I own nothing at all and everything is owned by their respective owners.



"Speaking in thoughts"

[Ddraig/ Boosted Gear speaking aloud]

"Ddraig speaking to Issei in thoughts"

'Dragon/ Creature thinking'

"Creature/Dragon speaking"

[Robotic voice]

~Phone calls and magic communication~


Chapter 4- Monster meets Contractual Obligations


Tuesday morning saw the waking of an all new day for the recently reincarnated Issei, shame though that she woke up as she always did.

By falling on her face.

Making her way from her floor Issei followed the scent of toast to the kitchen where she was greeted by her mother making breakfast and her father reading the paper with his coffee in his hand.

Looking up from his news her father took a quick look at his currently daughter and simply said. "That's a new one."

With that he returned his attention to his newspaper failing to see her tilt her head with a confused smile before shrugging and turning to her mother.

"Mummy." Issei exclaimed while spreading her arms in an attempt to get a hug, the purple wings sprouting from her back fluttering slowly in delight.

"One minute honey, I need to put these on the table first." Was her mother's response to the request.

Issei's face fell, and with it both her wings and her antennae, the food was put on the table and her mother returned to give the promised hug making Issei happy once more.

Once they disengaged, Issei made her way to the table but was stopped by his mother who recognized the simpler personality that this form displayed.

"Issei? Did you wash up before you came down?" His mother asked gently.

Issei shook her head, looking both sad and guilty.

"It's OK, just make sure you go and do so now." Her mother told her.

With a light hum and a bob of her head Issei made her way back to the bathroom to wash up.

Her mother could only chuckle at the sight of a fully developed woman that was a head taller than her acting like a young child.

Issei came back shortly in his normal body as he had many problems manipulating things with the thick, chitinous fingers that he had had in that form.


Just as Issei made it to the school's wall he was ambushed by Rias who was leaning on the brick structure until she noticed him.

"Ah," She began with a pleasant lilt. "I need to speak to you quickly."

He nodded and she took that as an invitation to continue.

"After school we are holding another meeting to discuss with you some aspects of your role as a devil for the foreseeable future."

Issei nodded, he figured that there would be something he was required to do now that he was part of Rias' peerage, and if anything particularly disagreeable happened he could always veto that because of the agreement that orders are for exceptional circumstances only.

They walked in comfortable silence as they got to the gate.

"Well Issei," Rias said as the passed the threshold into the school. "Looks like this is where we part ways."

Issei went to say his farewells then thought of a random idea.

Closing the distance between them, Issei caught Rias in a hug from behind.

"I look forward to seeing you later O~ Nee~ Chan." Issei whispered huskily in her ear, leaving Rias a blushing, stuttering mess.

Before she had a chance to either retort or retaliate Issei disengaged and made his way to his classes.

Meanwhile Rias had her head bowed in a heavy blush, her nose slowly dripping blood and the occasional perverted giggle escaping.

She had now also become a brocon as well as a siscon.

The students who had witnessed the event had already begun to gossip amongst themselves.


Classes flew by like nothing and suddenly it was lunch time, like he had silently promised the day before, Issei led Kiryuu up to the school's roof to explain what went on the previous day.

Once they had settled into a relatively secluded part of the roof Issei began speaking.

"So," He started the conversation. "Remember how Ddraig told us that both the student council and Occult Research Clubs were not human but decided that it would be more entertaining to leave us in the dark about what they were?"

He paused until he got a nod and a gesture to continue.

"Well I just learned what they are." He stated bluntly.

"Oh?" Kiryuu said amusedly, but with an undertone of curiosity. "Well, go on, don't leave me in the dark after a statement like that."

Issei chuckled in humor. "Turns out they were devils this whole time."

Kiryuu was shocked, slightly, they knew that the two groups weren't humans and that they were all related to each other as Issei in one of his forms had managed to get a whiff of both of them at different times and noted that for the most part they had nearly identical smells once past their personal scents.

Her shock must have been prevalent enough on her face, as when she turned her attention to him, Issei was nodding sagely whilst rubbing his chin like he had a goatee.

The idea of punching that stupid look off of his face barely crossed her mind when he suddenly returned to a normal pose.

She chuckled lightly.

"So, devil's then…" Kiryuu drawled slowly.

A beat passed before Issei replied. "Yup."

"Actual, from hell, devils?" She continued.

