"SHIT! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!" Sheldon heard from across the hall. It was the third Thursday of the month and as such the guys were out at the bar. He thought Penny had a date tonight but now…. he wasn't sure. It was past normal date time and too early for a drunken coitus time. Some may think it's weird that he even knew, but it wasn't like he could help that.

THUMP! "Fuck!" Sheldon jumped up at the sound of something falling and was by Penny's door before he realized.







"Its open, Sheldon. I'm in the kitchen." Sheldon heard Penny call through the door. He quickly stepped in to see what was the matter.

He was very pleasantly surprised to see what Penny has done with her place. The whole apartment was picked up and organized to the sheet he left for her. Keys in the bowl by the door. Coasters on the coffee table. Furniture vacuumed and crumb free. Bed made, clothes in the hamper, jacket by the door, and the kitchen was immaculate. However, he did not see Penny. He walked further into the room to see a barely clad buttocks in tight jean short shorts slowly working backward toward him near the floor. He moved to get a better view of what was going on in the kitchen. His jaw almost dropped at the sight before him.

Penny was in her usual skimpy tank top, short shorts, on her hands and knees. Her top gaped open so much he was sure anyone on the other side of her would be able to see everything under it. The lower part of her back was completely exposed to him as her jean shorts dipped down her hips just enough to whale-tail her black thongs underneath. The tattoo just above them caught his eye. He moved just a bit closer to get a better view. He stared in awe at the eight-sided Star Sapphire permanently inked into her skin. It took his breath away. His mouth went dry as he took in the rest of the scene. He felt his body reacting in ways he never thought possible.

Penny was on her hands and knees scrubbing the floor…. With a toothbrush. The combination of her place actually being clean, what she was wearing, and the fact that she was scrubbing the floor, had a very interesting effect on his extremities. He felt his groin harden and twitch at the sight.

"Do you have any idea how hard it is to get wine out of linoleum?" Penny asked while scrubbing the floor with the toothbrush. Sheldon moved to stand just behind her. She was wearing the pink gloves he left for her for cleaning purposes. The other supplies were out as well.

Sheldon had to clear his throat before talking. "What type was it?"

Penny's head snapped up as she heard the slight twang quality to his voice. From what she could see, he wasn't sick or upset. 'What could have caused that reaction?' She thought to herself. "The red Merlot you gave me for my birthday. The really dark one." She replied.

Sheldon quickly spun on his heels and left the apartment without further speaking. She managed to catch his slight erection when he turned to leave. She quickly assessed the situation and scene he walked in on. A slight smirk appeared on her face. 'So, Dr. Wack-a-doodle does have a deal.' Penny thought to herself. She went back to scrubbing. She tried to ignore her own reaction to the knowledge that the lanky physicist wasn't asexual like everyone believed. She has always wondered but just thought Sheldon was one of those geniuses that didn't need a girl to make him happy. But to see him reacting to her… made her shiver with want. Who knew Sheldon would have a thing for a cleaning female.

Sheldon quickly went to his cleaning supplies and grabbed what he was looking for. It was a mix of vinegar, baking soda, and peroxide, which he mixed just for situations like this. He grabbed his special gloves and sponge for the cleaning compound. While it wasn't toxic, it did tend to be harsh on the skin. He learned the hard way to wear gloves or have dry hands for a few weeks afterward.

He paused on his way past his bedroom. Nodding to himself he quickly grabbed a case from his closet before continuing back to Penny's. He knocked again before entering. He learned a long time ago to always give people the chance to cover themselves. He knew Penny was decent but… there were things he couldn't stop himself from doing. This is one of them.

He sat the case on the coffee table and quickly crossed the apartment and crouched down opposite of Penny. Sure enough, the wine was starting to soak in and stain the floor. "Here…"

Sheldon handed the mixture to Penny and put his gloves on. "Use the tool in the container to spread a little of the paste over the wine spots."

"What is it?" Penny asked as she followed his instructions. Her nose wrinkled at the vinegar smell. She had to admit it wasn't as bad as bleach and some other cleaning supplies she had used in the past.

"Its a compound of baking soda, white distilled vinegar, and peroxide. It will help lift the wine out. Bleach would work better but it is not a good cleaner for linoleum. Bleach will eat through certain types of floors. This will not." Sheldon responded without looking at her. He instead kept his eyes on her hands.

Penny heard the slight rough twang to his voice still and glanced up at him. He had pulled up his sleeves to his elbows and was on his hands and knees as well. He was digging through some hand-labeled spray bottles. Penny wasn't sure what surprised her more. That he had made something to get wine out of linoleum or that he was on his knees on the floor of her apartment. He pulled a bottle out and lightly sprayed the compound that was now over the wine stain.

"Here…" Sheldon reached out and covered Penny's hand that was holding the toothbrush. Tingles flowed between Penny's hand and Sheldon's. Penny's breath hitched as his voice grew deeper. The twang more dominate as he continued. "Now you just have to scrub in small, counter-clockwise circles."

