Three knocks heard from the front door, interrupting the Jets game, for Frank, Henry and his two sons, Joe and Danny sat staring around wondering who it could be.

"Erin?" Frank asked getting up walking to the door.

"I don't think so, Nikki is sick so she's staying home she said," Danny answered. Frank peeked through the peephole, his eyes widened.

"Jamie!" His father shouted. Joe and Danny rushed to the front door.

"J!" Joe shouted as well hugging his brother right after their father. "What are you doing home, I thought you weren't gonna be back for another two weeks!"

"See, I was but I passed my finals so I didn't have to stay longer, I'm home for the summer."

"You passed two weeks early? either Harvard is too easy or you're just a genius" Joe laughed.

"Something like that." Jamie laughed back, he stared at the only person in his view he had yet to greet.

"It's good to see you kid, it's been a while." they all thought back 13 months ago when their mother passed away. Jamie had been home twice since then for the funeral and to visit his mother's grave and check in on their father, but he hadn't seen Danny since the funeral.

"I've missed you, Danny," Jamie said. Ever since Jamie entered high school he and Danny had broken apart, they had different views on things, the brothers who were first best friends had become strangers, their father and the rest of the family had thought it would go away as Jamie went through high school, and even after he graduated high school and left for college they grew even further apart, their mother's death didn't even bring them closer, Joe would always be the one to call Jamie and they would talk for hours but he rarely received any calls from Danny.

"Hey, Jamie." Henry made his way over from the living room.

"Hey pops." Jamie smiled.

"You've gotten taller?" Henry squinted.

"Oh I don't know, pops have I.?" Jamie held his hand up to the top of his head trying to see the height difference from him and Joe.

"Woah, Woah, kid you're not there yet." Joe lowered Jamie's hand.

"Get in here and close the door." Henry scolded the men. Jamie headed up to his old room, he laid his bag down on the floor, he took in the sights of his old room, he gazed at all the trophies he had on the wall from little league to his high school days, he looked on his desk table and found a picture of him and his mother, the day of his high school graduation, 'I looked so happy then.' he thought to himself sadly. He just held the picture in his hand staring. Joe did his special knock on the door breaking Jamie's train of thought.

"You good?" Joe walked up to Jamie cautiously.

"Yeah, I'm good." Jamie smiled placing the picture back on his desk.

"Bring back any memories?" Joe smiled, looking around the room.

"Too many." Jamie slight smiled.

"So tell me, anything new with Harvard before you left?"

"No nothing really, just the regular dating or whatever, how's the job?"

"I left warrant squad and I'm now a homicide detective." Jamie's jaw dropped. He was eager to ask another question

"But I'll tell you about that later! What about that one girl you told me about? what was her name?"

"Eddie. she doesn't go to Harvard, she lives in Boston though."

"Same thing, how're things with her?"

"Good, we talk here and there and go on dates but nothing serious as of right now," Jamie said blandly laying onto the bed. "What about you? How's Angela."

"Great... I'm in love with that girl." Jamie's eyes widened at his words. "I might propose, but is it too soon?"

"You guys have been together for two years, that's pretty long, plus mom was crazy about her too, they got along really good, that should tell you something," Jamie said staring at the ceiling. Joe's eyes widened, he stood over Jamie with a goofy look on his face. Jamie sat up looking at him weirdly.

"You're right kid." Joe smiled.

"Yeah okay don't be so weird." Jamie laughed lightly "Imma shower before I eat, that was a four-hour drive."

"Alright, but I got a new exhaust in the Chevelle, check it out?"

"Duh." Jamie was just as crazy about the car as he was.

"Cool, also you want to visit mom tomorrow?"

"I'd love that." Jamie smiled.

Hours had passed and Jamie had yet to come downstairs, "Jamie is here and has yet to come to hang out with us." Danny mentioned, stopping the conversation between his brother, father, and grandfather

"I know.," Joe remembered, Danny headed upstairs to find Jamie in the dark slumped in his bed snoring.

"You okay kid." Danny gently nudged him.

"Hmm." Jamie wiped his eyes. "Danny? what time is it?"

Danny looked at his watch."7:30 pm."

"I slept for three hours?" Jamie said in shock.

"Yeah kid and you missed the game, the Jets beat the Broncos."

"Why didn't you wake me up."

"I just woke you up," Danny replied.

"Jamie rolled his eyes. "I meant earlier!"