"Mhmm." He hummed in afirment.

"Not demons though, correct?" She asked for clarification.

"Nope." Issei replied cheerfully, popping the 'P'.



"...Fuck." Kiryuu said as she slumped down in defeat.

"If it's any consolation you were closer than my bet of yokai." Issei said in a placating tone.

Kiryuu perked up. "Does this mean I still get the prize?"

"Haha- Hell no." Issei started laughing before falling into deadpan.

She pouted at him with the full works, puppy eyes, and everything.

It was ineffective, Issei managed to withstand that look.

She pouted harder, her eyes shone with unshed tears and her lips quivered.

At this point Issei was forced to abandon this course of action and quickly changed the subject.

"Anyways," He said randomly, although Kiryuu was radiating smugness as she knew he had to change the topic before he caved. "Apparently the devils devised a way to revive or change a person into a devil using chess pieces while turning them into servants to the king of the set."

"And they wanted you to join them, presumably from your display during your date." Kiryuu surmised. "At least you turned them down."

She received no response.

"...Right?" She pressed her question.

Issei rubbed his neck awkwardly while averting his eyes.

"...Moron." She mumbled as she rubbed the bridge of her nose.

Issei look to speak but was interrupted by Kiryuu.

"Have you no pride as a teenager? Instead of remaining independent you decided to give up your freedom in lieu of having a master pulling at your reins?" At this point she was standing with her hands on her hips to admonish him.

"Wait? That's what you're mad about? Me giving up my freedom?" Issei asked, not entirely surprised, Kiryuu had always put emphasis on freedom, the independent spirit that she is.

"Yes," She responded instantly. "Certainly not because you gave up your humanity, the only reason your human for most of the time is because you have no other choice in public."

"Fair enough I suppose." He said while shrugging. "But you are slightly wrong on the freedom part, and entirely wrong on me losing my humanity."

Kiryuu narrowed her eyes at him while reseating herself. "Explain."

"Easy now," He raised his hands to placate her. "Me and Rias made an agreement that I'm free to do as I please except for in extreme circumstances. And for the part about retaining my humanity, I'm not entirely sure how to explain it as I was only half listening to Ddraig as he explained it during class."

"Then get him out here to fully explain." She said, no longer heated but now plain curious.

There was a light flash of green as the Boosted Gear came into existence on Issei's left arm.

"Hello Ddraig." Greeted Kiryuu.

[Hello Kiryuu, it's nice to see you again.] He replied amicably. [We should get on with this explanation before your break ends.]

He got a set of nods at that statement.

[You two are aware of the correlation between the soul and the body correct?] Ddraig asked them.

The two made so-so gestures with the accompanying sounds.

Ddraig sighed. [Basically the body always wants to be like the soul, so if the soul changes the body will try to follow suit.]

The two nodded in understanding.

Continuing on, the trapped dragon said [From what I've observed in Issei and other hosts, the Evil Piece works by both changing the soul and making the body malleable to changes from said soul.]

Kiryuu took this moment to ask a question. "If this is how it works, then why is Issei still human?"

[That's the question, now isn't it?] Ddraig seemed to purr at the question. [Based on my observations, the normal process is like forging a piece of metal into a sword, a one way conversion from human soul to devil soul.]

The dragon was taking a scholarly tone. [Issei's soul is different, it is more akin to molten metal being poured into different molds, before being smelted back down and recast again, so any large scale changes to it are pretty much temporary, the pieces are still there and able to do what they do, they just can't force his amorphous soul into any one shape, and his body was already very susceptible to changes with his constant transforming.]

Kiryuu hummed in understanding, she knew that Ddraig dumbed the process down for her as, even as smart as she was, she had absolutely no understanding of theoretical thaumic metaphysics, hell the only reason she knew that it existed was because she made the mistake of asking Issei exactly how he transformed from human boy to monster girl.

Before any more conversation could be had, the bell signaling the end of lunch chimed, the two looked at each other before quickly scarfing down the remains of their lunch as the Boosted Gear faded from existence.


Issei walked alone to the ORC, there was a chance Kiba was sent to retrieve him again, but he decided to spend the time reflecting on previous days events, his first knowing contact with the larger magical world was an assassination attempt, albeit a poor one, on him by the fallen angels, and his second meeting was an offer for recruitment by the devil faction, and contrary to to others thoughts, his joining had been well thought out.

