The screen faded black before white text appeared stating the following scene took place in Fuyuki City, Japan one year before the beginning of the grail war. The screen then faded into a beautiful park.

Aoi remembers the park and the memories she spent within it with her two beloved daughters. No, her beloved daughter Rin and a man named Kariya. She peered behind her to face the man whose face was disfigured and whose hair had turned white. 'What happened to you Kariya? What is the purpose of this?' For some strange reason, she had a sickening feeling build up in her stomach.

Aoi sat peacefully reading a book when her name was called by a familiar face. She looked up with a pleased expression as the man with black hair flicked his hand up in greeting. "Kariya, it's good to see you again" Aoi said "You're back from your business trip? This one took a long time"

"Yeah, I guess it did" Kariya answered apologetically.

"Uncle Kariya!" an exited Rin yelled towards the man

Rin hid her blushing face behind her hands. She may have been young but it was still embarrassing especially since two members of her school were present. Shinji would never let her live this down. A smile crept onto Kariya's face as the words were spoken. 'I will protect you and Sakura, Rin' he pledged 'Even if it kills me'.

Rin discarded the ball she was playing with to run towards Kariya. "Uncle Kariya, welcome back!"

"Rin" Rin smiled

"Did you bring me a present again?" Rin asked which granted her a scolding from her mother.

Kariya extended his hand and opened his fist revealing a bracelet "Here you go"

Rin quickly grabbed it and held it in the air to examine it more closely. A smile ever present on her face. Rin pulled it towards her chest "Thanks, Uncle"

"I'm glad you like it" Kariya patted Rin's head before reaching into his coat pocket to find another bracelet. "Where's Sakura?"

Shirou almost launched himself out of his seat upon hearing her name. Rin stared at her feet as she swung them back and forth; a solemn look on her face. 'I'm sorry, Sakura'

Rin's face quickly disheartened at the mention of her once sister's name. "Sakura's gone now"

Shirou moved closer to the screen in hopes of getting a better understanding of what was happening. Tokiomi looked at his daughter's face on the screen then to the girl sitting one seat away from him. 'What I did was right' Tokiomi attempted to persuade himself 'It is for the Tohsaka's goal. To reach the root'. The only person in the entire room that gained some semblance of joy from that statement was Zouken who chuckled proudly to himself. While he only took in Sakura to keep the Matou family bloodline alive, he received the extra bonus of seeing how affected his son, Kariya, was by the girl's mistreatment.

Kariya's mouth widened before he quickly turned towards Rin's mother. "Aoi?" Kariya asked, fearing the answer.

"You see, Sakura is no longer my daughter or Rin's little sister"

Shinji, who had kept quiet in order to avoid unnecessary attention to him or his servant, stared in disbelief at the screen. 'Sakura is related to Rin? No that's impossible' he reassured himself 'Like hell, I would believe some random magus who forced me to come here against my will!' Unlike his friend, Shirou believed everything he was seeing, not like he had any reason not to, but simply had no coherent idea as to what was going on.

"She's been sent to join the Matou family" Aoi finished which caused Kariya to gasp. In anger, he rose up from his crouched position to fully turn towards Aoi.

"Why?" he yelled.

Gilgamesh had noticed Kirei's brief glances at Kariya while watching the screen and had also noticed the sudden interest the master of assassin showed when Kariya was on screen. 'So this is joy to you?' Gilgamesh smiled 'Mongrel'

"You know better than anyone why the Matous would want children who carry the blood of mages" a wave of guilt past through Kariya however, the guilt was quickly replaced with anger as Aoi continued "The Tohsaka family elders decided to give our ancient allies, the Matous, that which they requested. It wasn't my place to speak out"

Shirou tensed his fist. He decided he would let those within the circle argue about matters such as these. He may be angry but he decided to suppress it and stay silent. Rin looked surprised by the fact Shirou wasn't in a yelling fit again which distracted her briefly from the repressed memories from long ago.

"You're all right with that?" Kariya asked in a calm voice.

"When I married into the Tohsaka family, when I decided to marry a mage, I knew what might be required of me"

Tokiomi apologised to his wife. While he didn't make propose it, the decision was on him and the way it hurt his wife affected him. He was right but he was also sorry. Kariya was practically fuming from the mouth at the sight of Tokiomi's attempt to apologise. 'Damn you Tokiomi!'.

"And you're all right with that?!" Kariya asked, losing his temper.

"A clan bearing mage blood can never expect the happiness of a normal family"

Rin disheartened at those words. Her mother was clearly in a lot of pain after Sakura was taken away. She understood that then yet could do very little. In the space of one year, Aoi would then lose her husband and her sanity. She deeply regretted not being able to do more for her but Rin hoped that seeing this will help her get a better understanding of her mother so maybe she could do more in the small time she was reunited with her mother.

"That's not true!" Kariya yelled in desperation "When you married him, you wanted happiness-"

"Kariya!" Tokiomi bellowed, sending a chill down Kariya's spine "I ask that you keep magus matters to us magus"

"Bu-" Kariya squirmed under Tokiomi's looming presence.

"You lost your ability to speak about such matters when you betrayed your family. While I respect the friendship you share with my wife, I ask that you refrain from such mockery of the Tohsak family" Aoi could tell that Tokiomi was acting rashly and out of anger. What Kariya said clearly affected him.

