This chapter has been re-uploaded for some spelling errors

Gabriel instructed Adrien to lower his PJ's bottoms and then to lay across his lap. Adrien did as he was told, Gabriel wrapped his arm around his son, to keep him on his lap.

Gabriel sighed, "I love you, Adrien. And I hope you know that this hurts me just as much as it does you."

Gabriel didn't want to drag this out any longer. So, without much warning, he began to land hard smacks on Adrien's bottom. Adrien jumped at the first few swats. Then he clung tight to his dad's pant leg and tried not to reach back. Knowing it wouldn't do him any good. Adrien was not sure how long his father planned to drag this part out. But, he kept as still as possible and try not to beg his father to stop. After what felt like forever, Gabriel finally stopped and allowed Adrien to catch his breath.

Adrian had tears streaming down his face. "P-Please d-daddy I-I'm sorry, p-please stop." Adrien chocked out.

Gabriel felt his heart break. He hated this more then anything. But, he knew the faster he finished, the faster he could take Adrien into his arms.

"I know this hurts, we are almost done. Just hold out a bit longer." Gabriel replied.

Adrien had to choke back a sob when he felt his father pick up the hair brush.

"Fourteen with this, and then we will be done." Gabriel said.

Adrien cried, but still didn't protest. He cried out in pain however, when the brush made contact with his bottom. Gabriel delivered the fourteen blows. Then he threw the brush down and began to rub Adrien's back. To let him know it had ended.

Adrien laid there and sobbed at the top of his lungs. Thankful the punishment was over and wanting nothing more now then to be in his fathers arms.

"I-I-I'm s-sorry, d-d-daddy." Adrien chocked out.

Gabriel felt his heart break once again. He could no longer watch Adrien suffer. He finally got Adrien sitting up right and got him into his arms. Adrien didn't fight, he threw himself into his dads arms and sobbed into his chest. Adrien felt Gabriel wrap him in a tight hug and plant a kiss on the top of his head.

"Shh...I've got you, it's alright, just cry it all out, it's all over." Gabriel said.

Crying was exactly what Adrien did. He allowed himself to fully rest in his father's embrace. And he just cried his heart out.

Not much was said between father and son. Gabriel held onto Adrien tight, while whispering loving words into his ear and gently rocking him in his arms. And the only sounds Adrien made, where loud, heart broken sobs.

He was not sure how long he cried. But, even through his pain and tears. Adrien was thankful that his father was willing to sit there the whole night, if that was what it took. To help him feel better.

Adrien was not sure how long he cried. It felt like forever. But, after a while, he finally calmed down and soon fell asleep in his fathers arms. Gabriel gently placed Adrien into bed and kissed him goodnight, before leaving his sons room.

Adrien awoke the next morning, in pain and still feeling really emotional. But, he was scared his father was still angry at him. Since him and his father had not really talked the night before. So, Adrien decided to just do whatever his dad said and stay out of his way as much as possible.

Adrien got ready for school. And then walked down the stairs. Where his father was waiting for him. Gabriel placed his hand on his sons shoulder.

"How are you this morning, Adrien?" Gabriel asked.

Adrien shrugged, "Alright"

"Are you sure your okay after last night?" Gabriel asked.

"Yes sir, may I go please? I don't want to be late." Adrien replied, still not looking his father in the eyes.

Gabriel nodded and Adrien left with his bodyguard. Natalie looked over at her boss.

"Is that behavior normal for Adrien?" Natalie asked.

"No, he is usually rather clingy at least until the pain goes away. But, it seemed like he was trying to get away. Maybe he will be okay after school." Gabriel replied.

Adrien was no better after school. He went right up to his room and locked himself in there. Over the next four days, not much changed. Gabriel's concern grew each day. Adrien was not wanting to leave his room. Except to go to school.

Gabriel knew that Adrien was usually very clingy after the kind of punishment he had received. So, Gabriel could not figure out what was different this time.

Gabriel finally went to talk to Adrian. He walked into his sons room. To find Adrien sitting at his desk, reading in one of his school books.

