Disclaimer: I don't own Adventure Time or Fairy Tail and any of the songs or others and this story is not for profit or any other illegal usages.

So hi guys, sorry about the mix up with the first story I really should've thought things through so anyway I'm making sure to organize and plan everything from start to finish so please don't be discouraged by the turn of events. So for now, this takes place when Finn and Jake become the true heroes of Ooo and for Fairy Tail is before Galuna Island arc. So yeah more fun to do and read. And again, I'm sorry if I sorta screwed up the first time, anyways I hope the story gets your hopes high up. So we all know what time it is right?


Whenever your look at the universe or a star, you start to wonder if you'd be able to be with the ones you want to be with the most. And hopefully if you reach far and high enough, some lengths can take you anywhere. Because it can happen.

But things you'd want to treasure forever will be gone, but it will never be in your heart. Because, things will happen, happening, happened at one point again. So don't feel sad if it's over, just keep being happy because it was known.

BOOM! Adventure Time, c'mon grab your friends we're going to very distant lands with Jake the Dog and Finn the Human the fun will never end it's Adventure Time!

"HEEEEEYYY FIIINNNN." Jake screamed.

"Ah dobbs, it's Jake." Finn said as he was getting ready.



" I'm comin' I'm comin'", Finn said as he got out of the tree-house.

"About time, c'mon we're gonna be late for the award ceremony at C.K." Jake said as he stretched and got Finn and Bmo on top of him.

Finn, Jake, and Bmo were going to the Candy Kingdom for an award ceremony and celebration P.B was hosting. And Finn and Jake were getting a special award and also getting promoted as the mighty heroes of Ooo and for defeating the lich.

"This is totally flippin' crazy man, we're getting a special award for being heroes and I get to eat ICE CREAM when we get there!" Jake said in a very giddy mood. "Hey man, what's more awesome is that I get to be the role hero of being the most tubuler leader of P.B's sword brigade." Finn added. "Did she really give you that type of thing, and also doesn't that make any sense to what you just said?" Jake asked. "I don't know but it sounds AWESOME!", Finn shouted. "Well I think it's pretty sweet." Bmo said. "Yeah just wait until you turn 17 or 18 man." Jake said in remorse as they went to the Candy Kingdom on a sunny cloudless day.

The Candy Kingdom was hopping with excitement and everyone was excited and up and about. Balloons and streamers everywhere, colorful decorations, kids playing and flying kites and doing competitions with their families and the castle was filled with colorful and glimmering lights all over. The Gumball Guardians also seemed to be having fun too as they blew fun bubbles for all the little kids.

"WOW, the Candy Kingdom's going hardcore with this celebration man." Jake said.

"I know, P.B said the Candy Kingdom always gets the busy and hyped every time they do something special like this." Finn replied. "C'mon the castle's only right there let's go."

"Hey Cinnamon Bun can you help me with the balloons please?' P.B asked to C.B. "Okay Princess." As he went to go decorate with the balloons. "Hey P.B." Finn said as they arrived. "Guys you're here early." P.B said in surprise. "Yeah we don't wanna be fashionably late for the ceremony, no we're being hero-typical early for all the excitement!" Finn said in determination. "Either that or we're just really excited to be promoted as official heroes of Ooo", Jake said. "Well the ceremony's being underway so you guys can chill and have a great time before the ceremony okay, I gotta go take care of some stuff so I'll see you guys during the ceremony." P.B said as she went away. "Okay P.B see ya", Finn shouted. "Hey Jake you ready to have a good ti-." Jake disappeared before Finn talked completely. Bmo also disappeared too, so Finn decided to see what to do. "Huh, guess they already left. Well I guess I'm on my own from here, anyway it's PARTY TIME WHOO-HOO!" Finn shouted as he started to party.

Meanwhile, in a guild called Fairy Tail:

"LAXUS GO AND FETCH THEM AT ONCE!" Master Makarov shouted in a demanded way to Laxus.

"Yeah, right. I got better things to do, Gramps" Laxus said in an ignorant way.

"And besides everyone in Fairy Tail is supposed to take care of themselves, right?" Laxus added.


"I'm sorry master", Gray said as he stood, "But I'm afraid I got to disagree with you".

In Picturesque Port Town of Hargeon:

"Wow this brings back memories." Lucy said relaxed. "It seems like only yesterday when we met here for the first time."

"It practically was yesterday." As an ignorant Natsu replied. "You don't have to get all mushy."

"Yeah you sound like an old lady." Happy said as he tried not to laugh as Lucy looked at him in disgust.

"Well let's go find a boat that'll take us to Galuna." Lucy said.

"ARE YOU CRAZY!?" Natsu surprised. "Forget the boat why can't we all just swim for it?"

"And you think i'm the one who's crazy?" Lucy replied.

"Galuna Island? No way not even for a million jewel." a sailor said. "Around here, it's bad luck to even mention that name." Another said.

"Sorry kids, but I don't think anyone here would be willing to take you."

