The moment Jon collapsed, Rias caught him in her outstretched arms. Shortly after his victory over Salazar, the magical chains binding her to the side of the spire disappeared, as did the mark on the back of her neck.

Rias clutched her precious Pawn close to her body as tears streamed down her face. She would never forgive this man for putting himself through the hell he had endured just to save her. And yet at the same time, she was over the moon to know that the nightmare had finally come to an end.

The other members of the ORC quickly raced to her side. Jon's injuries were grave, but he would live. That was the important thing.

"We did it." Kiba beamed with pride. "We actually...fucking...did it."

"Strange, I thought it would be more difficult." Koneko joked with a slight smirk.

They all burst into mirthful laughter. From off in the distance, Ravel smiled happily as the members of the ORC tended to their unconscious comrade. In the end, everything had turned out okay.

It was at that exact moment that she felt a horrendous pit form in her stomach. Something...wasn't right. What was this overwhelming feeling of despair washing over her? They had just won, it was finally over.

And then she turned around.

Sona Sitri had flown all the way to the very top of the Estate. A somber look in her eyes. In her arms was the lifeless body of Riser Phenex.

"Lord Riser!" Yubelluna shouted in panic before soaring up into the sky. She snatched the body from Sona who hung her head in despair.

The Bomb Queen shook her Master insistently, begging him to wake up.

"Mihae! Mihae I need you!" She shouted hysterically.

The Bishop rushed over to her Master's side along with Ravel. The two women immediately began using their healing magic on Riser's body.

Upon which their blood ran frigid. He was gone. There was no healing magic on Earth that could bring Riser back from this.

"No…" Ravel shook her head over and over again in denial. "No you wouldn't! You wouldn't do this to me! You wouldn't do this to your Peerage!"

"Please…" Tears leaked from Yubelluna's eyes. "Please Master Riser...wake up."

But of course he didn't. Their Master was dead. As the grave truth slowly began to sink in they each one by one began to break down.

Yubelluna was the first. Losing her composure entirely as she buried her face in her dead Master's chest and proceeded to bawl her eyes out. Next was Siris and Carlamine, who collapsed onto their knees as they did their best to support each other in between violent sobs. Isabella and Xuelan both shook their heads repeatedly in denial, looking as if they'd be sick at any moment. Mihae turned white as a sheet, paralyzed to the spot in utter denial of what it was she was seeing.

Finally...the first few streams of tears began to fall down Ravel's cheeks.

"You always promised…" Her bottom lip began to quiver. " always promised you'd be there for me no matter what. You wouldn't do this to us, right? You wouldn't leave now, when we finally became free…" As the pain became too much to bare, she clung to his neck and shut her eyes tight.

"Please don't leave me!"

The bottom fell out and Ravel proceeded to cry louder than the others. Every single member of Riser's Peerage who was there on that roof poured their grief out freely to their dead Master. As they did so, the members of the ORC and Sona's Peerage watched on in somber silence.

"Wh...what happened?" Akeno quietly asked Sona, who had rejoined them.

The heir to the Sitri Clan simply shook her head. Remaining silent as the members of Riser's Peerage continued to violently sob a few yards away.

"After all that…" Akeno bowed her head as pain wracked her heart. " think he gave his life for us."

"I take back everything I ever said about him." Kiba added. "Riser Phenex, I'll remember you fondly for so long as I live."

Koneko nodded in agreement, her head bowed in mournful resignation.

Rias Gremory, who was still clutching Jon in her hands, felt the weight of her guilt come crashing down on her. For so long...she had despised Riser. He'd done so much to make her life miserable over the years. And yet at the end, for him to sacrifice everything so that she might be free…

"I forgive you." She quietly bowed her head as new tears leaked down her cheeks. She clutched at her unconscious Pawn for comfort. Unable to fathom how Ravel must have been feeling at that moment. "I forgive you for everything, Riser Phenex. Just stop this, now. Come back to your Peerage. Come back to those who love you."

As if having heard her words, a sound from behind her began to stir. Rias looked back to see Salazar's broken body begin to violently convulse once more. His coughing became worse and worse and his throat began to glow.

"What's happening?" Akeno asked, her attention having been turned to the aura of power that was building behind her.

"Is he regenerating?" Kiba quickly went for his blade.

Rias's eyes went wide as a startling realization came over her. "No...he's not."

Salazar's mouth sprung open as a plume of magical fire burst forth. From these flames, the shape of a great red bird took form in the sky. The majestic being cawed at the group as all eyes turned towards the space of Salazar's burning body.

"It''s the guardian spirit of their house." Sona marveled in disbelief.

"The Phoenix…" Ravel gazed up in disbelief, wiping the tears from her eyes.

Salazar's now lifeless corpse began to burn away into nothing but a pile of ash. The Immortal Bird slowly descended from on high and flew into Riser's open jaw, leaving a trail of light that soared all the way down his throat. A fire began to well in his lifeless body. The color returned to his complexion and the breath returned to his lungs.

Slowly, his eyes began to open again.

"Ravel...Yubelluna?" With two groggy eyes, Riser Phenex gazed between the two distraught women. "What's going on?"

Slowly, as the realization of what just happened struck them, both Ravel and Yubelluna's miserable expressions turned into beaming, radiant, and overjoyed smiles.

"Big Brother!" Ravel clung to him tightly as she began to sob all over again. Albeat for entirely different reasons this time.

"Master Riser! You're alive!" Yubelluna joined Ravel in her tears of joy as relief washed over her being.

One by one, every girl in Riser's Peerage who had been weeping tears of grief mere moments ago, found the strength in their legs to stand and run to their Master. As new life and new spirit returned to them. They each proceeded to jump on top of him, crying tears of joy and relief as they each clung to the man they loved.

"Girls! Girls!" He tried to squirm away, gasping for breath. "I don't know what's going on but you're choking me!" Riser insisted, trying his best to get some oxygen in his lungs despite the weight of over a dozen emotional women bearing down on his chest.

Sona, upon seeing the man who saved her life alive and well, breathed a content sigh of relief before removing her glasses and wiping a single stray tear from her eye. "And from the ashes, the Phoenix rises again. This time however, in a new form."

"It would seem the noble spirit of House Phenex grew tired of Salazar's dishonesty. He has found a new host more worthy of the title Immortal Bird." Tsubaki surmised, a glowing smile on her face.

"Boy...this whole night has just been one giant roller coaster." Kiba commented, too emotionally drained to think anymore.

"If it's all the same to you guys...I'm gonna get off this ride now." Koneko added, clearly just as tired as he was.

Rias smiled before hugging Jon close to her. "Everything turned out okay in the've done so much for so many people."

Ravel finally looked up from her Brother's shoulder and peered over at the unconscious Pawn in Rias's arms. Whether he knew it or not he had effectively saved her Brother's life.

If she had any doubts before, they were gone now. Ravel was in love with Jonathan Hyodo.

He was surrounded by fire again when he next woke. Jon looked around to see he was in the middle of the same burning landscape he always went to in his dreams. If he was here, it could only mean one thing.


"Yes, it is I." The Welsh Dragon spoke, his image appearing in the flames as always. "And you as well. We are one in the same now, Jonathan Hyodo. A single organism."

