with that in mind and decided to grab the Scald TM and the Ice Beam TM. Nidorino and Horsea could use the Ice Beam and Horsea could also use the Scald. He would have to see if any of the others could use them, but they needed more ranged attacks and the ice type move was a bonus.

After retrieving them he looked over the items and their names since there were a few he didn't know of. Two of the items caught his eye. One was a necklace of sorts with a tear drop crystal casing and held clear blue water inside of it, it was called Mystic Water, and it helps boost water type moves. He planned on giving it to Horsea after he mastered Bubble Beam.

The other item on the other hand didn't have a name. The tag just read ? "Excuse me," Ash said as he looked over at Daisy, "Can you tell me anything about this? There isn't a name on the tag."

Daisy walked over to see what Ash was pointing at and saw the large round marble. It was about the size of a kiwi and mostly orange in color with a dual red and blue color swirl in the middle. "Oh that," she said as she turned to look at the smaller teen, "We don't know what it is. Violets' Dewgong showed up with it one day and wouldn't let us throw it out. We think it's just a marble, but Dewgong insisted we keep it. You can take it if you want. It's just gathering dust here."

"Are you sure?" Ash asked as he looked back at the marble. He knew it wasn't just a marble. It was like something was calling to him every time he looked at it.

"Yeah," she said and reached in to grab it, "Here."

When the marble landed in his palm he was surprised at how light it was. He was sure a marble of that size would be heavier than it actually was. "Thanks," he said pocketing it, "I'm done here."

Daisy gave him a smile and nodded before writing down what he had taken before leading him back to the main room of the gym. "Now," she said as she turned towards him once they had joined her sisters, "You said you wanted a battle? Well it's your lucky day! There isn't a show being put on so the Gym is free for battling. Just head up those stairs to the platform and we'll get started!"

Ash nodded and turned to go up the stairs Daisy had indicated. The stairs weren't long, but did lead up to a rather high platform above the water. He looked over to the other platform and to his surprise Misty was standing in it.

"This is a battle between Gym Challenger, Ash Ketchum, and Gym Leader Trainee, Misty Waterflower!" Lily announced from where she was by the edge of the pool just outside the psychic barriers, "This battle is a two on two and there are no substitutions. No items may be used as well and the battle ends when both pokémon on both sides are unable to battle. Gym Challenger releases first!"

Ash nodded and quickly pulled out Horseas' ball. "To battle!" he called out as he released his water type. Quickly catching the ball he saw Horsea looking determined up at Misty. He could just tell that Horsea was getting himself worked up. "Hey Misty!" he called out before she could release her pokémon.


"I got a new pokémon, a baby really, and he wanted to see a battle," Ash said, "Can I call him out?"

He saw Misty smile before she spoke, "Sure!"

Grinning he quickly pulled out Charmanders' ball and released the small albino. He ignored the shocked gasps from the others as he knelt beside the reptile. Ash told him that this was a battle and what it was for. He also said that a water battle was different than a land one and that he might not be able to see some of the fight thanks to the pokémon that might fight under the water.

He stood back up after getting a small growl from the reptile and gave Misty a thumbs up to let her know he was ready to continue.

He saw Misty nod before she released her own pokémon, "Take a splash, Staryu!" she called out and a star like pokémon appeared. It was golden-brown in color and had a large gem in the middle of its body. "Staryu Confuse Ray!"

Ash almost blanched at the move. He really hated Confuse Ray. "Dodge! Ink it up!" he called out and watched as the gem on Staryu begun to glow before letting out its attack. Thankfully Horsea dove down into the water to dodge it before popping back up and let out a spray of dark colored ink at Staryu.

The star like pokémon jumped out of the way and dove deep into the water. Ash was only able to tell Horsea to follow it and do what he wanted. He couldn't see into the water very well thanks to the florescent lighting and natural sunlight reflecting on the waters surface. Though he could see flashes of different colored lights from attacks.

He waited in tense silence for a few moments before Staryu broke the surface and hit the psychic barrier. Ash could see that the gem in the middle of its body was cracked a small bit and was dimmed down, but he didn't know if that it was knocked out or anything. He turned his eyes back down to the water and searched for Horsea. It took a few moments, but he did see the tiny sea horse in the large body of water.

"Staryu is unable to battle! Horsea wins!" Lily announced form down below, "Gym Challenger to release first!"

"Good job Horsea! Take a rest!" he called down before recalling his water type, "To battle Pikachu!"

His electric mouse let out a small chitter before rushing down the stairs and over onto one of the platforms on the water. His cheek sacs were already starting to let out small sparks in anticipation.

"Take a splash! Starmie!" Misty yelled and released another star like pokémon this time though the water type was purple with more star appendages on its back that spun rapidly as it let out a screech like call. The gem in its center glowed brightly in power.

"Pikachu start off with a Electro Ball then Agility," Ash called out as he watched the Starmie. He could tell that the purple pokémon in front of him was strong. Much stronger than the Staryu from before.

Pikachu without much further thinking threw a large condensed ball of electricity at the water type before bursting away from his spot with Agility. He kept up the Agility as his opponent readied a move.

"Starmie Psybeam!"

From the starfish came a bright purple beam straight at Pikachu. The mouse didn't know what hit him as he was slammed into the psychic barriers around the pool. He shook his head and looked over at the starfish with wide angry eyes.

