In the planet of Velocitron, in the tunnels of the tracks. Two vehicles were driving through the tracks as they talked to each other. A lime green three-wheeled cybertronic race car with huge turbine thrusters, and a candy red cybertronic motorcycle.
They were in the middle of their conversation when they saw a black and purple vehicle in the middle of the road. They were so confused by this and saw they went and looked.
"Hey, there's some big guy parked up on the road," The lime green one said as the two were racing towards it. "so, you think he's friendly?"
"Uhhh," The candy red one was thinking about it when the car shot two laser beams at them. "Woah! Not friendly!"
The two quickly drove backward in fright and shock by them and the laser beams hit behind them. This quickly frightens the two as they drive off to escape it.
"Hit tracks buddy!" The candy red exclaims as they drove off. "What's with him?!"
"I don't know maybe he's related to that cute scutter you dumped," The lime green car suggested. "you should've have been nicer to her."
Then they saw the same car jumped over the two and transformed into a big mech as he crossed his arms and looks at the two with a blank stare.
"Aw man," The candy red motorcycle groaned as he and his friend stopped in front of the robot.
"Looks like we've both bumpered a bumper," The lime green said.
The background around them changed to light blue color with a few orange and purple as the lime green transformed. "Crumplezone, transform!" The two sides of his vehicle slide of the create his arms and hand. Then his front slides down and showed his bulking yellow face-plate as his legs were slit as he posed.
The candy red motorcycle did the same as he transformed. "Ransack!" The wheel on the back splits apart and the back splits as well to form his legs and hip as the front was extended and the wheel was put in the back while the arms were formed. And finally, the glass front was placed on the chest to reveal his head with his white face-plates. He smirks as he posed.
After they transformed, Ransack tried to punch the mech but with one swop of his hand, he was tossed to a wall and he punched Crumplezone in the chest and he lands near his comrade as the two groaned from the hits they took.
"I am Megatron and now you work for me." The mech, Megatron, said.
"Yeah... sure, anything you say, boss," Crumplezone groaned as he and Ransack stood up in front of him.
Meanwhile back on Earth, everyone was at the control center as they were going to talk about their plan to find the Cyber-Planet keys. While they were talking, Tsubomi, Erika, Itsuki, and Yuri came walking into the room.
They look around the room, Tsubomi then saw Landmine sitting next to a table all by himself. They approached him as Optimus walks over as well, they watched as the leader placed his servo on Landmine's shoulder.
"Landmine, are you alright?" Optimus asked him concerned. Landmine looks up at Optimus.
"Oh uh yeah, just feeling a bit useless for being broken down that's all," Landmine looks away from him, ashamed at himself for that.
"Don't you worry, old friend. You'll be a hundred percent back with us soon." Optimus reassure him. But Landmine was still not sure about his role with them.
"I'm hearing you loud and clear, Prime. I promise I'll work hard." The girls looked at each other and nodded and walked over to Landmine.
"Hey, Landmine. How are you feeling today?" Landmine looks down and sees the girls standing around him. Tsubomi was the one who asked him.
"Better kid, thanks for asking." Landmine smiled at the sight of them. Optimus quietly smiled to himself, seeing that the girls were there talking to him.
'Very good, time with friends is exactly what Landmine needs.' He steps back away from them and then walks off to let them talk.
"So tell me, kids, what brings you around here, huh?" Landmine asked them.
"I wanted to bring you some food, but..." Erika scratched the back of her head. Landmine chuckled warmly at this.
While they were talking to him, the Autobots discussed with each other.
"Autobots! It's time for us to plan!" Optimus announced as the group huddled up in a circle as he spoke.
"Well it doesn't look like we have a whole lot of options in this situation," Scattorshot said. "we gotta find those Cyber-Planet keys before its too late."
"I'm not saying I buying all that malarky but nothing has worked," Jetfire said to them.
"Come on, less talk and more walking!" Overhaul said impatiently as he storms out of the room.
"Wait! Overhaul, where you going? You don't even know where to look yet," Jetfire called out but he was gone by then. The Pretty Cures walked over after hearing Overhaul and wanted to see what's up.
"More bolts then brains," Optimus sighed after watching that.
"Yeah I gotta agree with ya," Scattorshot said, looking up at Optimus. "we can't just search the whole universe, we need more information."
"Very well then, Optimus," Vector Prime said. "I'll analyze the Atlantis pattern in an attempt to locate the Omega-Lock."
Optimus nodded at that. "Excellent Vector Prime, Scattorshot's right, we need information. Alright," Optimus looked around at the Autobots and Pretty Cures with them. "the rest of us will go forth and gather Earth data with one primary objective; Finding the Cyber-Planet keys, is that understood?"