"Then why do I still feel so detached from you?" Jon asked suspiciously.

"It will take time for your mind to fully process the change. For now, we shall continue to converse as two separate entities."

Jon frowned but otherwise nodded.

"But make no mistake, the joining has begun. You are slowly coming into your own, and not a moment too soon. The White One is due to appear earlier than I had anticipated."

"The White One…who is that?" Jon asked nervously.

"The White One is my counterpart. My opposite. The one who divides. A being of almost limitless power, much like me. To the mortal realm, he is known as Albion. The White Dragon Emperor."

Jon felt a nervous pit form in his stomach.

"A day will soon come where the two of you shall meet in mortal combat. On that day, the battle that will rage shall make your victory over the Phoenix seem a paltry task in comparison."

"So that is your will then?" He guessed. "I am to defeat the White Dragon Emperor?"

"No." His voice boomed severely. "Facing the White One is your destiny, but it is not the will you shall inherit."

"Then what is your will?!" Jon asked in frustration. "Tell me!"

"Yes, it is time." The Dragon stood tall over Jon, his eyes gleaming in the flame. "Listen well, Jonathan Hyodo, and you shall hear of my will. The will of the Red Dragon Emperor. And indeed all those who are counted among the Red Dragon species."

He listened intently. At last, he would have the answers he'd been waiting so long for.

"Our race is dying, Jonathan." The Dragon spoke plainly. "Whether we like it or not, as the Red Dragon Emperor, we represent one of the very last of our kind. Thus, my will is this. You shall call upon your power, gather a harem of suitable mates, and together…"

"Oh no…"

"...make a lot of babies!"

Silence. Nothing but long, horribly uncomfortable silence.

"Were you not listening?" The Dragon asked curiously.

"You're fucking shitting me right?" Jon asked in utter disbelief.

The Dragon quirked his head at him " I am not 'shitting' you, Jonathan. This is the will of the Red Dragon Emperor."

"You mean to tell me…" Jon stared up at him both angrily and incredulously. "...that all this time, after everything I've endured, my whole purpose for being is to become a damn sperm factory?!"

"Well how else do you expect the gene to be carried on?" The Dragon spoke frankly, his powerful voice seeming rather inappropriate for such a casual tone. "That's sort of how biology works, Dude."

"Okay fine, but I don't see how…" He narrowed his eyes up at the Dragon sharply. "...wait a minute. Did you just call me 'Dude'?"

"Oh right, I forgot to mention. Because of the merging our personalities and memories are starting to bleed together. Just as you have inherited my spirit, so too am I inheriting yours. Along with the memories I've seen in your mind."

"Okay...what memories have you been looking at?" Jon asked suspiciously.

"The ones regarding your two closest friends. Matsuda and Motohama I believe their names are."

Oh dear God no…

"I have found wisdom in their words. They seem to have a pretty good idea of what I'm going for here."

"Trust me when I tell you those two do not have a good idea about anything regarding the opposite sex." Jon replied while rubbing the bridge of his nose to relieve the slowly building pressure.

"Regardless, you are well on your way to successfully building your Harem. I can sense that you've already formed the imprint with five powerful and fertile females. All capable of incubating a healthy litter Dragon's eggs."

"Hold on...five?!"

"Yes. I sense five powerful spirits that have fully connected with yours. Not bad Bro, not bad at all."

Asia and Rias were a given. Akeno he could see coming around, and maybe even Koneko too.

Which meant there was only one other person who could possibly be number five.

"You will need more if you hope to sustain a viable population. Stay the course, Jonathan. And get all up in that sweet sweet ass."

"Okay, seriously though. You need to stop doing that, right now." He insisted vehemently.

"I'm just trying to get you psyched up, J-dawg. Why you gotta be like that?"

He groaned in pain, this was easily worse than the fight with Salazar.

"Just keep showing those ladies your mad love skills, homie. Get out there and tap that booty, Bro."

"Alright! Alright!" Jon shouted up at him. "I'll carry out your will! Just please, for fucks sake, stop talking like that!"

The Red Dragon nodded silently. "Very well then. You know what you have to do, so I shall leave you to it."

"One last thing." Jon called to him before he left, his expression turning serious. "If I'm gonna do this, I'm doing it my way."

Again the Dragon quirked his head at him.

"You're not the only presence in this head, Dragon. You have your will, now here's mine. Those girls aren't just Treasures to me, they're my family. If I'm gonna do this, then they come first."

He remained silent.

"Their happiness, their dreams, and their safety." Jon counted out. "Those come before anything else. If I can't manage that and fulfill your will, then you'll just have to accept that. Because I refuse to hurt any of them. There's no discussing that point."

"It will be a challenge."

"Since when has life ever not been a challenge for us?" Jon replied with a slick grin. "But somehow, despite the odds, we always come out on top. That's what makes us the Red Dragon Emperor, right?"

After a long moment of silence the Dragon finally nodded its massive head before disappearing back into the flames.

"Matsuda and Motohama, you two have successfully managed to bleed yourselves into my subconscious." Jon seethed in anger. "I'm not even kidding anymore, first chance I get, I'm gonna murder you both."

When Jon next opened his eyes, he was no longer surrounded by fire. He awoke to find himself in the Phenex Estate laying on a rather comfy bed. Turning his gaze to the side, he met with a familiar pair of emerald eyes.

Asia smiled at him. "You're finally awake."

He groaned in pain as he struggled to sit up. "What are you doing here, Asia? I thought we agreed you needed to stay with Millie."

"Grayfia came back for me after your fight." She pouted at him softly. "I'm getting really sick and tired of seeing you beat yourself to a pulp and then pass out, Jonathan Hyodo."

He sighed before collapsing back into the bed. "You and me both." A thought occurred to him and he lurched back up. "Hey wait a minute, where's-"

"I'm right here."

He slowly turned and peered off at the other side of the bed. The crimson haired beauty of Kuoh was smiling back at him with adoring watery eyes.

"Rias…" His cheeks began to burn. "...are you okay? Salazar didn't-"

She threw herself on him, pressing her body as close to his as humanly possible.

"How can you say that after everything you've been through?" She started choking up. " just saved my life. I can never...I...thank you. Just...thank you."

After a moment of stunned silence Jon finally returned her embrace. "It was nothing." He assured. "I'd do it all again if I had to."

She sighed contently, taking in his scent and fully relaxing herself into him. Something she'd wanted to do for a long time. "You're too good to me. What have I done to deserve a…a man like you, Jonathan Hyodo?"

"You saved my life once." He reminded her while gently stroking her hair. "Why wouldn't I do the same?"

She shook her head against his chest. "That was nothing like this. You don't owe me anything."

He chuckled. "Then I guess you'll just have to accept that I did it because I wanted to."

"I'll never live it down. So long as I live I'll always be indebted to you for this, Jon." She pressed her chest up against him. "Whatever you would ask of me, you'll have it. Now and forever."

Jon shook his head at her. "Just rest here with me for now. That's all I really want."

She smiled and nodded as a light blush crept over her cheeks. "Of course."

Asia smiled sadly at them before standing up and turning to leave.

