"Hey guys! Hope you all are being healthy and clean! Here is... chapter 8! Enjoy!"
Legend of Korra: Rise of the Ninja Turtles Chapter 8 - When Extremes Meet
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!
Turtles count it off:
As four humanoid turtles with masks were on the roof and jump off.
1! 2! 3! 4! Turtles!
Mutant chain reaction (Turtles!)
Livin' underground (Turtles!)
Ninjutsu action (Turtles!)
It's a shell of a town!
As a turtle with a blue mask fought two Equalists, as a turtle with a purple mask was in a hovering vehicle hover the sewer, as a turtle with a orange mask was on top of a green and brown Satomobile van swinging a nunchuck, as a red Satocycle was shot out from the back.
Turtles count it off:
(1!) Live by the code of the martial arts
(2!) Never fight unless someone else starts
(3!) Always stick together no matter what
(4!) If all else fails then it's time to kick butt!
As the four kneeling down listening to a humanoid rat, as the rat fought against two Equalists, as a girl with black wavy hair was in the Satomobile van as the purple mask turtle grab hold of it.
As Equalists surrounded the turtles and Korra as they are ready to fight.
As Leo, Raph, Donnie, Mikey and Korra as she waterbend along with Mako and Bolin as they firebend and earthbend jump down, kicking Equalist butt.
As montage of them kicking Equalists butt.
I love bein' a...
I love bein' a...
I love bein' a Turtle!
As the turtles and Korra jump roof to roof.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!
Turtles count it off:
1! 2! 3! 4! Turtles!
There's no one better (Turtles!)
As Amon face appears with the Equalists behind him with the Lieutenant beside him.
They're like no others (Turtles!)
Those teenage brothers!
1! 2! 3! 4!
As Leo, Raph, Donnie and Mikey jump down weapons ready.
1! 2! 3! 4!
Along with Korra, Mako and Bolin bending ready along with Asami with a electric glove on her right hand.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!
(Turtles! Turtles!)
As they jump towards the Equalists.
As the title appear.
Legend of Korra: Rise of the Ninja Turtles
-Air Temple Island-
On Air Temple Island, Korra, Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo standing on the dock, waving at the people on the boat, as well as Naga stands on the dock as well.
As Ikki exciting say. "You're finally here! Welcooome to Air Temple Island. Your new home."
As Meelo say pointing at himself. "Yes, welcome to my domain."
"Well, aren't you sweet, little monk child." Bolin said.
As Pabu jumps down from Bolin's shoulder and runs in between Meelo's legs before running to the right, as Meelo bends over and looks through his legs at Pabu.
"That is a fire ferret. An arboreal mammal common to the bamboo forest of the central Earth Kingdom." Jinora and another voice said in unison.
As Korra saw and smile, saying. "Hey, guys."
As the three children saw four turtles.
"Oh! Mikey!" Ikki said as she bended up onto Mikey back.
"What up Ikki my girl!" Mikey said.
It's been two days since Korra told Tenzin, Lin and Asami about the turtles, as she also told Tenzin's family about them too, when Mikey accidentally sneeze, blowing their cover.
"Hey. We're just here for a visit and helping Asami with her stuff." Leo said.
As Korra was confuse and saw...
A ton of bags!
"Oh, I thought you were only bringing a few things." Korra said as her eyes were widen.
"Trust me, it could've been worse." Mako said.
"No problem, everyone here wants you guys to feel welcome" Korra said.
As she saw Raph and Donnie struggling a bit.
As Raph say. "You guys go ahead. We're catch up."
As Leo and Mikey help out.
After a few minutes, Naga was playfully chases Pabu around as the group strolls behind them and walks toward the temple. Ikki runs around with her hands outstretched as she sings and hums gleefully, as Asami looks down at Meelo with confusion as he grins at her.
As Meelo say. "You're pretty, can I have some of your hair?"
As Mako say to her winking. "Looks like I have some competition."
"And now for the grand tour." Ikki said as she point at the places of the island. "The flying bison sleep in those caves down there. And that's the temple Grandpa Aang built. And that's the greenhouse where we grow the vegetables we eat." As she smile widely.
As Bolin ask. "I have a couple of questions."
As Ikki stop smiling.
"Is this an all vegetarian island? Is that where you train airbending? Do we have to wear Air Acolyte clothes? Do we each get our own sky bison? And final question, how many trees are on this island?" As ge bend down to look at Ikki.
