Instagram's NYC_Closer & Strawberry_Specter are back with a short and sweet look into their lives. We find ourselves 15 years in the future, on a beautiful later summer morning in a New York brownstone. As I said, it's short and hopefully sweet and if you're not up to date with our little Instagram family, there is Donna and Harvey and their children Avery, Emerson, and Matthew. Louis has a son called Donnie (sorry Lucy, you didn't exist yet).

Thank you to my girls Heather (hjlbsw77) and Aimee (AimeeVale1) for catching my mistakes and your insistent (but loving) nagging about me writing. I couldn't do anything without you (literally, cause no one would make me). I hope you all enjoy a bit of Daddy Harvey, even if it's short. Thank you for reading.


September 24, 2035

The persistent ringing of his phone rouses Harvey from his sleep. He throws a quick look over to Donna who doesn't seem to be disturbed by his cell going off next to them. She had a late night and apparently can't hold her liquor like she used to.

Harvey had stopped keeping his phone at the ready at night, but Donna thought this call would come. A quick look at his phone makes him catch the name of the caller and it confirms his wife's intuition. Not that he would ever doubt her. Pressing the side button to silence the call but not send it to voicemail, he quickly gets up and rushes out of the bedroom before finally answering the phone.

"What's wrong?" He makes his way into the kitchen, checking the time on the microwave. 4:30 am – not too early for coffee he decides.

"I can't do this." The voice on the end of the line sounds so forlorn, he wishes he could beam himself to the other side of the country right this second. That not being an option, he takes a deep breath to bring his voice under control and starts the coffee machine before answering.

"Says who?"

"Me." The confidence he was so used to is back in her voice.

"Well, you are just a kid. You don't know anything. That is what you learn at college. But you haven't been, so—" He lingers on the O to draw her out.



"Can you please have your coffee and then talk me into this?"

Harvey audibly takes a big gulp of his vanilla flavored coffee. Making himself comfortable on the couch, he looks at the photographs on the fireplace mantel.

"I would prefer you to just come back home, put your footie PJ's on, and watch Raiders of the Lost Ark with me."

"Dad, I haven't owned footie pajamas since I was 6 years old and you can still watch Raiders with Matt."

"But he's always talking through the good parts. That boy is too much like your mom."

"Took you three tries to finally get a boy and then he's nothing like you. I feel for you." Avery laughs.

"I have you. You might look like your mom, but you couldn't be more 'Harvey' if you tried."

"I'm sure that 'Harvey' was not scared of his first day of college." Her voice is shaking again.

"Of course not. I kicked ass. I mean, you've seen the pictures. With that hair, I couldn't have been more confident if I tried. And I did try."

"Nothing's changed then."

"Not at all. And you got your mom's hair, so you should have even more confidence."

"This isn't Beauty School, it's Stanford, and I don't think my hair is getting me places."

"You know what I love most about your hair? That it covers your stunning and absolutely remarkable brain. If you weren't so much like me, I would think you were Mike's kid. You are so much more intelligent than me and your mom combined and there is nothing in this world that should scare you. You are fearless. You were when you first rode your bike without training wheels and you will be now."

"Maybe I should have become a professional cyclist then."

"And leave the firm in the hands of a Litt? You wouldn't do that to me." Harvey exclaims in fake shock.

"No pressure, right?" He can practically hear Avery roll her eyes at his antics.

"You are my firstborn. You are supposed to follow in my footsteps. I didn't keep the firm alive for this long so Louis' offspring can turn it into a cat spa."

"First of all, mom was the one who kept it alive. Second, you love Donnie like he was your own son, and third, you have two other kids who could run the firm."

"Have you met them? Emerson can't sit still long enough to ever do an office job and Matt really doesn't seem to be interested in law at all. So that leaves you. Help me, Avery Grace Specter. You're my only hope. You must learn the ways of the Law if you're to come with me to Specter Litt Williams Bennett."

"Specter Litt Williams Bennett?" Avery joined her father in his quote fest. "I'm not going to Specter Litt Williams Bennett. I've gotta get to bed. It's late, I'm in for it as it is."

"It is late and you should go to bed. But I don't want you to worry about tomorrow. It will all be fine. We were all scared on our first day of college, it's part of the experience."

"Even you?"

"Even me. You just shine your Specter smile at the geekiest looking boy and you will already have someone in your pocket who will do your homework for you."

"Dad!" Avery laughs before her voice turns serious again. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, baby girl."

"Can you tell mom that I will call her after my first class?"

"Will do. And you show Stanford what my girl is made of, okay?"

"They will not know what hit them."

Both keep quiet for a few seconds, not ready to say goodbye yet. But then Avery yawns and they know it is time to end the call. Harvey just needs to make one thing sure before he lets his daughter go to start her new life.

"Avy? You are not doing this for me, are you? Pre-law? I am not pressuring you into taking over the firm, am I?"

"Dad," Avery calls out. "Dad, no. I don't ever want you to think that. I'm doing this for me. This is all I've ever wanted to be. I'm Mini-Harvey, remember? I practically came out of the womb, arguing. I never felt any pressure from you or mom. None of us did. You and mom would have supported us no matter what we decided to become. But this is my dream and I can't see myself doing anything else."

Harvey feels all worries leaving his body.

"That's good to know. And you will be the most kick-ass first year the state of California has ever seen."

"Thank you, Dad. Will you give mom a kiss from me?"

"Of course. Love you, Avy."

"Love you too, Dad. Good night."

"Good night."

They both hang up and Harvey wipes away the tear that had escaped his eyes. His little girl is a grown-up now and he will have to let her go.

Putting the empty coffee cup into the sink, he makes his way back to bed, pulling his wife close.

"Will she be alright?" Donna turns around to face her husband.

"Of course she will. She is your daughter."

"She will do well then." Donna snuggles closer to Harvey, placing a kiss on his clothed chest.

Nuzzling her hair and then dropping a kiss on the crown of her head, he corrects her.

"No, she will do great."