"Where are you going?" Rias asked.

Asia stopped dead in her tracks and began to tremble nervously, her face turning scarlet. "Well...I two seem like you wanted to be alone so I…" She cast her gaze solemnly to the floor. "...I just assumed you wanted me to leave."

Rias shook her head insistently. "I'll have my time with Jon soon enough. For now, he's recovering."

Asia turned around and peered at them curiously. "What do you mean?"

"I mean…" Rias smiled at her affectionately. "...that a Dragon always rests among his Treasures. That means you too."

Asia broke out into a small smile before nodding her head. She joined Rias on the bed, wrapping herself around Jon's other side before sighing contently.

"I was so worried about you." She whispered as they all laid back down.

"We both were." Rias added, relaxing as well.

Jon's gaze changed from Asia to Rias and back again as he thoughtfully considered the two women currently resting on his chest. This was definitely going to take some getting used to. But for the moment, he was just happy to be able to enjoy a good thing while it lasted. They were all exhausted, and a bit of rest would be a welcome relief.

As he shut his eyes, he could hear the steady beating of his Treasure's hearts as they began transferring their energy into him, before the trio fell into blissful sleep.

After a couple hours of rest, Rias and Asia helped Jon through the corridors of the Phenex Estate and out onto the balcony. There, Akeno, Kiba, and Koneko had been keeping themselves entertained by tossing wedding gifts, which they had thrown into a pile, into the air and shooting them with lightning.

"Pull!" Akeno shouted.

Koneko tossed a rather large bust of Salazar Phenex high into the air before Akeno zapped it with lightning. Obliterating the statue into dust.

"We've still got like two hundred and fifty more to go." Kiba observed in disbelief.

"If we get bored we can always burn the rest." Akeno offered gleefully.

Koneko nodded in agreement. "I'll get the gasoline."

As they discussed how best to deal with the rest of the gifts, they turned to see Jon making his way outside with the help of Asia and Rias. The three members of the ORC broke out into bright faces and ran over to their finally conscious Pawn.

"I can take it from here, girls." Jon assured.

"You sure?" Rias asked worriedly.

He nodded and the two reluctantly allowed him to stand on his own power. He clutched at his bandaged ribcage as he slowly made his way over to his friends.

"You're awake!" Akeno beamed happily before wrapping him up in a hug.

He winced as her chest accidentally pressed against one of his fractured ribs. "Good to see you too, Akeno."

"Man, you kicked ass out there today, Bro." Kiba knocked fists with his Peerage brother after giving Akeno her moment.

"And got my ass kicked in the process." He joked.

Kiba chuckled at him before placing a hand on his shoulder. "Nonsense. You were amazing, my friend."

"I appreciate it, Brother." Jon replied sincerely. He then felt something soft knock him in the chest.

"Oof! What the-"

Jon looked down to see a silver haired girl pressed against his abdomen, her arms wrapped around his waist, her eyes closed and a small smile on her lips.

"K...Koneko?" He asked in bewilderment.

Immediately realizing what she was doing, Koneko's eyes shot open and her face heated up. She quickly shoved herself away and regained her stoic composure.

"I'm uhhh…" She coughed awkwardly. "...I'm glad you're not dead."

Akeno and Kiba both rolled their eyes at her. She was completely transparent.

"So the man of the hour at last graces us with his appearance."

Everyone turned to see Queen Grayfia standing near the doorway to the Phenex Estate with a most peculiar man standing next to her. A figure clad in resplendent gold and black armor and robes.

"Brother?" Rias peered at him curiously.

Upon hearing Rias say the word 'Brother' Jon considered the stranger more closely. Sure enough he had the same long red hair and ocean green eyes that Rias possessed.

"Y...your Lordship!" Jon was about to try to bow despite his injuries until Asia stopped him.

"Seriously, you need to take it easy." She fussed at him. "You're going to reopen your wounds at this rate."

"I just wanted to congratulate you on your victory." Sirzechs continued. "It was a splendid match."

"You're too kind, Sir." Jon replied.

"Honestly, there's no need to be so formal, my friend. Are you not the Red Dragon Emperor?"

Lady Grayfia giggled at him. "I think young Hyodo here might be a tad bit intimidated by you, my Lord. Not surprising given the nature of his relationship with your little sister."

Rias turned away and blushed deeply at Grayfia's comment.

"Is that what this is about?" Sirzechs chuckled heartily in amusement before placing a hand on Jon's shoulder. "Any man who would fight for my sister the way you have, is someone worthy of my trust. And I trust you enough to know that you will take care of her."

Jon smiled at him happily.

"Besides. If you do break her heart, I'll just have you killed."

He then immediately turned white as a sheet.

Rias scoffed and glared at her Brother with her hands on her hips. "Would you please not scare my boyfriend, Zechs?"

Sirzechs chuckled again. "I'm only joking, of course."

"B...boyfriend?" Asia whined while beginning to turn red.

"Perhaps we should give these two some privacy, my Lord." Queen Grayfia offered. "I imagine they have a lot they wish to discuss."

Rias suddenly fell quiet again as her heart began to race.

Sirzechs nodded in agreement. "We'll leave you two be for the moment."

"One moment, Lady Grayfia." Jon called out as they turned to leave.

"Hmm?" She turned back towards him.

"I wanted to say thank you." He smiled at her. "None of this would have been possible without your help."

She smiled back at him and shook her head. "I only helped guide your way. It was you that made all of this possible."

"We'll be returning home." Sirzechs said his farewell while Queen Grayfia bowed politely.

"Yeah, I think we'll be heading out too." Akeno announced.

"See you guys back at Headquarters." Kiba waved.

Koneko silently nodded and turned to join the others.

As Rias watched the others depart, she felt someone gently tap her shoulder. She turned around to see Asia offering her pink bikers helmet to her while pouting like a sad puppy.

"Here. You'll need this if you're going back with Jon."

Rias took the helmet from Asia and stared at her in bewilderment. "Are you sure?"

Asia nodded, her lips still pouty as she fiddled with a strand of her hair nervously. "Just go ahead and take it before I change my mind."

Rias smiled and leaned in close to her ear before whispering something. Asia responded by lighting up and turning towards her excitedly.

"You really mean it?"

Rias nodded assuredly. "Starting tomorrow."

Asia jumped in the air and clapped excitedly before wrapping Rias in a giant hug. "Thank you!" She then released her before waving at Jon. "I'll see you guys back at the house, okay?"

"O...okay?" Jon waved back at her as she ran off to rejoin the others. "What did you just tell her?"

"Oh, just some good news." Rias replied coyly before taking Jon's hands in hers. "Now then, would you like to escort me to the balcony? I understand the stars are supposed to be lovely tonight."

Jon smiled back at her affectionately. "I'd be right happy to."

Asia shut the door to the balcony and sighed glumly. As happy as she was, she couldn't help but start to feel nervous again.

"Still feeling jealous?"

Asia turned around to see Akeno smiling at her. She frowned, clutching her hands to her heart.

"It's not that I'm jealous. I guess I'm just nervous he'll decide he likes her better than me."