As she say quickly. "Yes. Yes. No. No. Ten thousand five hundred and fifty two."
As everybody stare at her in surprised.
As Mako ask. "So, where are we going to be staying?"
"You're a boy." As they turn to Meelo. "Boys have to stay on the boys' side."
As Jinora say. "I'd be happy to show you to the men's dormitory."
As she and Mako walk, with Bolin saying. "I'm a boy!" And follow.
As Korra say. "Meelo, why don't you go with the boys too?"
As Meelo look at Asami saying. "We shall meet again soon, beautiful woman." As he ran after the others.
"Ikki and I will take you to your room this way." Korra said.
A few minutes later, Korra, Asami and Ikki were in the girls dormitory.
As Ikki say. "Asami, did you know Korra likes Mako?"
Korra stops in her tracks as her eyes grow wide open in horror, inhumanly screams at Ikki in horror, fire burning and lightning striking behind her.
As she looks around with fear as Asami looks uncomfortable with the topic.
As Asami say in surprised. "Oh. Uh, no. I wasn't completely aware of that."
As Korra grabs Asami's arm and drags her further along the corridor, as she slides open the doors, and moves to the side, smiling and gesturing to Asami in an inviting manner to enter the room, as Asami did, as Ikki walks up to the room to follow them, but Korra goes in after Asami and turns around, glaring at Ikki while slamming the doors shut in front of her, making her step back.
"Hey!" Ikki angrily said.
"Run along, Ikki!" Korra yelled.
As Ikki looks down and moans sadly, as she looks up and acts out like an angry cat with glowing white eyes, making some cat noises as she claws at the air before growling at the doors and folding her arms in annoyance while looking away.
As she say. "Well... time to hang out with Mikey."
As she walk away.
Inside the room, Korra sighs and scratches her head awkwardly, walking toward Asami, saying. "So, here's your room. I know this is a little rustic compared to what you're used to."
As Asami look around and walk toward the window saying. "I think it's really charming and the best part about it, nothing here reminds me of my father. Thank you for your hospitality."
*knock* knock* Knock*
"Ikki! I swear!" As Asami's eyes widen at Korra's outburst. "If you don't leave us alone, I'm gonna-" As Tenzin slides open the doors, as Korra's blanched out face; slightly higher pitched tone. "Uh, Tenzin! Come right in." As she was now embarrassed.
As Tenzin say. "Good day, ladies. Asami, welcome to the island."
"Thank you for having me." Asami said bowing, as Tenzin did the same.
As Tenzin say to Korra. "Beifong's replacement, Saikhan, is going to be inducted as the new Chief of Police later. I think we should both be there."
-Republic City, Police Station-
At the Police Station, Saikhan was giving his speech, as he say. "It was an honor serving under Chief Beifong for so many years and I wish her a speedy recovery. It is with great humility that I take her place as the new Chief of Police. Republic City is facing a threat like none the world has ever seen but there is one man who's been effective against Amon's revolution, Councilman Tarrlok. That is why for all matters involving the Equalists, I will report directly to him." As Korra and Tenzin turn their heads to Tarrlok with surprise. "The police department will lend any and all available resources to the councilman and his task force until we quell this insurgency."
As Korra wondering say. "What is that weasel snake Tarrlok up to now?"
As Tarrlok was with the other councilmen, as Tenzin say. "Tarrlok, I don't know what you did to get Chief Saikhan in your pocket but I highly doubt it was legal."
As Tarrlok say. "Oh, Tenzin. Always the conspiracy theorist. Did you ever consider Saikhan simply recognizes my talents and wants what is best for this city?" As Tenzin grunts in disgust as Korra walks toward them. "Well, Avatar Korra. Long time, no see. Now that your little pro-bending distractions are over, I look forward to your return to my task force."
As Korra just fold her arms saying. "Ha! Forget it! There's no way I'm rejoining your vanity project."
"That is unfortunate to hear, but I'm sure you'll come to your senses as you have in the past." Tarrlok said.
"Don't hold your breath, bub. You know, Tenzin's been right about you all along. You played me, you played Beifong, and now you're playing the new Chief too. Well, I got news for you. You need me, but I don't need you. I'm the Avatar." Korra said.
As Tarrlok say. "You're not, in fact, the Avatar. You are merely a half-baked Avatar in training, which reminds me, how is your airbending going? Made any significant progress with that? I didn't think so. f you will not be part of my task force, then you had best stay out of my way."
