God, I'm so ready for this day to be over. I'm sitting at my desk at work looking at my phone. I have my dating app up waiting to see if someone is going to take me up on my offer. Simplest terms I like to fuck. I don't like going to the bars here in town because it is always the same old people from South Park. Using this app allows me to meet people who are willing to travel to get some ass. My profile picture is just of my chest and abs, my sweat pants sitting low on my hips, a small print of my eggplant. I usually get offers pretty quickly. I at least take care of the hotel fee every time. Some guys will give me money towards the room which is always appreciated.

"What are you doing?" I almost drop my phone. I quickly set it down looking up at Leopold Butters Stotch. He stares down at me sternly with his eyes burning into me. His tapered haircut with his hair gelled on the sides rocking his signature button-down shirt, tie and dress slacks. He is only 5'10 compared to my 5'11. Most people remember when Butters was all sweet, nice, and caring. Well, those days are long gone at the age of 26. He is a heartless, power-hungry, micromanager. Yes, he is my boss.

"I was just plugging my phone up so it wouldn't die," I reply. Butter's crosses his arms not believing me as he shouldn't. I stay on my phone given the chance. What can I say? It's hard to resist.

"I need you to finish building those companies platforms," he replies. "If you are not done with at least 15 groups you will be staying late." I hear my phone dig alerting me to a message. I don't dare look at my phone. One thing is for sure I don't want to stay late. I need this. I can only afford this hotel thing every two weeks when we get paid. I don't go to a cheap hotel but slightly nice. I may sleep around but I'm certainly not bringing company back to my house and I don't go to theirs. It's too dangerous nowadays to consider that unless I have known them a while.

"Okay," I reply. Butters walks away from me. I can't help but glance at his perfect form as he walks away. Butters has a very lean but muscular build. He always wears his hair gelled with a left part. I wish he would wear it down but I also wish he would stop busting my ass. I get to work on building my groups with my mind set on leaving on time today. I work for a software company. We build companies sites to use but it is built to what the group wants on their site making each one is different. Hitting 15 groups for the day can be hard if the company is asking for a lot on their site. I get focused completing at least 6 before it is time for me to go to lunch. I could have done more if I wasn't clowning a little this morning. I grab my keys going to meet Stan and Kyle for lunch. We like to meet up at least once a week for lunch, every two weeks for drinks after work.

I drive to the spot we're eating today which is Panera. Kyle has this thing for healthy sandwiches, at least this place is good. I pull up beside their cars as we always park in the same spot when we come here if we can help it. I head inside placing my order then standing close by the counter for it to be ready. I can see Kyle grabbed a window seat today. He and Stan already have their food and are engaged in heavy conversation. Something serious must be happening. I check the dating app on my phone to see someone took me up my offer. Fuck yes, they will meet me at 5 pm. I will have to read up on their profile later when I get a chance. I don't want to be rude to the guys looking at my app. I already know Kyle would have a lot to say. I put my phone up so grateful to get my back blown out tonight. Like today so far has been stressful as hell.

"Hey guys," I greet sitting next to Kyle.

"Hey," he replies moving a curl off his forehead. He keeps the sides cut low while his hair in the front is a bit longer. He cut his hair like that when we got to middle school and stuck with it ever since. His mom was horrified to discover he cut off so much of his hair. "How are things on your end?"

"Oh the usual," I shrug opening my soup. "You?"

"Well Stan and I are dealing with the fact our girlfriends started to not get along," he explains. I have been waiting for that to happen. Stan is dating Wendy, he will probably end up marrying her. Kyle is dating Rebecca and they all have a place together. I knew two couples with different views was recipe for disaster.

"Wendy doesn't want to hear your sex noises in the wee morning," says Stan. Stan is wearing his signature hairstyle. He tried growing it out in high school but said the maintenance was a total bitch. I personally enjoy wearing my hair long. It stops at my chin. I am considering to get cut a little shorter. "Granted I don't care but Wendy can be difficult when her sleep is interrupted."

"It's not my fault that Rebecca is loud Jesus," huffs Kyle. I just look at them not sure what to say.

"Maybe you guys could try doing it when they are not home?" I suggest.

"They are always home," says Kyle.

"Oh, and that's my fault," exclaims Stan.

"Dudes, your women literally have you fighting," I note.

"I'm trying not to," says Kyle. "They just keep nagging us. If you have a girlfriend you would understand."

