We are all products of our parents… God's children are "righteous" and his creations the "rightful" rulers of our world. That is to say the mortal one, or so it was meant to be until the rebellion of Lucifer that lead to his downfall and the creation of Demons. The beginning of Hell. The beginning of the down fall of creation. For we are all products of our parents and Lucifer was the very worst of his father, just like the Demons are to Lucifer.

But if we truly are products of our parents, what does that make me? The child of Death and a mortal? Am I myself, Death in a different form, or am I like my mother, a mortal creation of God's will? That is the question isn't it? For though we are like are parents, is it not up to us what part of them we are like? Or, were we born to be the very worst or very best of them, with no choice of our own?