As he walk away.
As Korra stare at him as she was clenching her teeth.
After a hour, Korra was with Tenzin on Oogi, flying toward Air Temple Island.
As Korra frustrating say. "I don't understand what's wrong with me. I've memorized nearly all of the practice forms, but I still can't produce a single measly puff of air! I'm a failure."
As Tenzin say. "No you're not. You just need to work through this airbending block."
"Amazing advice. I'll get right on that." Korra said.
As Tenzin continue saying. "I wasn't finished yet. You see, Aang not only had his bending teachers, but also his past lives to call upon for guidance. Have you ever made contact with your past lives?"
"No, of course I haven't. Didn't you get the memo from the White Lotus? I'm a spiritual failure, too." Korra said.
"You may have made a connection without realizing it. Perhaps something you mistook as a dream?" Tenzin said.
"Maybe. I had a few weird hallucinations, but I hardly even remember them." Korra said.
As Tenzin ask. "And did you see any previous Avatars in these visions?"
As Korra say. "I saw Aang. It seemed like he was in trouble. What do you think it means?"
As Tenzin say. "Hmm, I don't know. But I urge you to meditate on these visions. I believe Aang's spirit must be trying to tell you something."
-With Korra, Air Temple Island-
With Korra, she was sitting on the ledge on Air Temple Island, staring at the statue of Aang on Memorial island, as tears was rolling down her cheeks.
"Korra? You out here?"
She heard Mako.
As Pabu comes out from the bushes and climb onto Korra's shoulder, wrapping himself around her.
She heard Bolin.
As Pabu lick away her tears.
As Bolin, Asami, and Mako find her and Pabu runs back to Bolin and climbs up onto his shoulder.
"There you are. Are you okay?" Bolin ask.
As Korra say. "I'm fine."
"Come on, what's wrong? You can tell us." Mako persistently said
As Korra come clean and say. "How am I suppose to save this city when I can't even learn airbending? I'm the worst Avatar ever! I just feel... alone."
As Asami say. "No, that's nonsense! You're amazing!"
As Mako agree saying. "Yeah and remember. Aang hadn't mastered all the elements when he was battling the Fire Nation. He was just a little kid."
As Bolin added. "And he wasn't alone. He had his friends to help him. Look, the arena might be shut down but we're still a team. The new Team Avatar!"
As Asami, Bolin and Mako place their hands on each other, with Mako saying. "We got your back Korra, and we can save this city. Together."
"Yeah, let's do it!" Korra said.
As she place her hand with her friends as...
"Yeah, let's do it!"
Meelo suddenly descends and airbends down, farting on top on their hands as they express their shock and disgust by widening their eyes. "What are we doing?" As new team laughs heartily while Meelo grins goofily.
"Get ready, Republic City." Bolin said in a dramatic voice. "You are about to be patrolled by Team Avatar."
As the team saw Asami with the glove, as Mako say. "Asami, you always know how to accessorize your outfits."
"I figure one way to fight Equalists is to use an Equalist weapon." Asami said.
As Korra say. "All right, let's ride."
As she, Mako, Asami and Bolin hop on Naga, as Bolin say. "Naga away!"
Naga bends down, causing the New Team Avatar to slide off her and fall on top of each other. Naga growls and shakes her head.
"All right, scratch that. Any other ideas?" Korra ask.
"Hmm. I think I have the answer." Asami said with a smile.
"But first, we need to get the other guys." Korra said with a smile.
-With the turtles-
With the turtles, they were training, as...
"Hey guys!"
As they all stop what they are doing and saw Korra arms cross.
As she say. "Want to help the new Team Avatar?"
As they all look at each other, as Leo say. "We're in."
-Somewhere in Republic City-
Somewhere in the city, a garage opens, as headlights from a car shining on Mako, Bolin, and Korra. Asami starts up the car and drives out of the garage and stops in front of them.
As Asami ask. "You think this'll do?"
As Mako, Bolin, and Korra smile at her and they all jump into the car, with Mako saying. "I like the new Team Avatar's style."
"Where the other guys?" Asami asked.
As Korra pointed at the roof of a random building.
As the other look and saw the turtles there.
"Alright then." Asami said as she changes gears and they drive off to patrol the city, as the turtles follow, as Asami turn the radio on, as the radio begins to speak.