"Yup, none of that for me," I reply biting into my sandwich. I'm bi but I'm enjoying being on the dating site right now. I can have my pick of what I want for the night. I'm aiming to try and get a promotion at work which means my time pretty soon will become limited. I'm not looking forward to having to kiss ass but I'm looking forward to the great pay increase. "You guys have been roommates for a while. Maybe it's time to get your own place."

"Are you kidding me?" remarks Kyle looking at me like I lost my mind. "You have any idea how expensive it is if we go out on our own."

"Well what's better," I reply. "Paying more on your own or dealing with an unhappy girlfriend." Stan sighs because I know they both would rather save money. "I'm just trying to help but do what you do."

"How are things at work?" asked Stan. "Or should I really be asking is how is drill Sargent Butters." We all share a laugh. I have told them what a pain in the ass he is.

"Man he almost caught me on my phone earlier," I admit. "He has this thing where he can sneak up on you."

"You already know how he is," says Kyle. "What were you doing on your phone?" Kyle sees my face before I can answer. "Seriously Kenny."

"What?" I question as Stan laughs.

"Some things never change," smirks Stan leaning on the table.

"Oh whatever," I retort. "I have gotten better. I mean I'm not looking for anything serious right now. Online dating is an undercover way of saying 'I want to fuck with no commitment'."

"People like you are why I could never get into online dating," says Kyle. "So glad I ran into Rebecca because god forbid." I shrug. Kyle has never been the one for casual sex and Stan has always been with Wendy.

"It's not everyone cup of tea," I reply. I have to be honest that when I do want a real relationship that may be hard. Not sure even sure what to do in a relationship besides taking them on dates, spending money on them. Otherwise, I have no clue. I don't want to end up like Stan or Kyle being completely pussy whipped, a total homebody. We finish up our lunch. I head back to the office trying to make it on time. Thanks to this jackass cutting me off I was 5 minutes late coming back from lunch. I think I'm in the clear but I spoke too soon.

"Where have you been?" asked Butters folding his arms. I'm at my desk but I just clocked in. He wasted no time hunting me down I see.

"I was running a little late," I reply. "This car….." Butters holds his hand up.

"Save it," he replies. "I will need you to stay 5 minutes late and make up this time."

"Are you kidding me?" I ask. "It's just 5 minutes! I have somewhere I need to be."

"Maybe you should have thought about that before being late," sneers Butters. "How many groups do you have completed at this point?" I'm almost embarrassed to tell him just 6 have been completed. Most of my coworkers would probably have 8-10 done by now. "That's what I thought. Get it done." He walks away making me want to kick his ass. I log back into my computer thinking maybe I can get all the groups completed before it's time for me to clock out. Maybe I can still be on time.

I spend the remainder of my shift completely engrossed in my work. I didn't look at my phone not once, usually, I would but I got shit to do when I get off. I finished my last group with 10 minutes to spear. I didn't think I was going to make it to be honest. I stay my extra 5 minutes and clock out. I head quickly towards the door.

"Kenny," calls Butters from his office. Damnit. I hate that I have to pass his office to leave the building. I approach his door. His office is so plain has no personal touch at all.

"Yes," I reply standing in his doorway.

"I know you're off the clock so I won't keep you," says Butters. "Try and do better. You act as if you don't care about this job at all."

"I do," I reply feeling slightly worried. As annoying as my job can be I do love my job.

"Hmmm aim to show it in actions," says Butters. "You can go now." Butters waves his hand dismissing me as he looks back at his computer and I bite back a response. That's okay. In another 30-40 minutes, I will be getting dicked down fairly well. I get into my car heading to the hotel getting checked in. I'm not completely rude as I will be dressed for when they arrive. I take a quick shower wanting to be clean, smelling good and soft for my lover for tonight.

"All right," I say once I have my clothes back on. "Let's see what I can find out about my guy." I go to his profile. He has a picture of his lower back and ass. I swallow hard because he only tops but that ass tells me otherwise. He will do oral but only with a condom. I understand why he would but oral is pointless with a condom, I mean you don't feel anything. I look at his profile and he has been on the site for a year. Hmmm, he hasn't been on here too long. I wonder if he is looking for a hookup or a commitment. He knows this is a hookup as I'm pretty open on my profile page. I go through some of his pictures and he is such a tease. He is showing every part of his body except his face. God, I can't wait for him to arrive.

I turn on the TV, no sense in being bored. I settled on The Simpsons reruns. I'm halfway into the episode when I hear a knock on the door. I turn off the TV as we won't be using that. I walk over opening the door trying to hold in a smile. My face hits the floor. Not literally but still…

"Butters….."I mutter.