Chapter 2

-With Peter Days Later-

Peter swung through the city at a leisurely pace, as he went about a lazy patrol day. He had spent most of the morning job hunting but so far, no luck in finding a new position. He let out a sigh as he swung around a corner, as the site of F.E.A.S.T came into view. This was his home away from home, as if he was not patrolling or looking for a job, he was volunteering here to help the people in need.

As he entered there as a large picture of his Aunt May hanging in the foyer, in honor of her service and memory. He stopped in front of her picture, and wished she was still there. Even though May left all her belongings to him, he had yet to go to her apartment and go through them. It was still too hard for him to see her things and not have her be there. So, he had set it aside for the moment as he set his sights on other matters that were happening in his life.

He slowly turned and headed deeper into the building, giving quick greetings to all the people around, a large smile on his face. He promised himself he would do his best for May, even though it hurts. He entered the kitchen and saw one of the volunteers Stacy, trying to lift a heavy box.

He walked over and helped her lift the box, "This looks like a two-man job," he quipped as they moved the box toward the shelf next to the back wall.

Stacy was a woman in her 30's, who volunteered at the shelter while her kids were at school twice a week. She smiled at Peter as they put the box on the shelf, "thanks for the help." she said with a tired sigh. "That would have taken me forever to move."

"Always happy to help," he responded, "Is there anything else heavy that needs a lifting?"

Stacy nodded, "We have more boxes in the back, can you go ahead and grab them for me please?"

Peter nodded and headed toward the back of the kitchen to where the boxes were. He made quick work of the boxes and was soon mixing in with the other volunteers doing many different tasks around the shelter. By the end of the task he ended up where he did, Aunt May's office. This place was one of the few places he could still feel her presence all around him. He was given the office by the new Director of F.E.A.S.T, so he could always help. Yet he hadn't moved a thing and left it just the way May had it.

"I miss you May." he whispered to himself as he laid on the coach, looking up at the fluorenone light, tears threatening to break from his eyes. He heard a knock on the office door, and he quickly wiped his eyes, and stood up. "One moment,"

He ran into the coffee table bumping his shin, the slight pain shooting up his leg, causing him to hop as he opened the door. In the doorway stood a woman with bright red hair, a knowing smirk on her face. This was Mary Jane Watson, or as Peter called her MJ. She was one of the few who knew of his identity, and they were in a relationship for a while but had broken it off. Yet life seemed to always have them connected it seemed.

"Hey Pete." she said with a large smile. "How its hanging?"

"Just you know, hanging around." he replied with a warm smile on his face, opening the door wide for MJ to come in. "So, what can I do for you today Ms. Watson?"

She walked into the office, a sad smile on her face for a moment. "Just wanted to come check on my favorite spider." she said as she plopped down on the coach. "Haven't seen you lately."

Peter took a seat next to her, a tired expression crossed his face. "I'm doing ok," he stated as he leaned into the coach. "I am still on the job hunt, working on stuff with Miles, and taking out the remaining escaped prisoners from the prison break."

"Sounds like your busy." she replied as she looked Peter in the eyes, "But it doesn't sound like you are ok. You know you can confide in me Pete."

"MJ," he said with a warm look. "I am doing fine, just really busy, but I am doing fine. What about you? How are things going at the Bugle?"

"There is nothing much going on at the Bugle," she stated as she leaned into the coach. "Perry has me on small stuff right now, no big things going on in the city. But you know me, I am always searching for the next big scoop."

Peter smiled, "You'll find it, you always do." She laughed, and soon he joined in with her in the laughter, bringing joy back into the room. The laughter was broken by the ringing on the phone, as the pair both pulled out their phones to see who was calling.

MJ answered her phone and gave Peter a small smile. He just gave her an understanding smile, as she exited the room. He lifted his phone and checked the messages to see if there was anything going on in the city. Yet it seemed that the city was content with being at peace at this time.

"Well that's good," he stated to himself, as he was setting his phone down when he received a text from Miles.

It read "Hey Pete, are we going to do some swinging later?"

Peter smiled, his fingers flying quickly across the screen. "Yeah, be down to swing, but you need to finish your web shooter calibration first."

"I finished the calibration today," Miles wrote back. "I am ready to swing and do whatever a Spiderman does!"

"Great, we will get some swinging done today, meet me on the top of the Chrysler building, make sure to wear the mask I lent you." Peter countered.