His cheek pouch emitted a larger spark as he let out a powerful Thunderbolt before running right to his opponent. He was glad his trainer didn't call out any attacks at that moment as he nailed the starfish in its gem before it could move with an Iron Tail causing a spider web crack on its surface.

Pikachu used a Quick Attack to quickly move away from the water type and watched as the gems' light began to flicker in and out before it stayed on. The mouse quickly dodged another purple beam as it was sent his way and when he looked back he saw the platform he was just on was crumbling down into the water. He really didn't want to get hit with that again.

"Pikachu! Watch it!"

Looking up Pikachu saw his opponent coming at him rapidly and just managed to dodge it. The starfish landed in the water and Pikachu watched the water cautiously. Every few moments the starfish would surface and send an attack at Pikachu causing the yellow mouse to run around the platforms. Pikachu did manage to hit it a few times with his electricity and once with his Iron Tail. It was after hitting it with his Iron Tail that the Starmie didn't surface again for a while.

"Starmie! Recover!" Misty called out hoping for pokémon to hear her.

Ash's eyes widened and he shook his head. "Pikachu! Shock the water with all you have! Don't let it recover!" he yelled urgently to his pokémon praying to Arceus that Pikachu could Thunderbolt the water quick enough.

He watched as his pokémon gathered enough electricity that the usually red sac pouches shown bright pink in color with all the electricity in them. It was only a few moments later that Pikachu released it into the water causing the water to turn bright yellow end explode outward.

The light was so bright that Ash had to turn away or lose his sight.

When he turned back to look, once the light had died down, he saw Pikachu wobbling on the platform and a floating purple starfish not that far from him.

"Starmie is unable to battle! Pikachu is the winner!" Lily announced after a moment of silence, "Challenger Ash Ketchum has won!"

Ash let out a soft breath of relief as he clutched the railing around the platform. He looked down and saw Charmander looking at the electrified battle field with wide eyes. "Hows' that for a battle?" he asked the small reptile who looked up at him with eagerness in his bright red eyes, "Maybe that can be you next time huh?"

He let out a small chuckle as he saw the baby nod frantically. Looks as though he got another battler on his hands. Without another word he picked Charmander up and carried him down the steps so he could gather Pikachu. He figured that the others had already seen the reptile so recalling him was a fruitless endeavor seeing as they would want to see him.

Setting Charmander down outside of the pool he carefully made his way to the downed Pikachu and picked him up. The poor electric type was so out of it that his fur didn't have any electricity flowing through it. "You did a good job, bud," Ash said softly as he turned around and walked back to Charmander, "Rest now."

He felt Pikachu fully relax in his arms by the time he got back to the baby of the group. Once he was back onto dry land he turned to the quickly approaching group of girls. "Congrats Ash Ketchum!" Violet said as she held out an open tiny chest that had the Cascade Badge in it, "Here's your badge for beating the Cerulean Gym."

Ash smiled and reached out to grab it, "Thank you," he said as he placed it in his badge container.

"So Ash," Lily said casting a look down at the baby reptile, "What's this?"

"Just a baby Charmander," Ash said downplaying the actual reason for the question as he held back a smile. Lily just looked at him disgruntled until he said that Bill had told him it was a gene in Charmander that made him look as he does. Small sounds of understanding was heard as the four girls took in what he was saying.

It took thirty minutes just to leave the Gym after the girls had seen the Charmander and Ash couldn't get the giggles, squeals, and cooing out of his head as they admired the baby. In the end he had to return Charmander and quickly dash out of the Gym. He knew that wasn't going to be the last of it if the four had their way.

After leaving the Gym a whole badge heavier he made his way to the Center to get Pikachu looked over. He didn't like the way that Pikachu wasn't responding. He hoped that it was just because the mouse was tired.

"He just needs his electrical pouch filled back up with electricity," Nurse Joy told him half an hour later after Pikachu and Horsea was taken back, "There's a feeding station in the cafeteria for electric types. After a bit of eating he'll be up and perky again!"

Ash let out a soft sigh and nodded as he thanked the nurse, "Thank you Nurse Joy!"

"No problem," she said sending the obviously worried boy a smile, "Your Horsea is fantastic. Just a few bruises and a scratch at the base of his tail, but it has all been healed."

"Great!" Ash said as he took the ball back and picked up Pikachu, "Thanks once again!" He sent her a small smile before heading to the cafeteria. It wasn't until he heard his own stomach rumble that he checked the time and saw that it was well past noon. He released his other pokémon to get them something to eat as he got his own food. As he ate he watched as Pikachu greedily sucked up electricity from the machine meant for electric types.

After everyone was done he gathered them all again and head back up to his room only to release them there. "Alright everyone!" Ash said as he sat down on the edge of his bed, "We took on the Cerulean Gym and won! We got that Cascade Badge thanks to Horsea and Pikachu!"

Pikachu let out a small whirring noise as Horsea pushed out his chest and preened. The small water type was exceedingly happy that he won his first battle with his trainer.

Ash let them have their moment for a bit longer before continuing what he was saying, "I've decided that we will leave the day after tomorrow. Next Gym battle is in Vermilion, but to get there we have to go through Saffron. So get some rest because after tomorrow is a long journey to Vermilion."

He sat back in the bed and watched as Charmander growled out what he thought was an iteration of what the battle was like for him today. He smiled at them as the others listened to the baby. He would let them relax for the rest of the day and tomorrow. They deserved it before they set out for their next stepping stone to the League. Lt. Surge better watch out. He was coming and he was determined to beat him.