"Joe mentioned the drive down was long so we wouldn't bother you for a while, so meet us all downstairs" Danny closed the door behind him. Ten minutes after Danny had gone downstairs, Jamie finally came downstairs

"Good morning, J." Joe joked.

"Your plate is in the microwave," Henry mentioned.

"Thanks pops, Imma check out Joe's car first." Jamie put his shoes on.

"I'll check it out with you?" Joe began to stand up.

"You don't have too, you guys are talking, I'll just take it for a test drive around the neighborhood, come out when I get back."

"Don't scratch her please." Joe sat back into his seat.

"Don't worry," Jamie snatch the car keys from the counter.

"Is that him?" The man spoke into the radio.

"Male, dark blonde hair, around six feet tall." another man radio in.

"Perfect match to a T, the boss wants this done today! make it quick, kill him." The man in the back seat lowered his head turning his radio completely off.

Jamie unlocked the Chevelle, taking in the exterior of the car, the car was a true hot rod. He placed the keys in the ignition, turned the engine on and flipping the lights on he felt a sharp an unbearable pain in his back. Jamie looked around to see what caused this agonizing pain, but as soon as he did another sharp pain entered his body. Jamie gasped in pain. What the hell was behind him? And while he was trying to figure that out a dark and low male voice spoke.

"Reagans… you make me sick... you're dead." The man stabbed with his 9-inch knife in a complete rage. Over and over in Jamie's back, right through his brother's car seat, with his final stab, he said, "If only you weren't who you are." and twisted the blade, poked a little and pulled it out. Wiping the blade clean on his jeans. He pushed the passenger's seat forward, reached to grab the car keys and turned the engine off. He climbed out of the car. Leaving Jamie behind. Bleeding heavily, all over the seat. His shirt was soaking up the blood. Jamie groan in pain turned into a cough, blood was coming out of his mouth. He gasped for air.

Jamie wrapped his right arm around his stomach as the passenger's door closed. The only thing that came to his mind was the fact that Joe asked that he wouldn't put a scratch on it, how could he explain this? Crazy right?. He was dying and all he could think the Chevelle being stained with blood.

"One thing I will get, I want a new engine, I don't need it anytime soon though," Joe mentioned to his father.

"Speaking of the car, is the kid back yet? Danny asked. Joe stood up peeking through the blinds at the spot where he had left his car.

"Yeah, he's right outside." Joe put his shoes on walking down the driveway.

"What do you think!" Joe shouted from the driveway as he walked down.

A wave of pain brought his thoughts back to reality. He heard something. He was trying to breathe, slowly and controlled, in and out but it didn't seem to help.

"Come on I'm eager here!" There was that sound again, Jamie thought. Joe walked up to the car It was dark but he could vaguely see Jamie sitting on the driver's side.

"Quit ignoring me J!" Joe said he was too excited, as he opened the passenger's door. Joe shot a look over at Jamie. All of a sudden his world stopped and his stomach turned around. "Jamie!? Jamie!?" Joe screamed, he was completely in shock at the sight of his little brother, sitting unconscious in his car seat. Jamie's shirt soaked in blood. His chin touching his chest, his left arm wrapped around his stomach and blood was dripping from the corner of his mouth.

"Jamie?" Joe panicked. Danny and Frank rushed out of the house, Henry right behind.

"What's up Joe?" Danny ran up to Joe's side, stuck at the site of his baby brother.

"Dad! call 9-11!" Danny screamed. Henry ran inside and grabbed the phone when he returned he had already started the phone call.

"She said what are his injuries?" Henry said frantically looking over at Jamie. Frank stood there in pure shock all the blood, it was a scene from a horror movie.

"I… um I don't know." Joe glanced at Jamie trying to figure out where the blood was coming from. "He is bleeding heavily!"

"Does he have a pulse?" Henry repeating her words.

'God, why didn't I check?' Joe placed his shaky index and middle fingers on Jamie's neck, in the soft hollow area. 'Come on Jamie, please…' Joe prayed.

"Yes! yeah! he has a pulse! it's weak but it is there" Joe sighed with relief. He was alive, thank god.

"The paramedics are on route, They'll be here in 3 minutes!" Henry shouted.

"Hey, hey, hey," Danny said softly and full of emotion, going on the other side to open the driver side, "Jamie, kid, you're going to be okay, can you hear me? kid." Joe kept his finger on his pulse. "Stay with us Jamie, hey kid do you hear me? you're not going to die." Danny said tears streaming down his face.

