"Three cheeseburgers and one big strawberry milkshake," Kiba said with a smile to the cashier at McDonalds. It was late and the restaurant was almost empty. The cashier was looking suspiciously at the three youths, but he didn't question why they were up so late.

"I'll have a small vanilla milkshake" said Sasuke. Since Kiba had a strawberry milkshake and Sasuke a vanilla one, Naruto was left with only one option. Sasuke and Kiba were looking at him, waiting for him to order.

"A chocolate milkshake and medium fries, please."

Naruto was reaching for his wallet, but Sasuke stopped him.

"I'm paying for everything."

"Oh, you don't have to! I can pay for myself." Sasuke only glanced at Naruto as he walked towards a table with his milkshake.

"Don't worry 'bout it, Sasuke's filthy rich." Kiba said with a giggle. When Naruto received his food he walked towards the table where Sasuke sat. He looked between Sasuke and Kiba.

"So, why did you bring me here?"

"Since Shikamaru couldn't come, we thought we'd bring you instead." Sasuke answered.

"Okay, but why me?"

"Because you're very interesting, Naruto. I don't think you're the nerd that I said you were." Naruto couldn't help the blush spreading on his face.

"Of course I'm not a nerd! I can't stand nerds."

"Of course you can't. Because something tells me that you're not the Mr. Good Guy that you're acting like."

Naruto's heart started pumping faster. He leaned back into his chair. Kiba looked at both of them without saying anything. The looks on their faces were so… intense. Sasuke leaned forward and put his arm on the table. He looked straight into Naruto's eyes.

"What are those scars on your face, Naruto?"

Naruto panicked. What should he say now? He couldn't use the cat-excuse now. Sasuke was certainly not stupid. Maybe Kiba would fall for it, but not Sasuke.

"Uhh… my cat did it to me," said he anyways. "Let's talk about something else."

Kiba looked shocked. Naruto saw in his eyes that he was convinced. Sasuke leaned back and took a sip from his milkshake.

"It's getting late, let's head back" Kiba said with a big yawn. He hadn't eaten his last cheeseburger yet and he put it in his jacket pocket.

"I think I'll stay for a bit" Sasuke said, looking into Naruto's eyes. Naruto understood what he meant immediately.

"I-I have to use the toilet, you can go if you want Kiba!" He said nervously as he stood up and walked to the restroom. Kiba looked confused between him and Sasuke. Sasuke stared into the wall, not noticing Kibas glances.

"Well I'm gonna go now, bye Sasuke, see you tomorrow!" Kiba walked out of the restaurant.

Naruto stood in front of the mirror. Sasuke really was a special boy, but Naruto just couldn't stop liking him. He talked to his reflection in the mirror.

"Just walk out there and talk to him, dammit! Believe it!"

He turned to the door and opened it quickly. In front of him stood Sasuke.

"Let's go back to the dorms, shall we?" He took a sip from his vanilla milkshake as if nothing was weird. Naruto nodded, his voice wouldn't come forward.

They walked out, Naruto trailing behind him. When they had walked for a bit Sasuke did a sudden turn into an alley. Naruto couldn't remember walking this way before.

"Sasuke are we going the right wa-" Naruto couldn't finish his sentence as Sasuke slammed him into the brick wall. The air escaped him and he gasped.

"Now I want you to tell me the truth Naruto. Don't lie to me."

"Do you... really want to know how I got these scars?"

Sasuke didn't answer, instead he stared into Naruto's eyes, Naruto had never seen Sasuke's eyes so close before, they almost looked a bit red in the light of the moon.

"I was… betrayed. My friends at my old school did it. But they were never my friends really. They hated me, for the person I had become. They punched me, kicked me and… cut these scars on my face. Don't you hate me too Sasuke, don't you just want to punch me, hurt me?" Naruto's eyes stared into Sasuke's onyx ones. Sasuke didn't even answer the question.

"I suppose you want help to get your revenge, huh?" Naruto could feel Sasuke's breath on his neck as he leaned closer, he shivered.

"I never said I wanted revenge…"

"Oh, I know that you do. We can't let those fuckers play around and think that they are better than you. 'Cause they're not."

Naruto thought for a while. A grin spread slowly on his face.

"So, what's the plan?"

"We'll figure it out. Tomorrow. First, we need some good night's sleep."

When they arrived to the dormitories, Sasuke reached up to Naruto's window and opened it carefully. He climbed up and then he reached out his hand and helped Naruto climb up.

"Goodnight, Naruto. By the way, you really are an interesting guy. And… don't try too hard to be someone else. I take back everything I said to you on your first day here." Before Naruto could answer, Sasuke jumped out of the window with grace. Naruto sighed, picked up his phone and laid down on his bed. He noticed that he had 3 new friend request on his instagram. "cherryblossom_" should be Sakura… "Cooldude420" had to be Kiba and "ShiKa" was of course Shikamaru. Naruto got a bit disappointed at the fact that Sasuke hadn't sent one.

"Maybe I should follow him first..." He searched for "Sasuke Uchiha" and a profile named only "_uchiha_" popped up. Since Naruto's new friends followed the account, he understood that it was Sasuke's profile. The profile picture was a selfie taken by Sasuke, the bio was empty and his account was private. Naruto tapped on the follow button. He put the phone away, closed his eyes and tried to fall asleep. Suddenly, he heard fast footsteps outside. Someone was running towards the window! Could it be Sasuke? Did he forget something? The footsteps stopped. Naruto didn't know what to do, so he pretended to be asleep.

"What! This window is not locked!"

Naruto opened his eyes again in terror. He recognized the voice immediately. It was… Rock Lee. Lee opened the window and with his impressive acrobat skills he jumped up and went into the room without having to climb. However, he didn't land quietly so a loud bang sounded when his feet met the floor. Naruto got shocked and he sat up fastly.

"What do you think you're doing!" whispered Naruto angrily.

"I'm back, Nart! Oh, it's good to be back home again!"

"Please... don't call me Nart. Just shut up and go to sleep!"

Lee was surprised by Naruto's odd behavior. Maybe it was just because he was tired? The weird thing was, Naruto didn't look tired at all. Naruto sighed and laid down again. Lee decided to analyze him when he closed his eyes. He could tell that Naruto recently ate something… Naruto had something brown smudged by his mouth. Was it chocolate from the vending machine in the hallway? But who would wake up and walk out in the middle of the night to eat a snack and then go back to sleep? It was quite a mystery for Rock Lee.