A/N: Hey readers, so this is a Klaroline story where Caroline goes to the past and meets the Original family. This takes place towards the end of season 2 right before Klaus breaks his hybrid curse and onwards from there. Hope you guys like it!

Discliamer: I own nothing.

Summary: Klaus was not the only one affected by the hybrid curse, denying him his werewolf side. The curse had a second victim, his wife Caroline, who for a 1000 years he thought was dead. Only days before he is meant to break his hybrid curse, he learns she is alive and closer than he ever imagined. Klaroline!Time travel story.

Chapter One

"Miss, miss can you hear me?"

She could hear, though the voice sounded far away and muffled, distorted. There was only darkness, it was all she could see, but it was due to her closed eyes. Trying to open them was futile, it took more effort and energy than she had. Even though she was not a stranger to aches and soreness, this felt stronger than she was accustomed to and she didn't have any idea why that was.

"She's hurt, look at the blood," that voice sounded more feminine, a young woman.

"We need to get her to the village, home to mother," that was a man's voice, "She'll know what to do."

The woman spoke again, this time the accent was more obvious, "Are you sure it would be wise to move her brother?"

"Well we cannot simply leave her here," said the man, his accent showing itself more.

The longer she laid there, the more her senses began to return to her, only not as heightened as she was used to. Almost dull, nearly human.. She could feel the rays of sunlight on her skin, but there was a chill in the air that scattered goosebumps across her exposed arms. If she had more strength in her, she would have shivered which she found odd. Being cold was not something she had experienced in months it seemed, at least not like this.

That was when she started to become more aware of the pain on her temple and her right ankle, it was dull as she was still trying to bring her consciousness forward, but the more alert she became, the more she could feel it and noticed something. It wasn't healing. It wasn't from vervain or even wood, but there was nothing else that could truly harm her enough that it wouldn't have healed right away. A pulse of fear went through her as a groan escaped her lips, shocking the owners of the two voices who were crouched beside her.

Everything seemed to hurt, why was it so hard for her to focus? For a moment she considered she had a concussion, but given her supernatural nature meant that it should be gone by now. But as she struggled to move, an idea crossed her mind that she didn't feel like a vampire anymore. She felt… human. Her eyes opened suddenly as she took in a sharp intake of air, she tried to move, but her body protested, forcing her back down.

A soothing voice spoke to her, followed by a strong, yet gentle hand on the back of her neck, "Easy there love, you've been injured."

She slowly opened her eyes to look at the man leaning over her. His blue eyes stared intently into her own, she noticed they had swirls in them and it reminded her briefly of the ocean. Calming, but unpredictable like the sea. Yet she wasn't scared, though she supposed she should have been. She had no idea who he or the woman was, where she was, how she had gotten here, or much of anything. Hell for a few panicked moments, she couldn't even think of her own name. Not a moment too soon she was hit with a name and a string of phrases after.

Caroline. That was her name, her name was Caroline Forbes, she was from Mystic Falls. She was a vampire, emphasis on was at this moment. Judging by her heart rate and she couldn't hear everything in the forest proved she was no longer a vampire which didn't make any sense. How could she not be a vampire anymore? It was impossible. Not to mention, where was she and how did she get here? She tried to think of what brought her here, what she had been doing.

All she could remember were quick flashes. A sea of people and flashing lights. She saw her front door with scratches on it. She winced at the sharp pain that went into her forehead.

"What is it," asked the man, his tone worriedly as she tried to lift her up a little more, "What is the matter love?"

A choked noise escaped her throat, she forced her eyes open again to look at him, "My head and ankle."

"Not to worry," said the woman bringing Caroline's gaze to her, "Our mother is a healer in our village, she will know how to help you."

Caroline released a heavier breath as she studied the pair before her. Judging by their similar features, she wanted to assume they were related. Both had slightly identical blue eyes, though the woman's hair was a brighter blonde than hers or the mans, she noticed their noses seemed a bit the same. It was then she noticed their clothing that looked like it was from another time.