"Right!" Everyone nodded. Optimus then looks at the Pretty Cures in question.
"I suppose you girls will be partaking into this mission with us?" Optimus questioned.
"Yeah, of course!" Erika grinned at him. The girls, except Tsubomi, nodded in agreeing as they went and went to their Autobot.
"Hey Jolt, I'm coming with you!" Erika said as she ran towards him and followed him.
"Jetfire, hold on, I wanna come with you!" Said Itsuki ran over to him.
"Optimus, wait for me!" And Yuri as well went to Optimus. Everyone went into they're landing positions as they girls buckled up for the ride. Itsuki held Potpurri as she looked forward.
"You ready, Itsuki?" Jetfire asked her.
"Yeah, it will be just like last time," Itsuki smiled.
"Yeah!" Potpurri cheered. The others were ready as well as they took positions.
"Cyber-Planet keys, here I come!" Scattorshot said to himself as he was lowered down.
As Jolt was coming up to the top, Erika and Coffret sat inside. "This is gonna be awesome!"
"Glad you could come along for the ride, Mistress Erika!" Said Jolt as Erika puts on her seatbelt as they descended upward.
"Autobots! Let's move out!" Optimus said and everyone flew or raced off into action as Optimus transformed and let Yuri inside before they joined their friends. Up in the air, Jetfire and Itsuki had flew pasted Jolt and Erika. And this made her pretty upset about it.
"Jolt! Jetfire and Itsuki just flew passed up, isn't there a way for you to go any faster?" Erika asked him.
"If you wanted to fly fast you picked the wrong Mini-Con," Said Jolt. Erika sighed in disappoint at that. But that wasn't what Jolt was going to let.
"but if you wanna surf fast I can't be beaten! As insert the net for Cyber-Key info." Erika's face lit up like a Christmas tree had that as she looks at the controls. With Itsuki and Jetfire, they were having a conversation of their own as they flew over the trees and mountains of the base.
"So, how's you're older brother doing?" Jetfire asked.
"He's been doing well, he's started training again two days ago..." She replied as she had Potpurri sat on her lap.
In the city of Kibougahana, Yuri was riding in Optimus as he strolls through the cities streets. As they did, they came across two of the race cars driving over to them.
"Hey, guys," Yuri greeted. "how's it been? Anything interesting while staying on Earth?"
"Not bad Yuri, except I kinda hate the traffic..." The blue race car replied to Yuri, who smiled which if the blue racer was in his robot form, he'd be blushing.
"You know what, the other day I was almost carjacked!" The red raced said, this made Optimus chuckled.
"Be careful to keep up your disguise, we may need to stay here for a while." He said to them.
"'Kay Optimus, but I hope we return to Cybertron soon." Said the blue racer.
"Yeah, I liked to be back home..." The red racer added. Yuri frowned sadly at this, she felt bad for them because they had to stay far from home.
Yuri puts on an assuring smile on her face. "Don't worry you two, we are doing everything we can to get you all home." Optimus smiled inside mentally at that, he liked that about Yuri. She can be stubborn when she sets her mind to something, but she is friendly and cares about the team. And that's what he liked to see from Hot Shot now and then. Speaking of which...
"By the way, have you two seen Hot Shot anywhere?" Optimus asked, he hasn't seen him since this morning and he's been wondering all day.
"Huh? Hot Shot? Well, I uhhh..." The two race cars were hesitant to say, but Yuri frowned at them.
"You two better tell us now..." She told them with a cold stare. She doesn't know it yet, but Optimus and the two racers were shivering at the stare and tone of her voice.
At the race track by the mall, Hot Shot was having a great time circling the track, he would've brought Erika along because she and he would do this on at times after school, but she didn't want to wake up earlier so he had to do this alone. He could at least spent it for her like the friend he is. At least to her, Coffret doesn't though.
"SWEET!" Hot Shot shots as he slows down to let himself cool down for another circle around the track. "Nothing compares to the rush of revving up to RPMs!"
Then he hears a car driving next to him, confused, he turns and was shocked to see Optimus in his alter form and Yuri there standing next to him with her arms crossed.
"Hello Hot Shot," Optimus greeted casually. Hot Shot quickly transforms in surprise.
"H-Hey Optimus, Yuri! W-What are you two doing here?" He stuttered.
"Hot Shot, you should watch that transforming in public or someone might see you!" Yuri said. Hot Shot quickly transformed back.
"Sorry, Yuri. I wasn't thinking," Hot Shot said apologizing. Yuri nodded in approval that he was sorry. But Optimus wasn't taking this lightly.
