AN: I deeply apologize for how long it had taken me to update. A while back I had contracted acid in my blood system and had to stay in the hospital for a bit, I left around three or two weeks ago and had been taking it easy. Please forgive me for taking so long to update, but I made sure this chapter is extra long!

WARNING: Adult Content

Disclaimer: I do not own Dragon Ball Z.


Ever since Chi-Chi had left with Kakarot to his homeplanet, Vegeta was feeling uneasy. Strange vibes surrounded him as he thought of his soon to be wife alone with his guard. And the vibes got stronger every moment. It really was starting to tick him off.

Usually Vegeta sparred with his partner Raditz but he was on a break week. Though Vegeta would usually force him to train with him, he needed to sit down and think for a while.

As Vegeta walked in the castle's garden, he was greeted by a few elites, the surprised looks on their faces evident, wondering why the Saiyan Prince was not sparring. It was a very rare occurrence, but Vegeta said nothing as he politely acknowledged them. As he continued to walk, he spotted a rose bush and noticed a plucked off rose just laying on the ground lifelessly. Frowning, he picked it up and held it close to his chest.

He never told anyone, but roses meant a lot to him. They were his late mother's favorites, who passed away shortly after giving birth to his younger brother. He sighed but smiled slightly as he thought of her smile..

He remembered how crushed his father was after her passing. While their marriage was arranged, they grew to love each other and ended up having more then one child. He closed his eyes peacefully as he brought the slightly dried up rose to his nose and inhaled it's floral like fragrance.

But he suddenly frowned as he sensed another smell on the rose. It smelled slightly coppery, and had a strange aroma..

Disturbed, his eyes traveled down the stem and he raised an eyebrow in the air as he slightly dried up substance on it, smeared on the once emerald green leaves, now a crispy brown. His eyes widened realizing what it was.


He dropped the rose out of disgust, and stomped it flat with his diamond hard boot. His Saiyan senses started to pick up another smell around.. he couldn't tell who's scent it was but the scent of lust was lurking around. He growled in annoyance.

'I swear to god if one of the Saiyan Elites decided to have some fun here I will kill them!'

He sighed in frustrstion as he leaned under the large oak tree. Closing his eyes, he felt guilty.

Yes, he.. a Saiyan who is to show no emotion.. felt guilty.

He refused to believe it, but he knew he wasn't treating Chi-Chi well. The amount of names and insults he had called her.. he had lost track.

Chi-Chi was a woman who held a great amount of elegance, strength.. but her most turning on feature, her feistness. He desired Chi-Chi, but he knew she wasn't gonna give in easy. But at the same time.. he knew she wasn't right for him. He loved and wanted her, but she didn't. And she had the right to feel that way, no matter how many apologies and jewels and dresses Vegeta would offer to her, she would still not love him.

And then there was Kakarot. There was no doubt that he was a woman hunter, with his height and looks. He seemed to have some admiration for his future wife, but Vegeta refused to believe that it was lust.

There's no way that they felt something for each other.. right?

Chi-Chi and Kakarot had two more days until they had to go home, so they were making the best of it. Bulma, the kidnapped slave stayed with them as they were planning on taking her back to Earth. Though Chi-Chi wanted a private conversation with her, as she still was confused on the whole ordeal of Bulma becoming a slave.

Of course, since Bulma was staying with them, it had meant that Kakarot and Chi-Chi couldn't have any more sexual contact, which irritated Kakarot deeply.

"The hell do you mean we can't do it?" He asked rudely. They were both sitting on Kakarot's bed, as he watched Chi-Chi slip into her night gown. Bulma was sleeping in a spare room that once belonged to Kakarot's parents.

Chi-Chi huffed. This man just did not get it, did he? Just how horny did these goddamn Saiyans have to be?

"Because I said so! I am not going to have sex with you while there's someone else in this house! How many times do I have to tell this to you?!" She yelled back, but instantly covered her mouth with her hand as she realized Bulma was sleeping just one room away.

Kakarot scoffed, as he crossed his muscular arms.

Chi-Chi sighed. Truth be told, she was just as sexually frustrated as Kakarot was. This man's body was just too attractive, too sexy, too hot.. all she wanted was to bury herself underneath his body, and just kiss his sweet hot lips again and again...

But her being raised by the Ox King, she was taught to be polite and patient, and to always think of other people's benefits and such. So she pulled a Kakarot card and scoffed back, almost bursting out in laughter as she saw his surprised face.

"Since you keep denying me, I guess I'm going to have to force you." He said with a dangerous smirk.

"Oh really? So you're gonna rape me and expect me to love you back?" She said, returning the same smirk. Though a slight teasing tone could be heard in her voice.

Kakarot just stayed in the same position. "Yes, and you'll be begging for more."

"Then I'll just tell Vegeta."

Intense silence filled the atmosphere. But this didn't slow Kakarot down.

"Then I'll kill him." He simply stated.

Both bursted out in laughter, and soon they both calmed down. Chi-Chi slipped into the bed sheets, as she felt Kakarot pulling her into a spooning embrace. She felt him plant a gentle kiss on her neck, as she blushed from the slight affection.

"Good night Kakarot, you better not rape me." She simply said as she closed her eyes.

"Pfft, whatever. Shut up and sleep."

"You and your damn Saiyan hormones."


Chi-Chi and Bulma sat together peacefully, as they watched the sunrise together. They had woken up early, showered and ate. Kakarot went down to the marketplace to get his armour cleaned, so Chi-Chi had decided that this was the right time to talk with Bulma.