Penny swallowed as Sheldon moved the hand covering hers, to show her how to clean with the compound. The motion reminded her of vapor rub and Soft Kitty. Sheldon's hand remained on hers as they cleaned the floor. The warmth of his touch radiated through their gloves and into her body in ways she never expected to feel. Penny reminded herself several times to breathe normally. She observed how the compound turned pink with the gentle circles and the floor turned white.

"Thank you, Sheldon." Penny swallowed her sudden flash of desire for him.

"You're welcome." Sheldon finally looked up at her, only to see straight down her top. Her bra was an interesting color. It reminded him of his Dobler effect Halloween costume he wore to her first party after moving in. His blue eyes snapped up to her greens. Her pupils were dilated either of arousal or drunk. He wasn't sure which one it was.

"Penny..." Sheldon twanged in a deep tone, before clearing his throat. "What caused you to spill the wine?"

"Oh!" Penny snapped out of her dirty thoughts and got excited again. She ran to an open envelope on her bed. "So a friend of mine from junior rodeo is going to be in Dallas for the Dallas vs. Rams game. She made the captain of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Squad. And she sent me tickets to her first game as captain. It just happens to be against the Rams."

Sheldon slowly stood, blinking at the beautiful sight before him. Penny stood before him. Her hair was messed up from sweat and cleaning. She still wore her cleaning gloves, shorts, and a tank top. But… The excitement playing across her face was breathtaking. This was the real Penny. No hiding. No makeup. No act to play. No show to put on for others. Not pretend happiness. But rather genuine happiness. It radiated through her entire being.

It struck him that he rarely saw her like this. He felt sad that it took this… for him to realize just how unhappy she is. Just how well she hides behind her ditsy blonde act. How good of an actor she really is.

"She sent me five, for all of us to go. So, do you want to?" Penny asked excitedly and hopefully. Almost flirtingly to get a positive answer.

"Go?" Sheldon's brain for once failed him in awe of the beautiful woman in front of him.

"To the game?" Penny asked with a raised eyebrow.

Sheldon quickly ran through what she had been saying. The look of hope and excitement on her face made his mind up for him. No matter his misgivings he did NOT want to be the one to diminish her glow or smile. Her happiness, he has found, is one of the things he really cares about.

"You're inviting me to the Cowboys game, Penny. I can't say no to that." Sheldon responded while nodding his head. The beaming smile he got in return made his mind go blank, his heart quicken, and his breathing to become erratic.

Penny squealed as she ran to him. She threw her arms around his waist giving him a tight hug. In her excitement, she forgot that she was sweaty from cleaning and that Sheldon didn't do hugs. She started to pull away but froze. Sheldon's arms reached around her and hugged her back. He squeezed her timidly but the simple act warmed her to the core. It made her heart and soul soar.

"Thanks, Sheldon. The game is in three weeks. I hope that's enough time for you guys to get off work." Penny pulled back while she continued talking. "I know you don't do this sort of thing normally, but I figured you could use it as a personal research project."

"How so?" Sheldon was being surprised left and right today. It may be anything can happen Thursday, but this was beyond his wildest, most whimsical dreams but in a very good way. His blonde neighbor who is his crush just asked him to go to a football game together. In Texas.

"Well… you've mentioned that your dad taught you all about football as a kid. I am not sure how many games you went to, but this is an NFL game. They are pros… kinda like having a Ph.D. but in football. They are the best in the sport. NFL isn't easy to get into."

"My father taught me all about football, Penny."

Penny was very animated while she was trying to explain in a way he would understand. It struck him that while he always had to decipher what he says for her, she does the same for him. A small smile appeared on his face. And not his koala smile either. His brain supplied him with all the little things she does for him without him really noticing. From automatically moving to the center seat when he walked into the apartment, to always making sure his Tuesday burger was just right. She always reminded him that people have feelings and yet keeping his in mind. She did so many things that he knew he would never be able to make it up to her. He would never be as good of a friend either.

"I was hoping you would go but I know you would need a way to keep that beautiful mind of yours occupied so you can enjoy yourself. Then it struck me. Going to the games in person is so different than watching on TV. I think you could take notes of the differences from this game to all the others you have experienced in the past. But you will have to actually become engaged to it to get non-bias data. Like… you have to actually try to enjoy yourself. That way you can watch a few at home as well and then you can compare not just tv/in person but also childhood to going with friends. Choice vs non-optional."

Sheldon could do nothing but stare at the woman in front of him. His heart was racing and he felt his hormones surge through his body at hearing her talk scientifically while it is for him. Just him. She made sure he would have a way to enjoy the game without thinking about germs or the crowds. He was simply in awe of her generosity and forethought. He always commented on her lack of education but thought that she was still smart. That she was better than waitressing. Now he had proof. Nodding mentally, Sheldon found his voice.

"Alright…" Sheldon quickly made a list of things needed for such a research trip. "Penny…"

"Yes?" Penny was beaming as she watched his mind process everything.