Issei was aware that there was a much larger supernatural world than himself and his school, Ddraig had told him a fair bit about them as well, and he knew that in order to navigate such a world, he needed to have some form of guide to help him, and through him, Kiryuu, along.

'Speaking of Kiryuu, I should ask her tomorrow if that agreement is still valid between us.' He thought to himself.

His rumination of events had to end however as he had finally reached the old school building.

Entering the main lounge he was greeted to Akeno pouring tea for herself, and Koneko knelt in front of a small shrine off to the side with a picture of a plate of cookies of some sort, he really didn't know most variations of sweets, after a few moments she stood up and made her way to the couch where she began to munch on a new plate of cookies.

Kiba and Rias were nowhere to be found, but he expected such a thing, he did however hear the faint sound of a shower running.

He sat on the couch opposite of Koneko and accepted the offer of tea from Akeno when she offered it.


Some time later, Rias and Kiba walked into the room.

"After some time looking, I still couldn't find him." Kiba told Rias, before turning his attention to the others in the room. "Have any of you seen Issei since school let out? We are getting worried, and his classmates say he just left when school let ou-"

His words faltered when he set his sights upon Issei who gave a cheeky wave and smile.

"I- wha- you," He stuttered in an odd mix of frustration and relief. "Y-You were supposed to wait for me to bring you to the club."

Issei cocked his head in question and looked as if butter wouldn't dare melt on his tongue. "Was I?"

"Yes," Kiba looked close to shouting. "Rias told you so this morning."

"Onee-Chan told me no such thing." Was Issei's reply to that statement.

Multiple eyes set themselves upon Rias.

"Tee-Hee~" She hummed in near falsetto while tilting her head, sticking her tongue out, and knocking on it lightly with her fist.

The reactions were mixed.

Koneko turned away, returning attention to her snacks.

Akeno 'Ufu'd.

Issei was surprised to learn that people actually did that in real life.

Kiba looked as if he died inside and had his spirit dragged through a lagoon on a hot summer's day.

After a beat Rias became flush with embarrassment and let an awkward cough out to the side in an attempt to bury her previous action.

"A-anyways, we should get on with our meeting," She said with only a small blush staining her cheeks. She turned her attention to Issei. "As Issei is new here, I feel the need to explain one of the most intrinsic parts of being a devil, Contracts.

Issei practically felt the capitol 'C' in that word.


"Contracts are an integral part of both devil culture as well as a way to gain power for younger and more inexperienced devils." She said, adopting what he would soon call 'Rias lecture pose #1'. "Contracts work by the contractor in question, in this case the devil summoned, performing a task for the contractee and being reimbursed with something that evens out the debt the task incurred, often money or objects with sentimental value.

"As things with inherent value, they also hold magical value, and as such, when acquired from a contract they will lose some of that magical value as their magic is siphoned into the contractor adding a small boost that varies with the value of the item or money."

As she finished she took a more relaxed pose.

Issei was confused as to whether he should clap or not.

"Normally I would have you handing out fliers to build up your summoning base but Koneko managed to get herself double booked and what better way to learn than trial by fire." She said while smiling.

'It will be just like Ichigo when he learned how to use Getsuga Tensho." She thought to herself before shaking herself from her weeb fantasies.

After a moment she spoke directly to Issei. "Me and Akeno will form a teleportation circle for you, as this is your first time and I imagine you have yet to learn that sort of spell."

Akeno gave Rias a side-long look as she was aware of what type of person her friend was underneath all of that pride and posture.

She then formed the rotating isometric design that was the transport circle alongside Rias.

Issei hesitantly walked into its radius and hoped that nothing bad happened.

The circle began to glow brighter and spin more rapidly, letting off motes of light that suffused the whole area within.

Then the portal began to spin faster and faster while randomly shifting through every colour that existed and some that didn't. The safeties that were woven into the spell matrix then engaged, stopping the spinning with a grinding halt that reverberated through Issei's very soul.

The circle soon began to dissolve into flakes that glowed with prismatic light.

After the process was complete the flakes began to softly swirl around Issei before they flowed into his body.

After everything was said and done Issei stood there with a warm, light feeling soaring through him, everyone was looking at him with eyes of pure awe at the sight before them, never before had a spell collapsed in on itself so spectacularly, Koneko had almost dropped her cookies.


Rias was the first to snap out of it and rushed to Issei's side to check on him.

