Author here, i recently completly updated the story and fixed any plot holes. if you read this story prior, i urge you to reread from here. Ive also fixed some of the major problems like blocky text and not enough space to be able to read who is saying what. A quick rundown,

All the characters are 19+ and Luna Nova has been turned into a university in the possibility that this were to become mature (Not completly sure yet, but well see how it goes) So, if i were to, for my own sake and sanity, i dont want to write 16 year olds having sex, because me myself would not be comfortable with that. And if this were to become mature, i'd let you know before hand. Any ways, Happy reading all!


Cavendish. It was a well known name. The family itself was wealthy, loved, and it may as well have been nobility to the English throne. Their influence engulfed Europe, Asia, and even parts of America. Recently, however, their hold in America had been starting to wane due to the current events and America tearing itself apart due to a war. They had torn each other apart. Like barbarians fighting over food, instead of food, they had fought over slaves. England hadn't cared. They stayed neutral, watched from the sidelines. Of course, this was long before Diana was born.

Diana Cavendish. The only daughter of Adam and Bernadette Cavendish, born on the 30th of April in 1844. The only daughter who was doomed before she was born. Before she was even conceived. Cursed to never see the age of Twenty. Turned to stone on her nineteenth birthday, only for it to be broken by the touch of a soulmate. All because of something her paternal grandfather did. As the story goes, he was drunk and angered the wrong woman so she placed a curse on him. The next woman to be born of his lineage would be cursed, turned to stone on her 19th birthday. It had skipped a generation, but then again, no women were born to her grandfather. Seven children. Seven boys. One being her father. Three had died before the age of fourteen due to disease, two in war. That left two boys. One was seven. Her father's youngest brother. So that ruled out who would have the child first.

It was only when Diana was born, that her grandfather had warned her parents of the curse. Of course, the grandfather was superstitious. He didn't believe in the curse, magic, or anything like that. He only believed in money and he was elated when his son had married into one of the wealthiest families in Britain. But he had also caused the family great pain. When he had told them of what he had done, he was cast out, disowned by his eldest son. And the Cavendish's had to clean up his mess.

Diana had grown up, knowing about the curse. They had told her the day she turned ten, old enough to comprehend just how bad it was. Tears were spilled by both her mother and father as the child asked questions and tried to comprehend just how dire the situation was. She wouldn't make it to twenty. And the curse couldn't be broken. Soulmates didn't exist, although her father and mother had both told her differently. People fell in love, but there were never two people destined to be together. And that sunk in as Diana's sixteenth birthday came and went and she fell deeper and deeper into a hole, well, she had dug it deeper.

Her parents had tried to break the curse, using any magic they could. The Cavendish's were a well known family in the witching world, much to her grandfather's skepticism. Magic was very real. And it was very powerful. But when they couldn't break the curse, they looked for suitors. Tried to find their daughter's soulmate. All the men that they tried just hadn't seemed to click with their only daughter. She just hadn't seemed interested. After her eighteenth birthday came, she didn't leave the Cavendish Manor. Her parents tried to get her out in the open, to enjoy the little bit of her life she had left, but she wasn't interested. She didn't want any of the males her parents had brought to her. She wanted to stay to herself, spend the rest of her days reading her books in her room. No many how many suitors her parents brought to her, they were all turned down. None of them clicked. Her parents believed one would have, Andrew Hanbridge.

He was their daughter's closest friend. A childhood friend at that. But when Diana's stone body was found the morning of her nineteenth birthday, a book at her feet, hand outstretched as if she had been holding something, her other arm curled against her body. Her eyes were closed and her robes were flowing behind her, her Luna Nova hat perched on her head. She looked as if she had made peace with her curse in her last moments, her face wearing a small frown and knit eyebrows, a face that was forever still and engraved in stone. And her parents had lost hope when Andrew touched Diana's hand and nothing happened. Their daughter was lost. So, they moved their daughters body into the middle of Luna Nova's College grounds. It was a school she had always wanted to attend. And had. For a couple months. She was put on a stone podium with the engraving, "May the touch of her soul mate free the body of Diana Cavendish. Born April 30, 1844. Petrified April 30, 1863."