Seeing how she was dressed in only rags, Chi-Chi had offered her one of her dresses. A simple white gown that exposed her shoulders with bishop sleeves. The gown showed a little bit of cleavage, but it was a decent gown. Chi-Chi had even styled and trimmed Bulma's hair. It went from being a a long messy greasy ponytail to silky shoulder length hair, with bangs as well.

She once again looked like a Lady.

"So Bulma, I'm glad that I was able to help you and clean you up. Those Saiyan jerks who kidnapped you will soon get their punishments once I become the Queen of the Saiyan Kingdom." Chi-Chi said with a wink.

Bulma laughed. No words could describe how happy she was, she had been rescued and was finally able to wear some decent clothes.

And tomorrow she would be able to go home.

"I don't know how I can ever thank you. For years I had been praying.. calling.. begging for somebody to help me. And this time I had been heard. No words can describe just how grateful I am."

Chi-Chi smiled, but soon her face turned serious.

"Bulma.. please tell me.. how did this happen?"

Bulma's smile slowly faded away. She had hesitated to tell but now she knew that she had no other choice.

Slowly, she inhaled and exhaled.

"Alright.. it had all started five years ago.. right around the time the peace treaty between the Ox and Saiyan Kingdom was being written. Secretly, Saiyan gangs had been trespassing the Ox Kingdom, as well as the elite houses.."

"One night.. I was sleeping, and our housekeeper and servants were about to go to bed when suddenly they heard shattered glass, and immediately I heard it and woke up.."

Chi-Chi listened carefully, her heart ached.

"I don't remember much of what happened.. all I remember was just being a scared little girl. I couldn't find anyone, and just like that they had taken me.. and my heart."

"I cried.. oh god I cried.. I cried so many times.. it was just an endless journey of tears and heart ache.."

Chi-Chi suddenly couldn't understand what Bulma was saying as her words had become nothing but sniffles and cries. Without hesitation, Chi-Chi immediately pull the blue haired beauty into a hug, as she carresed her back.

Some could say that she was strong, as she was able to endure all this pain and abuse for five whole years.. but now all she needed was comfort, love, a friend.

They both had their own share of heartaches, pains.. living in the shadows..

And now here they were together.. holding each other as they let the pain out..

Five years of pain out.

As Kakarot started to head home after his armour had been cleaned, the delicious aroma of meat had stopped him and he decided to quickly dine before going back to his raven haired beauty.

Though he scoffed as he thought of the blue haired girl.

'How am I supposed to make love to my woman when she's sleeping right next to us?!'

He couldn't even kiss her, as Chi-Chi just wouldn't allow it.

But he smirked slowly, as he kept reminding himself that he would be able to touch her once again once they had gotten back to Earth. He licked his lips, as he slowly planned out what he was going to do to her..


He would undress her.. shove her down on the bed..


She would moan his name.. over and over again..

"Kakarot? Yo can you hear me?"

Kakarot snapped out of his dirty thoughts, and looked back. He smiled seeing who it was.

Fasha, Tora Shugesh. His father's old team. They had all retired after Kakarot was born. But they still kept in contact, and once in a while came to Earth to pay him and his family a visit.

"Hey Kakarot! Long time no see! Heard you came here with the Ox Princess, but never saw you." Tora said heartily.

"Yo. And yep, the Prince was supposed to have taken her here but he had some 'duties' to attend so he sent me with her to watch over her."

"Ah I see, where's the girl staying?" Shugesh asked, as he took a long sip from his beer bottle.

"My old condo. Knowing that Lord Frieza is currently running the palace I obviously didn't take here there. She is safer with me."

"Does Frieza know that the Ox Princess is here?" Fasha asked, an eyebrow raised in the air.

"No, and hopefully he won't ever. We are leaving tomorrow morning, along with some other human."

"Other human?"

"Tch yeah, a while back the Princess had stumbled upon some human slave girl and rescued her. And now she is taking her back to Earth with us. A waste of precious time." Kakarot curtly said.

Tora laughed as he shook his head. "Same old Kakarot, wanting everything to go his way. You really are like your old man huh?"

"Shut up." Kakarot said with a smirk. As he was about to walk away he suddenly heard Tora calling him for again.

"Wait Kakarot before you go, has Bardock told you yet?"

Kakarot's ears immediately perked up as he turned around to face him.

"Told me what?"

Tora stayed silent, the look of hesitation on his face evident.

"Bardock hasn't told you yet..?" Tora asked again quietly.

Now Kakarot was alarmed.

"No the old man hasn't told me anything yet. What's wrong?" Kakarot asked, his eyebrows furrowed together.

"Oh uh.. I don't think I should be the person to tell you. When you get back home ask and he'll tell you."

Kakarot stared at Tora, as he tried to read his emotions. Nothing, he could see absolutely nothing. Slowly, he walked away.

But his Saiyan hearing picked up a conversation.

"Man, so he's not aware huh?" Tora said to Fasha, as he sipped from his beer bottle.

"Well obviously, Bardock wouldn't have told him so soon. He's only 18." Fasha said sternly, as she adjusted her scouter.

"Heh, only hope the chump can handle it. I know how stubborn that kid can get." Shugesh joked.

"So.. who was he engaged to again?" Fasha asked.

Kakarot froze. His eyes finding his hairline.

"Oh I believe it was that Saiyan girl.. with the spiked up hair.. Caulifla was it?" Tora said.

"Ah her, daughter of Lord Paragus, younger sister of Broly and Kale?" Shugesh asked.

"Yep, Bardock said that he and Paragus agreed to have them married, in order to get blessings from the King. Didn't you hear Bardock was being crowned an elite? It's because he's marrying his son off."

Marrying his son off.

Marrying his son off.

Kakarot just flew away.

AN: Will be updated soon.