Chapter 3


"Slow down Joff!" shouted Robb from behind but Joffrey didn't listen. The Red Keep was now in his sights and nothing was going to stop until he got there. He had been away for 3 years now. That is 3 years of his life spent in that grey and cold wasteland that those people following behind him called home. If he was being honest with himself, they weren't as bad as their mother had described them to be. They were a simple loving family who lived their lives by a certain set of rules. The Starks were everything Joffrey's family were not.

As they reached towards the gates of the keep he could make out the welcome party. He could see his parents, his siblings, the Kingsguard, some lords, and some of the members of the small council. He looked behind to see the Hound just behind him racing his horse trying to keep up with him. The other people who came with him from the North were some way behind. Joffrey put his excitement to check and slowed down the horse so that others could catch up to him. He had to behave like the crown prince and not some random kid who runs into the arms of his mother.

He waited for Lord Stark to get ahead him which earned him a nod from the grim Warden of the north and he rode his horse just ahead of Robb Stark. With Robb were his bastard brother Jon Snow and Theon Greyjoy followed by northern guards Lord Stark brought with him. They reached the gates and he got off his horse and move towards his family.

"Ned!" his father's voice roared as he pulled his long lost friend into a hug.

"Joff!" his mother's voice caught his attention and he looked towards her to see her eyes just about to tear up. She pulled him into a fierce hug and was released only to be jumped at by Myrcella and Tommen. While hugging his siblings, he turned his head around just a little to see Lord Stark greeting the queen and then introducing his son to the King.

"You're a fine young man. You'll make a great lord one day," the King told Robb who thanked him.

"Your grace," said Joffrey as he approached his father and bend down on one knee.

"Get up boy," he replied putting his hand on Joff's shoulder.

"How have you been?"

"Good," said the King, patted his shoulders, and started walking away. "Come, Ned, we have so much to talk about," and with that, he was gone leaving his heart-broken son behind. Three years Joffrey had been away from his family, he asked himself if he was crazy for asking a little more from his father.

There was a feast thrown that night and he spent the night talking and sharing stories with his mother and siblings. The next day however his mother wanted him to get a full-body checkup by Grand Maester Pycelle who spotted some of his injuries he got during his time in the North. Now here he was a boy, no a man of ten and eight getting nursed by his mother who was also the Queen of the seven kingdoms.

"Does this still hurt?"

"No mother. It just shows. They don't have the ointments as we do in the north."

"Those savages! How did you get it?"

"Took an arrow when we were battling some wildlings who made it south of the wall. The maester says that the scar will never go though."

"It will be a sign of strength. When people see it they will be reminded of the victory you achieved when you led the attack against an army of wildlings," she replied easily.

"That's not what happened. It wasn't an army, just a handful of them. And I didn't lead the attack, Lord Stark did. I just followed his commands," he replied.

"When Aerys Targaryen sat on the iron throne, your father was a rebel and a traitor. Someday, you'll sit on the throne and the truth would be whatever you make of it," she said.

"Father wants me to marry Sansa Stark," said Joffrey. "I don't want to."

Joffrey had always thought of Sansa as Robb's silly sister. Yes, she was pretty. That he couldn't deny but there were many pretty women in the seven kingdoms and Sansa Stark was the most insufferable of them all. Few minutes with her and his ears started burning. He knew his father had his mindset and once he decided something, it must happen no matter the cost.

"You will marry her anyway," she said pouring herself wine, "You'll do anything to get a pat on your back from your father."

"That is not true. I don't care what he thinks of me. I don't care what anyone thinks of me," replied Joffrey.

"So why did you go to live with the Starks? I am your mother. I know you better than you know yourself."

He had managed to sneak out of the castle with only the Hound accompanying him. He wore a dark cloak to disguise his appearance but it was of little effect as the Hound had one of the most distinctive faces in Westeros. Finally, they reached their destination and Joffrey knocked on the door of the Commander of the Night's Watch. Janos Slynt opened his door to find the Crown Prince standing at his door. He rubbed his eyes to make sure that he wasn't dreaming.