"Come onnnn~" A loud voice pierces the quiet park, a large smile brightening up the Japanese girl's face. Her red eyes were bright and the Luna Nova uniform she wore was crisp and brand new. Her hair was put up in a half ponytail, some of her hair flowing around her shoulders. Following closely behind the glowing Asian teen was a purple haired girl, slouched over. Her white shirt was covered by a dark blue Luna Nova vest and her face was shadowed by the brim of the witches hat she wore. "I'm coming. I'm coming. Slow down." She mumbles it, her eyes droopy with bags under them. "Why are you dragging me around anyway?" The shorter girl smiles and turns around, walking backwards as she looks at her friend, "I wanted to look around! It's almost break and we haven't even seen the Cavendish Statue. It's the best part of the academy! There's so much-"

''I don't care. Forget I even asked."

The cheery girls smile falters, her ruby eyes roam the courtyard landing on a grey mass before her smile comes back twice as big. "OH! Look!" She points towards the statue and all but sprints towards it. It was halfway across the yard and her school boots did not want to comply with the wet soil and grass. She was all but sinking deeper with every step she took. When her clogs finally meet concrete she stands with her hands on her knees, her chest only slightly heaving, "Awe, my boots are ruined..." The sides were covered in mud, the lumps sticking.

"That's what you get when you run through wet soil when there's a perfectly good path, Akko." A flat voice comes up behind Akko, the girls pale red eyes looking at the shorter girl.

"But that would have taken longer!" She pouts and looks up at her friend as she stands up straight, "Besides, look!" She points to the marble statue, her eyes finally getting a good look at it up close, and her jaw drops. She hadn't seen anything this beautiful.

If the statue hadn't been on the podium, it would only be a handful of centimeters taller than the girl. Akko finally closes her jaw, gazing at the statue. This was the same one Chariot had taken a picture with. At the same school her idol attended. And the picture that was taken all those years ago did not give justice to the statue. Every crevice seemed to be perfectly sculpted, like a God itself had come down and made a statue of the most beautiful woman it could think of. Or as if plaster was poured directly onto a human. It was so detailed. Every eyelash, every strand of hair seemed to be sculpted perfectly. The statue's hair was curled partly over one shoulder, the rest cascading down her back. She wore an old Luna Nova robe, one that seemed to be from the school's olden days and a Luna nova hat that was similar to the one her friend was wearing.

"You know, if this was a real chick she'd be creeped out by your gawking." Susy looked over at the amazed girl. She had become quiet and it honestly scared her. Akko was always bubbly, always had something to say, and always annoying.

"I-but i- I wasn't-" Akko sputters, a blush creeping up her neck while she was looking at her taller friend. "I can't appreciate art!?" Sucy smirks, a quiet 'tsk' coming from her as she looks at Akko, "You can, but you're doing more than appreciating it."

Akko again sputters before she takes out her phone and pulls up the camera, hiding her face behind it as she takes a picture of the statue. Something was missing. "Hey, Susy. Take my picture with the statue!" The pale teen raises her eyebrow as she looks at her friend, "Why do you want a photo with this musty statue?"

Sucy points to said stone statue as she looks back at Akko. The shorter girl was bouncing on the balls of her feet, the caked mud on her shoes cracking at the movement, "Because!" Akko pushes her phone into Sucy's hands as she puts her hand on her chest, "There's a photo of Chariot holding this statue's hand. I want one too!" Her eyes light up as she drops her hand. She gazes at the statue again and reads the inscription. The words bore into her mind and she lightly bites at her lip, "Also, there's some curse or something on it." Of course the thought of breaking a curse, no matter how slim the chance, was riveting to the young adult.

"If I agree to take the picture you have to be my Guinea pig for a week." Sucy's voice is flat and leaves no room for argument as Akko enthusiastically nods. As much as she didn't like being the taller woman's test subject, she wouldn't be able to take the picture herself, "Okay! Deal!" She runs up beside the statue and smiles at it. It really was a stunning piece of artwork. "You ready?" Akko asks as she sits on a wall that was near the sculpture. It was the perfect height for the short girl to get up on and sit. "Ready when you are. Say cheese." Sucy's dull voice trails the last word and Akko tentatively reaches for the statue's hand. Akko holds up a peace sign, "Cheese!" And as soon as her hand touches the statue's hand, something changes.

The hand isn't hard, not like stone. It was almost sort of… fleshy? Akko looks at the hand and it isn't stone anymore, no. It's pale flesh that is seemingly taking over the stone at a rapid pace and it makes Akko jump off the wall, her feet hitting the concrete below. And as cerulean eyes are uncovered the statue stumbles and falls over towards Akko, the wall behind the Japanese girl helping her keep her balance as a beautiful woman around her age tumbles into her arms. Ocean blue meets fire red and Akko's face once again heats up. "Uh… hi…"

"Akko, What did you do?!"