The woman wore a blue long sleeve dress with a large leather belt around her waist. She had long free flowing blonde hair with a braided crown around her head. The man had similar hair, though his was a bit darker and cut off just below his shoulders. His attire was a white loose shirt with a brown leather vest and brown pants. It wasn't quite medieval looking, maybe it was older. She glanced at her clothes to compare for a moment, she was dressed in her jeans and a blue shirt, she had been trying to go somewhere… It was something about her friend, her friend who was in trouble.

"Where, where are we," Caroline asked looking between the two of them.

"We are just outside our village of the falls," said the young woman a glow in her eyes, "It is not a long journey, daylight would still be present by the time we return."

Caroline could only nod as she tried to remember how she had gotten here, what she had been doing before she had blacked out. Nothing came to her. She had been with her friends? Her mother was there, wasn't she? No, she had been on her way to her friends… but her mom was there wasn't she.

As if reading her thoughts, the man asked her, "Do you remember what happened?"

Caroline paused, she strained her mind as she sat up away from his touch, "Running. I, I was running."

"From the wolves," said the woman, her tone sounded surprised, "It was a full moon last night."

"Rebekah," the man scolded, not taking kindly to the mention of the topic.

"Yes," said Caroline, the lie burned her throat slightly, but she needed an excuse and that one had been presented to her, "I was running from the wolves."

"Were you alone," asked the man, his widened every so slightly.

Caroline shook her head, her friends, her mom, "No, I wasn't alone. I was with my friends and my mother. Then the wolves came, we ran… they didn't make it."

Caroline looked away for a moment, partially to make it more convincing, but the other part because she felt that were true. Had something similar happened that she just couldn't remember? Everything in her mind seemed to be clouded, she hoped soon the memories would return. A comforting hand rested on her right shoulder, jarring her slightly. She looked up at the young woman who offered her a sorrowful, yet understanding expression.

"I, we, are so sorry to hear that," the man said to her. Caroline could see he meant those words.

"Please, allow us to take you to our village so your wounds can be attended to," said the woman, Rebekah, softly.

Caroline nodded, she chose her next words carefully to sound closer to them, "I would greatly appreciate the help."

The man spoke next, "Here, allow me to help you. If I may be so bold?"

It took Caroline a moment to understand what he was asking, he wasn't going to just help her stand, he intended to carry her. She glanced at her ankle which had marks circling around it, though the blood had dried, it still throbbed with pain. It didn't look quite like a bite, but she supposed not all bites were the same. When she tried to move it, the pain increased and she could only to wince at the minimal adjustment she made. Perhaps she had really been attacked by wolves, but the fact that she couldn't remember concerned her.

Turning her attention back to the man, she nodded, "You may."

He brought his right arm around her back, his left under her knees. He lifted her with little effort, instinctively her hands wrapped around his neck with a slight pulse of panic that he would drop her.

However a gentle smile tugged at his lips as he said, "You have nothing to worry about love, I won't let you fall."

Caroline released a laugh, "Good, because then I would not be happy with you."

"We mustn't have that now," said the man with a twinkle in his azure eyes.

"I guess not…" Caroline trailed off, she realized she didn't know their names, "Sorry, I don't know your names.

The woman gasped, "Where are our manners? We have yet to introduce ourselves to you, forgive us for that offense."

"No offense taken," Caroline replied grinning, "Please, do not feel guilty for the.. Transgression.."

Caroline hoped she was talking close enough to proper for them, otherwise she wasn't sure if she would be able to keep up the ruse that she was from around here. If their clothes were any indicator along with the way they spoke, she had a feeling that she was not in Mystic Falls anymore, probably not even close to the same year.

Though she wanted to dismiss the idea of time travel, she had been a vampire, her best friend a witch and her other best friend a doppelganger, and Tyler was a werewolf. Honestly, it was a wonder what wasn't real or possible at this point. Thinking of her friends sent a pang through her, she knew something horrible was about to happen or was happening now and she was trapped here.

A memory rushed across her eyes, Elena had texted her telling her something happened at the dance, to come over as soon as she could. The memory ended there.

"Excellent, my name is Rebekah and it is a pleasure to meet you," said the woman, Rebekah with a beaming smile, "Seldomly do we get the chance to meet outsiders, though it is always most enjoyable."

Caroline could relate to that, "Yes, I am familiar with the feeling. And what is your name sir?"