-Unit two sixteen, cancel that ten fifty-eight at Harmony Tower. Come back to the station, over-
As Asami say. "My dad had police scanners installed in all of his cars. I guess now I know why."
-Calling all units, Level Four Alert. Jailbreak at headquarters. Officers down, electrocuted. Chi blockers and Equalist convicts are still at large armed and dangerous. Last seen heading east. I repeat, Level Four Alert. Equalist jailbreak!-
As Asami stops the car as a truck and several Equalist Satocyclists rush through the traffic.
"Chi blockers!" Bolin shouted.
"That's them!" Mako yelled.
"Let's get 'em!" Korra yelled.
As Asami changes gears and begins to chase the Equalists, as the cars twirl and stop from crashing into the truck as it plows through the street, she dodges the cars and still tails the chi blockers but a massive truck blocks their way.
As Asami say. "Korra! Bolin! Give me a ramp! Now!"
As Korra and Bolin earthbend a massive ramp that sends the car soaring into the air before landing safely, resuming their chase, as Mako uses his lightning and strikes one of the chi blocker's Satocycle, making the chi blocker fall to the ground, as Bolin earthbends earth darts, hitting the wheel of another Satocycle, causing the chi blocker to fall, as Asami dodges the fallen cyclist, as the rest of the chi blockers begin to use a smoke screen and move right in front of them, as Asami puts on her goggles and notices the chi blockers turning to the right.
"Help me out! We gotta make this turn!" Asami said.
As Korra and Bolin earthbend a giant, angled curve, making the car swerve up before landing back onto the street and they resume the chase.
As turtles follow, Leo use a grappling hook and hook it onto the truck, as well as his brothers, and landed on the truck, as Equalists come out.
As Mikey say. "Hello!" And started swinging his nunchucks, as the Equalists began to fight the turtles.
As the Equalists on Satocycles saw this, some jump on and began to help.
"They don't know we made the turn. And I'm glad that the turtles are helping. Okay, get ready." Asami said.
As Asami changes gears and the car gains speed to ram the Satocyclists, flinging them into the air before landing on top of the bonnet, as Mako firebends but his arm is wrapped up by the Equalist's bola, as he uses his other arm, but it becomes wrapped up as well, as an Equalist jumps in front of Bolin and chi blocks his arm before he can even attack, making him the fall back into his seat with pain, as Asami electrocutes the chi blocker with her glove, causing the Equalist to fall onto the back seat, as first Equalist attempts to pull Mako out of his seat, but Korra grabs his shoulders and pulls him down, causing the Equalist to fall over onto the car, where Asami electrocutes him, as Mako chucks the unconscious Equalist to the back and prepares to do another lightning strike, as Asami drives the car closer to the truck so the driver is visible and Mako shoots his lightning at the driver.
As Korra yell. "Guys!"
As the turtles use their grappling hook and got out of the way.
As Mako shoot the driver with his lightning and becomes unconscious and the truck begins to swerve before tumbling to its sides, hitting the lamp post before it stopped.
After a while, photos are taken by reporters as the team waits for the police to arrive, as Korra saw Tarrlok and smiles as he approaches them.
As Tarrlok say. "Avatar Korra, what do you think you are doing?"
As Korra mock. "Oh, hey Tarrlok. Nice of you to show up finally. Here, we captured the escaped convicts for you."
"What you did was tear up the city and impede the real authorities in their pursuit of these criminals." Tarrlok angrily said.
"Hmm, that's funny. I didn't see your little task force or the cops the whole time. If it wasn't for Team Avatar, they would've gotten away." Korra said.
"This is your last warning. Stay out of my way!" Tarrlok said.
As Korra look at the roof and smile at the turtles, who are giving her a thumb up.
-Republic City, City Hall-
"Republic City stands as a beacon of freedom, but the Equalists are using that freedom to tear it down. The law I have proposed would make it illegal for anyone to be a member of the Equalists or even be associated with them. It also puts into effect a curfew, ensuring all nonbenders are in their own homes by nightfall." Tarrlok said to the council.
As Tenzin stand up saying. "This is going too far, Tarrlok! You can't punish all nonbenders for the actions of a few!"
"That kind of cowardice will cause our city to fall into Amon's hands. We must pass this law. All in favor?" Tarrlok said.
As the councilmen raise their hands as Tenzin sighs angrily while Tarrlok smiles mischievously.
-With Team Avatar and Turtles-
With Team Avatar and the turtles in their disguises, as they were resting and eating their dumplings, when the radio suddenly starts buzzing.