"That island's cursed, so if you got want a death wish I'd stay far away".

"Don't know why you wanna go there but no sailor worth his salt is gonna take you to Galuna. Not even pirates will go near that place."

"Are you serious?" Lucy said in disappointment.

"It looks like we're gonna be swimming there after all." Natsu said in relief. "Sure Does." Happy added. "WE'RE NOT SWIMMING NATSU!" Lucy said furiously. "I found you." Gray said as he surprised all three of them from behind. "It's Gray." Lucy said shocked. "What are you doing here?" Natsu asked. "Gramps found out about your harebrained scheme and sent me to get you back." Gray explained. "WHY?! We're not in danger yet." Natsu said in confusion. "If you come back now, you might avoid being kicked out of the guild, maybe." Gray said in a smug look. "KICKED OUT?!" Lucy said in horror. "I DON"T CARE! I'm going on this S-Class quest." Natsu protested. "Man, you're way out of your leauge here, just come home. When Erza finds out about this, she's gonna be so angry." Gray said agitated.

"Uh Oh." All three.

"Please Gray, you gotta save me. I told them this was a bad idea but they force me to come along!" Happy said in horror.

"YOU ARE SUCH A LIAR!" Lucy shouted.

"I've got to prove my power to Erza. So like it or not, I'm doing this." Natsu said being determined. "Mater ordered me to bring you home. I'll drag you back to Fairy Tail if I have to. Don't make me hurt you buddy!" Gray protested."I'd like to see you try!" Natsu added while getting fired up.

"Hmm magic?" said the fisherman. "Excuse me, but are you wizards?"


"Have you come to lift the curse on that island?" He asked.

"Yeah" Natsu replied.

"Maybe." Lucy said in a uncertain look.

"Not gonna happen." Gray said angered.

"Get in." The fisherman said.

"What." Lucy asked.

"Seriously?" Natsu asked.

"NO WAY!" Gray said.

Natsu smiled and kicked Gray making him unconscious. "There we go. Ready when you are sir."

"You should we should bring him with us?" Lucy asked.

"We can't let him go back and tell the guild. Because the next person they'll send is ERZA." Natsu said horrified making Lucy whimper.

In a cube outside the multiverse:

Cosmic Owl: Hey Prismo you up for another game of chess?

Prismo: Yeah I guess, don't you think it's a little lonely and quiet up here?

C.O: Don't know I never really think about it anywa-.

Suddenly Prismo's cube began to glow.

C.O: Woah, has our cube ever flashed like this before?



Prismo: No this never happened for so long.


Prismo: This never occurs.


Prismo: LOOK! Whenever the cube's flashing it means a time distortion or a rip in the fabric of time and existence is linking or transforming two worlds together into one or creating a wormhole that can combine both of the world's knowledge and history into one but I'm not sensing any uncharted dangers, no distortions, rips, anything. But all I'm sensing something sinister and evil that is somehow in the midst of all of this crisis. Something that is doing this for a purpose.

C.O: Wait a second, what two worlds are being transformed together?

Prismo: Ooo a.k.a Earth and a world where magic is infinite and mythology is unreal. EARTHLAND.

Back in Ooo:

"Man this celebration's totally rocking and poppin'." Finn said all excited as he was drinking soda and partying. "This is gonna be a totally rad and bopping day for the whole Kingdom WHOO!"

Meanwhile, Jake was busy stuffing his face with ice cream at the dessert buffet living the time of his life and Bmo was playing with all the candy kids playing with the bubbles blown by the Gumball Guardians.

During the party. Starchy walked in front of Finn. "Hey Finn, the Princess says the ceremony is about to begin and she says if you're ready?"

"OH YEAH! I'm ready, I just need to get Jake and Bmo and we'll get to the ceremony. Hey Starchy is it okay if you get Bmo for me?" Finn asked. "Of course Finn." Stachy answered as he went to go get him.

Finn was walking around the kingdom finding Jake and then saw him still stuffing his face with ice cream at the buffet. From the looks of it, Jake finished more than 80 buckets of ice cream and was still going.

"Hey Jake, quit eating ice cream and come on, the ceremony's about to begin." As he tried to get him to stop "Not yet Finn I'm about to break the Kingdom Ice Cream record and I'm not losing now!" As Jake continued to eat. "Jake the record is like 500 buckets come on let's go." He said. "Oh alright." Jake said as he stopped. "Come on let's go." Finn said as the two went to the ceremony.

The ceremony was about to begin and P.B was in front of the castle at the podium ready to announce the awards with Bmo and Peppermint Butler standing next to her.

"OH YEAH MAN, WE"RE ABOUT TO BE PROMOTED AS THE TRUE HEROES OF OOO!" Jake screamed and getting excited.

P.B saw the two and then started to start the ceremony. "Hello and welcome everyone of the Candy Kingdom to the Annual Candy Kingdom Award Ceremony, I would like to thank everyone for coming here and being a great person out there. And now to start the ceremony I will first award Finn and Jake with these golden medals of hero heart for becoming Ooo's mightiest heroes. Finn and Jake will you please come up for your reward please." The crowd applaud and roared in excitement.