"My name is Niklaus, Rebekah's older brother. Do tell us, what is your name love," asked Niklaus with an intrigued expression.

"Caroline F," she halted, neither had given a last name, "My name is Caroline."

"Caroline," said Niklaus, testing the name off his tongue. It sent a slight shiver through Caroline the way he said it, as if it were a prayer and he were in need of a miracle.

Rebekah spoke next, "I like it very much."

Caroline offered her a smile, "My mom- mother would be pleased to hear that. It was her favorite name, obviously."

A sudden pang hit Caroline at the thought of her mom. An image of her mom entered her mind and she wondered if she was okay right now. Though Caroline had a feeling the moment her mom realized she was missing, she would go into a panic and there was nothing she could do. Her voice and her mom's voice overlapped echoing in her ears.

You know what I am?


Her mom knew, she couldn't remember how or anything else, but the feeling that her mom knew what she was. Dread washed over her, her mom hated vampires and that's exactly what she was. Yet the first time her mom found out, three days later they actually were getting along. Would her mom give her the same chance this time? Caroline realized she may never find out. The thought didn't sit well with her.

Niklaus and Rebekah noticed a shift in Caroline's demeanor. A somber and guilty expression had replaced the soft smile she once wore, it forced the siblings to recall her earlier words. How her mother and friends were killed in a wolf attack, likely she was thinking of the loss she had suffered.

"We are so very sorry for your loss miss," Niklaus told her with a sincere tone.

"Me too," Caroline whispered so softly, Niklaus didn't quite catch it.

The three drifted into a comfortable silence, after a few minutes Caroline had rested her head on Niklaus' shoulder, exhaustion overtaking her. All the energy she had was fading fast, she could hardly see straight anymore as she tried to blink the tiredness away. It was no use. Despite her protests, her eyelids fell closed and found herself in a light sleep.

This brought a small smile to Niklaus' lips, though Rebekah frowned slightly at that. This poor girl was alone in the woods, had lost her mother and friends, injured and was exhausted from the ordeal. It was truly tragic, she hoped that they would be able to help her through this trying time. Rebekah couldn't imagine what it must feel like to lose the ones she loved so suddenly, without warning.

"Something on your mind sister," Niklaus asked when he noticed Rebekah's frowning.

Rebekah glanced at Caroline then to her brother, "I feel awful for her Nik, I just hope we can help her."

Niklaus nodded to show he understood, "I'm sure we will be able to. We will look after her, as will the rest of our family once they meet her."

"Elijah I'm sure will be up for the task, I cannot say the same for Finn," Rebekah said with a slight huff.

The corners of his mouth tugged upward, "Well considering mother will be tending to Caroline, I am certain Finn will do his very best."

Rebekah struggled to hold back her snickering. Their eldest brother tended to be a shadow to their mother, unless of course their father was around, then he would do everything to remain in his good graces. Though it was not far off from the truth with most of the children of Mikael, after all none wanted to be in the path of his anger or disappointment. At the thought of their father, Rebekah turned to her brother with a slightly fearful expression.

"Nik, what will father say, do you think he would turn her away," Rebekah asked, her eyes showing how much the idea worried her.

"He wouldn't dare turn a woman in distress away," Niklaus said rather confidently, "It would portray him to be a monster, imagine how the villagers would feel should the guest family's head look the other way for someone in need?"

"We are not a guest family," Rebekah said with a frown.

Niklaus gave her a pointed expression, "Perhaps not as we once were, but we were not originally from this village. We will forever be outsiders in some regard. It matters little though, father will not turn Caroline away."

Rebekah nodded, she turned her attention ahead and spotted their village in the distance, which brought a spring in her step, "Look, we're nearly there!"

The sudden excitement from Rebekah caused Caroline to stir slightly, but she settled soon after much to Niklaus' relief. He sent a disapproving look to Rebekah who looked slightly sheepish, but she shrugged gently. The sun had set by the time they made it to the village, they had misjudged the time it had taken to return. Their home was a little ways out from the village and to avoid questions, they remained on the outskirts of it until they reached the path that would take them to their house.