"Hot Shot we can't press our luck and risk discovery for the sake of fun, caution is needed around humans, especially with Pretty Cures' like Yuni and Erika are there to cover us," Said Optimus getting tired of Hot Shot's recklessness. "no more recklessness is that clear Hot Shot?"
"Won't happen again!" Replied Hot Shot.
Yuri looked at Hot Shot with a sympathy look on her face, she doesn't like to say it but she gets worried about him sometimes.
Back at the base that afternoon, the base was mostly empty and quiet. Which was enough for Tsubomi to help Landmine do some exercises for his injury.
Landmine and Tsubomi stood in front of each other in the big room, Tsubomi adjusted her glasses while she watches Landmine flecks his servo as she held a note pad. Chypre was sitting off to the side as she watched.
"Okay Landmine, we should start testing the gears, try lifting one of your legs. But don't stress yourself," She told him. Landmine obeyed lifted his left leg. "how do you feel Landmine?"
"Not too bad, feeling good." He replied as he gently puts his leg down. Tsubomi hums and that before she notes down that as progress.
Tsubomi looks up at him. "That's great to hear, I'm glad you're recovering well."
"It's all thanks to you and Erika kid." Landmine compliments. Tsubomi blushes at that before rubbing the back of her neck in embarrassment.
"I-It's nothing really! I didn't even do much to help!" Said Tsubomi looking away. Landmine chuckled at her before giving her a warm smile.
"You really did kid, it's thanks to you that I had a second chance in the first place." He reminds her. Tsubomi stares at him in awe, he was right. If she hadn't found him up in the mountains then he wouldn't have.
"I guess that counts," She giggles, then she saw that Landmine's face turned serious all of a sudden. "is something wrong?"
Landmine sighed before looking down at Tsubomi. "Tsubomi, be straight with me. Am I healed, 100%?"
Tsubomi was confused by what Landmine had just said. "Well," She said. "you are making progress in your recovery but I'm not really sure its a 100%."
Landmine slumps his shoulder. "Yeah kinda figured, but do you think I can go help the guys search for those Cyber-Planet Keys?" He asked her hopeful.
"But isn't that kind of rushing it?" Tsubomi asked him.
"Doesn't matter, I can just sit around here while the other guys are risking their necks, you know." Landmine argued as he walks away. Tsubomi jumped in panic before running up to him with Chypre following behind her.
"Wait, Landmine!" She shouted. Landmine stops as Tsubomi came to his side. "You can't go out there looking like that!"
"Huh?" He looked at her, confused.
"You need a disguise!" Tsubomi told him.
"But Tsubomi, where are we gonna find disguises for him?" Chypre asked her, Tsubomi thought for a moment as she closed her eyes and thought. Then, a thought came to her and she opened her eyes again.
"I got it!" Landmine and Chypre looked at each other before Tsubomi told them to follow her. They walked outside to where construction vehicles were lying around.
"Now, let's see what we have in store for you today," Tsubomi's fashion quirks kicked in as she looks around. "What about that one?" She said, pointing at an excavator.
Landmine took a thinking pose as he examines the vehicle. "I don't know, I can't really see myself looking like that. It just ain't me." He said, obviously not liking the look.
Tsubomi hummed at that before giving him a determined looked. "It's alright, let's see what else is there." She looks again before her eyes set on a vehicle.
She points the front loader to Landmine. "How about this one with the shovel, it seems sturdy and it has your color."
Landmine hummed, looking at the vehicle. "I like it, it's just like you described it. It's powerful and sturdy, it's just my style." He said.
Tsubomi smiled at the approval before she gestures to the vehicle like how she saw Erika's mom do it with a customer. "Why do you try it on?"
Landmine nodded and he scanned the front loader before the backgrounds changed into shades of purple, magenta, and red as Landmine began his transformation. "Landmine, Transform!" He folds his arms down before connecting his arms to form the shovel. Then, his back faced up and then bent down and shifted his legs in place. Once he was done he stood there in his new form, Tsubomi and Chypre stared at him in awe and amazing.
"It's amazing, Landmine!" She complimented.
"I really dig your new look!" Chypre joked as she, Tsubomi, and Landmine laughed at that.
"Dig!" He said, laughing. "I get it because I have a shovel!"
Tsubomi smiled at him before she and Chypre go over to Landmine and he asked if they wanted to go for a drive to which they agreed and Tsubomi knew the best place to go. They were driving for a while before they were driving right next to a river where some flowers were growing.
"This is where my grandmother would take me when my parents were overseas," Tsubomi tells Landmine as Chypre was resting on her lap.
"That's pretty nice, Tsubomi," Landmine said. Tsubomi looks out the window.
"The flowers are pretty today with the sunset," Tsubomi said as she leaned on the window. "my grandmother says that they aren't just the most beautiful flowers on Earth, they're the most beautiful flowers in the universe."