"This is it man, we're gonna be Ooo's mightiest heroes!" Jake being in excitement and thrill.

Finn and Jake stood up and walked to get their medals.

"I now promote Finn and Jake as Ooo's mightiest and noble heroes!" As she put the medals on Finn and Jake. The crowd went berserk and applaud with all their might.

"AW YEAH BOI! We're mighty heroes now." Finn said excitedly to Jake. "AH YEAH, fist bump time!"

Suddenly, before they did a fist bump they felt the ground shaking a little bit. "Hey Jake you felt that?" Ask Finn. "Yeah what was that?" Jake replied. And then it started to intense and the Kingdom started to break.

"What's happening?" Jake asked.

"I don't know." Finn said being confused. "P.B what's going on?"

"I don't know." Then she looked up. "GUYS LOOK!"

Finn and Jake looked up at the sky and was shocked because it started to turn red and black and cloudy and thunder storms were happening everywhere.

"HOLY COW! What's happening?!" Finn shouted.

"How should I know?" Jake screamed. Then when things couldn't get worse a ginormous black hole appeared and then it started to suck everything into it. The Kingdom started to dismantle and everyone started to get sucked into it. Not only that, but it also started to SUCK UP ALL OF OOO TOO! Everything and everyone started to get sucked up and disappeared into it.

"PRINCRESS!" Peppermint Butler shouted. "PEPPS!" P.B shouted. "Leader my balance is unstable" The Gumball Guardians started to get sucked up too. "MY GUARDIANS!" Then she started to float off the ground. "Oh no. FINN!" P.B shouted.

"Princess!" Finn shouted. Then he saw Jake and Bmo starting to get sucked up too. "FINN!' Jake and Bmo cried. "GUYS!" As he shouted, then he started to get sucked up and lost his medal. "OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO." Finn shouted as he got sucked up.

Back in Earthland:

"HHHHPPPMMM." Gagged Natsu

"Okay now I'm starting to get scared." Said Lucy getting petrified.

"Well look on the bright side, at least you're not tied up!" Gray said tied in rope. "This is your fault too buddy. Why'd you decide to let us on?" As he asked the fisherman.

"The name is Bobo. And if you must know I used to be a citizen of Galuna Island. But I had to flee. I just couldn't take it anymore." Bobo replied. "I should warn you. Tragedy befalls anyone who steps foot on the island. There's no avoiding it, that is if you're able to lift the curse." Then Bobo took off his robe and made all of them shocked and surprised. "This vile demon's curse."

"Woah you're arm, what happened to it?" asked Gray.

"Is that the curse." Lucy asked in concern.

Bobo stared and said "We're almost there. That's Galuna Island." Staring at the shadowy island in the vast sea that looked like a mirage. As they looked at the island Lucy saw the mountain top glowing.

"That's weird. Why's the mountain top glowing like that?"

On top of the mountain, a group of masked and robed people were chanting "ZERAM SEN DIOLUNA KOO-NAH."

Then Lucy turned around and saw that Bobo had disappeared. "What the- where'd he go?"

"Did he fall out?" Gray asked.

"It's like he disappeared into thin air." Happy added. Then the water started to get a little rough.

"What's that sound?" Lucy asked.

"UH LUCY!" Gray said in a pressured way.

Lucy turned around and she saw a tsunami. "AAAAAHHHH, TSUNAMI!"

"Not don't panic, just hold on!" Gray shouted.

"Happy can't you grab onto the boat and fly?" Lucy shouted

"I'm not strong enough." Happy replied. But it was too late as the four got swept away into the aybyss of water.

Morning/Somewhere on Galuna Island:

The heated sun was pouring onto the island making it look like a heated piece of toast. The creatures were making a lot of racket and the ecosystem seemed to be either restless of growing or resting to the tendency of the weather.

"Whu...huh? Wh...what the floop happened?" Finn said slowly as he was on the ground gaining conscience. Finn was in an entire new place he'd have never been in before. And everything around him was so different and new to him every time he looked around. As he tried to stand up his body and mind felt a little fuzzy and weird. "What is this place, where am I? (GASP) Jake, P.B, Bmo! GUYS can you hear me!" Finn shouted, but there was no reply. "AW crud, oh no, where am I at, what is this place anyway? UUUURRRRMMMM ICE KING!" Finn screamed as he was lost on an uncharted island.

Elsewhere on Galuna Island:

The sun was beating on Lucy's face causing Lucy to wake up. "Where am I?" She then got up and saw Natsu, Happy, and Gray washed up with her on the beach with parts of the boat scattered all around them. "What a mess."

Later, "Looks like we made it you guys!" Said Natsu getting pumped.

"We're lucky that wave washed us ashore." Lucy added.

"Well I don't know if I call it lucky." Gray said in ignorance.