"I need…" Sheldon swallowed deeply. "...to go shopping."

"Okay…." Penny wasn't sure what he needed her for.

"Clothes shopping…" Sheldon struggled out.

"You want me to take you clothes shopping for the game?" Penny clarified.

"Yes. I will need to 'fit in' if I am going to try to fully engage the experiment. Please be ready Saturday at 11:30." Sheldon started to leave.

"Sure...um… Sheldon?" Penny called him back.

Sheldon turned back to see Penny pointing at the case he brought in with him. Sheldon smiled gently.

"That is for you Penny. It is my way of saying thank you." Sheldon turned back at her door.

"For what?" Penny tilted her head not much different than a curious cat.

Sheldon looked her in the eyes. His was so full of mixed emotions that it left Penny stunned silent. "For more than I can ever fully express."

"Sheldon…" Penny's voice trailed off as she saw a shiver run through his body. She just barely heard the groan that matched it.

"The place looks amazing, Kitten." He whispered the name quietly. He could tell she heard it as her smile grew more tender yet brighter.

"Your welcome moonpie," Penny replied quietly.

"Penny…" Sheldon started.

"Only meemaw can call you moonpie." Penny finished. "Go make your list. I'll see you on Saturday."

Sheldon quietly closed the door behind him. He had planned to give her the case for her birthday, but Leonard said she would hate it. He hoped Leonard was wrong in this case. He stood in the hall waiting to hear her reaction.

Penny opened the case and saw a beautiful knee-high Amazonian style boots. She carefully pulled the rest of the outfit out of the case. She stopped breathing as her eyes fell on the signature form of her favorite outfit. It was a unique hand-sewn Xena costume. She had mentioned it once in passing. The guys had been talking about comic con. She mentioned she'd rather go as Xena than the rest of the women. Sheldon must have remembered the tidbit. Under the last piece of cloth was an envelope.

Inside was an authentication paper stating that it was actually worn during the first season. It was a genuine original from the show. Penny had to read the paper several times over, just for her to realize what Sheldon had managed to do. She collapsed onto the couch just staring at the outfit. It took her a few minutes to realize there was also a note.

Dear Penny,

Dr. Cooper saved my life one day while he was on tour of a set I was on. He mentioned some faulty set structure and pointed it out to the maintenance crew. The fixture fell as the cast just managed to move out of the way. It would have landed on my head. The engineer said I would have died instantly. I asked him for many years how can I return the favour. He finally asked for one thing. He asked if I had one of my hand-sewn outfits from the start of the Xena series I did years ago.

He told me about you. How much he wanted to you to experience a piece of his life. He said he wanted to be able to introduce you to something new and enjoyable that you can do together. As you apparently do so much for him. He only requested it to be clean before sending it. I don't know much about you, besides you wanting to be an actress. So I am going to give you some much-needed advice:

- Ditch your manager. Ask Sheldon to help you. If you haven't gotten even a few walk-on roles by now, (s)he is not good. I've seen the picture of you that Sheldon carries with him. Trust me… you need a new manager.

- Never give up on your dreams. You are a dreamer. Dreamers need dreams to thrive. Never feel like you aren't worth it. I have known Sheldon for a long time. If he went through the trouble of finding me on set in Europe, then he knows you are worth it.

- Community college acting classes are just as good but cost less. You don't need the best classes but rather the experience. Community college students and audiences tend to be brutally honest. So you will get good honest feedback.

- Never give up your values either. Stay the way you are now. Do not let anyone push you into something you are not comfortable with or it goes against your morals and values. You really do not want those kinds of regrets later in life.

- Never settle. Be it in a job, relationships, housing, etc. It does not matter. If you aren't happy, don't do it.

- Remember we all were just newbies at one time and doing commercials helped me more than one can realize.

- Never lose that man in your life even if all you do is stay friends. NEVER let him go. He is a very rare breed of men. Challenge him, love him and be there. He will do the same.

I hope to see you at Comic-Con sometime. Break a leg and Happy Birthday.

Signed Lucy Lawless

Penny felt tears fall down her cheeks. He remembered and had gotten this for her. For her birthday… so why was she just now getting it? Her birthday was a while ago. Penny held up the costume again. It was even more beautiful than she ever thought it would be. She put the outfit back when something else caught her eye. There was a hidden side pocket, inside were two comic con VIP tickets. They had their names on it and hotel information inside of her pass holder. Special guests of Xena the warrior princess exhibition.

Penny was sure Sheldon did not know about the tickets. A grin came across her face as she began to plan. First up was the NFL game. And then… to convince him to go as Ares…

Sheldon waited in the hall for ten minutes, before he returned back into his apartment. He continued straight into his room. Leonard was right. She wasn't happy about it. She always squeals in excitement, when it's something she likes.

Sheldon felt a few tears fell from his eyes and clenched his fists. He had put a lot of thought into his gift. He quickly wiped his eyes and started his journal notations.