"Oh god," Joe said to shouted. "His shirt is covered with cuts and blood oozing out of his body!" Frank took his own button up off, leaving him in a white t-shirt, leaning Jamie on the steering wheel, putting his shirt on some wounds and placed Jamie carefully against his car seat. Frank whipped his hands clean on his white t-shirt.

"My god Jamie, who did this?" Of course, he didn't get an answer from his son, but it was a rhetorical question anyway. The Reagan's could hear sirens coming closer. Henry stood weaving his arms in the air so they could see where they had to go.

The ambulance pulled up in front of the Chevelle. The doors went open, one woman came out rushing towards the vehicle, and the other one grabbed a backboard and a bag full of medical stuff.

"What's going on?" she asked as he jogged towards Frank and Danny stepped out of the way so she could see Jamie sitting unconscious in the driver's seat, Joe's hand still on his pulse.

"My Son, he, he, had to of been stabbed! we found him like this! he is unconscious. He's wheezing and his heart rate is weak but there." Frank explained

"Let's get him ready for transport!" the other three medics worked quickly.

"Okay, let's put a collar on his neck there might be a spinal injury. So let's move quickly but gentle, get an IV line started and push 10 of morphine." The medic placed the collar on Jamie's neck, put an air mask over his mouth and checked for breathing sounds, while also starting the IV line.

The family watched the medics gently pull Jamie from the car and how they placed the backboard underneath Jamie and moved Jamie right side. The female eyes immediately widened. The medic packed the wounds with some trauma pads to secure the wounds and stop the bleeding. As soon as she packed the wounds, they turned Jamie carefully on his back. The other medic took the oxygen mask off Jamie's mouth and started to intubate.

"Sir, are you okay?" Pointed out Joe's clothes, completely bloodied.

"Not mine" Joe responded looking down at his shirt. Jamie was intubated the two medics calmly nodded and together they pulled the backboard up and placed it on the stretcher. Joe slammed the Chevelle door,

"Dad please go with him we'll be at Queen's medical center ASAP," Frank jumped in the backdoors of the ambulance, they sped away, the sirens full throttle.

Joe watched as the ambulance drove out of sight, he looked down at his clothes then inside of his car, the police sirens and streetlights making the blood more visible. He stomach crunched and he ran over to the sidewalk and let it all out, he tried his best to keep the throw up from landing on the sidewalk inside he tried for the grass but on his hands and knees, he did the best he could.

"Joe..." Danny walked up to him gauging his full outfit, he was covered in Jamie's blood. Joe yelled like he was in pain, he was still in his hands and knees hovering over his throw up.

"Fucking how! How does this shit happen!" Joe screamed. Their close neighbors were already outside covered in a group on the other side of the street watching.

"Come on Joe.." Danny said just as emotional, Joe turned his head a little bit looking at Danny. Danny took a step back, Joe had never had that kind of regret or anger in his eyes for as long as Danny had known him. Joe stood up, walking into the house, he needed a fresh shirt.

"Commissioner Reagan." The detective greeted.


"Do you think we can have a statement on what happened so we can get this investigation on the road."

"Please at the hospital my grandson was damn near butchered."

"Right, I completely understand will finish up here, I'll be by the hospital later." The detective nodded.

They were only a minute away from the hospital but it felt like an hour Frank took Jamie's hand and looked at him. He didn't even look like Jamie anymore. He was pale and vulnerable. Who would do this to his son, his baby boy? he couldn't think of anyone who would do this to Jamie. Someone stabbed him from behind with a knife. That's something personal.

They arrived at the Queen's Medical Center. The ambulance doors were pulled open and they unloaded the stretcher, rolling it to the doctors the head paramedic began.

"Jameson Reagan, 21 years, unconscious, multiple stab wounds in his back, no breath sounds on the right, possible spinal injury and lost a lot of blood, BP is 90 over 50"

"Thank you we got him from here. Let's flip him on his right side, get an x-ray, started with a chest tube and let's get him on a blood transfusion. Hang two bags of O-neg please." Frank was walking fast to keep up with them as they wheeled Jamie beyond the double doors.

"I'm doctor Mcpartlin and I will do everything I can for your son commissioner but you'll need to leave so we can work. I will give you an update as soon as I can." the doctors ran off.

And the wait has begun...


Stay tuned! like and review! I love suggestions