Niklaus realized they would make it home after the sun had set, their parents wouldn't be too pleased with them, but given the circumstances they knew their mother wouldn't be upset. Their father on the other hand would not be too pleased, though a guest would force him to keep himself tame. At least it was after dinner, their father hated when his children were not present at meals for reasons no one seemed to know.

When their home was in sight, Rebekah walked ahead as they approached the house giving Niklaus a few more moments to wake Caroline and allow her a chance to adjust while she explained the situation to their parents.

"Caroline," Niklaus murmured softly, "Wake up love, we're here."

Caroline's eyes fluttered open and Niklaus felt his own heart mimic the flutter of her eyelids. Those sky blue eyes looked at him still clouded by sleep, but shined bright as the sun, if not a bit softer. He noticed a soft red glow formed her cheeks as she looked away from him, embarrassed though he couldn't imagine why.

"I apologize," Caroline said softly, "You shouldn't have carried me all this way. I could have walked."

"Your ankle is injured, it would have been unwise to allow you to walk on it. Besides, I didn't mind having a beautiful woman in my arms," Niklaus pointed out to her, though he backtracked slightly, "Forgive me. That was inappropriate."

Caroline gave him a small smile, "Well thank you, for the help and the compliment."

"You are quite welcome," Niklaus said as he began to walk to his home.

Rebekah stood in the doorway, explaining the situation to her a man and woman, who Caroline assumed must have been their parents. The woman appeared friendly, if not a little cold. Her features were on the sharper side, but her eyes were warm and understanding as she eyed her son and Caroline. The man on the other hand appeared more hostile, his stance tense and resigned almost. There was a certain gruffiness to him that rubbed Caroline the wrong way as he looked at them, however when his eyes shifted to her they barely softened. Caroline felt Niklaus' grip tighten around her.

Niklaus stopped behind Rebekah as she said, "Please mother, father. We must help her."

The man spoke first his tone curt, "Of course we will help. Who would we be to turn away a damsel in distress?"

"I do not wish to intrude," Caroline said softly, her head tilted down.

The woman spoke to her assuringly, "No intrusion at all. Niklaus, bring her inside to my area here so that I may tend to her wounds. Rebekah, go fetch her some clothing to sleep in for the night and for tomorrow."

"Boy, we need to have a word once you have left this girl with your mother," said the man, his tone cold and empty.

Niklaus nodded, his jaw clenched, "Certainly father."

That didn't sit well with Caroline. There was something off about their father, she couldn't quite place it, but she knew she didn't want Niklaus to leave with him. Not only because she was nervous to be without the two people she was familiar with, but also because she noticed Niklaus stiffen behind her at his father's words and referring to him as boy. Not his name or even son.

Niklaus followed Rebekah and his mother inside of the house while the man left to go outside, the door slamming behind him. Only Caroline seemed to flinch at the sudden noise. The house was simple, far simpler than anything Caroline had ever seen in her life, but she supposed it was impressive given the time. A pit formed in her stomach, she clearly was very, very far away from home.

Niklaus brought her to a room in the back, she looked around to see it looked like garden of some kind, only with all kinds of plants she didn't recognize and with a firepit. It didn't look terrible, but Caroline shivered at the weird vibe she felt from this place. Niklaus set her down gently onto a thin mat while his mother grabbed some items she couldn't see and Rebekah searched for a dress.

A nervous feeling settled over Caroline as she sat there on the dirt floor, her eyes found Niklaus' as he began to rise. Her hand caught his wrist, catching him by surprise. Warmth from where her palm and fingers held his arm pulsed through him, he struggled to ignore the feeling that grew in his stomach. He meant to question her, but when he looked into her wide eyes, he saw something akin to fear. The nerves were building inside her, he would do his best to ease them.

"You have nothing to worry about love," Niklaus said with a reassuring smile, "My mother is the best healer in this village, she will take great care of you. You are safe here, I promise."

Caroline nodded mutely, her words dying in her throat. He would be fine, she was being worried for nothing. She lowered her arm allowing Niklaus to leave and go after his father. She still didn't like it, but she believed he would be okay and that perhaps her feelings were wrong. It could have been a stressful day and the father may not usually be like this. However it seemed as if Rebekah were reading her thoughts.