"Oh gosh! Issei are you okay?!" She shouted as she began to fuss over him.

He nodded in reply, still stunned by what happened.

"Thank Satan, big sis was so scared, I'm never letting you out of my sight again." She said whilst her fussing became coddling.

Issei looked at Akeno for help.

Akeno was about to abandon him and enjoy his suffering, then teasing him before she thought better of it, the last time she had teased him had ended… poorly.

'Plus, how often do I get to tease Rias nowadays?' She thought to herself before rescuing her precious kouhai.

"Ufufu, 'Big sis' Rias? How shameless." Stated Akeno to her friend.

Rias suddenly realized what she was doing and pushed herself away from Issei as though he were fire.

She took a dainty cough. "Anyways, since Issei is seemingly unable to teleport,"

Issei gave her a 'what could you do' shrug.

"I suppose he must find another way to get his client." She finished.

"I suppose I have to, don't I?" Issei sighed, not truly put out but acting thus so.

He was then engulfed in a blinding white light.

When the light faded in his place was a girl with steely silver hair, stark white skin, and soft

green eyes that glowed slightly in the darkened room.

"Interim-mistress, I am ready to complete my task." The girl said while bowing in difference to Rias.

Rias was too flummoxed by the transformation to put up much fight, she gave Issei the address and with that bid her good luck.

Issei walked over to the closed windows and threw them open, revealing it to be night time.

Issei's back then opened up and released a mess of brassy looking blades that sorted themselves into a fascimally of wings, there were 2 stalks that connected to her back, next to each of them was a small turbine that was hovering free on its own, off of the turbine hovered 6 blades, 3 large ones with 3 smaller one on the inside of them that were all angular in design.

Issei's wings flared out and then in, the turbine rotated in place before spinning up and then down.

Issei then began to climb out the window.

Rias nodded for Koneko to act, which she did by grabbing Issei's leg and hauling her back into the room.

"People are still awake!" Rias yelled at the girl. "Do you know any people that go flying in plain sight?!"

"...I do." Issei said softly.

"Shut up, you do not!" Rias roared at her.

"...I do not." She said in apathetic defeat.

She stood up and began to shimmer away from existence until only her head was left.

"This unit is able to fully cloak itself from detection if that is to interim-mistress' wishes."

"Just…" Rias began before slumping in defeat "...Just go."

Issei nodded and fully faded from existence before there was a powerful blast of wind from the open window that threatened to knock both Rias and Koneko down as they were the closest.

Unfortunately the plate of cookies on the table was light enough to be caught up in the gust.

Koneko heard a clang on the floor and turned to look before slumping to the ground with a mix of denial and depression etched across her normally stoic face.


Issei arrived at the address before de-cloaking and knocking on the door.

The door opened to reveal a middle aged man in glasses who then squinted at her in scrutiny.

"You ordered a devil?" She asked with her head slightly to the left.

His eyes widened in understanding before he allowed her in.

Moments later they were sitting at his table in his room

"You aren't Koneko." He stated bluntly.

She shook her head slightly at that to affirm she was indeed not Koneko.

"But you are a devil." He said.

She paused in thought before nodding once.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"This unit's primary designation is Issei." She responded.

The man nodded. "Normally I would have Koneko rock me to sleep-"

He was cut off by Issei standing up and saying. "Initiating nap-time mode."

She then walked up to him and began patting him gently on the head and giving him a warm, motherly smile.

She pulled him into an embrace while continuing to pat him and then gently humming a lullaby.

The man wanted to struggle free but was distracted by the warmth of the woman holding him as will as the soft scent of flowers she exuded, after a few minutes he was asleep.

Issei's face dropped back to neutral as she stopped releasing the sleeping pheromones and the warmers under her skin turned off once more.

She picked the sleeping man up and gently put him to bed before turning off the lights in his house.

She was in his entry-way before she turned back with a nod of accomplishment.

She left the domicile, locking the door behind her.

With that done, she made her way back to the club to collect her things

Once more did she fade from reality.


Woo~ Back.

I've come to realize that this fic is probably crack...

Guys, why didn't you tell me? QQ

Anyways... new chappy chap ^-^ took me long enough.

shout-out to Gem in the reviews for pointing out all of the MGs that have popped up so far

hope you've all enjoyed so far.

!edis esrever eht no uoy hctac