"Got it!" Miles texted back with a smile emoji. Peter shook his head, a large smile spreading across his face for the enthusiasm of Miles and his desire to learn about his powers. It was always a breath of fresh air when spending time with Miles and helping him grow into his power.

Mary Jane walked back into the room quickly a look of excitement and worry on her face. "That was Perry," she said as she pointed towards the door. "They may have a lead for me, I will tell you about it later."

Peter nodded, "That's cool, talk with you later. "

MJ smiled and gave him a tight hug. "See you later Tiger."

"Later MJ." he called, as she disappeared around the corner. He looked in the office, as the warmness slowly left the room. "Well let's see if there anything fun to do in the city."

Peter slowly closed the office, and quickly made his way out of the building, to his secret spot on the top of the roof. He quickly changed into his suit, syncing his phone to his mask. As the mask covered the face of Peter, his Hud came to life as he became Spiderman. As he stood on the roof of F.E.A.S.T, a large smile plastered on his face, his way point set to the Chrysler building and started to swing into the city.

He made it to the Chrysler building overlooking the city, as he waited for Miles to come and join him. He had stopped a few robberies along the way, but there were no major villains that were attacking the city. He honestly loved this city with all his heart, and wanted it to be safe, for himself, Aunt May, and Uncle Ben.

He was pulled from his musing when his phone started to ring, he looked it up quickly and saw that it was from the Frost Academy for the Exceptional. He quickly answered, "Hello this is Peter Parker."

A male voice came over the line, "Hello Mr. Parker, "the man said in a business-like tone. "I was calling in regard to your resume that was submitted to us, and we were wondering if you would be interested in coming to the school for a get to know you interview this Friday?"

"Of course," Peter replied quickly, doing a little fist pump, while keeping his voice level. "I would be happy to come in for an interview."

"Wonderful," the man stated as the sound of typing filled a bit of the background. "We have 3pm, 3:30, and 4:00 pm. What time would work best for you?"

"Let me look at my calendar." Peter said, as he let some silence fills the air. "I can do 3:00pm."

The sound of typing filled the air on the phone, "Ok Mr. Parker, we will see you at the school this Friday at 3:00pm. Please ask for Christian Frost at the front desk when you arrive."

Peter nodded, "I will, thank you for the opportunity." he stated as he ended the call, a large smile on his face. Maybe things were about to turn around for the better.

"Hey Pete," the voice of Miles carried, breaking the silence. Peter turned and saw Miles hanging near the door, his web shooters on his arms, and the extra Spiderman mask in his hands.

Peter wrapped his arms around Miles, "Miles, are you ready for your first swing of the city?" he asked excitedly.

Miles nodded, but a look of uncertainty on his face, "Do you always have to choose the taller building when we do this?"

Peter just laughed as he gave Miles a small pat of his back. "If you start with the tall ones, it makes swinging around the smaller ones easier. Now come on slowpoke, I will race you to Feast." As Peter jumped off and shot off in the air, hearing Miles jump off and shoot his web out right behind him.

"Look out world, here come the Spidermen!" Peter yelled as they swung through the streets of New York.

-Day of the Interview-

Peter stood outside of the half-built school that was the Frost Academy for the Exceptional. He was dressed in a white button up shirt, a pair of khaki pants, and the nicest tennis shoes he owned. He was a bit nervous as this was his first real interview in a while, and he hoped he didn't screw it up.

He walked towards the main door and pushed it open, "Come on Parker keep it together, "he told himself as he entered the school. As he entered the main hall in front of him was a reception desk, where a temp was working. On the walls were benches where other prospective teachers sat and waited for their turn to interview for the open positions. He walked in slowly as the door closed behind him, causing the silent room to be filled with the sound of the closed door. Many of the other teachers looked up quickly at him before going back to their papers and their own preparations.

He walked quickly over to the desk and gained the attention of the receptionist. She looked up from her computer and gave him a warm smile. "Checking in?" she asked.

Peter nodded, "Yes, Peter Parker at 3pm for Christian Frost." he replied with a nervous smile, as she typed on her computer and pulled him up.

"Yes, I see you scheduled here Mr. Parker." she stated as she handed him a printed-out name tag. "They will call you when it is your turn."

Peter took the nametag and nodded, "Thank you," he said as he looked to see if there were any seats on an open bench. He found a seat on the left wall, and soon was seated in anticipation for the interview. He turned and saw a man that looked to be in his early 50's, wearing a simple but well-worn suit, his hair was starting to turn gray, but it was full and curly.

