AN: Quick silly fluff piece one off not related to anything else. Set in wherever you want it to be for now. I wish I had access to Coptic for my story titles but as I do not Arabic will just have to do. So if anyone wants to be my resource for THAT feel free to raise your hand. Baring that, sit back and chuckle at Teal'c giving Sam some crap about Jack.


Sam stood at the dialer and urgently waived the others ahead. "It's crashing go go GO!" she shouted at them. Unknown to her, a cracked crystal in the ancient dialer made the connection to the gate unstable and it was only her sticking to procedure like grumpy stuck to Jack that had her check the readouts on the Stargate's energy output that saved everyone from a very unfortunate fate. She'd been ready to rush the gate when some superior instinct of Teal'c had him put up an arm the moment before she crossed the threshold right as the wormhole collapsed in front of her.

Her heart in her mouth she hugged his arm. "Thanks Teal'c". One or both of them would be dead otherwise.


Sam and Teal'c examined the dialing unit and she sighed in a frustrated huff. Eventually a DHD would be sent through when contact was reestablished after SGC figured out they were down a couple men but she'd still have to disconnect this one or hotwire them to each other. In the mean time may as well find out what's wrong.

Sam stood lost in thought as she worked through the issue and came to a decision. She put a hand on Teal'c arm. "Before I get started on this," she waved vaguely at the broken dialer "There's something you should know."

Teal'c inclined his head. "Proceed."

"Well, I wasn't planning on you being the first to know but we may be stuck here for a while and I didn't want to worry you."

"I already know you are with child Colonel Carter." He responded, an enigmatic smile curled his lips.

"Wait. What?" she stared at him in astonishment. "How did you?"

"Your scent has changed. You have not told O'Neill yet." He replied astutely.

"No. I only knew for sure the morning of the mission and haven't been able to tell him." He'd probably know soon though as it would show up in her pre-mission blood work and the CMO would feel obligated to inform him now that she was stuck offworld.

Teal'c noted the distinction that she had the time but had as she called it, chickened out. "This is an unplanned development."

"Yah, well,.." she blew at her bangs.

"Do you not use devices to prevent such issues?" he pointedly left off unwanted as there was much difference between unplanned and unwanted.

"We do" she said with a small huff. "It must have run out early or something."

Teal'c nodded thoughtfully. "O'Neill will be most pleased. Once the shock wears off." He reaised an eyebrow and smiled sardonically at her.

Sam giggled. "Hopefully we get home before I waddle through the gate then. That might kill him."

"Indeed" and he laughed with her.

After a few moments of examining the dialing device for damage. "You knew it was Jack's"

"Is the child not O'Neill's?"

"Of course it is." She replied in a defensive huff then realized Teal'c was teasing her. "Stop it." She said laughing.

"We shall get young O'Neill home before his birth Samantha" he told her and gently squeezed her shoulder. "Otherwise his father may kill me."

"You're just full of jokes today Teal'c"

"Has it made you feel better?"

"It did."

"Good. That was my intent."

She smiled gratefully at him and got to work on figuring out what was wrong with the dialing unit so she could get home to Earth and home to Jack.