"Yeah, they are, Tsubomi. If I was from Earth, I'd probably feel just the same way as your grandma kid." Landmine said as he drove up a hill.
Tsubomi looked back at the radio. "Hey Landmine, is your home planet as beautiful as the flowers and my home?" She asked.
Landmine sighs at this. "Not right now kiddo, just makes me too sad."
Tsubomi frown in sadness. "I'm sorry, Landmine."
"It's okay kiddo, you didn't know."
Meanwhile, the Decepticons Thundercracker and Starscream were flying in the air over the mountains. Starscream has found something with the Omega-lock while Megatron was away on a planet to find a Cyber-Planet key. He didn't have any other options so he and Thundercracker scout out for it.
"Man, whatcha reckon this 'Omega-Lock' thing looks like anyway? Where exactly are we heading? You got a picture of it?" Thundercracker whined much to Starscreams annoyance.
"Oh quit whining and keep searching!" Starscream snarled.
"Oooh, Whining? I'm thinking, out loud, " Thundercracker told him. Starscream doesn't have time for this so he flew off faster. "hey I was talking to you!"
Back with the Autobots, Erika and Jolt were flying over to forest as Erika looks over the data patterns and tries to find the patterns of the Omega-lock. She wasn't as smart at the girls were but she still passed her math class either way.
"Any luck Mistress Erika?" Asked Jolt. Erika scratched her head as she pushed some buttons before the screen popped a picture of the Omega-lock symbol on it with the data patterns.
"Yeah, I found an Atlantis pattern!" Erika replied looking at it with a grin.
"Hoho! Where is it?!" Jolt eagerly said.
Erika looks over at the data before tilting her head. "It says its located in a museum over on the west by Mexico."
"Huh, so Atlantis is in Mexico?" Jolt wondered.
"Eh, I don't about that, but they do make pretty good tacos!" Erika drooled at the thought of having a taco right now. Coffret looked at her unimpressed.
"Oh, Erika..." He said to himself.
Once Jolt copied the data, he sent it to the base right when Optimus and Yuri had gotten back with Hot Shot behind. Vector Prime was present as well with the other two mini-cons. Optimus contacted the others.
"I've received a report from Jolt, they've located an archeological site in Terrell Mill Mexico with an Atlantis pattern, this may be the Omega-lock," Optimus said through the coms.
"I got it, we're on our way Optimus!" Jetfire replied and flew off.
"Me too!" Scatter Shot said.
"I'm rolling out!" Landmine said driving off.
Vector Prime walks over to the screen as Six-Speed walked past him. Yuri walks over to him.
"Vector Prime, what do you think of this?" She asked him. Vector Prime looks down at her.
"Hmm, well the data looks promising." He replied.
"Hm," The two looked over to see Optimus walking over to them with Six-Speed behind him. "this may indeed be the artifact we seek. That means there's not a moment to lose!"
Optimus looks over at the coms. "Autobots and Pretty Cures! Let's roll!"
"We're rolling!" Hot Shot cheered as he and the others raced off to the launch bay and the three raced off towards Mexico. While they went, they weren't alone as Thundercracker and Starscream were over a cliffside looking down at them with curiosity.
"Would ya look at that, everyone's off to a party, I just love parties. Don't you Starscream?" Thundercracker said to the mech behind him.
The Autobots and Pretty Cures, Itsuki and Yuri made it to the museum where Erika and Jolt still in helicopter form waiting for them.
"Hey guys, glad you could make it!" Erika called out as she was waving at them. Optimus and the others rolled over as he rolled over to Erika. The two got out as they walked over to Erika.
"Remember, let's keep it quiet. " Optimus said quietly.
"At this time at night, any folks around should be fast asleep. " Said Jetfire.
"Then let's not wake them," Optimus said. In the museum, a security guard was asleep on the job as a tv channel was on his monitors.
"Jolt, Erika, finding the Omega-lock is excellent work thank you." Optimus thanked them. The girls looked at Erika and were proud of her.
"Yeah Erika, you do a great job!" Itsuki praised quietly.
"Aw! It was nothing!" Erika said with a grin. Optimus and the others quietly transformed as they circled up.
"We need to confirm that it is the Omega-lock," Vector Prime stated, bursting Erika's bubble.
"Oh... so, how do we do that?" Erika asked him.
"Well..." Vector Prime was cut off by the sound of jet engines and the group lookup and was surprised to see two familiar jets.
"Thundercracker!". "Starscream!" They transformed and they across from the group. The girls gasped at the sight of them.
"Thundercracker! Starscream!" Optimus exclaimed in shock at the sight of them.