"I can't help but wonder what happened to the guy who brought us here."Lucy said in thought. "Right after he told us about the curse he vanished."

"Forget about that stuff for now and let's go exploring!" "AYE!" Said Natsu and Happy being ready.

"We've been here, like 30 seconds and you guys have already forgotten about the mission?" Lucy said in disappointment.

Later,"Apparently there's only one village on the entire island. The village chief is the one who originally put in the request. So I guess we need to try and find him." Lucy explained holding the paper with the request on it.

"Not so fast." Gray said uninterruptedly getting off the ground.

"Give it up Gray. You can't take us back to the guild now that our boat's been destroyed." Natsu answered.

"You're right. I'm coming with you." Gray replied leaving them confused. "There's no way I'm gonna let the two of you clowns make S-Class before I do. And if you were kicked out the guild would be pretty boring. Gramps will be upset , but if we pull this off he won't stay mad at us for long." Making everyone more interested and ready. "Let's go."




Finn was walking around the island to see if he could find Jake, Bmo, and Princess Bubblegum but no lick has reached him yet. He started to wonder if he was the only one who got to this place by himself.

"CRUBS! Will isn't this a non-fun day. I'm lost, I can't find my friends, I have no weapons, I lost my hero medal, and I can't even go back home considering all of Ooo got sucked up by that black hole." Finn went on ranting. "This is mad chubs dude, I hope Jake is alright. Finn then walked on a hard stick and picked it up. "Hmm, guess I can use you as a weapon for now." Said Finn as he put it in his backpack. "I swear if it's the Ice King again I'll TEAR AND BEAT HIM TO PIECES!" Finn shouted irritated when he accidently step on into slippery muddle and slid across the pathway. "WWWOOOOAAAHHHH!" Finn kept screaming until he smacked right into a tree. BAM! Causing him to pass out again and fall over making him roll down a hill side and into a wall. THA-BOOM! Before Finn completely passed out he heard a strange voice. "Oh my, what an unfortunate turn of events." Said the soft voice from nowhere. Then three guys from over the wall heard the noise and saw Finn on the ground.

"Hey guys what's that?"

"I don't know but it doesn't look like a threat and it looks like it's unconscious."

"Well don't just stand there quick, get more people to help."

Elsewhere at night:

Natsu, Lucy, Happy, and Gray made it to the village which had an enormously huge wall around it.

"Well, we found the village, now what?" Said Gray.

"Check out that gate. When they say "KEEP OUT" they mean it." Said Natsu all examined.

"ANYONE HOME? WE CAME HERE TO HELP YOU." Shouted Lucy. But no answer.

"Let's bust in." Said Natsu being careless about the action.

"NO WAY!" Lucy shouted in protest.

"WHO GOES THERE?" Said a guard on top of the wall.

"We're wizards of Fairy Tail responding to your request." Anserwed Lucy.

'"Why weren't we notified when we accepted the job?" asked the Guard.

"Uh, well." Said Lucy thinking of a way to persuade them.

"Sorry, it was probably just a mix-up with the paperwork." Replied Gray

"Then let me see your emblems right now." Said the guard.

As they showed their emblems the guards gasped. "GASP, there here, they're really here." The guards then started to open the gates.

"It's like we're walking into a giant monster's mouth." Said Happy.

"Are you trying to freak me out?" Said Lucy starting to get annoyed.

"I'm Moka the Village Chief. On behalf of everyone here, I welcome you. Pleasantries aside, there's something you need to see. Now my people." Said Moka.

Everyone took off their robes and the four were shocked at the results. Everyone had one limb completely different from the rest of their bodies.

"It's just like what happened to the boat guy." said Gray. "Yeah said Lucy starting to feel a little comfortable.

"Oh wow your sideburns!" Said Natsu being shocked. 'Not that." said Moka. "I was trying to show you what's happened to my arm. Everyone on the island has suffered horrible disfigurement because of this curse. Not even the animals have been spared."

"Please excuse me for asking, but what makes you think it's a curse sir? It could be some kind of infectious disease." Said Gray.

'We've consulted with dozens of doctors, young man. But they all agree that no such disease exists." Replied Moka. "You see, our symptoms began around the same time the moon fell under an evil spell."

"What kind of spell?" Asked Lucy.

Moka started to explain. "Since ancient times, this island has absorbed the light of the moon causing it to glow almost as beautifully as the moon itself. However several years ago the moon's color began to change. And an eerie purple glow was cast upon the island."

"So the moon turned purple?" Asked Natsu. Then Happy gasped because the purple moon was being uncovered by the dark clouds. "It's coming out from behind the clouds." It was just like what Moka told them, the moon was glimmering in a bright and dark purple shining bright in the dark sky.

"Oh wow. It really is purple." Said Lucy.

"Man, that's creepy looking." Said Gary.

"it's the curse. Stand back. The change is about to begin. Moka warned as he started grunting. Then all of the others started screaming and groaning as the moon was transforming them into beasts shocking all four of them.

