Afterwards, they lay in the quiet of the morning. It was still dark. Outside the blackbird had begun to sing.

"It's the middle of the night but he's singing" said Laura with surprise.

"Aye, he's a keen lad, that blackbird" said Robbie "a bit of darkness before dawn won't stop him" He yawned.

"I'm sorry, Robbie, I woke you."

"I'm not complaining"

"You didn't get much sleep last night, though, looking after me."

"Ah, I'm ok. What about you though? You should sleep"

"I'm Ok too. I had a lie in and a lazy day. I'm fine."

They both lay quiet for a few moments, both seeing if sleep would return. It didn't, but they both felt at peace in the darkness despite its absence.

"Robbie, did you really sleep on Brighton beach?"

"Aye we did. Very uncomfortable, all those pebbles. I much prefer Scarborough. But I'll save that story for another time."

She smiled. "I want to hear about Scarborough but not if it comes after a bad day"

"Well maybe I'll tell you about it someday, when you've not had a bad day."



"tell me about when you fell in love with me."

She felt him smile. And so he told her, in his own words and with the soft quiet voice she loved about the slow dawning he'd had, sometimes painful, in coming to realise that he loved her. Laura listened, her head against his chest as he recounted all the times he'd thought about her, in a way that was just beyond wanting to be only friends. She recognised all the moments he talked about, some of them were points on the graph for her too. As with the night before she was soothed by his voice, more so by what he was telling her.

"It was gradual y'know? I kept realising I was thinking about you. A lot. I kept wanting to see you. I got jealous when I knew you were out on a date. I mean, this was quite a while before we got together, when I knew I wanted to ask you out, properly, y'know, not just as friends. Before that, quite a long time before that, but it was a bit like I didn't really realise what was happening."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I was still grieving I suppose, but you were always there for me. I felt like I was in a fog or a mist after Val died. It seemed like, you were the outstretched hand I could see poking out of the mist. And I didn't know it was your hand, it was just there for me. Ah, I dunno, I'm not making sense"

"You're making perfect, eloquent sense"

He sniffed bashfully "Well, anyway, I suppose things kept happening that made me realise how much I was relying on you and that you were a good friend, a proper friend to me, after what I'd been through. You weren't just a colleague; you'd become one of my dearest friends. I didn't know if I wanted more but at the back of my mind I knew that maybe I did."

He sighed. Sometimes just the recounting of events brought back the emotions he'd had at the time. He exhaled deeply before continuing.

"then there was that business with what's-his-name-Franco. That bought me up sharp." He sighed again as if in apology, and she stroked his chest in an unspoken acknowledgement of what he referred to, likewise returning an apology in her touch. His chest hummed slightly under her palm as he carried on speaking "I still couldn't seem to do anything about it. I think I thought you might think I was a bit pathetic, I mean, you're younger than me and attractive, and clever and, well, out of my league. I mean, why would you look twice at me I thought."

"Because you're kind and sweet and maddeningly attractive."

Robbie sniffed in self-deprecation "Anyway, I kept thinking of you, how much you meant to me, how pretty you looked at work or when we'd go out for drinks, and sometimes I wondered if maybe you were flirting with me, and I'd find myself liking it, and then I'd feel guilty and think of Val."

"Oh Robbie I'm sorry I. . ."

"No, Laura." His voice was gentle but firm. "You never did anything other than be kind and thoughtful and you knew how much a void Val left in my life, don't ever think otherwise"

He looked down at her, tilting her face gently to his, so as to make her look him in the eye, so she knew he meant what he said before continuing.

"I didn't know if you were seeing anyone anyway. I'd seen you out and about a few times, y'know, with other men and again, I felt guilty for feeling jealous, because it meant I had feelings for you, while I still missed Val so much. But I suppose I almost liked feeling jealous. And I think that's when I started to know I had to try and do something about myself." He sighed again. "And then Peterson was after you, and he's younger than me, handsome, and I thought: well that's that then. I mean, why wouldn't you? And I felt upset that we might not even be friends as much if you went with him."

He felt her smile against his skin as she spoke "You and Peterson were like two bristled up tom cats" she said and laughed softly. She knew Robbie had been jealous and if truth be told dating Peterson had been a bit of a test. Initially she had found him attractive, worth a punt, why not? she was single and so was he. "He asked me a lot of questions about you. I think he knew I fancied you. God he was boring. You're right to call him action man, my brothers had an action man with a cord you could pull and he'd shout out commands, just like Peterson."

They both laughed. Robbie pulled her a little closer "Ah well" he said "maybe we have him to thank for us being together because he was the kick up the backside I needed. You made it clear he wasn't your type and I was back to square one. But then, suddenly almost without warning that mist seemed to clear and suddenly I felt I could y'know go for it "

"And that's when you completely took me by surprise and held my hand by the canal" She looked up at him and smiled, with her eyes smiling too, the way he loved to see them.

"Did I take you by surprise, by doing that?"

