This story will have Izuku and her father figures. So please, enjoy.

All Might was in his office doing paper work. When he decide to become a teacher, he knew that it was going to be hard, but he never image that will be this much paper work. However, his work did cut out for him. Watching his students grow and becoming stronger was something that he never enjoy more than fighting villains. Especially, his young successor Izuku Midoriya, a young girl with the heart of a hero. All Might couldn't be proud, having to pass down One for All to such a young strong spirited lady was wonderful.

When he finally finish his papers, he got up and stanch his arms. The day was almost over, the students were very excited for the weekend to come. Although, the teachers won't have a relaxing time during the weekend as they were Pro Heroes, that meant that they rarely have days off. But that was the lives they chose. The students themselves were aware of that, and that's way they were enjoying the breaks while they can.

As All Might walk out of his office, he heard familiar voices coming down the hall.

"Midoriya, your hair is so pretty and soft. How do you do it?" A voice said, which All Might recognize to Mina Ashido.

"Thank you, Ashido. Although, it's not too special, all I do is just shampoo it," A sweet, gentle voice said. All Might already knew that it belong to his young student Midoriya. Her hair was in fact extremely soft whenever he ruffled it.

"Then it must be a very good shampoo, your hair is incredible shiny. How much did it cost?" Another voice said. It was Yaoyorozu.

"Oh, it's not much. It's just an ordinary shampoo, that's all," Midoriya said, blushing madly. All Might could tell that she wasn't used to this type of conversations.

The bell rang, students began to go to their last class for the day.

When it was finally time to go home, the students quickly lift the building, respectfully wishing their teachers a good evening.

All Might was about to head to head to his office when a soft voice stop him.

"All Might."

He turn around and saw that Midoriya was standing there with a blush on her face. She was looking down on the floor with her hands holding on her school bag.

"Young Midoriya, what are still doing here? You should be heading home right now. Is everything okay?" He ask worrying. Wondering what was going with his little student.

"It's nothing. I just wanted to you give this," She said as she reach into her school bag to pull something out. It was a present that was coved by light blue paper with a white bow on top.

Confused, All Might took it from her hands and began to unwrapped the present. When he unwrapped it, he saw an action figure of his beloved late mentor Nana Shimura. It was in mint condition. All Might couldn't believe his eyes. A toy of Nana Shimura, he thought that they stop making them years ago. But here he was, holding one. It was too good to be true.

"Young Midoriya, where did you get this?" All Might ask. Knowing full aware that it must had been very difficult for her to found any of figures of Nana Shimura.

Midoriya still had that blush on her face. "Grand Torino showed me a photo of Nana Shimura when I had that internship with him. She was very beautiful, she kind of look like my mom." She said. Thinking that All Might wasn't happy with the action figure. She should had known that All Might won't happy to see a toy of his beloved mentor. What if she gave him something uncomfortable to see? A reminder that his mentor Nana Shimura wasn't around anymore.

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable, All Might. I understand if you hate it," Midoriya said as she look down. But she felt a gentle hand on her soft hair. Looking up, Midoriya saw All Might smiling at her.

"No, my dear girl. I absolutely love it. Thank you for such a wonderful gift," He said happily. This action figure was the best that he had ever gotten in years. But there was still one question left.

"Young Midoriya, where did you get this from?"

"Oh, I just found it at a collection store. The owner didn't want to sell it to me. So, I gave him a chibi version figure of Mt Lady that my aunt gave me. She said that I should look up to female heroes more. But it wasn't because that I hated that toy or anything. I just really wanted to give you something for your birthday, All Might!" Midoriya said.

When she said birthday, All Might remember that it was his birthday. With everything going on, he completely forgotten his own birthday.

"Thank you once again, Young Midoriya. I'll cherished it forever," He said smiling.

"You're welcome. And happy birthday, Dad," Midoriya said happily. But then, she realized what she just said.

"I'm sorry, All Might! Happy birthday again! See you later!" Midoriya said as she quickly left her beloved teacher.

All Might just stood there for a few moments. Just trying to progress what he just heard from his student.

Smiling at his gift that Midoriya gave him. He had always seen his student like a daughter, and to now know that she saw him like a father figure, it was indeed a great birthday for All Might.

So, what did you guys think of this story. This is my first fanfic of My Hero Academia. Sorry if the characters are oocs. I try my best to keep them in order.

P.S. Sorry for making this late for All Might's birthday.