As Bolin say. "I call front!"
As Mako say. "After you."
As Korra say. "What a gentleman, thanks!"
As they both jump into the car, smiling at each other as Asami adjusts the mirrors, narrowing her eyes at them in disdain before starting the car and driving off to the Dragon Flats borough, as the turtles follow.
After getting there, police airships are circling around an area plunged in darkness.
As Korra ask. "Why is the power out?"
As the turtles drop down, as Asami swerves around the corner and stops, as Asami takes off her goggles as they look at hundreds of nonbenders protesting at the metalbending police officers who are holding them behind a blockade.
As Asami was confuse and say. "Wait a second, these people aren't armed or dangerous."
As Korra say. "Sure doesn't look that way."
"I have a bad feeling. about this..." Leo said.
As they saw Saikhan speaking through a microphone, saying. "All nonbenders, return to your homes immediately."
"Yeah, as soon as you turn our power back on." A man said.
"Disperse, or you will all be arrested."
As a woman say. "You benders can't treat us this way!"
As a child of the woman say. "Mummy, look! It's the Avatar!"
"Please, help us! You're our Avatar, too!" She said.
As Korra look at the people in sadness, she strides forward, pushing two metalbender officers aside, saying. "Everyone, please stay calm. I'm gonna put a stop to this."
As she turn, as her friends follow to find Tarrlok, who talking to a Task Force member.
As Korra say. "Tarrlok, you need to turn the power back on and leave these people alone."
As Tarrlok say. "Avatar Korra, you and your playmates have no business here."
"We're not going anywhere. You don't have the right to treat these innocent people like criminals." Korra said.
"This is an Equalist rally. There is nothing innocent about it." Tarrlok said.
As Asami stand up to him, saying. "They're not Equalists, they're just normal people who want their rights back."
"They are the enemy! Round up all these Equalists!" Tarrlok said.
As the etalbending officers begin to earthbend, removing the legs from the barriers and forcing the people back as they coil the barriers around them and slam their legs into the ground, causing large mounds of earth to rise underneath the nonbenders, lifting them off the ground, as fear begins to spread through those not caught, and they start running away, as the police force prepares to put people into the police trucks, while Team Avatar looks on aghast.
As Korra run to help and yell. "Stop!"
As Korra earthbends the mounds of earth down so every one can escape, as Tarrlok snarls at her, and turns to see Asami watching her and bends a water whip to grab onto Asami's wrist, as Asami turns and looks up at him.
As Asami struggle to free herself and say. "Hey! Let me go!"
"You're under arrest!" Tarrlok shouted.
As Mako say. "What? You can't do that!"
As Tarrlok say. "Actually, I can. She's a nonbender out past curfew and her father is a known Equalist conspirator."
"Let her go!" Mako yelled.
"Arrest him and his brother!" Tarrlok ordered.
As the metalbenders coil their cables around the brothers and pull them in.
"Tarrlok!" Korra yell in anger as she earthbends two massive rocks on either side of her.
"Unless you want to join your friends in prison, I suggest you put those down and go back to the Air Temple." Tarrlok said.
"Korra, listen to him. It's not worth it." Mako yelled.
As this make Korra reluctantly drops the rocks back down.
" We'll be all right." Bolin said as he and his brother walk into the police truck.
"Don't worry, I'll call Tenzin. He can get you out." Korra said.
As Tarrlok say. "So sad to see your little Team Avatar broken up. You had a good run."
"This isn't over, Tarrlok." Korra said.
As Tarrlok say. "Oh, I believe it is. Infact... Do the same to them!" As the metalbenders try to coil their cables around the brothers and to pull them in, but Leo cut the coil as well as Raph.
As more metalbenders try to coil their cables around the brothers, they jump out of the way as one of the cable grab Raph disguise and getting it off of him, making Tarrlok and the metalbenders shock to see a turtle.
As Raph say. "Ah shell..."
As Tarrlok say. "Arrest them!"
As the metalbenders coil their cables, until...
As Korra make an earth wall and bended a giant rock and turn to the guys saying!
"Go!" Korra said as the turtles look at each other and at Korra who then yell. "Get out of here now!"
"Come on, guys!" Leo said as he and his brothers make a break for it.
As she stop her bending as the giant rock fell down.
As the metalbenders, destroy the wall with their earthbending.
As Tarrlok say. "After them!"