Joffrey walked in almost pushing Janos to the side without an invitation. The lady of the house came in and was shocked to see the Crown Prince standing in their home. She looked flustered for words when Joff greeted her. She left to bring some refreshments for the Prince when Lord Janos welcomed the Prince and asked the reason for his visit.

"You must have many killers, rapists, and thieves locked in your cells. Don't you Commander?" Joffrey asked as he sat on one of the chairs. He had a quality to appear in control and command in any room that he walked in.

"Of course, my prince."

"I want you to hire one of them to take care of one of the ladies in Lord Stark's household. She is one of the servants. Her name is Debra, she is a redhead and by far the prettiest woman among the ladies of the North. Your men can easily find her," he replied calmly like he was asking for a tax report.

"Take care of? Your grace," asked Janos, and Joffrey released an irritated sigh.

"Kill! you idiot," said the Hound coming to the Prince's rescue.

"Do this for me and I'll remember it when I become the King," said Joffrey offering an incentive for Janos to complete this task.

"Of course your grace, it will be done. You don't need to worry."

"Make sure your men are there to kill the killer as soon as the task is completed. I don't want the Starks to ask any questions," ordered Joffrey and began to leave when he stopped and asked, "You didn't ask me the reason I wanted her dead."

"My job is to obey your commands, my prince, not to ask questions."

Preparations were going on at full speed for their departure to Highgarden in a few days now. It was going to be the biggest tourney he had ever seen. Every lord he knew was most probably going to be there. His uncle Stannis was to stay behind to act as the acting Hand and rule in the King's place as Jon Arryn had suddenly taken ill. Highgarden was going to be packed and Uncle Stannis had every Kingsgaurd and knight he could find accompanying them. 'Those snakes cannot be trusted,' he had said.

His mother was a lot happier these days. Not only her son was back but she was also going to see her twin brother again. She had gotten a lot sadder over the years. When he was in Winterfell and trying to think of his mother, the only image he could come think of was of her sitting in a corner in a dark room and drinking. She had a good reason. Life hadn't been kind to her. His father treated her very poorly, humiliating her in front of the entire court. His grandfather didn't care about that as long as she was the queen. She only ever smiled when it was something related to him or his siblings. And Jaime Lannister. Whenever she spoke of him she couldn't stop praising him. "You will love your uncle. He isn't a drunk and whore-monger like the pathetic imp. He is the golden lion. The greatest swordsman in the seven kingdoms," she told him. "And a kingslayer probably," he replied. Suddenly, the smile went away from her face and she got the cold look he was all so familiar with. "There is no truth to those vile rumors and you should be smart enough not to repeat those," she replied and left. There was a long rumor that his uncle was the one who killed the mad king. Apparently, some servant saw him running out of the throne room with blood on his sword. When the castle was breached, they found the mad king dead. There was nobody close to him. To Joffrey, it made sense as the mad king only allowed his kingsguard near him. But those talking about the rumors and spreading it were very few as they feared his mother the queen and his grandfather.

His father on the other hand would always call Uncle Jaime a traitor and had a fit of rage when he learned that Jaime was also attending the tourney. It took a couple of hours for Jon Arryn and Uncle Stannis to make him understand that he was a guest of the Tyrells and right now they couldn't risk making the Tyrells angry considering their wealth and army. They needed the Tyrells on their side and not on the side of the Dornish. They also didn't want to upset his grandfather Tywin Lannister. He had started sitting on some of the small council meetings and was surprised to find the crown in a mess. They were 6 million gold dragons in debt half of which was to his grandfather. He scoffed at the thought of how foolish and weak his father was as a king. A king doesn't care about what others might think of his actions, he just does what he wants. His father had managed to strip the crown of its power. Things would change when he became king. He wouldn't fear his grandfather or the Tyrells. He would do whatever he wanted.

"If it hasn't happened till now, I don't think it's going to happen at all," he said to Lady Taya of House Estermont which was a minor house in the Stormlands. She took his cock out of her mouth and gave him a strange look. "Is something troubling you, my prince? You never have had this problem in all the times I have been with you."