Akeno shook her head. "I don't think you need to worry about that. Jon doesn't strike me as the kind of man to play favorites."

"Maybe so…" She still looked worried. "...I just can't help but feel a little insecure."

"That's understandable. But if it's any consolation, I'm sure Rias feels exactly the same way."

Asia peered at Akeno curiously. "She does?"

She nodded. "Yep. After all, you got Jon to fall for you long before he fell for Rias. She even told me herself how jealous she was of that night you two spent together."

Asia closed her eyes and smiled warmly as the wonderful memory of that night, their night, came bubbling to the surface, setting her heart aflutter. So long as she kept the memory of that night close beside her, then she could hold her head up confidently through this new stage in their relationship.

Now it was Rias's turn. This was her night.

"You're right." She nodded at Akeno, a determined look in her eyes. "No matter what happens, I'll continue to do my best every day to remind Jon of how much I love him."

Akeno's expression became somewhat flustered as she placed a hand on one of her crimson cheeks and looked away. "Even...even if others decide that they love him too?"

Asia gave Akeno a confused look before gasping in surprise as she realized what it was she was saying. After a moment of quiet contemplation she smiled again and nodded.

"Yep! No matter what."

With that Asia made her way downstairs to join the others. Leaving Akeno behind to stare longingly through the glass at the man she desired, her fingers pressed against her lips in fond remembrance of their secret first kiss.

"You're a lucky man, Jonathan Hyodo. To hold so many hearts in the palm of your hand."

For the past ten minutes, Rias Gremory had done nothing but silently run her hand along one of the burn marks on his arm, a soft smile on her face.

"The stars are super bright tonight." Jon pointed out in amusement.

But of course she was less than concerned with that. She barely even seemed to hear him.

He chuckled. "You know if you keep staring at a guy like that, he might get the wrong idea."

She slowly shook her head. "You silly silly boy. Putting yourself through all that trouble just for me."

He could tell there was a hint of guilt in her voice. "Rias, you know I'd have gone through a lot worse for you."

"You're lying." She calmly replied. "I can tell by your voice." Her smile slowly faded away. "Jon...I can't begin to imagine what you went through in that lab. All I can say is that I'm so sorry that I put you through it."

Jon shook his head vehemently at her. "Salazar is the one to blame. Not you."

She gazed up at him. "Still. If you ever need to talk about it…"

He frowned and looked away. "Someday...someday I will but-"

She placed a concerned hand on his chest. "But what?"

"I can't." He swallowed back the terror in his voice as his skin turned pale. "Right now I...I just can't."

She wrapped herself against him and pressed her cheek to his chest. "Then don't. Let's forget about the pain for now. I just want to focus on this moment." Her smile returned. "This moment right here. The one I always saw in my dreams, but never pictured could actually be real."

Jon wrapped his arm around her. "Is this really how you pictured it?"

She giggled. "Okay maybe not exactly. But…" Her eyes met his again. "I wouldn't trade it for anything. I truly mean that."

They both kept each other's gaze locked onto one another for a moment as the rhythmic beating of their hearts came in sync.


She closed her eyes, reached up, and kissed him. Though initially shocked, Jon soon relaxed into her soft full lips.

A whole minute passed before she finally let him go.

"That was my first kiss." She admitted bashfully, displaying an uncharacteristic amount of shyness. "I hope it was alright."

He pressed his hand against her cheek and kissed her back. "Better than alright."

She wrapped her arms around him and they kissed again. And again after that. And once more after that. He would never get tired of these soft lips. No matter how long he lived. When they finally broke apart she peered up at him once more, her lashes fluttering softly and her eyes screaming the words she had desperately been wanting to say to him for so long. Rias leaned up to his ear and spoke softly.

"I love you, Jonathan Hyodo."

Before he could say it back, she kissed him again. Just as well, his feelings for this woman were obvious. Finally content, she relaxed back into his arms and ran a finger along her favorite scar on his chest.

"By the way." She spoke up after a few minutes. "I've decided to move you and Asia into my room."

His eyes went wide. " have?"

She nodded her head against his chest. "Mhmm. This way she doesn't feel left out. And we can all get closer."

Closer being the operative word there, he had no doubt.

"Is that why she looked so excited?"

"I think she was worried that you'd be moving out." Rias explained. "I assured her that I hadn't forgotten she has a place with you too." Her lips curled into a devious grin. "However, I did have one condition for her moving in."

He cocked a brow at her. "And what would that be?"

She gave him a sultry look, her face heated. "I get you all to myself tonight."

Jon grinned back at her. "Guess I'm not really in any position to complain, am I?" He teased.

She swatted him on the arm playfully. "You're really not, buster. Matter of fact, I'd say you're not really in a position to complain about anything I ask of you ever again."

He snickered, nodding in agreement. "I'll concede ya that. So you ready to get going?"

She shook her head, cuddling back up against him. "Not yet. I wanna enjoy this for just a little bit longer."

Jon kissed her forehead and relaxed against the railing.

"Take as long as you need."

Rias personally set the remainder of her wedding gifts on fire before Jon escorted her back down to the courtyard where the ceremony had been held. He proceeded to break the altar down, along with every chair and table not already destroyed, before tossing everything into a big pile while Rias set magical charges around the base of the massive statue.

After tossing the last chair into the pile, Jon dusted his hands off and popped a cigarette in his mouth. "I think that's the last of them. Am I missing anything?"

Rias finished with the magical charges and walked over to the pile. "Just one last thing."

She proceeded to tear off her dress. Revealing a pair of silky lace panties and a matching bra with white stockings. The outfit reminded him of the one Asia wore the night she first confessed to him. And frankly speaking, Rias was just as gorgeous as she was in it.

She finished wiggling out of the dreaded wedding dress and tossed it in the pile. "Okay, light it up."

He took in a long drag of the cigarette before taking it out of his mouth and blowing a massive fireball that ignited the dress and started burning through the wood.

Rias clapped her hands together. "Woohoo! Nice one."

He shot her a slick smirk. "Better than a carnival, right?"

"Much." She agreed.


Jon and Rias both turned around to see Riser Phenex standing behind them with his little sister Ravel. She shoved her older brother towards Jon, who looked like he would rather be anywhere else.

"Can we help you?" Jon asked, his arms crossed and a perturbed expression on his face.

Finally, after a long moment of both men staring at each other in silence, the new head of the Phenex Clan raised his hand with his palm outstretched. Offering Jon a handshake.

"It is the custom in your country. Is it not?" Riser asked.

Jon looked down at Riser's palm then back at the Blue Blood again. Finally, after a moment of thought, he smiled and took the man's hand in his, shaking firmly.

No words needed to be said between them. Everything they had to tell to each other, they did through that one small act.

With their business done, Ravel ran up and wrapped Jon in a big squeezy hug. He chuckled at Ravel before returning her affection and petting her hair.

"I can't possibly thank you enough..." She stated with emphasis, her eyes beginning to glass over. "...for everything you've done for my brother and me."

It was then Jon realized something. He exchanged a look with Rias who silently nodded at him. Jon took the cigarette from his mouth and tilted her chin up towards him. She immediately froze in place upon locking eyes with him. Ravel's lips parted and her cheeks turned scarlet. At that moment, his eyes were asking her a question.