As metalbenders cops went after them.
As Tarrlok look at Korra before turning away.
As Tarrlok say. "Take them away."
As Korra looks at the trucks before looking down in regret, as she look at the direction of her friends went and thought. 'Be careful guys...'
-With the turtles-
"Hurry!" Leo shouted.
As the turtles are running on the rooftop as fast as they can from the metalbenders, as they all drop down in the alley as...
"They're in this alleyway!"
As they heard the police.
As the police arrive, they saw...
As they search the area for them, as unknown to them that the sewer cover was close.
-At the Police Station-
At the station, Tenzin was walking up to the front doors, as he saw Korra who attempts to talk to the person behind the counter without success.
"Hey!" Korra yelled.
"I came as fast as I could. Are your friends all right?" Tenzin asked.
As Korra frustrated say. "I don't know! These knuckleheads won't tell me anything." As she spoke with a whispering tone. "And the others are fine."
As Tenzin nodded and say. "I'll take care of this." As he saw Saikhan, who notices him, and tries to walk away until... "Saikhan, a word please."
As Saikhan turn to them saying. "Councilman Tenzin, I'm pretty swamped at the moment. Can this wait?"
"No, it cannot. Three of Avatar Korra's friends were wrongly arrested tonight. I'd like you to release them immediately. And stop the search for her other friends too." Tenzin said.
"They're not going anywhere. They were interfering with police business. As for her others friends, we won't stop until we arrested them." Saikhan said.
As Korra angrily say. "Your so called police business was rounding up innocent people and claiming they were Equalists. They should be released, too."
"All Equalists suspects are being detained indefinitely. They'll be freed if and when the task force deems they are no longer a threat." Saikhan said.
"Those people are entitled to due process under the law." Tenzin said.
"You'll have to take that up with Councilman Tarrlok." Saikhan said.
As Tenzin raise his pointer finger saying. "Oh, I plan to. At the council meeting, first thing in the morning."
As Korra say pointing at Saikhan. "You're officially the worst Chief of Police ever!"
As Tenzin calm her down by saying. "Calm down, Korra. I'll get this sorted out, we just need to be patient."
As they were about to leave before Tenzin say. "But you really are the worst! Ever!"
-With Korra, Air Temple Island-
At Air Temple Island, Korra lies on her bed, angry, as she got up and opens the window to look at Republic City and turns to Naga saying. "Wake up, Naga. Let's go."
-Republic City, City Hall-
As Korra arrives to the City Hall by Naga, she got off and say. "Wait for me here, girl." As Naga moves her head with concern, but Korra rubs her head against hers. "Don't worry, I'll be all right."
As she went inside, she went upstairs and open the window saying in anger. "You and I need to talk."
As Tarrlok ask the Page. "Are any of the other council members here?"
As the Page say. "I believe everyone has gone home for the night."
"Then you should do the same."
"Are you sure, sir?"
"Leave us."
As the Page looks at Korra before looking back at Tarrlok. He bows and quickly walks away.
As Tarrlok say. "You obviously have something on your mind? Spit it out."
As Korra say. "Don't you see? You're doing exactly what Amon says is wrong with benders. You're using your power to oppress and intimidate people!"
"And you don't?"
"Of course not!"
"Isn't that what you came here to do? Intimidate me into releasing your friends. See, that's what I admire about you, Korra. Your willingness to go to extremes in order to get what you want. It is a quality we both share." Tarrlok said.
As Korra glare while saying. "You and I are nothing alike!"
"Look, I'll make you a deal. You fall in line and do what I say and I'll release your friends." Tarrlok said.
As Korra was about to say something before...
"And... Need you to tell me on where those... creatures are hiding."
As Korra eyes widen a bit.
"I need your answer."
As Korra say in anger. "No. You might be able to manipulate Chief Saikhan into following you, but it won't work on me. And I'm not selling out my friends, Tarrlok."
"You will regret that decision. And protecting those... freaks."
As Korra just point at him saying. "They're not freaks! You need to be stopped! You're just as bad as Amon!"
As Tarrlok eyes widen in anger and say. "I've tried to work with you, Korra, but you've made it impossible."