Meanwhile, on the Speed-Planet, Megatron stood in front Crumplezone and Ransack in silent. Crumplezone and Ransack didn't know what's going on as the mech still stared at them in silence.
"Is he mad or something?" Crumplezone asked his friend.
"Eh, I don't know did we do something to make him mad?" Ransack thinks.
"Yeah, but how could we Ransack? We ain't never seen him before." Crumplezone stated.
"Silence yourselves!" The mech ordered. The two quickly stand attention ready to serve as an army soldier. "The two for work for me."
"Huh?!". "Work?!" The two mechs said in complete shock but Megatron still had a straight face.
"You'll be my guides to the Speed-Planet unless you'd rather be destroyed." Megatron threatened.
"I don't wanna work!" Whined Crumplezone. Ransack looked up at his pal.
"Uh, it's an offer we can't refuse Crumplezone." Said Ransack, stating the obvious.
"But this guy is mean he kinda scares the oil out of me." Crumplezone mumbles.
Ransack and Crumplezone looked back at Megatron. "Uh go with the flow," Ransack suggested.
"Do you have a problem with my offer?" Megatron asked. Crumplezone and Ransack quickly stood straight in panic.
"No, sir!" They both said.
Back with the Autobots and the girls have to deal with Thundercracker and Starscream, Erika looked at the girls with a serious look.
"Let's go girls!" She said, holding out her perfume. The girls nodded and quickly transformed into Pretty Cures and they stood next to the Autobots.
"Hey, how would you like a taste of my Cyber-Key Power!" Thundercracker launched a beam of purple energy into the sky that was covered in clouds. Then a blue key slammed onto his back.
"They can use Cyber-Keys?!" Cure Marine exclaimed in shock.
"What now?" Jetfire said. Thundercracker pulled his servo forward.
"Thunder cannon!" And he fired right at Jetfire and he was sent back. Cure Sunshine quickly ran towards him.
"Jetfire! Are you okay?" Sunshine asked concernedly. Jetfire grunted as he sat up.
"I'll be fine, Sunshine," Jetfire grunted as he stood up on his feet. "I'll live."
"I got you like a bad habit!" Thundercracker taunted as he transformed and flew.
"Grr... I hate this guy!" Jetfire transformed and flew after him.
"Jetfire wait up!" Sunshine flew after him too.
"Jetfire, Sunshine, find a way to keep Thundercracker busy and as far away as possible from the Omega-lock," Optimus commanded.
"Will do!" Jetfire and Sunshine chased after him while the other Pretty Cures and the Recon team figure out what to do.
"Reverb, Jolt, Six-Speed, the three of you will clear the area if any humans are around. Marine, cover them." Said Moonlight, Marine nodded.
"Good idea Moonlight!" Said Jolt and the four of them raced off. Back with the Autobots, Optimus and Starscream stood in front of each other with a glaring gaze.
"Starscream you're sourly mistaken if you think the Decepticons are getting the Omega-lock!" Optimus growled.
"We'll see about that!" Starscream said before he was glowing in purple. "Cyber-Key, Power!" And launched a beam of purple energy into the sky that was covered in clouds. Then a dark purple key was slammed into his back. Then, two long purple saber blades were summoned in his servos.
"How do you like me now?!" Starscream taunts as he displays his sabers blades.
"Huh?! So Thundercracker isn't the only Decepticon with a Cyber-Key." Said Optimus, shocked to see the display before him with his own optics. Starscream smirked at his reaction.
"What is it that I see? Is that fear in the great Optimus Prime's eyes?" He taunted.
"Never!" Optimus jumped into the air. The background changed into shades of purple, magenta, and red with the haft of his vehicle as Optimus began his transformation. "Optimus Prime, Super Mode!" His legs on the back titled and became apart of his feet as two busters were attached. Then the rest of the haft slammed to his back and he was given a mouthguard.
Once he was done he fired two laser beams at Starscream but he quickly blocked them away and hit some tall trees right on top of the group. Reverb, Six-Speed, and Cure Marine were right there as they covered their heads.
"Com' on you guys to stop dropping and roll to a safe spot before one of us gets hurt!" Exclaimed Jolt.
In the museum, the explosions were heard and the security guard woke up from it. But he was stopped when he saw it was a war movie playing. So he went back to sleep.
Vector Prime unsheathed his sword and swung at Starscream. "For Cybertron!" He yelled. But once again, Starscream collided his blade with his sword and flang him back. Vector Prime was about to race at him again but Optimus stepped in.
"No, we'll take care of the Decepticons, you analyze the Omega-lock," Optimus looks over at Cure Moonlight. "Moonlight, I want you to help him out."
Cure Moonlight nodded in understanding of the situation. "Right." She and Vector Prime nodded acknowledging each other and two raced off to the museum.