A question that, as he had just guessed, her heart already answered some time ago.

With that he popped his smoke back in his mouth and tipped his hat to her. "Be seeing you around, Lady Phenex."

Jon turned and walked back towards Rias, leaving a completely befuddled Ravel to quietly stare at him as he left. He then stopped and turned back around.

"Oh one more thing. Y'all might wanna take a few steps back." He warned, his cigarette between his fingers. "You're in the splash zone."

Ravel and Riser shared confused looks with one another upon which Jon pointed to the massive statue. After seeing all the magic circles at its base Ravel let out a surprised squeak before lifting up the skirt of her dress and hightailing it out of there alongside her older brother.

Rias smiled at Jon as he approached.

"You ready?" He asked.


Jon offered her center stage as he stood in the background. Rias approached the statue, gazing up at the last remnant of the accursed fate she had successfully overcome before snapping her fingers and setting off the charges. The magic circles detonated and the entire structure came crumbling down. Sending out a wave of stone dust that covered everything in its path.

Feeling about a hundred pounds lighter, Rias turned back to Jon and wrapped her arms around him. He flicked his cigarette away and the two lovers kissed.

"Now then…" She gazed at him seductively. "...what should we do with you, Mr. Hyodo?"

"I can think of a few things." He replied coyly.

She gave him a devious little smirk before taking his hat off and placing it on her head. Rias stroked his cheek before sauntering over to the bike. She placed her hand on the seat, arched her back and snapped an overtly sexual look back at him with her finger pressed against her lip.

Jon folded his arms and cocked a brow at her, an approving smirk on his face.

Rias began a little improvised routine for him. Using the hat and his bike to treat Jon to a burlesque style dance where she grinded, swayed, and shook her ass for him. He ate up every second of it, drinking in her stunning figure as she finished the routine by splaying herself on her back across the seat of his bike.

"God you're dramatic." He laughed. "But I'd be lying if I said I didn't love it."

She sat up and crossed one leg over the other. Beckoning her man with one little finger while biting her lower lip. Jon obliged happily, kissing her passionately before joining her on the bike. She straddled it behind him and pressed her busty chest to his back.

"Take me home, Cowboy." She whispered in a sultry voice while placing the hat back on his head.

Jon revved the engine, firing twin flames from his exhaust pipes. Rias quickly put the helmet Asia loaned her on her head and wrapped her arms around him. A red portal appeared in front of them and the chopper took off before vanishing behind the summoning circle.

"Big Brother…" Ravel spoke up, having watched everything from the sidelines. "I've decided I want to become a Dragon's Treasure."

"Really? That's nice, Sis…" He replied, only half paying attention as he worried about the giant mess he was going to have to clean up.

When it finally occurred to him what she just said, his eyes bulged almost completely out of his head.

"Beautiful night, wouldn't you say?" Lucifer spoke to his Queen. Having just finished watching his sister ride off with the Red Dragon Emperor, he suddenly felt a touch romantic. "The stars always seem to sparkle in your eyes the brightest of all, my Queen."

She smiled gently, a light blush creeping over her cheeks. "What's got you in such a romantic mood, my Lord?"

"Perhaps I'm just happy for my little sister." He admitted. "Truth be told, I feel I owe Jon a great deal. He seems to have freed Rias's heart from its isolation. This is the first I think I've ever truly seen her smile in a long time."

"It's wonderful to see, I have to admit." Grayfia agreed. She gazed over at Lord Lucifer. "You never intended to make her marry Lord Riser, did you?"

He shook his head. "Had they lost the Rating Game, I would have simply had them both exiled back to Earth, away from the public eye."

"Thank goodness it didn't come to that. I can't imagine the mess we would have been forced to clean up." She peered at him questioningly. "But if you were never going to make her go through with it, then why have Jonathan battle Lord Salazar in the first place? When you could have easily intervened yourself?"

"I needed to see it with my own eyes. And now that I have, I can't help but be hopeful about our future." He smiled brightly. "It truly is a miracle. I never dreamed that the Red Dragon Emperor would one day come over to our side."

"It would seem that an encounter with the White Dragon Emperor could be upon us soon." Grayfia cautioned.

Lucifer nodded in agreement. "Perhaps." He wrapped his arms around his beloved Queen, who closed her eyes and relaxed into his touch. "But for now, I choose to remain positive. This is a great boon we have been granted after all."

"A great boon indeed, my Lord." She smiled, turning her head back towards him and placing a hand on his cheek.

Feeling the romantic energy in the air, the two kissed under the starlight.

The door to Rias's room burst open as the two Lovebirds stumbled in. The President was clinging to her Dragon like a spider monkey. Her legs wrapped around his waist and her arms around his neck as she kissed him furiously. Her wings beating with excited arousal, knocking over various objects in the room. Their lips hadn't separated since the moment Jon picked her up off the bike. Rias refused to let him go for even a second. Even as she fell backwards onto her bed she kept him firmly locked to her. She'd been so patient, endure so much, spent countless nights dreaming of this moment, nothing was going to stop her from savoring every second of it.

Jon finally managed to pull away long enough to begin greedily kissing her neck. Rias moaned in utter delight at his touch and held his head in her hand as he kissed down her soft skin. He worked his way down to the swell of her heaving breasts before ravenously tearing away at her bra to suck on the soft sweet mounds they contained. She completely lost herself to him. Each touch, each taste, each sensation he placed upon her skin sending jolts of ecstasy throughout her body. It was so much better than she could have ever possibly imagined, and he'd barely even started.

Rias proved to be a far less timid and far more vocal partner than Asia, though even she began to fidget nervously as Jon kissed down her belly, ran his tongue around her navel and then worked his way down to her inner thigh. Whatever nervous thoughts she may have been having, however, they were soon buried under the euphoria of her Dragon's tongue and lips. Every place he touched was a place that no other man had touched before, and no other man would touch ever again. Jon was taking all of her firsts and the knowledge of this alone nearly drove her to cum on more than one occasion.

And then he tore away her panties.

"Beautiful." Jon commented and suddenly she desperately needed his lips on hers again. Rias grabbed him by the collar and glued her lips to his again. As her tongue desperately explored the inside of his mouth her hands became more and more frustrated by the unnecessary amount of clothing he was still wearing. What came next was a flurry of button popping, belt unbuckling and cowboy boots ending up who knows where.

Then her hands landed on his muscles. She was already addicted to his body yet now she found herself greedily pawing every inch of his abdominal muscles as if this were the first time she'd ever truly felt them. As her hands headed further down to unzip his pants, however, he suddenly pulled away.

"Seriously?" She pouted at him, biting her lower lip, a desperate need in her eyes.

"I know, I know." He soothed her with another kiss. "But you said you wanted this to be perfect, right?"

She nodded, that hunger in her gaze still present.

"Then let me take my time."

Rias groaned in frustration which he immediately kissed away again. He began sucking and nibbling at her nipple and the sensation went straight to her clit. The more Jon toyed with the President the more she desperately needed more of his body touching her. He ran his tongue in circles along her nipples, leaving a slick coat of saliva across her breasts. His tongue glided back down to her inner thighs and the needy noises she made in response confirmed that she was ready.