"Hi," Peter stated and held out his hand, "I'm Peter Parker, I teach Science, it's nice to meet you."

The man turned and looked at Peter and shook his hand firmly. "Nice to meet you Parker, I am Nathan Anderson, I teach English and Literature. It is nice to meet you as well,"

Peter wanted to continue the conversation but notice that Nathan was just exchanging pleasantries. Peter let the words die in his throat and just pulled out his phone and scrolled through his daily twitter feed, to pass the time. He checked his clock and saw that he was going to be up next and soon his name was called, and he headed toward a door on the left side of the room.

He entered the room and saw a large table was a tall blonde man in an expensive suit with a business smile on his face. He stood from his chair and extended his hand out to Peter.

"Welcome Mr. Parker." the man introduced himself, "I am Christian Frost, Vice Principle of Frost Academy for the Exceptional. Thank you for coming today."

Peter gave his usual crooked smile, "Thank you for the opportunity Mr. Frost." he replied as he took Christian hand and shook it firmly.

Christian motioned for Peter to take a seat and pulled out Peter's resume and list of degrees and reviewed them quickly. He looked up at Peter, a calm natural smile on his face. "Well Mr. Parker from what I can see here you had a diverse set of skills from your previous jobs, why teaching? You could do great work with robots, and research, from what your resume shows me."

Peter was quiet for a moment as he considered the question, as he went through his past experiences. "Teaching is something that has always interested me," he stated in a steady tone, " I can do much with my degrees and doing research, but I have seen many of the things I worked on be used for things that do more harm than good. So, I thought that the best way to help is to teach, because if I can just be a good influence on the next generation maybe they will not make the same mistakes as me, after all with great power comes great responsibility."

Christian nodded as he wrote some notes down as he processed Peter's answer. "I see, that is a noble goal for a teacher." he stated as a pleasant smile spread across his face. "Now tell me more about your teaching experience, I can see you have done mostly substitute teaching."

Peter just nodded, a nervous smile on his face. "Of course." he replied as he went into his experience as the interview continued.

-Emma POV after Interviews-

Emma sat at her computer as she finished watching the interviews for the day. She was able to narrow down a few teachers for their non super powered staff. They had settled on a few subjects such as Math and English, so they had those subjects set. She was still looking for a teacher for science and history, but she thought she might teach the history class herself.

She let out a small sigh as she went over the list of science teachers again, yet one name stood out to her, Peter Parker. He seemed nervous at the start of his interview but seemed to settle as the interview went on. His scientific knowledge was on par with many of the geniuses she had known throughout her life. What surprised her was his ingenuity when it came to teaching concepts that they had him demonstrate at the interview.

Christian also had a copy of Peter's application as they continued the contemplation on the science teacher position. "So, what are your thoughts on Parker?" he asked as he set the papers down onto the table.

Emma slowly rubbed her cheek tiredly as she took one last look at Peter's resume before she set it down. "Honestly I think he is overqualified when it comes to science and technology." she stated as she looked over at her brother, a small frown on his face. "There are just two things that have me worried."

Christian nodded, "I take it one of those is his chronic tendencies to be late." he responded and got a nod in response from his sister.

All of Peter's former employers had nothing but praise for him regarding his work ethic and overall work, but they all stated he had one major flaw, he was always late. No matter what, he would always end up being late to every appointment. Emma and Christian were honestly surprised that he was on time for their interview. That was one of Emma's biggest worries regarding hiring Peter.

"We can work it into his contract about being late and have a backup teacher set up if he is late." Chris said as he tried to ease his sister's mind. "But you have another worry."

"This would be his first full time position as a teacher." She said as she took one last look at Peter's picture. "He will be dealing with children who have powers, that could be volatile in his class. Do you think he would be up to it?"

Christian was silent as he processed the question, "We honestly do not know." he finally replied. "We would have to test him on that or see what he would say about working with super powered children."

Emma nodded, as a plan started to form in her mind, "I'll invite him to dinner." she stated, as she planned to use her powers to see the true character of Mr. Parker. "The true character of a man is what he does when he is with a pretty woman."

Christian let out a small sigh, as he saw the evil smile on his sister's face, he knew that smile well and only new it spelled trouble to the person that smile was directed at. "Emma," he stated as warmly as possible, trying to keep her from doing anything crazy. "All I ask is that you do not break him, if he is going to teach here, we need his mind in one piece."