"WOAH WHAT THE-" Lucy shouted being shocked.

"They're changing." explained Gray. "Yeah I see that." Added Lucy.

"Why is this happening to them?" Questioned Natsu. Then they stopped transforming.

"I'm sorry if our appearance frightens you." Said Moka.

"It's okay, I'm just completely confused." Said Gray. "You poor people." Said Lucy feeling sorry. "Oh, man. You guys look so COOL!" Said Natsu being impressed. Everyone just whited out in silence and confusion. "HUH?"

"It's awesome. You've got horns and stuff. I'm so jealous." Said Natsu.

"He thinks we look cool?" "No one's ever said that to us before."

"NATSU! You're being insensitive. They don't want to look like this." Said Lucy furiously. "seriously? HUh, my bad. Then I guess we should help them out."

"That is why we're here. Get a clue man." Said Happy.

"Anyway, as you've witnessed, whenever the purple moon shows it's face in the sky, everyone in the village takes on a horrific demon form. If it isn't a curse, then what else could it possibly be? We'll return to normal once the morning comes and the sun has risen. However, there are some poor souls who can no longer switch back to their human forms for they have lost their minds." Explained Moka. "How sad." Lucy said in sadness. "The fate for them, these unfortunate souls in the grip of madness... We've no choice, but to put them to death." Making the four shocked and horrified again. "But they might change back to normal someday." Said Natsu. "If we wait for that to happen, the monsters will surely kill us all. We've tried capturing them but they always broke free. It's no use. Once it takes hold, there's no way to save them. I should know, I was forced to kill my very own son." As Moka showed them the photo of Bobo.

(GASP) "That's the guy from the boat. BUt we just saw him yesterday-." "SSHH." Said Gray. "Now I understand why he disappeared on us like that. He's dead, but his soul can't rest in peace." "-A Ghost?" Questioned Lucy

"Please lift the evil curse from our island. If this goes on much longer, we may all fall victim to it. We'll die." Moka said in discouragement.

"WE'RE NOT GONNA LET THAT HAPPEN!" Shouted Natsu. "We can fix this, I promise you."

"There's only one way this wretched curse can be lifted. The moon, the moon must be wiped from the sky." answered Moka leaving the Wizards in shock.


Finn was in a little house on a bed with bandages wrapped around his back. "WHa..wha. What happened? Wha- aw don't tell me I got knocked out again?!" Finn shouted. "Apparently you were young one." Said Moka. "Wha- RRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHH!" Finn kept screaming. "Good Lord! You're a loud one!" Moka said. "WHAT ARE YOU WHERE AM I WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?!" Finn shouted and then pulled out his stick. "WHAT ARE YOU DEMON LOOKING BEAST, I"LL SLAY ANYTHING THAT'S EVIL AND EVIL LOOKING!"

"Please calm down there boy, you were just unconscious when you smacked yourself against the wall." Said Moka. "And also I'm sorry about the appearance, you see I'm like this because an evil curse was cast on this island making everyone turn in beasts and demons." Finn asked "What a sec, a curse? Is your family or others like you in danger also?" Asked Finn. "Yes, my village has suffered from this hideous curse for years and we all prayed for someone or help to free us from it." Finn said "We'll I'll help you guys out." "Really?" Asked Moka. "Yeah of course, after all I am a hero." "Well you look like a really strange hero, you have stringy arms and you look like no human I've seen before." Well that's because I'm from another world, if I am in another world." "Bah, we'll talk about that later boy, listen there are also four other people who are willing to save us too. Would you like to meet them?" Asked Moka. "Yeah I guess." Said Finn. "Their in a hotel on the far side of the village." Said Moka. "Okay Thank you." Said Finn as he walked to the house they were in. On his walk Finn thought to himself "Alright, after I help these people get rid of their curse I'll get back to finding Jake and everyone else if they are here."

At the hotel:

"I never knew the moon could be so creepy." Said Happy.

"Hurry and close the window. You heard what the chief said. We got to stay out of the moonlight. You might not care. But I don't want to risk turning into some freaky-looking monster." Said Lucy searching her clothes.

"I'm not so sure about this job guys." Said Natsu having second thoughts.

"Do these people really think we can destroy the moon?" Questioned Gray.

"I wonder how many punches it'll take? You think I can handle it? Said Natsu getting tactical.

"Are you kidding me?! Don't be stupid man." Shouted Gary.

"Natsu, there's not a wizard alive who's strong enough to do that." said Lucy.

"But that's the job we were hired to do, isn't it? We can't take a job then back out. 'Cause that would make Fairy Tail look bad." explained Natsu.

"What they're asking for can't be done. How do you think you're gonna get to the moon, anyway? Asked Gray.

"with Happy" Natsu answered. "I don't think so." Happy replied.

"Okay we can't destroy the moon. But if we do some investigating, we might be able to find a different way to lift the curse from the island." Said Lucy being strategic.