As he parted her legs Rias suddenly became hideously aware of how badly her pussy was throbbing. Jon began licking the juncture of her thighs upon which her mind began to swim.

"P...please." She breathlessly whispered, her face heating up as she finally relented her desperation to him.

And just like that his tongue was on her clit. Alternating between short strokes and long glides as two fingers slid into her heat. Her body responded by gripping the comforter tightly in balled up fists as her hips arched up as if she had just been electrified. She was close, so very close, yet that stubborn pride of hers refused to let her fully let go. Rias bit the knuckle of her pointer finger hard enough to nearly draw blood as her thighs began to shake uneasily.

The moment Jon eased her clit into his mouth and gave the tiniest suck Rias's brain short circuited and her eyes crossed.

"Jon! What are you-shit! Ahhhhh!"

Rias came so hard she saw stars. The expression on her face amused him greatly as it was clear she'd never had an orgasm quite like that one before. Jon murmured sweet words into her ear as she slowly came back down to Earth. He kissed Rias fiercely and the taste of herself on his lips immediately got her heated all over again.

"Get your pants off." She growled.

Jon gave her a slick grin in response. "My, aren't we serious all of a sudden."

The President had officially had enough of his teasing. With one swift motion she rolled him over and straddled her Dragon, he sucked in a breath as she began grinding her naked heat against his bulge.

"Damn right I am. Pants off. Now." She demanded.

He chuckled at her in amusement. "Sure thing, Boss."

He had barely managed to unbutton before she was already jerking his pants and underwear off the rest of the way. The moment his erection sprung free, however, she stopped. Before going straight to the main event, she wanted something else first.

"Rias, what are you-"

His words were cut off as he suddenly sucked in air with a sharp hiss. Her slender, moist, lips parting and taking in as much of him as her virgin throat could handle. His cock was thick and perfect and Rias couldn't help but linger over it as she took him into her mouth again and again. Did he taste good? No not necessarily. It was mostly sweat and and salt that she tasted on her tongue. But that didn't matter. This was Jon's taste. Her Dragon's taste. Yet one more detail about her beloved servant she had been desperately needing to know. And now she did.

She continued to slurp him into her mouth greedily until he finally growled and pulled her off of him by her hair.

"'re killing me, here."

"Is there a better way to go?" She teased, eyeing his manhood hungrily while stroking his shaft. "Jon...I'm ready"

He nodded in understanding, silently placing her back on his lap as she slowly moved him into position. Rias had been preparing for this moment with toys and her own hand, hoping beyond hope for the day she could relish in this feeling. She hovered over him for just a moment, taking a second to confirm this wasn't all some hideously cruel dream, before slowly taking him inside of her.

"Sweet merciful God." Inch by delicious inch he filled her up until she was stretched and breathless. A trickle of blood ran down his legs as she sat down on him completely.

"You good?" He asked in concern despite how tight she felt around his shaft.

"Never been better." She moaned in delight.

She began to ride him at a slow easy pace, adjusting to his size. While she did this he rolled her nipples between his thumbs and fingertips, pinching them just hard enough to make lightning jolt through her. Rias was halfway to a second orgasm when Jon grabbed her by the hips and took over. He went deeper, harder, fucking her so thoroughly that she could only whisper "Yes. Yes fuck fuck yes." As she came. His orgasm was moments behind and the warm feeling that enveloped her belly afterwards was completely magnificent. Rias collapsed onto him and went silent.

Jon kissed her cheek sweetly. "So what do you think? Not bad considering...Rias?"

She was crying. Though Rias made no noise Jon could feel her tears falling on his shoulder and the heaving of her chest. He quickly lurched up and frowned at her in concern.

"Rias, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." She raised her head up and stared down at him, wiping a stray tear from her eye. "It's just...for so long I was sure this moment would be a dream and nothing else. I spent the last century of my life mentally preparing for the day I was forced to give my first time to a man I despised. Now that the moment of my dreams is's even better than I ever imagined."

He smiled at her lovingly and moved to cuddle up next to her when she pushed him back down.

"Uh uh." She shook her head and bit her lower lip, that amorous look returning to her face. "I'm not done with you yet, Cowboy. Not by a longshot."

No one in the ORC Headquarters slept that night. How could they with Rias and Jon being so ungodly loud. Between the constant banging of the headboard, Rias's loud moaning, and the occasional tremor as their powers accidentally leaked out, there was no hope of a peaceful nights rest. Not that anyone could particularly blame the President. She'd been waiting for this moment for over a century after all. They weren't mad.

But they were curious.

Akeno couldn't help but be slightly nosey. After all she had never heard the Crimson Queen of Kuoh make such scandalous and vulgar noises before in her life. Whatever Jon was doing to her in there, it was clear she was enjoying it...thoroughly.

"Rias, you greedy bitch." Akeno snickered as she perked an ear to the door for what had to be the fifth time that morning. They had quieted down for about an hour or so, but it wasn't long before the rambunctious duo were right back at it again. "You're going to kill that poor boy at this rate."

Kiba walked by and, upon feeling another tremor, promptly perked up an ear. Sure enough another ear piercing scream confirmed what he already suspected.

"They're still freaking going?" He asked incredulously. "It's six in the morning!"

Asia, who had been quietly sitting in the hallway with her knees tucked up against her chest, didn't comment. Pout levels: 60%

Koneko slumped into the room, still in her pajamas, an angry scowl on her face. "Is there a reason the whole house is still shaking?"

Pout levels: 70%

Akeno pointed at the door before perking her ear back up. "She hasn't let him stop since they took a break two hours ago."

"What's his goal here?" Koneko grumbled angrily. "Is he trying to split her in half?"

Pout levels: 80%

"If he is, it's only because that's what she's asking for." Kiba commented. "I'm more impressed by the fact that he can keep this up despite the fractured ribs."

Pout levels: 90%

"It makes sense if you think about it." Akeno offered. "After all, Dragons are supposed to take on multiple mates. I imagine they'd need a rather healthy amount of stamina to pull that off."

Pout levels: 100%

"But what about Rias?" Koneko asked. "There's no way she can still be enjoying that, is there?"

Pout levels: Reaching Critical Mass.

"You forget, Rias has been saving herself for this moment for over a century." Akeno reminded. "She's probably just a little pent up. Not to mention her first time is with Jon."


The sudden outburst from Asia was so jarring and out of character that it completely silenced the room. Not that any of them could understand a word she just said given how fast she was talking.

Akeno clasped a hand over her mouth and giggled. "Awww you poor thing. Feeling a little territorial?"

"She said it would only be for the night." Asia folded her arms and made a pouty face. "I just don't want them to forget about me."

"They have to stop eventually." Kiba tried to sound reassuring. "I mean, they'll have to right?"

"That or he'll kill her." Koneko stated bluntly.

Pout levels: Reaching Critical Mass again.

Rias Gremory reared her head back and arched her spine while straddling Jon's lap as her whole body seized up. She screamed in pure ecstasy while clinging to her man for dear life. As she finally came down from the wave she was riding, her breath became ragged and she heaved on Jon's chest, her forehead pressed up against his.

