Jason hates it when Ray is right.
Actually that's inaccurate.
He loves that his number two is insightful and perceptive and always has a good bead on what is going on around him. Ray's view of the world holds both pinpoint accuracy to the small important details and also wide expansive perspective of the bigger picture. He is a true sniper through and through.
He relies on Ray to be two steps ahead of any problem that brews on the team. The man understands each member, understands the team dynamics and when anything is out of the norm nips it in the bud quickly getting to the source of whatever is driving it. And when he can't he brings it to Jason's attention forcing him to hear it even when he doesn't always want to. Usually providing a very accurate and deep assessment in combination with an idiot-proof set of recommendations that even Jason can't screw up. His 2IC could probably actually retire and make a killing if he wrote an interpersonal dynamics for dummies book and marketed it to the military.
Jason just hates it when Ray is right about him.
He hates it when his second in command channels all his freaky perceptiveness and directs it squarely at his team leader. The man can be a freaking dog with a bone when he is stuck on something he thinks is important. For example the current flavour of the month is Clay Spenser. Since the draft is rapidly approaching and Jason refuses to make a clear decision one way or another, Perry just will not let it rest.
He knows Ray has a point in that every metric, every ranking, every tactical considerations and just plain common sense says that they should take the Spenser kid in the draft. It should be a no brainer. And even if he didn't trust the instructors rankings, which he does, time has shown that he absolutely can and should trust his second in command's intuition.
The problem is Ray is also more accurate than maybe even he knows when he said that Clay has already gotten under Jason's skin. The Bravo team leader finds himself keeping tabs on the Spenser kid ever since his cameo as a team strap. Watching him in the cafeteria for no reason. Straining to eavesdrop on conversations between the Green Team trainers to pick up some new. Going to Green Team exercises to observe all the candidates, read Clay, and mentally critiquing him while also secretly being impressed.
Some part of him, one he chooses not to over analyze, wants to know what the kid is up to at all times. For example there is no good explanation for why once he heard Davis mention the candidates being in SERE school he began mentally tracking two missions. Most of his focus was on Bravo team's actual mission to rescue the kidnapped CIA operative and yet a small corner of his brain was keeping a tally of Green Teams progress through their 72 hours of hell.
Really its unacceptable.
If anyone else on the team was not 100% focused on the mission he would be kicking their butt.
So his indecision about the draft or whatever this is needs to stop.
Ray would tell him there is an explanation. A very simple one.
Has tried to tell Jason on several occasions too, even though Jason didn't want to hear it.
But the more he is forced to interact with the kid, the more he watches from a distance, the harder it is to ignore - there are some definite similarities.
The way Spenser mouthed back at Jason on that mission after he swacked the HVT and after he disobeyed a direct order. Yah that rings a bell.
And even more so the adaptive strategic thinking that led him to do it. That type of fluid thinking is a rare trait that not all tier one operators possess. It's incredibly valuable and also completely and utterly exasperating for a team leader because it requires the person to walk a very fine line between initiative and overstepping, creativity and carelessness. Nate was a master at treading that line, right up until he wasn't.
Watching Clay in training brings back the familiar complicated desire to both simultaneously throttle a person for their choices while also kind of admiring the result.
So yeah, the kid reminds him of Nate.
That therapist from a few weeks back would probably would have had a field day with that admission, as would his second, which is exactly why he chooses to keep it to himself and live in denial for at least a little while longer.
To that end he pretends that he is exasperated when Davis advises that Bravo team got the call to go break the candidates out of SERE on their way home.
In reality he is relieved and he has to work to tamp down the increasing urgency he feels to move faster, gear up quicker and prepare for their impromptu follow on rescue mission.
And even once they get to work, his anxiety climbs higher with each sopping greenie they pull out of a barrel that isn't the one he is apparently looking for.
When they finally do get to Spenser. He doesn't get the reaction he is expecting. No smile. No cocky smirk. The kid just stares at them glassy eyed, without any sign of recognition. Blinking listlessly in a daze as he takes in his surroundings and looks vaguely like he is trying to decide if he is still under water or not.
