It's You and Me Baby
It's been a week since Ben was falsely arrested for starting that damn fire at the Horton cabin that almost killed Tripp and Haley. We fake broke up in the hopes of trapping the real culprit, my immature, manipulative, and selfish niece. I still find it hard to believe but, I trust Ben. He knew how much it would hurt me to hear that my own family member would try to kill me, and I think it hurt him to tell me the truth just as much as it stung for me to hear it.
It's been a week since I began longing for the next moment that I will be able to feel Ben's touch again. I need his touch as much as I need my next breath. I never thought that I would feel this way about sex after everything that happened with Chase. I thought he had ruined me for any experience with a man. When Tripp came along the sex was fine. And then there is Ben. Never in a million years would I ever describe making love with Ben with so tepid an adjective as 'fine'. He is my reason for being. He makes my heart race, my skin burn and it's been a week since I have been able to wake up laying in his arms knowing that I could face whatever the day was going to throw at me.
It's been a week since I have been able to keep anything of substance in my body because of the constant nausea that has been torturing me. I just can't decide if it's the thought of having to face the rest of my life without my soulmate or if it's the other reason I suspect.
We've been careful but since we are both so insatiable it's not out of the realm of possibility. I drove to the next town over to pick up a pregnancy test, because I don't want other people knowing my business. If I am pregnant, I want Ben to be the first to know. Though how the hell I will be able to tell him is beyond me. He's behind bars waiting to hear what his fate will be, and with that bitch Eve Devereaux posing as the police commissioner of Salem right now, we can't risk our fake break up being discovered before we can prove that Claire is the one who set these damn fires. Ben would be so excited to hear the news if I am pregnant and if I'm honest so am I. The thought of a little Ben growing inside of me makes me exceedingly happy, but the thought of not having him there beside me to experience all of it breaks my heart.
At night I've dreamed about Ben and I being married and starting a family. In all my dreams, Ben has this need to touch my belly. When it's my turn to cook he likes to stand behind me and wrap his arms around me. When we are in bed, he holds me and cups his hands over our miracle, it's like he's trying to protect our baby before it has even arrived. He kisses me and my belly every night before he goes to sleep and states without hesitation how much he can't wait until he meets our son or daughter. His hands make me feel safe. I think him having his hands on my belly all the time is also his way of gauging how much our baby is growing. He informs me of how big I am getting, which doesn't really make me feel the greatest, but then he would mention the fact that the thought of me carrying his baby was so sexy and that I had never looked more beautiful, totally made up for it.
It's a lonely and nerve-wracking feeling waiting for the results of this damn test. Ben should be here damn it. He should be here to know what our future will be. The timer on my phone goes off and I walk over to the sink to look at the test.
I walk back over to our bed and let out the breath that I have been holding and before I begin to weep at the unfairness I say aloud with no one there to hear me, "Until we clear your daddy, it's you and me baby."