"Had enough?" He offered with a smug grin, his whole chest and face red from exertion and slick with sweat.

Rias slumped over and collapsed onto the bed next to him, her arm covering her forehead as she breathed deeply. "Just...just give me a minute."

He chuckled at her in amusement before laying back with her on the bed.

"I think you've broken me." She commented in between breaths.

"You didn't overdo it, did ya?" He asked with a hint of concern.

"No no." She assured with a shake of her head before rolling over and curling her naked body around his. "I'll be fine." She breathed in his scent and sighed contently. "Just fine."

They kissed each other passionately before she relaxed into him, resting her head against his chest while he put his arm around her. The two lovers sat in silence for awhile before Rias finally spoke again.

"It was truly wonderful."

He smirked at her. "I'd imagine so if your eyes started rolling into the back of your head."

She scowled so as to try to hide her smile before smacking him on the head.

"Sorry." He chuckled. "But you set yourself up for that one."

"Ass." She replied insincerely, still unable to hide just how happy she was. Rias traced her finger along his abdomen daintily. "You really did save my life Jon. But more than that, you turned my nightmare into a dream."

"You don't have to keep thanking me." Jon insisted while caressing her shoulder with his thumb. "I wouldn't have gone to hell and back the way I did if you weren't worth it."

She shook her head silently. "Even still. Words alone cannot describe what you've given me." Rias slowly pulled herself up and straddled his lap again while bracing herself with her hands on the sheets. Her silky soft crimson hair tickled his face as she gazed down at him adoringly.

"From this day, until the end of my days, I am yours Jonathan Hyodo."

He nodded in understanding, gazing up at her just as affectionately. "I love you, Rias. Ten thousand years from now that fact still will not have changed."

She bit down on her lower lip again and started grinding her hips on his lap, a look of want in her eyes.

"Again? Rias you're wearing me out."

"Oh come on." She whined pitifully. "I've had to deal with over a century of pent up frustrations, can you really blame me for wanting to make the most of my first time?"

He chuckled at her while shaking his head incredulously. "At least give me a minute to rest up."

She was about to pout in protest when a devious little idea popped into her head. Rias grinned wickedly at him before slowly making her way off the bed and towards the door.

"You need a minute, you say?" She asked mischievously, her eyes remaining glued to his while walking backwards.

He sat up and peered back at her suspiciously. "What are you up to?"

She shrugged her shoulders coyly. "Oh nothing at all." Her back pressed against the door and she raised a single hand up, knocking three times with the back of her knuckles.

"Oh Asia sweetie, could you come in here for a moment?"


They heard a crash in the hallway, causing Jon to lurch up off his back.

"What are you doing?!" He whispered frantically.

She shushed him, that same devious little grin on her face as her attention shifted back to the door.

"Asia, I know you're out there." Rias called. "Could you come in here for a second? Jon's wounds are bothering him again."

"A...are you sure?" They heard a mousy little voice stammer back.

"I'm sure." Rias replied. "He's on the bed, just be sure to shut the door on your way in." She then added with a slightly perturbed frown. "The rest of you nosey fuckers can get lost."

They heard three sets of feet go dashing back into the Chapter Room.

"The door's unlocked Asia." Rias called. "Come on in."

Asia gently opened the door and took a timid peak in. "Umm, is everyone decent?"

Jon waved awkwardly at her. "Hey...Asia."

She turned completely crimson upon seeing Jon without so much as a pair of boxers on. "Did you...did you need help with some-hyah!"

Rias, who had hidden behind the door as it opened, snuck behind Asia and slid her arms around her waist, cupping Asia's breasts in her hands.

Jon's jaw proceeded to hit the floor.

"R...R..R..R..Rias?!" Asia stuttered, her face burning. "What are you doing?!"

"I know you were listening, Asia." She whispered in a sultry tone, her breath hot against the scarlet blonde's ear. "I'm sorry I had to pull him away from you for so long, it must have been frustrating."

Asia kept her hands out to either side loosely, completely unsure what to do with herself and barely able to even process what was happening.

"Unfortunately it seems I've gone and tuckered poor Jonathan out. So I was thinking…" Her right hand slid gently down to Asia's sex, eliciting a surprised squeak from the bemused girl. "...why not give him a little show? That ought to perk him right back up."

"A...a show?" Asia's knees became shaky.

"Mhmm." Rias nodded her head as she proceeded to run two fingers along the outside of Asia's underwear, just above her heat. Her breath became hot and heavy under Rias's touch. "Besides, we're both in this relationship together. As a Dragon's Treasure, it's important we get along." She tilted Asia's stunned gaze back to her. "And what better way to do that than by getting to know each other a little more intimately?"

Asia's eyes nearly bulged out of her head the moment Rias kissed her. Slowly however, she began to relax, her shoulders untensing and her lips parting. Allowing Rias to slip her tongue deeper in.

Jon's brain, meanwhile, had completely short circuited.

Rias and Asia's lips parted, a tiny trail of saliva keeping them connected for a moment.

"Ms. President…" Asia's face was heated despite how nervous she looked. "...why do you smell so good?" Her little heart was thumping madly in her chest.

"That isn't me." Rias admitted. "That's Jon you're smelling." She nibbled on her ear playfully, eliciting a series of erotic moans from Asia. "I'm not sure what it is, but it drives you nuts doesn't it?"

"You smell…" Asia turned towards her. " sweet. It's...making my skin all warm and tingly."

Rias giggled at her. "You must be hot in that blouse. Let me help you."

Jon was frozen to the spot as his brains continued to dribble out his ears.

Asia nervously raised her hands in the air so as to allow Rias to remove her blouse. She then proceeded to rip open her white dress shirt and toss it away, exposing her pink heart dotted bra underneath. When she moved to pull down her skirt, however, Asia suddenly backed away.

"W...wait." She cast her gaze away and frowned timidly, covering her breasts with her arms.

"Do you want me to stop?" Rias asked sincerely.

"It's not that." Asia admitted, finding it particularly hard to look at Rias's fully nude form. "It's just...I've know...done this sort of thing with a woman before."

Rias quirked her head at her and placed her hands on her hips. "Me neither." She admitted with a shrug of her shoulders. "But...I find myself curious about you all the same. If you're open to it, I'd very much like to feel for myself what it is Jon feels whenever he looks in those pretty green eyes of yours."

Asia felt her heart skip in her chest. She gazed back at Rias who placed a tender hand on her cheek.

"But I'd hate for you to feel uncomfortable. If you want me to stop, I will."

"I…" Asia gazed over at Jon, who was no longer home, before looking back at Rias. "...I think Jon will like it. And besides…" She broke into a small embarrassed smile. "...I'm a little curious about you too, Ms. President."

Rias's slick little grin returned. "Sweetheart, we are way past titles at this point."

Their lips locked together again while Rias helped Asia out of her skirt, revealing the frilly pink and red matching panties she was wearing underneath. After breaking apart again, Rias took Asia's wrists and guided her hands, one to the small of her waist, and one to her left breast.

"You can touch me too, if you want." Rias assured in a heated breath. She was really starting to enjoy this.