Emma just chuckled, "I'll be gentle dear brother." she replied, a slight mocking tone in her voice. "But if I find anything unsavory or illegal, I will turn his mind into mush."

-With Peter at the same time-

"Come on guys," Spiderman called as he dodged another rush from a thug who he caught in the act of robbing his favorite sandwich shop in Chinatown. "Is nothing sacred to you anymore. Mr. Yun shops has the best hoagies in town, and you had to try and knock it off. For shame!"

"Shut up, you stupid bug," A red masked thug shouted as he swung a large bat at Spiderman. He soon found himself being dodged and then thrown up to the ceiling for his trouble.

Peter couldn't help but sigh under his mask, "Now, now, students," he stated in his best elementary school teacher voice, as he dodged another punch. "We had this lesson last week, A spider is an arachnid not a bug, now say it with me now." he dodged a brick thrown at his face. "Spiders are arachnids not bugs."

He flipped in the air above one of the other thugs and webbed him to the ground, as he bent backward to dodge another attack. He swung his leg around and clipped the last thug on the side of his head, sending him to the ground. "Well that was fun," Peter stated, "Always good to teach a good lesson."

He turned and walked over to the counter and looked over the side of the counter. "Hey Mr. Yun, are you ok?" he asked as he looked down on an older Asian man, who had hidden behind the counter.

Mr. Yun slowly stood and smiled at Spiderman. "Thanks again Spiderman," he replied as he looked over his shop. "I know I can always count on you."

Peter just smiled and rubbed the back of his head, "Thank Mr. Yun, always happy to help." He turned his hand in his usual devil horns and shot a web line out of the broken window. "I'll come by later for a sandwich!" He stated as the line pulled taut and he flew out of the store.

He quickly started a call and waited for the familiar voice of Captain Yuri Watanbe filled his ears. "What is it Spider?" she asked in a slightly annoyed tone.

"Just wanted to let you know some thugs hit Yun's place." he stated as he took a quick turn toward midtown. "Can you get a cleanup crew there pretty quick?"

"I've got it," she replied, as the sound of shouting could be heard. "Dang it, that was the best place to get a good sandwich."

"I know right." Peter replied as he landed on the top of a building, "Their hoagies are the best!"

"The hoagies?" she replied, "It's the French dip that is the best."

"Yuri do you really want to argue with me about which of Yun's sandwich is the best do you?" he asked in a sing song like voice.

She sighed heavily into the phone, "You would be more annoying, wouldn't you?"

"Come on Capt'n, "he stated, "I would be extremely annoying."

"I'm hanging up now." she replied, and the line went dead.

Peter chuckled as he jumped off his perch and swung into the city that he loved. He listened for any sign of crime or actions, but so far, the city has been quiet, which he quite liked, but he knew he had to be prepared for anything that came his way.

He was pulled out of his thoughts when his phone started ringing, as he looked for a place to land to take the call. He soon found a good perch and answered the phone. "This is Peter Parker, who is calling?"

A sultry and alluring voice filled his ears, "Hello Mr. Parker." the female voice stated, "This is Emma Frost, Headmistress of Frost Academy."

Peter was slightly taken aback by the melodious voice, "Hello Ms. Frost," he replied in a professional tone. "What can I do for you today?"

"Well Mr. Parker, I would like to do a more personal interview with you, "she stated, "Would you be free to meet with me at Le Bernardin tomorrow at 7?"

When Peter heard the name of the restaurant, he couldn't help but cry on the inside. "I would be honored to meet you there." he replied, "But my wallet may not be able to cover the bread."

Emma let out a giggle, that sent its wondrous sounds to his ears. "That is not a concern, this will be covered by the school, I will see you tomorrow at 7."

He heard the phone line goes dead, as he just crouched there, slightly amazed at what had just happened. He looked down and let out a sigh, "I need to take a cold shower now." as he sent a web line out, "Damn sexy women's voices"

Hello everyone, welcome to chapter two, took me six months and lots of trying but it lives. I am so happy with the response from everyone about this and I glad you all like it. I am trying to make the interactions that are coming up more naturally and in character for both Peter and Emma, so it gets there when it gets there. I am going to do my best to write a bit faster, but I promise nothing concreate. Thank you for all the love and support that has been given and I hope you all have a wonderful 2020. Please review and tell me your thoughts, also thinking of creating a discord server for my stories to bounce ideas off of people, what are your guys thoughts?