She chuckled "Just a bit. Despite getting plenty of signals that you liked me, I was about to give up. Call up one of my internet dates."

Robbie smoothed her hair. He had hated the thought of her internet dating. From his point of view, with all the horrors he'd seen from such things, rather than the good aspects of it, to him It seemed bleak and dangerous.

"Did you have many of those?"

"Several. None floated my boat, obviously, and anyway they couldn't handle it, my job and me I suppose"

"You're not to be handled love, it not your fault they couldn't deal with it."

She smiled at how kindly and simply he phrased such a complex predicament.

"Anyway" he said "what about you? When did you fall for me eh?" He gave her a squeeze and it was his turn to feel her smile against his chest where she had laid her head.

"It was a long slow stumble with lots of bruises on the way." She said through her smile. He laughed softly at her words, nodding gently. He knew it was the truth. There had been lots of obstacles and dead ends in the way during their journey of getting together.

She spoke quietly but clearly and Robbie listened to her story of events "I remember after my 40th birthday party. I thought of all the single men I knew and part of me kept coming back to you. How lovely you were, kind and honest but with such a sadness around you."

Robbie pulled back slightly "that long ago?" He said with surprise

"Yes. I suddenly felt very drawn to you, in a different way than just being colleagues. And then we started chatting more, about work but I enjoyed spending time with you and I wanted to help you, in anyway I could, even though I fancied you like mad, even if it was just by being a friend."

"I know how much you still missed Val and despite my feelings for you, if I could have brought her back for you I would have, I would have given all this up for you to have not lost Val."

Robbie swallowed down a rising of emotion in his throat at her words. In the dark and after their closeness Laura found it easy to say the things that were in her heart. He looked down at her, with a frown, shaking his head at what she had said, but thanking her at the same time. He didn't speak, because he felt his emotion might crack his voice, so he said nothing and just continued to look at her, while her eyes, wide and full of truth, looked back at him in the moonlight. She smoothed her hand over his chest and then lay her head back upon it. He took her hand in his and brought it to his lips and kissed it. Like earlier they didn't need any more words.

Outside they could hear the liquid tones of the blackbird and they both were quiet, listening and holding each other in the darkness of the last hour before dawn before sleep eventually took them both again.

A while later the morning broke still and clear. The Atlantic depression had passed and the sky was blue and full of benign soft white clouds and bright sunshine. Robbie woke before his alarm went off. Laura was still sleeping. He watched her for a while. He thought back about the last couple of nights. It had been intensely emotional, for many reasons, but he was thankful that the prevailing undercurrent had been good and positive emotion in the end. He hoped she was ok with her work related issues. Just because he'd been there for her this one time didn't mean she was out of the woods. He knew himself there was no magic cure. She'd told him about her counselling routine and he was glad she had it in place. Counselling and therapy wasn't something that he felt he'd ever benefited from he thought to himself. Then he smiled sardonically as he watched her sleep. He'd never had any benefit from a counsellor but he'd spent many an hour with Laura throughout the years just talking to her, she letting him listen and gently offering advice and insight and giving him a way for him to find his own route through his problems. No different to a counsellor but so much better with her. He really owed her for it he thought to himself.

Despite being awake in the night Robbie didn't feel tired. He looked at the bedside clock. It was close to getting up time for Laura. He bent over and gave her a kiss on her cheek to rouse her and whispered that he was going to go and make a cup of tea. She stirred and smiled at him as she woke up and he was relieved to see she looked relaxed and rested.

After taking Laura a cup of tea Robbie made scrambled eggs and toast for them both. After breakfast Laura went to get ready for work and as Robbie started to clear the breakfast things he opened the back door onto the garden. He stepped out and breathed in the fresh spring air. The blackbird was there, waiting for him on the flagstones. Robbie threw down a handful of seed and the blackbird ate a few grains and then, cocking his head, made a high-pitched whistle of a noise. There was a rustle from the bushes at the back of the garden and suddenly a female blackbird appeared from the foliage. She was a beautiful nut brown colour with a bright eye and she watched warily from the edge of the bushes before hopping forward towards the male.

Robbie watched as the female bird made her way over the lawn "Who's that you've got there eh? She's a beauty." He said quietly to the male blackbird.

The female was cautious but eventually joined the male by the back door. The two birds ate the seed that Robbie had thrown down and after a short while they had finished the lot off. The female let out a shrill rapid scolding noise to the male and then flew off and over the wall.

Robbie laughed. "She's got you sussed lad!"

"Is that your blackbird again?" Robbie turned around, Laura was dressed and ready for work, she was smirking at him "What was all that racket about?"

Robbie laughed. "Ah, nothing he was just getting a rollicking off his missus"


"Oh aye, he's shacked up with a pretty little bird, she's got a noisy beak on her though." He went towards her "I told you, we're birds of a feather me and that blackbird - He's got his little feathered missus, and me, I've got you. Come here, sweet canny lass"

Despite her trademark smirk at the proceedings he laughed and pulled her into his arms and Laura felt the warmth of his sentiment as he hugged her tightly.