"You two cover them as they exam the Omega-lock," Optimus told Hot Shot and Scatter Shot.
"But I wanna piece of Starscream!" Hot Shot whined.
"Let's crush those Decepticreeps!" Scatter Shot agreed. But Optimus shook his head.
"The Omega-lock comes first, with it could lie the future of Cybertron now go!" He ordered. Scatter Shot slumped his shoulders in defeat.
"Understood.". "We won't let you down!" The two of them then raced on after Vector Prime and Cure Moonlight. This was then that Optimus was alone with Starscream.
"You were looking for a fight, you found it!" Optimus said firmly.
"I'm too powerful to defeat!" Starscream growled. Optimus growled at him. Then, a horn shot out from the silence.
"We're here to prove you wrong!" Landmine and Tsubomi, now Cure Blossom, raced towards them. Blossom puts her hands together and a pink aura surrounds her palms. She then shouts, "Blossom Shoot!", and shoots a load of pink magical bullets at Starscream.
"Hey watch where you're shooting!" Starscream exclaims as he stumbles back as Landmine pulls over to them.
The backgrounds changed into shades of purple, magenta, and red as Landmine began his transformation. "Landmine, Transform!" He folds his legs and arms out before he turns his torso and he was finished.
Landmine stood in front of Starscream and he was angry. Starscream was angry too.
"Landmine!" He growled.
"Starscream I got a bolt to pick with you!" Landmine yelled.
"Give me a break, if I wanted to smash up used outdated parts I'd go to the scrap heap!" Starscream said.
"Landmine, go help the others, I'll handle this second rate Decepticon!" Said Optimus.
"But..." Landmine didn't understand, he was here and now Optimus just wants him to get to safety? He should be right next to him and fighting off Starscream.
"No Landmine!" Landmine turns to see Cure Blossom standing a few feet away from them, Landmine's spark sank when he saw the tears threatening to come from her eyes.
"We both know you haven't recovered yet, please don't fight Starscream!" She pleaded.
"'Please don't fight Starscream!' How cute," Starscream repeated sarcastically.
Landmine growled as he clenched his fist in anger, Optimus sees this and tries to intervene. "Landmine, stand down!" Optimus shot his laser beams at Starscream but he blocked them again.
'Heh, I'll take the weak one first!' He thought and shot a laser at Landmine. But Optimus went in front of him and took the blow. The blow had hurt Optimus so bad that he fell to his knees
"Optimus!" Cure Blossom and Landmine shouted in fear as the two raced as Optimus shakily tries to stand.
"Your hurt." Landmine says looking over at Optimus. Optimus looks up at Landmine weakly with a grunt.
"Don't worry about me... retreat now... get Blosoom out of here... and guard the Omega-lock!" He says weakly. Landmine shook his helm and stands up.
"Sorry, I hate to disobey an order, but..." Landmine then yells and charges at Starscream. Starscream fires his lasers at him but Landmine blocks them and then hard fully shoves Starscream. Starscream stumbles back as Landmine steps back.
"Now I'm mad!" Starscream growled as he quickly swings his sword at Landmine and he fell back.
"Landmine!" Blossom shouted and she saw Starscream jumped into the air and flying away.
"He's going after the Omega-lock!" Landmine grunts as he sits up. Blossom sees the situation she knows what to do.
"Chypre!" She calls.
"Right!" Chypre transforms into a cape for Cure Blossom and she flies up into the air and flies after Starscream.
"Tsubomi no!" Landmine tried to call but she far off. He had to stop her, he has to, after all the kindness she has done for him.
In the museum, Vector Prime was standing in front of a wall that had the symbol they were looking for and was now scanning it. Cure Moonlight stood by in case Starscream or Thundercracker came.
"Hey Vector Prime, I have a question." Asked Moonlight. Vector hummed.
"Go on..."
"Think the Prime's up next, just like the old man," Starscream mumbled as he flew over towards the museum. But Hot Shot and Scatter Shot were there waiting for him while Cure Marine and the Mini-cons were a few feet away.
"It's up to us!" Hot Shot stated, getting into a stance.
"Yeah, us and a Cyber-Key, Power!" Scatter Shot shouts as he sends a red beam of light into the sky that was covered in clouds. Then a blue key came down and slotted upside down the slot onto Scatter Shot's back.
"Eat this!" Scatter Shot then fired missiles at Starscream but he dodged quick.
"You missed!" Starscream said. But Landmine and Cure Blossom were right behind him.
"Your lucks about run out!" Landmine stated. "You beat me once but I've been recycling punks like you for years!" Everyone heard some engines and looked up to see Thundercracker being chased by Jetfire and Cure Sunshine from the sky.
