A/N: I swore I wasn't going to, but I've had a rough few weeks. Personal stuff. That's life, but lately writing has been a chore. I know, some could say I have double digits in ongoings, but I needed something for me, and this is me. Sports, fluff….yeah, that's about it. Oh yeah, some nerd stuff. So I asked on Facebook and basically was told to post whatever I wanted, whenever. So...originally this was 5 short chapters. I have combined some stuff to make it a little longer. Currently 4 chapters are already completed. If this isn't your thing, I get it, no problem. Thanks for giving it a try. I give you The Comeback. (Takes place present day)

Disclaimer: I don't own Chuck, and for as tall as the cast is, the women are short compared to the WNBA (Seriously, WHAT AM I DOING?)

Bryce sat down at his desk, a man and a woman in front of him. "Have you seen it?" he asked them, a huge smile on his face. They both shook their head. Bryce picked up the remote sitting on his desk, turned toward the TV, and pressed play.

The TV began to play a press conference. Bryce walked out to the table, alone. Behind him was the logo of the expansion WNBA Cleveland Rockers. Bryce sat down, took out a piece of paper and began to read.

"We are happy to announce that Sarah Walker, former four-time NCAA All-American, all-time scorer in the history of the Harvard Crimson, Most Outstanding Player at the 2015 NCAA women's basket tournament, and 2015 NCAA women's basketball champion, will be joining the starting line-up for the Cleveland Rockers." Bryce paused and smiled at the camera. "After four years of not playing basketball, to have a shot in the WNBA, let alone starting, is something my client dared not dream. She's back, and we truly hope to bring this city… and its fans… quality, winning basketball." Bryce paused, a smirk on his face. "Any questions?"

"Is there any truth to the rumors of a relationship between Sarah and her physical therapist?" one of the reporters blurted out.

Bryce flashed his trademark smile and smoothed his tie. "Brad, Chuck Bartowski is one of the top physical therapists in the field. He has helped Sarah overcome muscle issues she developed from the tear of her ACL. He has encouraged her, and he has played a vital role in her return."

The female in the room leaned over to the male. "He's not wrong," she muttered. Bryce shot them both a look, smirking.

"Bryce… Langston Graham, the Rockers owner, has made it very clear he wants no distractions on this team. How do you explain the Charah romance to him?"

"Charah?" Bryce asked, his eyebrows raised. He thought about it for a second, smiled, and nodded. "I like that couple name, Rita. I like it a lot. Did you think of that?"

"Oh, no," she replied. "It's on twitter."

"You knew that already," the male in the room said to Bryce, as they continued watching the press conference. Bryce just grinned.

Back on the TV: "Rita, what Ms. Walker and Mr. Bartowski do in their personal time is no business of mine, or yours." He paused and looked around the room. "Guys, the Browns are finally doing decent again… isn't there something better you can write about? I know that LeBron left, but come on." He looked around the room and saw that they were not going to let this go. Bryce sighed, and his face softened. "Listen, I've known Chuck and Sarah for a while, and they both deserve happiness. Would it be so bad if two people just met and fell in love?"

"So, you're saying they're in love?" Rita asked.

Bryce stood, "Thanks guys, we're done."

Bryce hit stop, and turned, facing the two, a grin on his face.

"You played them like a fiddle," the woman said.

"What can I say, Diane?" Bryce asked the head coach of the Cleveland Rockers. "We all know that Chuck is good for Sarah, and Sarah is good for the team. Are we a united front on this?" They both turned to the third person in the room.

"Christ," Casey, the assistant coach of the Cleveland Rockers, muttered. "There's gonna be ladyfeelings everywhere, aren't there?"

"Casey, you're in the WNBA playoffs. The #8 seed, but you're in the playoffs, as an expansion team. You should be having some ladyfeelings on that, alone."

"Don't you think Langston will consider that press conference a distraction?" Beckman asked Bryce.

"Oh, no," Bryce replied, grinning. "That's free publicity. Chuck and Sarah are selling tickets right now. Chuck and Sarah are driving ratings. This is good for the whole league."

"You've already talked to other owners," Casey said. It was a statement, not a question.

Bryce shrugged. "I do what's best for my client."

"Bryce," Beckman began.

"Diane, don't," Bryce said, fire in his eyes. "She tore her ACL winning a national championship at Harvard; he got kicked out of Stanford even as I tried to help him fight it. She goes into accounting bored out of her skull; he buried himself in a degree I still can't even wrap my head around him being interested in. He graduates, but can't find a job, even though he's amazing. All because of that stupid scandal at Stanford. No one gives her a chance, because they believe she can't replicate what she did in college, because of a torn ACL. And she doesn't want to go overseas. I get them together, and suddenly both their lives take a turn for the better. You better believe I'm gonna fight like hell for 'em."

"We're in, Bryce," Casey said softly. "I get it, leave no man behind. But we gotta be smart about this, no one-man shows."

Bryce nodded. "I know, I went rogue. But it was what was best for them."

"I think it's time they decide what's best for them," Beckman said.

"I do have a habit of doing what I think is best for others, without making sure first," he admitted.

"Charah," she snorted. "I don't care what the hell they call them. As long as Bartowski keeps Walker in peak playing condition, I don't care what they do."

"Don't say it," Casey said, pointing at Bryce. Bryce lifted his hands up smiling. "Charah," he snorted as the two left the office.

Bryce sat in his chair grinning. The three of them had come a long way since he and Chuck watched her win the national title on TV, back at Stanford over four years ago.

A/N: Listen, if you don't like this, let me know. I wrote this for me because sportsball! (That's for you JWatkins) I'm just having fun, but I can see others not enjoying it. You all have been the greatest supporters a guy could ask for. Thank you all for that. See you soon. DC