Robbie didn't want to let her go, to have her leave the house. If he was being truthful to himself he wanted to leave with her and go to the work she was going to face, as he had done for all his time in the force. He missed it but right now he missed working alongside her. He didn't say anything except continued to hold her, his nose in her hair breathing in her ready for work scent that he loved.

After a minute she looked up to him. Her face was serious now, eyes looking up at him, big and searching "Thanks for looking after me, Robbie"

He shook his head. "Thanks for looking after me, it's about time I gave something back to you, all those times you were there for me and I didn't even realise it"

She shook her head modestly almost in dismissal. There was shine of emotion in her eyes. She touched his cheek as she spoke "I know this isn't how you planned or expected this part of your life to be, Robbie, but I want you to know how happy I am, with you, how much you mean to me."

He looked down at her, emotion now tightening his throat. "I'm happy too" he said, looking at her knowing that what he was feeling in his heart was also showing in his eyes.

He hugged her close and kissed the top of her head. He felt how real she was in his arms and suddenly the culmination of all the years of loneliness seemed to drop away from behind him and all he felt he was left with, was that very moment, holding her and feeling her presence and that the future or the past didn't really matter, because it was now – 08.12 on a Monday morning in spring.

In the warm grip of Robbie's arms Laura thought of the night just passed. Their love making had been something beyond what she'd ever experienced before. It wasn't just the physical side, it had been more emotional, on a deeper level than she'd ever known. She felt her heart almost swell at the thought of how much love she felt for him. She knew it was because of the intensity of the last few days that had opened her up emotionally and that stress hormones would have had an effect, along with the heightened mental state that accompanied waking at an early hour, but the fact remained, they had reached a new level together. It was one that only came from experiencing pain, and perhaps from being older and more aware of time and how it somehow felt it was slipping away fast.

They both pulled away, an unspoken understanding between them, that she had to leave to go to work but both aware of the moment, feeling an intensity that reminded them of their closeness in the night.

"Come on, Doctor, you've got to get to work"

She nodded back at him and they both went to the hallway where she'd gathered her briefcases and laptop.

"Are you ready? Got everything you need?" He was fussing and unlike the night she'd returned home in a state she was thankful of it. She didn't need him to fuss but it suddenly felt good that he was.

"Yes." She said, sighing "I just have to get on with it now."

"You will. And you'll keep on doing everything for that little girl. In the lab, in your reports, in front of the Judge and the barristers. You'll help her and she won't even know but you will make a difference, you know that."

She nodded.

"You'll be fine. Stuff like this makes you stronger but you still have to carry the weight of it too. "

"Where did you get all these wise words from?" The smirk had returned, along with a sparkle of affection in her eyes

"It's all you've ever told me, over the years, when we'd go for a drink, when I needed to talk. It's all from you."

She smiled at his words, the smirk had gone and all that remained was pure affection. She gave him a final hug. "I'll see you tonight" she kissed him and then she was gone.

Outside, in the sunshine, Laura walked up the road to get to her car. She put her stuff in the boot and took a deep breath of the fresh air. The storm had cleared the sky to a vibrant and hopeful spring blue. The clouds billowed harmlessly into the heavens and the sun on her face made her feel good. Closing the boot of the car she glanced at the cherry tree at the end of the road. The tree was old and had a big sturdy trunk and a beautiful shape. Laura looked forward to its blossom each year and was suddenly aware that over the past few weeks she'd not noticed it bud and come into bloom. She'd been so busy with work, so wrapped up with case after case, that one of her favourite spring sights had passed her by. Not only that, but the blossom had obviously been ravaged by the storm only after just coming into bloom.

Laura looked at the petals on the ground and at the base of the tree. There'd be no fruit on it this year for the birds. Looking up to the top of the tree she saw Robbie's blackbird. He was on the top branch and as she looked up he started to sing, a clear crisp and liquid song. He didn't seem to care that the petals had gone over or that there'd be no fruit for him in the autumn. He was just being; right there and then. And below, picking through the debris of the petals, and finding plenty to eat there, Laura saw the female blackbird. She smiled and thought of Robbie's affection for the two birds. There's his "missus" she thought. She looked up to the male and there's her canny lad. She smiled and her heart swelled a little at the sight of the two creatures. And as the blackbird sung his heart out at the top of the tree, Laura Hobson got in her car and headed off to work.

AN: Thanks for reading if you got this far. This is the last chapter of this story, I think it's concluded as far as it can go. Despite there not being much plot I hope it was an enjoyable read. I enjoyed writing it, but I think for my next story it might be nice to get our heroes out of Oxford for a while ( they seem to spend a lot of time in the house in my stories so far!) Thanks again for your lovely feedback and comments / reviews they are all greatly appreciated and help me to keep on writing – so a big thank you to you all. Cheers. ML