As Tarrlok turn around, suddenly slicing a stream of water from the waterfall at Korra, who barely dodges, only a small section of her hair being cut, as she rolls and earthbends at Tarrlok, forcing him back and causing him to hit his back on the wall, as Korra raises her arms and holds it straight while shooting a blast of fire toward Tarrlok, who protects himself by waterbending a dome around him, as he thrusts his hands forward repeatedly behind the dome, firing several ice darts toward Korra, who flips back to try and dodge them, but still gets grazed as she lands, as she attempts to punch the ice darts away, but one catches her on her side, and she lifts her hands up to protect her head, as Tarrlok continues to throw ice darts at her with a sadistic smile, but Korra earthbends a wall to protect herself, as she thrusts her arm forward, earthbending the wall behind Tarrlok into him, causing him to fly through the wall into the council chambers, as he tries to right himself, but trips over the railing and begins to fall, grabbing the railing with his hand, his hair loose over his face as he glares at the hole in the wall, as Korra was walking through as she say.
"Still think that I'm a half-baked Avatar?"
As she earthbends, causing Tarrlok to fall to the ground, as she jumps off and punches the ground, causing a gigantic hole around her, as she looks up at him with anger, breathing heavily.
"What are you gonna do now? You're all out of water, pal."
As Tarrlok moves away in fear as Korra begins to firebend from her palms, as she began to runs toward him intending to vaporize him, but stop for some reason, as Tarrlok was motioning his hands, using it like he was controlling Korra, who groans in pain as Tarrlok continues, making her fall to her knees.
As Tarrlok say. "You're in my way Avatar, and you need to be removed."
As Korra look at Tarrlok in shock saying. "Y-You're a bloodbender?"
"Very observant."
As Korra continues to struggle. "It's not a full moon! H-How are you doing this?!"
"There are a lot of things you don't know about me."
As he bloodbends her and flings her across the room into a pillar, as Korra begins to lose consciousness as Tarrlok approaches her, until she faints, as she saw a man bulges his eyes in pain, as another man yells in pain from something, as a woman try to metalbend her cables, but she was also in pain, as a third man with tattoos arrows struggles to move closer to the man, who laughs at him, with an expression of determination in his eyes.
-Outside the City Hall-
As Korra sluggishly wakes up to find Tarrlok has binded her with ropes, as she lifts up her head and ask. "Where are you taking me?"
As Tarrlok say. "Somewhere no one will find you. Say goodbye to Republic City, Avatar Korra. You'll never see it again!"
As Korra's expression shows fury to him, as she firebends a breath of fire from her mouth, screaming in anger, as Tarrlok manages to close it in time and slams a fist on the door before walking up to start driving.
"You can't do this! Let me out! Garh!"
As the car drives away from the City Hall, as crescent moon was shown.
-Somewhere in Republic City, on the roof-
Somewhere in Republic City, on the roof. A pair of yellow eyes saw what happen, as the one belong to someone wearing gray, black and a little of red and a red symbol on it and a black mask too.
As he was with a couple of dozen of them, as one of them spoke. "What the plan?"
"The plan is the same. But... we are gonna 'help' Tarrlok... So we can bring those 'things' into a trap." He said.
As it went dark.
"And that concludes this chapter! Next time is Korra connecting to Aang about the past of Tarrlok and Turtles facing the Foots! And getting their own...! But not gonna say it! If you can guess it, then you get internet cake.
And have this poll out, so please vote!
And a special trailer of the next Arc. Here we go!"
"I guess you can call this fate. But I finally met somebody as angry as I am. And he was really making me mad. My name is Raphael. And the bozo in that mask of his is about to find out how angry I can be!"
"All of you... have been lost... abandon... ran away from home... we're here today... for our new member... of the foot."
"But... there is a new threat... these creatures... these... Turtles...!"
"Master... I know where they are."
"Sorry, I'm late to this party. But, this is a late party without music. So, I'm gonna make some! Goongala!"
"Leo! Please, wake up!"
"Jinora... kids... w-what happen...?"
"Who are you!"
"I... am Tiger Claw. And I will destroy you all!"
"Uhh... who and what are you...?"
"I'm Todd! Nice to meet ya!"
"My sons... I am proud of you all and time for you all to face the Spirit Test..."
"It's time to go back to Republic City."
"You creatures have been the torn of my side... now you face me... The Shredder!"
"Oroku Saki! You dare strike a defensive person! You have no honor."
"Just who are you?"
"I know who you are. I was there, many years ago, at the home of my master, Hamato Yoshi!"
"So... where you guys going to live now?"
Legend of Korra: Shredder
"Hope you like the special trailer! So, later gator!"
Out of the Past