Jason is almost a little disappointed in the response. He knows it isn't fair. That maybe he has too high expectations and apparently respects what Clay has shown so far in training more than he wants to let on. He certainly didn't expect the kid to be this rattled.
Then again SERE will humble even the best.
And Spenser does actually look in significantly worse shape than the other ones they have pulled out so far. So maybe it isn't realistic to expect him to be sharp right now.
Trent seems to share Jason's assessment, holding on to Clay's elbow for an extra second to be sure the kid gets his legs under him.
Come to think of it, it's not exactly surprising the young gun appears to have run afoul of his captors a few extra times. Clay has a mouth on him and no shortage of confidence. Two things that won't serve you well in SERE school.
Poor strategy or not, Spenser got through it so Jason holds out his hand to shake and gives the kid one last look over.
His breathing is still a little rough and his colour a little too pale but he ruthlessly tells himself it's not his job to care about that right now.
Not yet anyways.
With no small amount of effort he forces himself to move on to congratulating the next candidate.
They will all be alright. The SERE instructors are masters at what they do and know how to stop just before the line. Its brutal and nasty while you are in it but once it's over most of what ails a person can be cured with a shower, a hot meal and a couple hours of sleep.
As if determined to prove him wrong, he sees Clay's knees buckle out of the corner of his eye.
Brock being the closest makes an admirable but unsuccessful attempt to catch him before he faceplants. Apart from that no one really reacts when the kid hits the deck.
In fact a neutral observer would probably be appalled at the altogether lack of response .
Unless you counted Sonny's not so quiet and fairly cavalier comment on the subject.
"Hmph. I reckon the greenie should have eaten his wheaties today."
As much as the physical stuff is carefully controlled it still takes a toll. The stress and uncertainty begins to feel real no matter how long you tell yourself it isn't and the adrenaline dump at the end is most definitely real.
All that to say there is usually at least one fainter a class.
And from what he's heard the betting pool between the Green Team instructors is quite lucrative on the subject. The fact that its Ash Spenser's kid is probably a little extra icing on the cake for whoever won this year.
Jason can't help but think that it might be not be the worst thing as it could bring the kid's ego down a much needed peg or two. He shoots an exasperated look at Ray that he hopes conveys an "I told you so" loud and clear. He would place his own bet on the fact that the kid probably overdid it or did something equally stupid that led to this result. Probably tried to show someone up by telling them to beat him extra instead or refused to sleep so a teammate could. Its that kind of dumb lack of self preservation that exactly makes his case for why they shouldnt take the kid.
When Clay doesn't come around after a second or two, Trent finally moves, casually taking a knee at his side to give his sternum a hard rub. He follows it up with a well placed shoulder pinch that Jason knows from experience hurts like a bitch.
Getting no response, Bravo 4 finally reaches down to check his pulse..
Jason can see the exact moment it goes from being fun and games to something more serious. Trent visibly switches into medic mode, his face losing any elements of humour and his movements sharpening quickly as he starts checking other vitals. Jason's stomach drops a few inches, familiar enough with his medic's nuances to know this is no longer a laughing matter. Sure enough within seconds Trent is barking out orders for a coreman to be called, a SERE instructor Jason doesn't know hurries to obey. Adam and Brock both slip in closer to assist Trent, following urgent directions to raise Clay's legs and get him covered and warm.
Jason knows it's not his scene but he can't help himself. He wants answers.
"Sitrep Bravo 4"
Trent answers without looking up, focus fully absorbed on pulling supplies out of his kit. "He's gone into shock. Vitals are shit. Not sure why yet."
Jason rounds on the instructors who are observing carefully but staying out of the way.
"He get anything special?"
"No just the regular" The one who speaks seems as confused as they are by the turn of events.
"This isn't regular. BPs in the tank…." Trent shakes his head, working the problem out loud as and searching the non-responsive man for something that will explain his condition… "Tilt him"
Brock and Adam obey, rolling Clay onto his side and exposing his back.