"HEY CAN I COME ALONG TOO?" said a mysterious voice. Everyone screamed. "Hey who's talking to us?" Said Gray. "ME!" As Finn bursted from the window. making a loud crash noise. "AAAAHHHH, a spy!" Lucy screamed. "Hey who are you?" Natsu asked. "Hey chill, everyone, name's Finn. Finn the Human or Finn the Mighty Hero." Everyone just stared. "Mighty Hero?" Said everyone. "Yeah I'm a ruthless and comeback hero who's ready to slay anything that's evil." Said Finn. "So are you like a better and more optimistic version of Lucy but as a guy?" "I swear I will kick your butt into the moonlight small cat!" Said Lucy getting more annoyed. "Um maybe, I don't know ca- hey wait a sec your a magic cat?" Finn said. "Aye, name's Happy and I'm actually a magic cat with wings." Happy explained. "Yeah, name's Gray". "My name's Lucy." "And my name's Natsu Dragneel. And we're wizards of Fairy Tail!" (GGGGGGGGGGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP) "YOU GUYS ARE WIZARDS!?" Finn screamed. Everyone covered their ears. "JEEZ! How loud can you scream?!" Shouted Gray. "LOUD ENOUGH TO SLAY DEMONS!" Finn screamed.

"Aw yeah I like this guy, he's all fired up!" Natsu said.

"Can we all just be quiet and go to sleep please, we can continue with this nonsense tomorrow." Lucy said in annoyance as a shirt went flying into her face.

"You kids can do what you want, but after the day I've had I need some shut-eye." Said Gray taking off his clothes,

"Does Gray always takes his clothes off?" Asked Finn. "Yep". Happy replied.

"Please don't take off any more." Lucy said in horror.

"Okay, our investigation starts tomorrow morning. I'm hittin' the sack." Said Natsu hitting for bed. "Me too." as Happy followed in. "Sounds like a plan to me." Said Gray going to sleep also.

"Okay then, hey Finn you need a spot to sleep?" Lucy asked. "Naw, I'm good Lucy I think I'm just gonna sleep on the couch." Finn replied. "I think you should go to sleep too Lucy."

"I'm pretty sleepy too, good night Finn." Lucy said as she went. "Night Lucy."

That night, Natsu and Gray were snoring so loud Lucy couldn't sleep. "SO LOUD! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO SLEEP WHEN THE BEAST AND THE PERV KEEP SNORING?" Meanwhile on the balcony Finn was standing and looking at the moon. The wind beat against his face like a small yet relaxing breeze at the beach and the glowing light on the moon made the night plunger into it's violet nightly glow. Finn took off his hat and let his hair out flying in the wind. "Don't worry Jake, I'll find you, P.B, and Bmo once I save an island from total destruction. Then we find each other we'll become the best heroes everyone has ever seen together. Because homies help homies, always."

The next morning:

(YAWN) "It's so early." "Yeah, I'm never up at this time." Said Natsu and Gray.

"You two kept me up all night and I'm not complaining! So stop whining and let's go." Said Lucy energized.


"I'm ready too guys, and I'm ready to slay monsters and creatures alike thanks to this sword the chief gave me!" Said Finn getting excited and revved up.

"Well at least someone has the same enthusiasm like me. C'mon let's go investigate Finn." "Ah yeah, it's INVESTIGATE TIME!" Finn shouted.

"Open, gate of the clock constellation, (doorbell rings) HOROLOGIUM!" Shouted Lucy getting her Celestial Key. BOOM. "HHMM, the time is 7:48." Said Horologium.

Finn was shocked. "WOOOOOOWWW. Lucy you can summon demons?!" "Why I beg your pardon young lad but I'm not monster but a Celestial spirit. A deity who can be summoned by a Celestial Wizard." Said Horologium. "What is Celestial magic and Wizards?" "Well you see Celestial Magic is a holder magic and a type of magic of spartial magic used by Celestial Spirit Mages a.k.a Mages who can summon a race of constellations called Celestial Spirits." Explained Horologium.

"Well anyway c'mon guys let's go." Said Lucy moving on.

You really think we'll be able to find another way to lift the curse?" Asked Natsu.

"Well, we don't have much of a choice. The village may think the moon's cursed but everyone else likes it and destroying it might really mess things up." Said Gray.

"You're right. If we didn't have the moon the tides would get all crazy and at night, the sky would be pitch black." Explained Natsu.

"Without, Salmon could go extinct and they're my favorite fish." Happy added.

"Is fish all you think about Happy and plus this is starting to get boring I wanna go and slay stuff." Said Finn

Horologium: Would you guys keep it down? We don't know what's lurking out here so we shouldn't draw any attention. The lady demands impatiently.

"Okay first of all, why is Lucy staying inside Clock body while we're walking? Finn asked.

"You should walk on your own." Said Natsu.

"He's right. Do you just summon your spirits because you're lazy?" Added Gray.