"Starscream!" Thundercracker cried out in fear. "I can't shake these two! Take this!" And he fired his missiles at them.
"Matching fire!/Sunshine Flash!" The two fired at the missiles and hit them, but they had missed one more and it was head towards Cure Marine's group.
"Guys look out!" Sunshine cried out. The group gasped as the missile was heading towards Cure Marine's group.
"Marine!" Hot Shot cried. Blossom quickly puts herself in front of the group but Landmine stood by her.
"Landmine?" Blossom said, confused as to why he was next to her. Landmine looked up where the missile was coming but he didn't look at her.
"I can't let you kids get hurt," He says. "I won't stand by and let that happen. Not after all you've done for me." He looks at her. "And I'll make sure of it, here and now!"
Cure Blossom stares at him in surprised by what he said, she was so moved by it, that he would risk his life just to make sure she and the others were okay. She smiled warmly to that. Blossom flew up next to him and reached out and took his servo. Landmine looks back at her shocked but she smiled at him with the most determination he had seen in her.
"Then let's do it together!" She proclaimed. Then, the two were glowing like before with her and Optimus. Everyone was surprised by this.
"A Cyber-key?" Scatter Shot wondered.
"Cyber-Key, Power!" The two shouted out and sends the beams of a red and pink beam of light into the sky that was covered in clouds. Then a blue key and Blossom's Flower tact came down. The blue key slotted in Landmine's wheel and Cure Blossom grabbed the tact. Landmine's back wheels faced up behind him. Cure Blossom then claps the center of the tact and spins as Landmine's wheels spun too.
"Cyber-Key, Cybertempest Wave!" The two then swung a large gust of pink-colored gust at the missile and it hit it on the spot and created an explosion. Everyone saw when the smoke cleared they saw Cure Blossom there and standing tall and proud with Landmine as well, everyone felt relieved at that.
Then, Blossom heard the sound of static electricity, she turns and saw Landmine's knee sparking up. "Landmine? Are you okay?" She asked. Landmine turns towards her and Cure Marine.
"Hey, Blossom, Marine, you uhh... think you two could fix me again?" He asked embarrassedly. Cure Blossom and Marine smiled.
"Yeah, we can do that, big guy." Said Marine. Then, in surprising timing, Vector Prime comes out of the museum with Cure Moonlight behind him.
"This Omega-lock will not help us, it is an imitation," Vector Prime stated. Optimus and everyone stared at him in shock.
"What?" Optimus was so surprised and shocked by this.
"It's not the original Omega-lock, the one we found was carved and build a few thousand years," Moonlight explained. "in a nutshell; it's too new to be the Omega-lock."
Vector Prime added. "And even if it were real, to begin with, it would be in-sink with my Cyber-key by now."
Then, everyone heard the sound of sirens and looked to see an ambulance and a very familiar green jeep driving towards them and jumped and transformed. "Red Alert transform!/ Overhaul transformed!"
Red Alert then jumped at Starscream but he dodged again. "Get lost Starscream!" Red Alert growled.
"No Omega-lock, no need for us!" Starscream yelled as he transformed and flew off.
"It was starting to look like an Autobot family reunion anyways!" Thundercracker said and flew after Starscream. Red Alert watch them fly off as Optimus limps over to him.
"What took you so long Red Alert?" He asked. Red Alert looks up at him.
"Very funny," He says, even though he wasn't laughing. "I only wish we've been here earlier to help out the team Optimus."
"Yes well, at least we all in one piece," Optimus says before turning towards the group as the Pretty Cure's walked forward. "As you can see Red Alert, these are the Pretty Cures. Cure Blossom, the leader of the four, Cure Marine, Cure Sunshine, and Cure Moonlight, the oldest of the group."
"Well it's very nice to meet you girls but I think we should all head to base before the sun comes up." Red Alert says and everyone headed towards the base.
The next day was a fresh start for everyone as they were all in the command center. The Pretty Cures were with their Autobot friends, Tsubomi was looking up at the monitors.
"Hey Tsubomi," Tsubomi looks up to see Landmine walking towards her and she turns her body to face him. "you asked me before if Cybertron was beautiful?"
She nodded. Landmine hesitated for a moment but kept on. "I think for everybody home is a beautiful place in the universe. And you kid when I first came here I only wanted to save Cybertron. Earth didn't really matter to me."
"Really?" Tsubomi says, surprised. Landmine nodded.
"But now I got to save the Earth, cause it turns out some of best friends live down there." He finished. Tsubomi smiled at that.
"I'm so glad!" She says, happy to know that Landmine cares about her and her home. Landmine smiled back at her.
'I mean every word of it kiddo, you, me, the Autobots, together we're gonna save everybody's home.' He thought to himself. Meanwhile, Vector Prime was having a conversation with Optimus.