Asia timidly ran her fingers along Rias's weighty breast. Her body responded positively to her touch, prompting Asia to explore further. She boldly placed her lips on Rias's nipple and licked. Rias let out a small, startled gasp in response, her body going rigid.

Asia immediately pulled back. "Did I do something wrong?"

She took a moment to regain her wits before shaking her head. "No I just...wasn't expecting it."

They stared into each other's eyes for a moment. This was originally just supposed to be a fun way to get Jon riled up, but the more they got into it, the more their feelings began to change.

"Rias…" Asia slowly reached her hands behind her back and unhooked her bra, letting it fall to the floor. "...I never really noticed just how beautiful your hair is. I mean...I always knew you were pretty but…"

Rias smiled at Asia before bringing her in close. "I understand. I never noticed just how gorgeous your skin is." She pressed Asia's body to her and began to slide down her underwear. "Or how sweet you are."

"Or how confident you are." Asia replied.

"Or how cute you look when you get all flustered."

"Or how strong you make us feel."

They both stared at each other as a dawning realization came over them.

"Are we…?"

Rias nodded. "Yes. I think we are."

They kissed again, far more deeply this time. Exploring the insides of each other's mouths as Rias's hand moved between Asia's legs.

She yelped in surprise, causing Rias to withdraw.

"Too much?"

Asia shook her head. "No…" Her hand slowly slid between Rias's thighs. "But fair is fair."

Rias gasped in shock before returning the favor. They kissed passionately while playing with each other's heat. Soft pleasurable moans emanating from behind their closed lips.

Jon's soul whirred into overdrive. "Dragon! Dragon are you there?!"

"Hmm? What? Yeah I'm here. What's up?"

"What the hell is going on right now?! Asia and Rias are...are...dear God I can't even describe it!"

"Oh right! I forgot to tell you. As a Dragon, your body produces pheromones that work as a potent aphrodisiac to any mate that has undergone the Imprint. With constant exposure over a period of time, the feelings your Treasures share for you will begin to blend together and turn into feelings for each other. Don't be surprised if some of them start forming relationships with one another."

"I'm sorry, can you possibly repeat that? Because it sort of just sounded like you said they would fall in love with each other!"

"You heard me. Don't knock a good thing, Bro. Just accept that this will make life a lot easier for you down the line."

"I guess so."

"This isn't universal though. The Dragon warned. Some souls will not warm up to each other as easily as they will with others. Just a heads up."

"Good to know…."

"Don't forget to take pictures! You can add them to the spank bank for when you're on missions!"

"I thought I told you to knock that off!"

"So Asia…" Rias spoke breathlessly, holding her close. " about we give Jon that show now?"

"Sounds wonderful." Asia admitted just as breathlessly.

Rias guided her Bishop to the bed and laid her down. The moment Jon reached out to touch Asia however, Rias slapped his hand away playfully.

"Uh uh uh, this is our playtime, Mister." She wagged a finger at him while slowly opening Asia's legs.


"No buts." Rias insisted with a stern gaze. "Asia and I are both in this relationship with you together, we have just as much a right to show each other intimacy as you do." She then looked at Asia affectionately again. "Now then, if I'm going too fast, you just tell me, Love."

Asia nodded, her golden locks splayed on the bed. She bit her finger in anticipation while her other hand laid next to her head.

Rias slowly lowered her head down between Asia's legs. The moment her tongue made contact, Asia immediately reacted. Her head tilted backwards and her body arched into Rias. Asia shut her eyes tight and began moaning in pleasure, her hands eventually reaching down to spread herself further open for her partner.

"Rias! I think I'!" Her back arched and she cried out in ecstasy. The crimson haired beauty raised herself up from between Asia's legs and kissed her sweetly.

"I think Jon's going to keel over soon if we don't let him back in on the fun." Rias giggled at her. As she moved to approach him Asia grabbed her thighs.


Rias peered down at her curiously.

"...fair is fair." Asia repeated before lowering Rias down onto her face.

Rias's eyes went wide and her back arched. Her legs turned to jelly and her hips started moving on their own.

It didn't take long for her either.

"… should see the look on Jon's face right now...he's haa...haa….haaaa!" She bit down on her knuckle hard and her legs convulsed.

Rias's head fell into Jon's waiting lap. He stroked her hair gently while she took a moment to regain her breath.

"Sooo should I give you two some alone time?"

Rias giggled at him before slowly crawling out of his lap up onto one side of his chest. Asia rolled over and crawled over on the other side.

"What do you think, Asia? I'd say Jon has had more than enough time to recharge."

"Mhmm." Asia agreed, a sultry look in her eyes.

"Well then…"

They both reached for his manhood.

"...let's see if we can really wear him out."

Back in the Chapter Room, Kiba, Akeno, and Koneko were helping themselves to a morning cup of tea.

"It's strange not having anything to do this late in the morning." Kiba commented. "Not that I'm complaining, of course."

"I'm just glad those two finally stopped." Koneko replied while sipping her tea.

At that moment, the house began to rock again. Only this time there were two female voices moaning obscenely loud.

Koneko slammed her teacup on the table and stood. "Are you freaking kidding me?" Just as she was about to go give them a piece of her mind, Akeno stopped her.

"Let's leave them be."

Koneko sat back down, grumbling under her breath before going back to her tea.

"There's never any telling what the future holds in store." Akeno smiled before raising her cup to her lips. "We should be allowed to enjoy the company of each other while we can."

Outside the window to the Chapter Room, several yards away, two women dressed in long thick robes and hoods glared coldly at the Headquarters of the Occult Research Club.

"Is that the place?" The first girl asked.

"It is, Xenovia." The second girl responded. "You'll just have to trust me on this."

"It's not that I don't trust you, Irina." The girl named Xenovia insisted. "But your sixth sense has been known to be misleading before."

"It's there." She insisted. "That building harbors great evil, I can feel it."

"Then that's where we'll find him." Xenovia declared. "The Devil's Colt himself."

Irina glared hatefully at the building, her fists clenching until her knuckles turned white.

"Jonathan're a dead man walking."

::Final Note::

Man, what a journey this Arc proved to be. There were so many good comments and critiques all throughout the first Arc and into the Second Arc that I ended up adding no less than FOUR additional chapters of content to make this the best possible adaptation of the Arc it possibly could be.

And finally, we did it people. We made it through Arc Two. As much fun as it was to write, I'm kinda relieved that it's finally done. Because those end chapters especially ate up a whole lot of brain power getting out.

As always, I have to thank my wonderful, patient, and supportive girlfriend for putting up with my neurotic writing habits and being my biggest supporter. I'd also like to thank all of you for reading, following, and reviewing the writing as it has developed. You guys are the ones that made this second Arc possible.

Look forward to Arc Three, The Devil's Colt: A Ten Winged War, starting within the next couple of days. Updates may not come quiet as frequently as they have in previous Arcs. (On account of the fact that this is the first Arc I've started posting that I haven't finished in advance yet.) But I think ultimately that will be a good thing. I'm really paying more attention to comments and reviews from my readers as I go forward.

See you all on the other side. Here's to the next chapter in Jonathan Hyodo's journey.