"Adrien, can we talk?" Gabriel asked.

Adrien nodded and then turned to his father, who seated himself on the bed.

"Is everything alright, father?" Adrien asked.

"I was going to ask you that. You have not been acting right the past few days. I have barley seen you since the night I punished you. And normally you are rather clingy for the few days. At least until the pain goes away. But, it seems like something is still bothering you." Gabriel replied.

"I'm fine, father. I have just been busy that's all." Adrien replied.

"Are you sure that's the case? You know if something is bothering you, then you can tell me." Gabriel replied.

Adrien nodded, "Yes sir, you shouldn't waste your time worrying about me. I know how busy you are."

Gabriel still did not feel convinced. Adrien looked like he was on the verge of tears. And Gabriel wasn't going to stop until he figured out why.

"Adrien, I'm not wasting my time. I want to help you with whatever it is you are struggling with. You just have to tell me." Gabriel replied.

Adrien had to wipe a stray tear from his eyes. It was getting hard to hold the tears in. Gabriel had a feeling this tacit wasn't working. He needed to try something else.

"Come here, son." Gabriel said.

Adrien just wanted to be left alone. But, at the same time, he wanted nothing more then to be with his father. So, he went over and his father pulled him onto his lap and into a tight hug. Once in his fathers embrace, Adrien could no longer hold back the tears. And he broke down crying in his dads chest.

Gabriel had a feeling this was going to happen. So, he just held Adrien close and gently shushed him. Gabriel allowed Adrian to cry as long as he needed.

"I-I'm s-sorry, d-daddy." Adrien finally chocked out after some time.

"Why are you sorry, Adrien?" Gabriel asked.

"F-F-For l-lying and g-going to p-party. P-Please d-don't b-be angry anymore." Adrien chocked out.

Gabriel gently pulled Adrien up and looked him in the eyes. "Adrian, I'm not mad anymore. I've already forgiven you. Is that why you were avoiding me? Because, you thought I was still mad?"

Adrien nodded and Gabriel sighed and gently pulled Adrien into another hug.

"No, no, I'm not mad anymore. You know I will always forgive you. No matter what you do." Gabriel said.

"B-But, I-I m-messed up b-bad." Adrien chocked out.

"Yes, you did. But, we have all done it. We all have to learn from our mistakes. That doesn't make you horrible. It just makes you human." Gabriel replied.

After some more time, Adrien finally started to calm down. His father cleaned his face and then continued to hold him.

"Adrien, if anything like that is ever bothering you. You know you come to me right away. So, I can help you through the problem." Gabriel said.

"I know, thank you father." Adrien replied.

"And I've been thinking. I think you have learned your lesson. So, I think I'm gonna lighten your grounding. I still want you home right after school. And still no friends or after school activity's. But, you can go back to using your electronics." Gabriel said.

"Thank you, father. But, don't you think I should finish out my punishment?" Adrien asked.

"Yes, and you will. It will just be a lighter grounding." Gabriel replied.

"Thank you, father." Adrien replied.

Adrien remained in his fathers arms for a while. Soaking up the love and comfort that his father was giving him.

Gabriel sighed, "Adrien, I love you. And nothing you ever do will change that. No matter what you ever do or say. Nothing can take away the love I have for you. You are my son. And even when there are times I might be upset with you. At the end of the day. I will still always love you, no matter what."

"I love you too, father." Adrien replied.

After some more time, Adrien grew tired and soon fell asleep in his fathers arms. Gabriel felt Adrien grow heavy. And knew that he was asleep.

Being careful not to wake Adrien. Gabriel stood and pulled back the covers on the bed. Before getting Adrien all tucked in.

Gabriel pushed some hair out of his sons face. Before planting a kiss on his face.

"Goodnight, my precious son."

And that was chapter 2! What did you all think? If you enjoyed, let me know in the comments. And if you have any ideas for future stories, you can PM me. Until next time, my dudes! Phantom90.