"This is between the Tohsakas and the Matous" Aoi interrupted "You left the world of mages.

It doesn't concern you" Kariya could no longer argue his case. She was right no matter how badly he wanted it to be a lie. After the screen switched between Kariya's distressed face and Aoi before settling on Aoi. Her face softened as she smiled at Kariya for the final time. "If you ever see Sakura, be kind to her"

Both Kariya in the cinema and Kariya from 1 year ago tensed their hands in frustration. Those words stung and what finally lead him to face his monster of a father. Zouken had now taken notice of Kirei's interest in his failer of his son. It seems Kariya had attracted another predator to feast on his suffering. But still, to think it would be the priest's son.

"She was always fond of you"

Rin was reminded of the fun she used to have with the man named Kariya and her beloved sister. She cried. Even though she wanted to keep up appearances in front of her classmates and in front of her servant, she cried. Archer watched as the proud and skilled magus that was his master break down into tears. With that act she puts on, he almost forgot she was a mere child who lost her parents and her sister. He almost wanted to get her out of there; free her from the impending sadness that awaited her if she kept watching. But he didn't. While she may be a child, she was also Rin Tohsaka. She can handle this.

The screen quickly transformed into two wooden doors that were just as quickly thrown open by Kariya. He walked forward with a determined expressing on his face as the doors closed behind him. "So, the failure had the nerve to show his face here" Zouken grumbled as Kariya stood before him "I told you to never darken my doorstep again, Kariya"

"I heard you adopted the Tohsakas' second daughter" Kariya stated plainly.

Zouken laughed "You have sharp ears"

At the time Zouken was impressed that Kariya had gotten that information when he was so far out of the loop but now knowing how he got that information he realised he was naive to think Kariya was anything but a useless slug whose suffering brought him limitless joy.

"Is it that important to keep mages in the Matou lineage?"

While he disagreed with the man on most subjects, he could not deny the Matou's power had dwindled over the last decade.

"Would you tell me we're wrong to?" Zouken answered "You, of all people? Whose fault do you think our present reduced circumstances are?" Kariya's determination still didn't waver infuriating Zouken "Kariya. Had you agreed to carry on the family name and learn the secrets of the Matou, things wouldn't be this bad"

"You're not fooling anyone, you vampire" Kariya stated showing signs he was sick of the old man's excuses "You only want the Grail to give yourself eternal youth"

Rin glared at the man who had taken away her sister. "Sick bastard!" she snarled through her tears causing her parents to give her worried looks. Zouken smiled.

Zouken laughed once again before standing with the support of his cane. "Next year, sixty years will have passed. But the Matous have no pawns to offer for the Fourth Holy Grail War"

"Grandfather?" Shinji asked "Is that what you see me as? A pawn?" The only response he received was a sickening laugh.

"Though you have it, your brother Byakuya lacks the power to control a Servant. But even if we forfeit this round, we could still win the next in 60 years" Zouken stepped towards his son "The Tohsaka girl's womb will bear us a powerful mage. She has a lot of potential, that one"

Rin's eyes widened 'womb?' she recited the word in her head 'What are they going to do to my sister? And more importantly, what have they already done?'

Zouken passed Kariya. "So, as long as you get the Grail, you don't need Sakura Tohsaka" Kariya asked.

"What are you scheming?"

"A trade, Zouken" Kariya answered "I'll return from the next war, Grail in hand. And in return, you will release her" Zouken's lips stretched into a smile.

"So that is your goal, Kariya" Kerei said to himself "How stupid" Kariya tensed but calmed himself before he got too rash. He can't take on a previous executer, especially in this state. Tokiomi scoffed.

"Don't be stupid" Zouken mocked "You're a failure, and you haven't trained a day in your life" he passed Kariya once again so he now stood in front of him "In a single year, you'll achieve the power to control a Servant?"

"You have the magic to make that happen, and you know it" Kariya answered "With your special worm techniques" Zouken stopped walking and turned towards his son in confusion "Implant me with Crest Worms"

"You plan on going that far?" Rin asked, worrying for his safety. The very idea that Rin worried for him even all those years in the future brought a smile to his face however her reactions to Sakura's name suggests he was unsuccessful. He likely risked or even sacrificed his life in futile.

"Kariya, do you want to kill yourself?" Zouken asked more in curiosity than worry.

"The Matous should rely on themselves to gain what they want" Kariya answered "I won't let anyone else get involved"

"You say that after abandoning them?" Tokiomi asked "What contradiction"

"Surely you're not concerned for my wellbeing, Father"

Zouken laughed "If you're trying to keep her out of this, Kariya, you're a little late"

The screen zoomed in on Kariya's shocked expression as he realised what he did "You old bastard, you didn't!" Kariya yelled

Rin panicked. All the bad things she could possibly imagine happening to Sakura played out in her head. She instantly felt nauseous and bent forwards in an attempt to stop he from being sick. Tokiomi no longer could look at the screen. Instead, he repeated 'it was the right choice' over and over again. Aoi attempted to comfort her daughter and Waver made himself appear as though he wasn't about to puke all over his servant. All that currently matters is that the scene that was shown afterwards destroyed almost everyone.