Jason isn't the only one who reacts. There is an audible murmur in the room as people catch sight of the deep, dark bruising concentrated over one side of the kid's lower back. The colours are vivid and layered and expand out from a central point a few inches above his hip. Even to the non doctors in the room it speaks of likely internal bleeding, possible broken bones or spinal damage.
A sudden surge of anger and unexpected wave of protectiveness has Jason directing an accusatory glare towards the instructors because in his mind this is far beyond the scope of SERE training. Far beyond any "regular". This is clearly life threatening and could be career threatening down the road. Neither of which are acceptable outcomes for a training course.
When he finally unclenches his jaw enough to speak he gestures in Clay's direction "This is regular?"
His tone is caustic and accusatory. He takes a small amount of satisfaction in seeing a few instructors shift uncomfortably.
The same one who spoke before speaks for the group again, this time more defensively "That wasn't us, we didn't do anything to him that would have caused that."
Jason isn't sure he believes them, things have been known to get a little too real here. People can get carried away in a hurry.
He holds his gaze on the man but the man meets Bravo 1's scrutiny head on and doesn't flinch. The tension in the room ratchets up a notch and he feels more than sees Sonny take a small step forward at his six in response.
Adam apparently has heard enough, he looks up from his position at Spenser's side "It's probably from the crash at the beginning." He shoots Jason a hard look,the implication clear as day - this isn't the time or the place.
Trent, always level headed, nods in agreement while he inserts an IV "That would make sense, that bruise has been developing for a few days"
Jason isn't sure that explanation makes him feel any better but he doesn't have time to dwell on it or decide how he feels about being stood down by Adam because the coreman finally arrive.
There is a flurry of activity while Trent quickly catches them up and within seconds Clay has an oxygen mask on, is bundled under blankets, strapped down to a backboard and they are hustling out of the room followed closely by Adam.
Jason has to consciously remind himself that it's not his job to go with him. That it's Seaver's show and Seaver's team right now.
That self control lasts a few hours until they degear, debrief and finish the AARs from their actual mission. Then he runs out of it and wants to know what happened.
Trent was pretty sure the kid would be all right, spewed some medical mumbo jumbo about blood transfusions and hypothermia and hypertherapy.
Except Jason isn't satisfied with that. And he isn't satisfied with the idea of just calling Adam for an update either.
There's a knot in his stomach that he knows won't go away until he's seen it with his own eyes.
That's when he knows he is already sunk.
Ray does an admirable job at trying not to look victorious when Jason says he has a few errands to run and that he will be home later.
Still, there is a knowing smile that creeps onto his second in command's face that says he knows exactly where Jason will be detouring to before checking into Ray's couch for the night.
Jason finds Adam in the base hospital room.
He gets the same knowing grin from Seaver too and he is really, really, starting to tire of people thinking they are experts in Jason Hayes psychology.
So he ignores Adam in favour of studying the man on the bed.
Spenser is still unconscious but is settled comfortably on the bed, breathing easy under a fancy O2 mask that is probably pumping the warmed oxygen Trent was prattling on about earlier. His colour is better, a far cry from the greyish tint he had before and Jason doesn't even need to read the machines to know his vitals are better. He still does though, making a mental note of them just in case.
Tucked under a warming blanket and sleeping peacefully, the kid looks 12. For a second Jason sees Mikey in the bed and the thought is almost physically painful.
It occurs to him that it's been several hours since the Spencer kid collapsed. It is a bit surprising that there isn't anyone else waiting by his bedside. The kid would be alone if Adam hadn't stuck around.
He half expected Ash Spenser to be here. Although come to think of it he vaguely remembers Clay mentioning his father and his book in a futile attempt to distance himself from the pair when he was their strap. Jason had written it off, assuming it was mostly talk or a somewhat admirable attempt to stand on his own two feet rather than his pipehitter father's now somewhat tarnished legacy. Perhaps there is something to it though and maybe the father/son relationship isn't as hunky dory as everyone assumed. He doesn't know why that surprises him. He knows Ash Spenser and it really shouldn't surprise anyone to learn he wasn't the father of the year even though he was a damn good operator. Unfortunately the two don't always go hand in hand.