She placed a nightdress beside Caroline as she told her, "I'm afraid our father is not the most pleasant to be around. Unfortunately Niklaus faces the brunt of it."

"Will he be alright," Caroline asked, her gaze staying where Niklaus had been.

"Yes," Rebekah told her, though she didn't sound too sure, "Here is a night dress for you. Once you are better, I will take you into the village so that you can have some clothing made. Your clothes are some of the stranger kind."

Caroline chuckled nervously, "Yeah- yes they are. My other clothes were ruined by blood and I had to change, these just happened to be the first."

Rebekah nodded believing her, "Of course."

"In the meantime, let's take a look at your ankle dear," said the woman, her tone gentle, "Wolf bites are rather nasty, but with some herbs and wrapping, it won't get infected."

"Thank you miss, I really appreciate what you're doing for me," Caroline said honestly.

"We are happy to help," said the woman, "We haven't been formally introduced. My name is Esther and the man you saw is Mikael."

Caroline nodded, "A pleasure to meet you."

The three women fell into a comfortable silence. It had only taken a few minutes for Esther to clean the cuts and put some odd smelling cream on it before wrapping it with cloth. Esther also gave her some medicine to drink, it was also meant to fight off possible infection. It had been some hot water mixed with herbs Caroline had never tasted before, though it wasn't horrible, she almost would have preferred the child's bubblegum cold medicine.

Caroline changed into the pale green nightdress Rebekah had given her, the sleeves cut off at just below her shoulders and the hem of the dress hardly touched the floor. As Esther bid the girls goodnight, Rebekah lead Caroline to the next room allowing her new friend to lean on her for support. In the next room there blankets on the dirt floors, she noticed lying asleep in the corner were two others.

"Those are two of my brothers," Rebekah whispered softly, "The one there with the shorter hair is my older brother, Kol and the smaller one there is my younger brother, Henrik. A storm had destroyed each of our rooms and we have had to occupy the same one for the time being."

"How many siblings do you have," Caroline asked as Rebekah lead her to the side where two mats lay.

Rebekah took a seat on the right one, leaving the left one for Caroline, "I have five brothers. Finn is the oldest of us and is completely absurd, follows our mother around like a sheep. The next is Elijah, he's pleasant at all times, if not on the quieter side. Niklaus, you already met him. Kol was born next, he's harmless, but loves to cause trouble at any given turn which our parents never appreciate. There's me, the best of Mikael's children if I say so myself. Lastly is Henrik there, he's more like Elijah, but enjoys causing trouble like Kol."

Caroline nodded, "I take it there isn't a dull moment?"

"Never, especially since we all share this room. Though father tells me that soon enough the rooms will be ready so that we can all have more space," Rebekah told her, her tone on the lighter side, "And what of you? Do you have any siblings?"

Caroline shook her head, "Only child. It had been just me and my parents."

Rebekah sighed softly, "That sounds nice…. You should get some rest, it has been a long day I imagine."

"Yeah," Caroline whispered, she laid down on her side with a far off look before she shut her eyes.

Rebekah remained awake for a while longer, she needed to be ready for when Niklaus returned with injuries from Mikael no doubt. The day had started as any other, but the changes which had occurred later replayed themselves in her mind. Not soon enough, the door opened causing Rebekah sit up from her lying down position.

Caroline was still awake, but did her best to keep her breathing even as she listened to the conversation.

"Brother, are you hurt," Rebekah whispered.

Niklaus shook his head, he replied in a hushed voice, "Nothing terrible. Father was displeased is all. I am quite alright. How is Caroline?"

Rebekah replied, "She's handling her situation remarkably well. She is getting some much needed rest. Rest you are in need of as well."

"As you wish," Niklaus said softly.

He looked at Caroline for a few moments however. The light of the fire had dimmed significantly, but he could still make her face and soft features. Even though she looked peaceful in her sleep, he could see that the tension had yet to leave her. He could understand why, she had just lost everything and was now in the home of strangers, at their mercy.

He hoped tomorrow she would adjust well and be able to have some semblance of peace, but he supposed it wouldn't be so easy. However he was nothing if not determined, he would ensure that her stay here be a pleasant one despite all that had occurred.

"Goodnight Caroline," he said softly as he walked over to his mat and laid down.