"It seems our search must continue," Vector Prime says. Optimus sighs at this.
"I guess we're back to square one then." Said Optimus.
"Fear not, our journey to the ruin was not entirely fruitless," Vector Prime reassures him.
"What do you mean?" Optimus asked, confused.
The flashback went back to where Vector Prime and Cure Moonlight stood in front of the ruined wall.
Vector Prime: Yuri and I discovered a celestial map
when I studied it, the coordinates of the Speed-Planet were revealed.
There is a Cyber-Planet key there
"We know one of the locations of the Cyber-Planet keys?!" Scatter Shot exclaimed. "That's great!"
"We got to send someone there," Optimus says, thinking of whom should go. He turns towards him. "Hot Shot?"
"Whoa Speed-planet'?! Sounds like heaven!" Hot Shot said excitedly.
"That's a great attitude, you'll go but not alone. Red Alert, team up with Hot Shot." Optimus states.
"Very well Optimus. " Red Alert nodded.
"I'd liked to go to Optimus." Optimus turns to see Yuri walking towards them with a duffle back over her shoulder in her casual clothing.
"Yuri?" He said, awfully surprised, to say the least. "I'm not sure it's a good idea, we don't know if humans can survive out there."
"Don't worry Optimus," Yuri assures him. "As long as I'm in my Pretty Cure form, I should be good." Optimus was still unsure about this, but the girls were able to summon the Cyber-keys with his Autobots and her personality should be alright.
Optimus sighs. "Very well then," He turns towards the two mechs in front of him. "this is very important. While on Speed-planet you must be discreet, keep your identity as cybertronians a secret and avoid all contact with the locals, am I making myself clear?"
"Got it! Keep it on the down-low!" Hot Shot grinned with excitement. But that wouldn't be said for Red Alert. Yuri looks over and saw Red Alert had turned his back and looked he was gonna faint as Scatter Shot rubbed his back in conferred.
"Oh my still-beating heart, a secret mission with Cure Moonlight is an honor but a secret mission with Hot Shot? I'm dizzy..." He muttered. Yuri wasn't sure if she was meant to hear that but she kept it to herself. But she wasn't the only one.
"Huh? Did you say something, partner?" He asked confused. Red Alert quickly turned around.
"Huh, uh, no nothing!" Red Alert lied to him.
"You're so lucky Hot Shot!" Hot Shot and the three looked down to see the girls walking over to them. "Aw man! I wanna go to a new planet!" Erika whined.
"But Erika, you still have to start on last homework assignment," Itsuki reminded her.
"Awwww..." Erki slumps at that.
Everyone gathered at the bottom of the base, the team; Hot Shot, Red Alert, and Yuri stood in front as Vector Prime stood in front of them with his sword in his servo. Vector Prime then slashed behind him and a green portal slash appeared. Optimus walked forward and opened his chest-plate to reveal the matrix of leadership, the girls looked at him awe at that sight of it. The matrix glowed at the portal and it was opened up more to show a long and swirly road.
"Whoa! Look at that open road!" Hot Shot gasped at the sight. Optimus turned towards the team.
"Autobots, Pretty Cure, good luck." Said Optimus. The team walked forward towards the portal.
"Well, see you later friends," Red Aler said before jumping in.
"Here goes nothing!" Hot Shot says and jumps in as well. Yuri quickly transformed in Cure Moonlight and was about to jump in when Tsubomi runs up to her.
"Hold on Yuri," She takes something from her pocket and held it out to her. Cure Moonlight looked and saw it was a red Heart-Seed. "if you're going with them. Then you'll need this to catch up to them!"
Cure Moonlight nodded and accepts the Heart-Seed and placed it inside her bag. She looked at everyone. "I'll make sure they come home safe with the Cyber-Planet key!" And with that, she jumps in.
The three of them lands on the road and looks around in awe, with no time to lose, Hot Shot transforms and opens his trunk so Moonlight could place her bag and closed it before she summons her cape. And then, the three of them raced off in the road.
"This is awesome!" Hot Shot yells with joy. "A sunny day and open roads!"
"Remember, we are on a mission Hot Shot." Red Aler reminded him.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah..." Hot Shot groaned. Cure Moonlight looks at them.
"Com' on you two, we should focus on the road for now," She says. "who knows what-" She was cut off by a red cybertronian race car zoomed off and passed them and it through Cure Moonlight's flight a bit.
"Road hog!" Hot Shot shouted.
"Whoa, that's the fastest thing I've ever seen!" Red Alert said.
"Faster than me!" Hot Shot exclaims. "And I thought I was the fastest in the universe! Talk about a letdown."