"Listen, this curse is freaking me out. We have no idea what we're up against and I'm scared." Said Lucy. "She says nervously." Add Horologium.


"Yeah, I bet I could probably freeze that stupid curse." Added Gray.

Horologium: You guys are idiots. she retorts disparagingly.

"Aye." Says Happy.

"Well look can we just hurry up with the investigations, I'm already getting bored and I really wanna sla-." Before Finn finished there was a loud thumping noise approaching them.

Horologium: Huh?

"Hmm?" "What's that?" Said Natsu and Gray. "Well whatever it's probably just a big golem ready to-" When Finn turned around there was a huge black beast behind them.

(Three gasp) (Laugh)

"WHOA, WHAT THE-" Natsu said in shock. "IT'S HUGE." Gray said surprised.

Horologium: What are you waiting for? Beat it up, you guys. She yells frantically.

"I'm not beating that thing!" said Happy.

"AW yeah now it's slaying time! HIYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA." Finn screamed as he ran toward it.

Horologium: Woah Finn's just going straight in is he not scared going alone? She says curiously.

"Gotta say he's got the hero heart for sure." Says Gray getting ready to pull off his ice magic. "Ice Make: Shield." Gray managed to block the monster's attack but let out a really smelly fog.

All three gagged and yelled in disgust. "AAAAHHH!"

Horologium: Oh no, what's wrong? Did you seriously just sneak inside here? AYE, answers the little blue cat.

But before long Horologium's summoning time ran out leaving Lucy and Happy by themselves. "UGH! STINKY!" "Hey wait a second. Where's Finn?" Asked Lucy.

As the smoke cleared it turned out the big monster was a huge rat wearing a maid outfit. "Guys a little help here!" Said Finn as he was on top of the huge rat.

"IT'S A RAT! And Finn's stuck on top!" Cried Lucy.

"Come on Natsu get up, man!" Gray shouted to him trying to wake him.

"The smell knocked him out." Said Happy.

"Hey um, GUYS! You might wanna GET OUT OF THE WAY OF THE STUPID LOOKING RAT-BEAST!" Finn screamed.

"LET'S GO!" Cried Natsu.

Everyone kept screaming trying to dodge the big rat's breath attack but one way or another the smell kept following them everywhere while Finn was still trying to hang on as the rat maneuvered.

"ICE MAKE: FLOOR!" Screamed Gray as he turned the ground into slippery ice. causing the rat-beast to slip and slide allowing Finn to make a break for it and land right next to them.

"Finn are you alright?" Asked Happy. "Yeah I'm fine Happy but that was MATHEMATICAL!" Shouted Finn. "Mathematical?" Asked Happy. "Yeah it's a phrase I use a lot sometimes."

"You should've done that in the first place." Said Natsu.

"SHUT UP NATSU!" screamed Gray.

Lucy looked around and saw a building to the right. "Look, there's some kind of building over there. We should go hide while we have the chance."

"We should kick it's butt while we have the chance." As all three of the boys kicked and beaten up the rat's head. "Give me a break."

The Temple of the Moon:

"This place massive." said Lucy.

"Yeah and it's falling apart." Said Natsu.

"I wonder how old it is." said Gray.

"Probably old enough to have dungeons, beasts, demons, and other things I can slay and collect!" Finn said getting a bit more interested.

"Are fighting and dungeons the only things you like?" Ask Lucy.

Natsu looked around and saw weird drawings on the wall. "What are those?"

"They're moons. It makes sense Galuna used to be called The Island of the Moon." Gray explained.

"A moon island, and moon curse, and weird moon symbols. You really got to wonder what all of it means." Says Lucy.

"Man this place is a wreck. This floor doesn't even look safe to walk on." Says Natsu. "Yeah man, this buildings not even strong enough to hold a single lion." Added Finn as they both stomped on the ground.

"Well don't go stomping on it." Lucy said right before Natsu and Finn created a hole causing everyone to fall in.


(GASPS) "Hey is everybody okay?" As Natsu dug his way out of the pile of rubble.

"I'd be better if you two balloon-heads hadn't knocked out the floor." Lucy said in anger.

"Here's a thought if you two think before you act maybe you guys wouldn't cause so much destruction." Gray says in a pissed mood.

"Hey I like my tendency of being Carefree about doing things I plan not to do okay?" Said Finn.

"Not now Finn! So can you fly us out of here Happy?" Asked Lucy.

"No, sorry." Happy replied.

"We're underneath the temple." Gray added.

"WOW, it's a secret cave! This is so cool! Let's go check it out." Natsu screamed. "Wait for me Nastu!" Said Finn running after him.


As the two ran, they went around the corner and saw something they've never seen before. "WHOA."

"Natsu, Finn?" Lucy said as they went around. "What something wrong?" Asked Gray. "Hey guys, what's that?" The two asked. When they came closer they looked up and were shocked by what they saw especially Gray. It was a humongous monster which looked like it was trapped in crystal or ice.