Adam answers the unspoken question. Or perhaps is just trying to rationalize his own presence there.
"His girlfriend is on the way. Was out of town at some sort of conference."
Jason gives that a non-committal "Hmm." Still a bit prickly and not willing to admit he had been curious.
He goes back to studying the kid. That answers one of his questions but Clay is still unconscious, hours later, so there is still one more big one that he both wants to and doesn't want to ask.
Adam doesn't make him beg, again volunteering the information like a peace offering "He's been in and out of it a few times, they said he is gonna be alright."
At Jason's continued silence he goes on to provide more details,
"Initial snatch and grab accident caused some damage to his kidney. A small tear that was bleeding slowly. Might have been alright but the rough treatment probably didn't help and then the cold water exasperated things and he went into hypovolemic shock. They managed to stop the bleeding without opening him up, used a catheter and went up through his leg to embolize the bleed. He'll need a couple days of observation to make sure it holds but his vitals are already stabilizing and he should be back on his feet fairly quickly."
Bleeding internally for 3 days. Jesus.
Jason mulls that over for a second. Grappling with the now familiar wave of anger, protectiveness, exasperation, fondness that he is beginning to associate with Clay Spenser.
He settles on anger because it's the simplest.
"Idiot should have tapped out."
Adam snorts, apparently amused by the sentiment, or maybe just who it was coming from "Yep, probably should have. But would you have…"
Jason tilts his head in acknowledgement of that point.
If there was any doubt before its been erased, this kid is a true believer.
The best kind, and the worst kind of SEAL.
Loyal to a fault and doesn't know his own limitations, which means he is probably going to try to get himself killed on more than one occasion. Spenser is going to need someone to stamp that out of him and Jason is becoming less and less sure that he can trust that task to anyone else. Clearly Clay needs the best team around him to make sure he makes it home in one piece long enough to reach his full potential. You can't waste this kind of good.
He is saved from having to give any kind of response by Adam's cell ringing. Adam steps out to take the call, and then pops his head back into the room a few seconds later.
"His girlfriend, Stella, is at the gate. Can you stay with him while I go grab her?"
Apparently it was mostly a rhetorical question because Adam doesn't actually give him a chance to reply before he is gone.
The Green Team Master chief is barely gone 30 seconds when a noise from the bed catches his attention. The kid groans and shifts uncomfortably, eyes cracking open slowly and with some level of effort.
The timing is so comical Jason would almost think it was a setup, if not for how confused Clay appears to be with the situation.
He isn't sure how much information Adam gave the kid the last time he was awake. Or if Clay even would remember it in his state, so he tries to cover all the basics before he gets worked up.
"You're alright. You are at the hospital. Adam just went to get Stella."
Spenser blinks a few more times and a bit more clarity seems to come through. Visible embarrassment floods his cheeks as he recognizes the speaker and the situation and the kid looks away sheepishly.
Jason takes that hint of lucidity as a sign that he can say what he needs to say. The words that have been burning on the tip of his tongue for hours since the kid went down. Whether or not it gets remembered is a whole other issue.
It doesn't really matter though, he will take great joy into beating it back into his head on future occasions if needed. He assumes it will be.
He doesn't mince words either getting straight to the point.
"You really are an idiot, you know that right?"
Clays brow furrows and he reaches up clumsily to try and dislodge the oxygen mask so he can speak.
Jason intercepts it. Blocking his access with a sharp "Don't"
He doesn't want to hear it.
Clay lowers his hand back down reluctantly and they both ignore the tremor that runs through it and the way it drops the last couple inches to the bed, fatigued by just that small effort.