To say something was troubling him was an understatement. He had learned the news of Debra's murder just a few hours ago. Despite being the one who gave the orders for her murder, he couldn't stop feeling guilt and remorse. Of course, she had betrayed him but that didn't stop him from thinking about her. He had slept with her on several occasions and on some he had even woken up with her still in his arms. Now all he could imagine was her dead body. He had thought long and hard before deciding that killing her was the wisest option. When he fucked her she promised him that she had been taking moon tea, which he told her to take because drinking it made sure that a woman doesn't get pregnant with a child. She had lied. She intended to get pregnant and give birth to his bastard. A royal bastard who would extort him for gold and land at best and challenge the crown of his heirs at worst. It had to been done.

From that day he decided never to fuck an unmarried or commoner again. He couldn't stop fucking women because that was the only release he could get. He often gets so much angry that he fears what he would do and the only way to control his anger was sex. So he had decided that he would fuck only married noble ladies.

"You should go, my lady," he told her started to put his cock back in his breaches when she reached out and held it again. "Are you sure your grace? I'll be a good little whore for you. Just the way you like it. I know you can't resist me," she said seductively. "Just because I have fucked you a couple of times don't presume to know what I like or don't. Now, leave. Your husband must be looking for you." His voice made it clear that there was no room for argument and she left after getting dressed.

It was the last feast before they were to leave for Highgarden. Wine was flowing, food was being served and music was being played. No expenditure had been spared. He was sitting next to Robb Stark who was telling him a tale about his direwolf that he had recently found. On returning to the capital, he had found that most of his old friends were now squiring for somebody and not in the capitol. So he had no other option but to sit next to the Stark boy whom he to his surprise had starting to call a friend.

He looked towards the high chair to see his father sitting with a serving lady on his lap. He was openly fondling her tits, while still holding on to his wine glass. He looked at his mother who had a face that didn't betray any emotion. His hatred for his father ignited even more. He returned to his meal and indulged in a conversation with Robb Stark.

Suddenly there was silence. He looked towards his father and saw him standing tall with the wine glass still in his hand. Ned Stark stood beside him. His father cleared his throat and began, "Thanks for joining us today my lords and ladies. I have bad news and good news. The bad news is that the Hand of the King Jon Arryn has become very ill and will not be able to carry on his duties. He will, therefore, be stepping down as the hand and return to Vale. I thank him for his great service to keep the kingdoms together while I drank and fucked." There was no laughter but extreme silence. This news had seemed to taken everyone by surprise.

"But don't worry my lords and ladies," he continued, "my old friend and the man whom I consider a brother to me Lord Eddard Stark, the lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North has decided to accept his position as Hand of the King." There was a round of applause.

"Did you know about this?" Joffrey asked Robb but he shook his head as to say no. He seemed surprised as well. Joffrey muttered a silent curse under his breath. Ned Stark was too naive to play the game. The man was so gullible that he thanked the City Watch for finding and killing Debra's killer so quickly. He saw his uncle Stannis sowling. Everyone including himself had assumed that Stannis would be the next hand considering he was practically running the kingdoms while Jon Arryn was sick. He had actually done a better job than Arryn his mother told him.

"There is one more announcement," said his father and he suddenly got a horrible feeling of dread. "My son and heir Joffrey will marry Lord Stark's daughter Sansa Stark and will finally join the houses of Stark and Baratheon. Their wedding will take place a few months after my brother Renly has married Margaery Tyrell."

Everybody turned to look at him and smiled, and raised their cups. Robb also looked at him but he didn't smile. At that moment Joffrey felt so much anger that he truly believed that if he had a sword in his hand then he would have killed his father.

Author's note:

So guys I have finally written this chapter. I was struggling a lot with it but finally decided to just post it so that I can move forward with this story. I apologize if you didn't like it. Do let me know what you think about it in the comments/reviews.

Joffrey is a very complex character to write. In my story, he isn't born of incest so he isn't as mad as he is in the books. He still is Cersei's son who has spoilt him and Robert's who hasn't been around much for him. So, it would be very interesting to play with Joffrey and completing his story arc.

Thanks for reading. See you next time.