"That's impossible." Gray said in horror and confusion. Everyone gasped and was horrified by the huge size of the monster trapped in it's prison. "It's Deliora. But how- how could this happen? Why is it here? WHAT THE HELL IS IT DOING ON GALUNA ISLAND?!" Gray shouted.

"What do you mean it's doing on Galuna Island?" Asked Finn.

"You've seen this thing before?" Asked Natsu.

"There's no- no way." Said Gray feeling unstable and lost.

"Gray please try to calm down." Lucy said as she helped him. "Now, can you tell us about it?"

"Yeah dude, I mean what's a huge monster doing on a small island under a temple?" Added Finn.

Gray took a breath. "It's Deliora, The Demon of Destruction."

"Demon of Construction?" Said Natsu and Finn. "DESTRUCTION." Happy pronounced.

"But why is it here? It doesn't make any sense." Gray questioned.

Then the sound of footsteps were approaching. "Hey uh, you guys hear that sound? Finn asked. They all turned around to see who was coming.

"The voices seemed to come from down here." As two mysterious men walked out of the shadows one had long blue hair sticking up and the other looked like it was half man/half dog. (GROWLS) "GGRR, I hate being awake during the day." Said the Dog-man. "So Toby, were you exposed to the moon drip? you've got those pointy ears." Said the blue guy. "I ALREADY TOLD YOU THEY"RE A FASHION STATEMENT, YOU JERK!" Toby shouted." "Lighten up, I was just teasing you." The blue guy said. "You don't have to be so mean about it." said toby.

"Huh, the moon drip. Could that be the name of the curse?"Then another person came walking in. "Yuka, Toby, something terrible has happened." "What now sherry?" Asked Yuka. Sherry almost looked liked another maid like the rat from before and had purple hair and pigtails. "It's Angelica. She's been attacked and I'm sad." "YOU"RE MOPING AROUND BECAUSE SOMEBODY BEAT UP YOUR STUPID PET RAT?!" Toby shouted. "She's not a rat, she's a brave hunter prowling the jungle to protect us. She is love." Sherry explained acting all dramatic and distant.

"I don't know who these people are, but talk about a bunch of weirdos. Especially the chick with the pet rat." Lucy informed.

"PPFFTTT, just wait until you meet the Ice King Lucy." Finn whispered.

"Judging by the scent I picked up off'em they're not from the island." Natsu whispered.

"And they don't look like they have the demon curse." Happy added.

"Intruders you say? Yuka asked.

"And it's almost time to begin collecting moonlight again. Oh this makes me so sad. This news would displease the Cold Emperor. We should get rid of them before he finds out. Yes, we must find them before the moon's first light." Sherry said. "Agreed" (GROWL).

"Since they've seen Deliora, we can't allow them to live. We'll give them the gift of eternal rest. We'll give them love." Sherry said. "You're talking about death, right? Toby asked.

"Quick Happy throw a rock to distract them." Said Lucy.

(Stone clacks) "What was that?" "Over there." As the three went into the tunnel.

"Nice job cat." "Aye."

"Come on, we should have grabbed them and beat some answers out of them." said Natsu.

"Yeah there's 5 of us and only 3 of them so it's a 3/5 chance." Finn added.

"Not yet, we've got to do some investigating." Lucy said.

"Man, this job keeps getting more and more complicated." Natsu said.

"Right, like who is this Cold Emperor Guy?" Happy added.

"I don't know but he might just be one stupid patoot who's just ruining innocent people's lives. What do you think Gray." Finn said.

"Deliora, I still don't understand what anyone would want with it. How the hell were they even able to find it?" Gray replied.

"Was it hidden somewhere?" Lucy asked. "It was sealed away. Inside a glacier on the northern continent. A decade ago this immortal demon ravaged Isvan countless people lost their lives. The woman who taught me how to use magic. My master Ur, sacrificed everything to seal it away. I don't know if it has anything to do with the curse on this island. But I do know I doesn't belong here. This Cold Emperor, we have to find out who it is. If they tarnish my master's legacy they're gonna regret the day they were born. " Gray responded as he was going to get rid of the people who're destroying Ur's important sacrifice.


The jungle seemed to get very quiet lately when suddenly someone started to trample through the trees.

"FFFFFFFFFIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN! WHERE ARE YOU!" Jake was screaming at the top of his lungs screaming Finn's name to see if he got transported with him. " AH floop, I wonder what this place is and how did I get here. I just hope I can find Finn before something bad happens." Little did Jake know he was being watched from the shadows.

And Boom end episode. Oh yeah, every chapter is a full episode of Fairy Tail or Adventure Time. AND YES I AM gonna do every episode that is after this episode and before Finn and Jake find out Ice King is Simon Petrikov so there's gonna be like more than 700 chapters. So I don't know if there's a chapter limit but I'mma go for it. And Again I'm sorry if I dropped the concept bomb on you but please don't get upset since I hope this alternate series will be worth it.

CHAPTER 2/EP 2: The Ice Starts to Melt