"A team is only as strong as its weakest member. You hide an injury, you don't help anyone, in fact you cripple them. Might as well cut their chute yourself"
Jason winces the second the last few words leave his mouth but it's too late to pull them back.
Shit. Of all the metaphors he could have chosen he has no idea why he went with that one. Way to kick a guy when he is down, Jason.
It's probably a good thing Ray didn't tag along. He can vividly picture "are you kidding me right now" look he would be getting. Evidently his 2Ic is right, this kid really does give him a case of the redass and apparently an accompanying lack of filter. He usually prides himself on finding the right words to get through to his team. Clearly he is going to have to work on that for Spenser. It won't do to make putting his foot in his mouth like this a habit.
He studies the kid. Eyes downcast miserably, taking the lecture in stride while looking a bit like a kicked puppy about how this whole situation is unfolding. There is no hint of the cocky, brash seal team candidate they have been watching over the last few weeks. It's easy to forget that this is the same soldier who disobeyed Jason's orders as a strap and then had the audacity to argue about it. He has no doubt the kid will bounce back and be every bit the thorn in his side he expects soon enough but for now he owes Clay an apology.
He briefly considers just straight up saying he is sorry. But in his world talk is cheap and he figures he can do one better. If this kid is who he thinks he is then there is something that will mean more right now There probably is a better time and better way to do this, and by policy he shouldn't be saying anything until the final selections in a few more days, however Jason has always subscribed to the theory that rules are made to be broken. Besides he figures Clay deserves this after what he just went through.
He waits another second. Letting the silence stretch until the atmosphere in the room is so uncomfortable that Clay has no choice but to reluctantly make eye contact again.
When he has the younger man's full attention he says.
"You pull any of this crap on my team, I'll kick your butt myself...Got it?"
The kid squints at him, and his brow furrows again. Thinking, processing, trying to understand through the fog of fatigue, drugs and self recrimination he's got going on. For a second Jason isn't sure if the implication will even get through at this moment, but then Clay's eyes light up and he is beaming so brightly that its visible even under the mask. His hand snakes up again to the mask and this time Jason lets him nudge it off enough to get out a weak but firm "Yes, boss"
Jason is pretty sure the corner of his own mouth twitches into something dangerously close to a smile as he watches the priceless reaction. It's hard not to react to the kid's pure joy and unspoiled excitement. Even so he schools his features quickly, forcing a neutral expression. It won't do for the kid to think he is a softie. Especially after he just reamed him out.
So he gives a firm, conclusive "good" and holds out his hand again, waiting patiently while the kids coordinates his sluggish limbs, and shakes on it.
There are fast footsteps coming down the hall and a female he supooses to be Stella enters at a frantic pace. She only has eyes for the man in the bed and rushes to the side oblivious to Jason's presence.
Jason' takes that as his cue to exit, reaching out to realign the oxygen mask and leaving with final instructions to "keep that on there".
It's harder than Jason wants to admit away and leaving the room. Adam gives him an understanding smile and joins him on his way out. They make it halfway down the hallway before Adam finally says "Kid sure has a way of getting under your skin doesnt he?"
Jason gives him a rueful, grim smile "Like a damn parasite." He waits a beat and then adds "This isn't going to be the last time he gives me grey hair is it?"
Its as close as he will come to admitting his intentions even though the gig is clearly up.
He knows it. Adam knows it. Ray's known it for weeks.
Adam just laughs "Hell no. Better stock up your liquor cabinet"
Yup, Jason is in deep with this one. If there is any saving grace, its that he can probably count on Clay to rack up quite a tab of cases of beer in the first couple weeks with Bravo. That should help them all weather the acclimatization period. Maybe.
There is also always the chance Sonny kills him on the first mission. Could go either way.
With that thought, and the idea that Ray is most definitely waiting up at home to give him a massive, and well deserved "I told you so," he resolves to stop and pick up something a little stronger on the way home. His friend may have been right but it doesn't mean he needs to be sober when he hears about it.
Thats a wrap. Thanks to everyone who was so invested in this story.